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Page 18

by Riley Tune

  “See that he is paid for his service and that the painting goes to one of the medical facilities close by. The one with the children. I want them to know that I am thinking of them and watching over them in their times of sickness and pain,” Omega said as she began to turn away. “How generous of you, my Empress,” Maridian said as he looked at the Warden take a slight bow.

  Try as he might, Maridian couldn’t hide the snarl on his face. “Play nice, Maridian,” Omega said as she opened the balcony doors in the room. Maridian watched as the Warden walked away with the painting beside him. “My apologies, Empress. You know how I feel about your pets.” “Children,” Omega snapped in response. “Children. Extensions of my being and you will respect them as such, or I will have you replaced with someone that will.” Her voice only rose a little but it was enough to make the room stand still. Even the painter walking away flinched as his faceless escort remained passive.

  Maridian could suddenly hear himself breathing loudly in the newly quiet room. Even the swallow he took before he spoke seemed to echo in the silence. “Apologies, Empress,” Maridian said as he pulled a large book and metal pen from under his long crimson robes. She didn’t reply to his apology. Instead, she stood on her balcony and watched over her city. Her palace was the largest building in Acropolis and from here she could see everything.

  Below her, people walked the streets dressed in the finest clothes in all of the East Section. Clothes that Omega herself didn’t even wear often. Laughter and celebration could be heard in the distance but couldn’t be seen because of the large homes that covered the lands. Had the residents suddenly been forced to live on any other of the Great Beast, or the Sand Wastelands, they would surely perish as their life of luxury was taken away.

  Omega smiled and nodded as several of her subjects below stopped to waive or bow to her as she watched over them from above. Many of her subjects thought she had her palace stand so tall to signify her rule over them, they were wrong.

  Omega simply wanted to be closer to the stars. Her kingdom as ruler on of the East Section of Mo’eizus was vast and yet she still wanted more. Until the time came, she would wait here in her palace and watch the stars as she ruled. Her glance above her allowed her to watch the sky roll by as the winged beast her city rested on moved effortlessly through the sky, never landing, and never stopping.

  The creature was a marvel. One she didn’t know if she would ever be able to create herself, but should the beast ever need it, she would try without question. Omega loved all those that chose to live in her shadow and the great Beast was no different.

  “The children in that medical facility,” she said as she turned to Maridian “make sure their funds are covered and that their families want for nothing until their children are released. They are dealing with so much that the burden of enough funds, or food, or shelter shouldn’t be a worry. Make sure their taxes are covered as well.” Maridian smiled and made notes in his large book.

  As he added the remarks, he smiled to himself. His Empress was unlike anybody he had met before. The ability to rule while making those beneath you love you for it was no small task, yet for the most part, his Empress did so with ease.

  Omega placed her elbows on the balcony rail and rested her face in her hands. “Let’s start with chrome,” she said. Maridian flipped some pages in his book as he began to speak. “The original creation of chrome was so that we could systematically spread the drug throughout the other sections of Mo’eizus. Doing so would weaken their people and their rulers. Leaving us virtually unopposed when we began to move against them with your pets,” Maridian cleared his throat. “With your children.” He looked up from his book to see if he would be disciplined for his slip.

  “And according to previous reports, the plan was working. Slower than we anticipated, but working,” Omega said as she continued to look at the stars above her. “Yes, but unfortunately Empress, the reports of chrome being in the East section have increased by thirty percent.” Maridian glanced up from his book once more to see Omega slowly stand from the casual position, she had held seconds ago. He also noticed the slow clench of her fist that she held a few seconds, and the repeated rise and fall of her shoulders before relaxing and turning to face him.

  “We have made it abundantly clear that chrome is illegal in the East Section no matter the location. Yet they refuse to listen and live peacefully in my shadow.” Omega took in a deep breath. She hated this part of being a ruler, but she knew it must be done. “Then at my feet, it is. Assemble several Wardens’ Circles to descend on these locations where the chrome has become a problem. Any resident of the East Section with chrome found on them is to be terminated on the spot. Their families are to be terminated as well.”

  “And if the targets of your wrath have children?” Maridian asked slowly. He knew this part above all others gave his Empress the most sorrow. To leave a child alone with no family, love or protection. She wouldn’t have it at any cost if she could help it. “Find Lex or Abraham,” Omega said finally.

  Maridian used the hand that held his pen to stroke his beard once before making notes. He knew of the men. Free contractors that altered memories for a price. The loss of a family member or separation of a loved one weighed heavily on the heart. Lex or Abraham could make a person forget about it altogether.

  “I’d prefer Lex as opposed to Abraham. Lex has a more experienced touch with his spell. He doesn’t leave marks as his student does,” Omega said as she tried not to think about the children whose lives were about to change because their parents refused to follow simple demands. “The children are to have their memories altered, and placed with a new family. The family’s memories are to be left alone, but they will receive an increase in funds from work to aid their new addition.”

  “Yes Empress,” Maridian said as he smiled and made several notes in his book. “Don’t smile at their guardian's deaths Maridian. I regret taking the life of those I rule. No Empress should want a kingdom with dwindling subjects, but they have made their choice.” Omega walked back to the table and poured herself a single glass of water. “Would you like some?”

  “No thank you, Empress,” Maridian said as he finished writing in his book. “Then there is the issue with the cage,” Maridian said as he finally looked up to her. “Percentages from recent fights are lower than projected. Omega took a drink and rolled her eyes. “I allow those sand vermin to have their little fights, and all I ask is for a small chunk of the funds for taxes. Dismantle the cage, and terminate all those involved. Take the fighters to see if they can pass for tributes.” Maridian slowly raised his hand. “What is it?” she asked as Meridian began to move a little closer to her while turning a page in his book.

  “The Wardens’ Circle in that area have reported that funds are low because Manis lost,” Maridian said his last words with a brow raised. Omega frowned and then took another drink. “Lost?” she repeated. “Indeed,” Maridian replied. Omega thought about this for a few moments. She knew Manis by reputation. He was the only Spellborn to ever receive a direct invitation from Omega herself to become a tribute.

  He refused several times, and with reason. He was plenty strong and powerful all on his own. He didn’t truly have a reason to want to become a tribute. Several ideas began to form for Omega. Any strong enough to defeat Manis would have to be monitored closely, they could cause a problem if not watched.

  “Do we know who defeated that purple brute?” she asked. “Not currently. They managed to escape the cage before the circle could arrive. We do have an idea though. Another Warden reported beings with impressive power nearby in that part of the Sand Wasteland. We haven’t confirmed any accounts as of yet.”

  Omega nodded her hand as she sat down and placed her boots loudly on the top of the table. “If only they were all linked as we claimed they were. I wonder if,” she began then stopped herself. She decided to keep this thought internal for now. No need to let her aid in on the plan just yet. “Have we still not heard f
rom Icaro?” she asked. “No. Not for some time now. I fear he…” Maridian’s words were cut off by a loud laugh from his Empress.

  “Don’t worry about Icaro. He will be fine and is likely exactly where he needs to be.” she clapped her hands together and smiled. “First,” Omega said, “Find Manis. Tell him I want to see him. Second take care of his family and anything else he needs. He may be an idiot that has refused my advances, but he has always been loyal and supportive. More so than some that even live in Acropolis. I want him to know that we appreciate that and his service he has provided in my shadow.”

  Mardian did a slight bow and made some marks in his book. “Next we see the people,” Omega said as she stood and gently took off her jacket and placed it on the table. She made extra effort to make sure that it was perfectly flat. Not a single wrinkle. As she moved from the jacket, a single drop of dark blood dripped from her nose and on the table.

  She stiffened some as she quickly wiped the blood away and focused her power. She was using her internal abilities to continue to fight the curse. She had used the same gifts for so long not to age, and now she was literally fighting for her life with the same power. No matter. She had been doing this for months now, a few more days wouldn’t hurt anything. If everything went according to plan, it would be over soon and she would have a cure. Another gift to give to those that served her and worshipped her as she slowly stretched her power across the planet.

  “Are you okay, Empress?” Mardian asked as he saw her wipe her nose. He was the only one that knew of her internal battle and was proud that she trusted him above all others with her greatest secret. “I am,” she replied with a smile. “Now, shall we begin?” She asked as Maridian followed behind her.

  The remaining Warden standing at the room's entrance opened the door for her, only to reveal two more Wardens standing outside in the hall. Maridian took in a deep breath as they walked towards the main room of the palace with the Wardens on their heels. He tried to remain calm as he mentally told himself that the brief journey would be over soon and then he wouldn’t have to be in such close proximity to the creatures.

  He didn’t know why he despised the Wardens as he did. He just knew that he did. It wasn’t their faceless appearance or their metal skin. It wasn’t the raw powered they wielded or even the countless acts of violence they had carried out in the name of their creator. Maridian just didn’t understand the creatures. He knew how they came to be, but never could understand why they had chosen the life they did.

  He himself had devoted his life to Omega. That was a noble profession, and he wouldn’t judge any that did the same but to become a Warden was to lose the one thing that made a human, human. Their humanity. “Here we go,” Omega said as her words forced Maridian to focus once more on the world around him.

  They hadn’t made it quite to the large opening ahead of them, but even from where they were, they could hear the sounds of voices speaking. Maridian tried to mentally calculate the number of people waiting for them based off of the noise they created, but this task he was horrible at. Still, he always tried, and always was wrong.

  As Omega stepped into the room, silence fell on the crowd instantly. She didn’t have to command it or signal it. It was out of respect. It was out of fear. And in some cases, it was out of worship that the sight of her resulted in attention and obedience.

  She didn’t really like meeting the people of her section for their request, and because of this she only did it once every few days. Maridian organized the meetings and spread the word throughout the East Section when it would happen. Omega simply had to show up, and listen. Still, this was the part of the day she dreaded, yet resulted in her praise the most.

  As she moved beyond the crowd, she slowly sat down in a large chair she had created for this sole purpose. While other rulers on Mo’eizus ruled from a throne, Omega wanted to be comfortable. Instead, she had a larger than life, purple, cushioned chair made. She could stretch out in the chair with ease, and the color radiated harmony through the large room. Purple was her favorite color, and she found it to be comforting to her as she listened to her people.

  Maridian stood at her side, while her Wardens slowly spread out through the large room. Each went to a corner where the rest of their circle waited for them. Omega gave a single nod, and the entire room took a knee and bowed their heads. “Forever in your shadow, Empress,” said by the entire room in unison. Only the faceless Wardens remained quiet, but they did take a bow.

  Maridian stepped forward and flipped to a new page in his book. While the room was full, many of these people were simply visitors. Those who wanted to be in Omega’s presence and praise her. To witness her greatness and divinity. On the page before him, Maridian only had around ten names. Each with a request that only Omega could help them with.

  “Shaw, Lorenzo,” Maridian said loudly. “Please step forth and address our Lord and ruler. Speak freely from the safety of her shadow.” As Maridian spoke a large bald man from the back of the room quietly stood and made his way to the front. Once in front of the large purple chair, he dropped to his knee again. “You may stand,” Omega said. Lorenzo stood and wiped his brow.

  “Empress, I request that you do something about the gangs on the Great Beast Izax.” Lorenzo had a rather nasally voice that spread through the silent room. “How long have these gangs called Izax home?” Omega asked. “Quite some time, Empress. Several cycles.”

  Omega glared to Maridian and then back to Lorenzo with a smile. “Thank you for bringing this to me. I was not informed of such activity. An oversite I will handle personally.” As her last words sounded more menacing, Maridian felt a single bead of sweat roll down his face.

  Omega moved her hand slightly. As she did so, a full Wardens’ circle stepped forward and stood with Lorenzo. “Escort Mr. Shaw back to the Great Beast Izax, and swiftly handle the gang activity there.” “Thank you! Thank you, Empress.” Lorenzo said as he looked around with a large smile on his face.

  The Pain Conduit of the Warden’s Circle placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, and escorted him out, with the rest of the circle in tow. As they left the room, the Warden closed the door behind them. Omega let out a slight sigh. If only they all could be so easy.

  Without hesitation, Maridian looked to his book and called, “Spencer, Regina. Please step forth and address our Lord and ruler. Speak freely from the safety of her shadow.” A woman with a thick scarf on, from the middle of the crowd, stood and with her rose a small boy. Empress Queen Omega leaned forward and furrowed her brow as they walked to the front.

  The boy continued to limp as he held Regina’s hand. Once in front of Omega, they moved to bow. “Don’t,” Omega said quickly as she looked at the boy before her. “Empress, I request that you help my son.” Omega focused on the boy’s numb of a leg, and the burn marks on his arm. Even his eye sported a fresh dark circle around it.

  What bothered Omega almost as much as the sight of the boy, was how he and his mother were dressed. Their clothes weren’t the tattered garments of the Sand Wasteland or even the worn clothes of those that lived on the other Great Beast. No, they were clean and elegant. Form-fitting and soft. They were clothes of the people of her city, Acropolis.

  Omega stood from her chair and walked to the boy and took a knee beside him as she looked at what should have been a full leg. Then she moved to the burns, and lastly the eye. “What happened to him?” Omega asked as she began to unwrap the leg.

  Regina began to sob and stuttered. “Speak freely,” Maridian said. “You are in the safety of her shadow.” “My husband does things. Hears things. Sees things. He can’t help it.” Omega turned to Regina. This time she had a glare on her face. “You allow these things to happen?”

  Regina shook her head and began to sob more as she removed her scarf to display a large bruise that looked like hand prints. Maridian closed his eyes for a moment and turned away. “I cannot heal your wounds, but I will see that you get medical care,” Omega said. “I can
, however, fix this.” She said as she placed a hand on the disfigured leg.

  She looked the boy in the eye and then to his mother. “When you are old enough, you will come to serve me. Be it in my court, or as a tribute. That is all I ask.” The boy nodded as his mother vigorously did the same. “Yes, Empress. Thank you.” The mother was eager to accept these terms. Her son would be whole again and was guaranteed a job when he was of age. Their Empress truly was a giving god.

  “What’s your name?” Omega asked as she placed her hand on top of the boy's shoulder. “Miles,” he said slowly. “This will not hurt Miles. Just breathe normally and relax.” She applied pressure to her hand and closed her eyes. It happened in an instant, and several members of the crowd looked up. Seeing their Empress create was merely a hope. Not just for those in the room, but to all that worshipped her. They all knew she could. They all believed in her and her power without question, even though they had never seen it.

  In seconds Miles’ stump from his leg began to transform into a leg that looked healthy and whole. It was metallic, just as the skins of the Warden. Miles’ eyes grew wide as the sensation of his new limb registered with the rest of his body and he began to move his foot. A sight that caused his mother to cry harder all while thanking Omega.

  With a slight move of Omega’s hand, Regina and her son stood and moved towards the exit in the room. Regina opened the door for Miles as he waved back to Omega and left, followed by his mother. As she put her hand down from the wave, she sent Miles, she moved to a member of a Wardens’ Circle close by. The Swordsmith with the colossal sword stood at the ready. “Follow them, and find the husband.” The man nodded slowly. “Do not kill him quickly. Cut off his limbs first, and then burn him slowly over time. Make him experience what his son has. I want him to beg for death, and when he is within an inch of his life, have him healed. Then repeat the process indefinitely. Any man that does that do a child doesn’t deserve to live in my shadow, and will not be granted the mercy to die at my feet.”


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