Book Read Free


Page 33

by Riley Tune

  With his hands glowing, Power Prince released some of his energy and was propelled into the air as he was sent flying to the two Spellborn. “I thought you were with Flex,” Perkins said as she squirmed in pain. “I made an executive decision in my leadership role. How you two holding up?” Power Prince asked as he looked Cayden over.

  He couldn’t see anything wrong with him. The kid didn’t even really look shaken up. He was clearly strong for his age. Growing up in a rebel group likely did that to a kid. Losing his brother wasn’t going to make life easier on him either. “All things considered, we’re fine,” Cayden said as he looked beyond Power Prince to Hunter.

  “We need to help him.” Power Prince nodded. “I’m on it. Keep her safe,” he said as he ran towards the fight. From where Cayden watched he couldn’t help but be in awe. Watching Hunter and Power Prince fight Impervious was a sight to behold. Not because of how strong they were, but because of how resistant Impervious was. Nothing seemed to be able to stop him.

  “We can’t win this. Not against him,” Perkins said as she propped herself up from the ground. Cayden tried to keep her flat, but she pushed his arm away. “I’ve got a broken arm, not a gunshot wound,” she said. She hoped that the rest of her friends were having better luck in the city because as of now, the fight wasn’t going their way.

  Hunter slowly got to his feet and could see Power Prince stretched out on the ground. His fist had turned back to normal now. Impervious was walking slowly over to him at first and then ran, jumped, and drew his fist back to deliver a blow as he fell. Hunter stretched his hand out and created one of his new force fields over Power Prince. Impervious’ blow struck the force field and sent him back several feet.

  He turned and looked at his nephew. “You do know this is pointless? Right?” Hunter could see the glow return to his fallen friend's fist, and he removed the force field. Impervious glanced over his shoulder and nodded his head. “Kevin, fancy entrance considered, I still think you were better off with Flex. Leave this matter to the Spellborn people while you still can.”

  Power Prince wiped some blood from his mouth and blinked his eyes a few times. One was beginning to swell, and from where Hunter stood, he could see the eye change color slightly. “So you’re just going to kill me? Kill us?” Power Prince asked. “I don’t want to, but I will to save my people and this world,” Impervious said. “I wish-” His words were cut off as a force field wrapped around his head and slammed him to the ground. Impervious wasted no time in attacking the force field. Hunter could feel the blows but was happy to see that the energy barrier remained strong. “Thank you, Empress Queen Omega,” he said under his breath.

  With eyes full of crackling white energy, he ran towards his uncle. The landscape looked different for Hunter now. Back when his powers were blue, everything around him just looked like he was wearing blue tinted glasses when he summoned his Impact Blast. With this new power though it looked as if he were looking at the world through a black and white filter. A filter with flashes of blue here and there.

  As he ran towards Impervious, He slung the force field around his uncle’s head towards Power Prince and then removed the force field. As the force field faded away, right on time Power Prince with a fist glowing with so much energy that it seemed like they were in pink daylight, delivered a direct punch to Impervious’ chin.

  The punch connected with such force that while not loaded with super strength, it still sent Impervious a foot or two in the air. At the same time, Hunter released his Impact Blast aimed directly at Impervious’ face. The blow should have least landed and given them some breathing room to think. Sadly, things don’t always work how they should.

  In seconds, with speed beyond what the eye could see, Impervious corrected himself in the air, reached out and grabbed Power Prince, and hurled the hero into the beam of oncoming energy. Hunter’s eyes went wide as Power Prince screamed as the energy pummeled him. He was sent several dozen feet into the distance. A pink dot could be seen where he landed, and then faded out.

  Impervious looked at the spot where the light was and then turned back to Hunter. “Are you done? Or should I stop taking it easy on you all?” Hunter balled his fist. This was taking it easy? “Come with me, and nobody has to die,” Impervious said as he moved closer to Hunter.

  Instinct taking over, Hunter moved and stood in front of Cayden and Perkins. “Hey guys,” he said as he stood over them, trying his best to sound positive and unbothered. “I respect them sticking by you like this. My team did the same for me when I decided to do what I did. Those that didn’t eventually come around. So, I get it. But at the same time nephew, you have to think about them.”

  Hunter titled his head slightly. “You’re going to let them die for you? The way I see it, you don’t come with me willingly, they fight, they die, and eventually, you tire. Then I take you to the lab and the testing starts. You’ll be taken care of, feed, clothed, housed, -” “You’d turn me into a pet?” Hunter shot back.

  Impervious laughed. “I’d say well taken care of savior to his own people. If you come with me willingly, then they all live for now. I say for now because eventually, they will try to stop me. Force my hand, and then they would die. Either way, time is on my side. Nothing you throw at me can hurt me.”

  Hunter took a deep breath and prepared himself for the fight to continue. The best he could do would be to try to hold him off, and not get captured long enough for the others to arrive. Even still, what could they do to Impervious? He was, and always would be a force of nature. Nothing could hurt him. Time truly was on his side.

  Or was it. Hunter’s brow raised. Something that Impervious didn’t miss. In the distance, Hunter could see a figure walking slowly toward them. Power Prince had survived. Hunter took a slight step back. “You can still hear me, right?” he said under his breath.

  Cayden and Perkins both responded at the same time. “I think I have a way out of this. It will either work or be utterly pointless. Cayden be ready.” Confusion took control of Cayden’s face as he looked from Perkins to Hunter. “Okay,” he said slowly, not sure of where this was going.

  With those words, Hunter created a force field the size of a small arena, stopping it just before Power Prince, and locking him outside. Power Prince stumbled as the sudden force field pushed him back some. “Let me in,” he screamed as he pointlessly banged the bottom of his fist against it. “Who am I kidding?” he said as she slowly slid down the force field and stretched out in the sand. A few seconds passed, and then he got an idea. Quickly he jumped to his feet and began to run around the dome, ignoring the pain that his body was in.

  Impervious looked around him as the crackling white orb pulsed around them all. “What’s this? An attempt at a final effort?” “Not at all,” Hunter said. “Just keeping you in place. I honestly thought we were fucked until you said something. You said time was on your side. Then I realized it wasn’t. It is on our side though. Literally.”

  Impervious’ eyes shifted from Hunter to Cayden who was now standing beside Hunter. A smirk came on his face, that was replaced by a snarl. He took a slight step forward and Hunter created yet another force field. This time in front of himself, Cayden and Perkins. Impervious moved across the distance separating them in the blink of an eye, only to find the force field in his way.

  Hunter took a few slow breaths to keep himself focused. He tried not to look around at the newly tiny space he had locked himself in. “I know what you’re thinking,” Impervious said from behind the force field. “It won’t work.” Hunter smiled for the first time and fought back the urge to wince from the pain his entire body felt from the fight.

  “You say that, but those gray hairs you flaunt say differently. I remember the picture you showed me last year of yourself and my dad. A younger, and less gray you. It made me realize that you do age. Finally, something the mighty Impervious can’t stand up to. Something as simple as time. Fitting that one force of nature can eliminate another.”

bsp; As Hunter said his last words, another force field came into life behind Impervious. He was locked down like a rat in a box. “I’m sorry it came to this,” Hunter said as he gave Cayden a slight nod. Cayden raised both hands, as a small opening was created in the force field wall in front of them.

  “Have at it,” Hunter said slowly. Cayden didn’t speak, he simply took a breath. Through it all Impervious didn’t show fear. He stood tall, with a smile on his face and flashing perfect teeth. Then the smile faded as Impervious grunted, and his knees buckled. His eyes were wide as something he felt for the first time in a long time touched him. Pain. He could feel it, slowly at first, then it spread through him like a fire.

  Hunter fought the urge to turn away as he watched his uncle age in front of them all. Even Perkins on the ground was watching with her mouth gaped. She knew Cayden’s power but never had seen it like this.

  What it was doing to Impervious was almost hard for her to watch. The locks of salt and pepper hair turned completely gray and then began to thin. The inhuman muscles that covered his body began to shrink, leaving loose skin in their place. His eyes became yellow and then milky and slowly those perfect teeth turned discolored and fell out.

  Cayden was visibly under strain now. His arms began to shake and his face was contorted with concentration as he willed the time inside the force field box to rapidly push forward. Hunter looked at the young Spellborn as he began to breathe hard, and had a forehead covered in fresh sweat.

  The mountain that was Impervious was little more than a withered hill now. Power Prince stood only a few feet from them as he watched in horror as the unstoppable man he knew, withered away in front of him. Impervious, or the thing that was once Impervious, was on all hands and knees now. Skin so thin that it seemed transparent. “Ah,” Cayden said as he leaned in closer and stretched his fingers wide.

  With his screams, the bones began to visibly break down in front of them all, and then they continued to break. Bone after bone, crumbled, as the body was stretched in the sand. Each broken bone continued to change, and in seconds only dust covered the area where the once mighty, and unstoppable Mr. Impervious stood.

  “Cayden,” Perkins said loudly. He still had his hands stretched out. “Cayden, it’s over,” Perkins slowly slid towards him from the ground. “We. Won,” she said in a whisper as she watched the force fields around them fade away.

  Power Prince moved towards them, making sure not to step in the dust that was once Impervious. “He’s gone.” Power Prince said as he looked from the sand to Hunter. “He is,” Hunter replied as he watched the win around them whisk up what was left of his last true relative.

  He had saved hundreds back home. He was a hero known the world over and had touched the lives of many. Yet here, he was just a man trying to do right by the people he had abandoned a lifetime ago. Hunter took a deep breath. “Goodbye, Mr. Impervious.”



  P ower Prince moved slowly around Hunter, making sure to not look at the pile of ash that was in front of them. For some reason, he could feel his stomach turning, and for a moment he thought he would be sick. He had seen some crazy things in his time, but never anything like a person being rapidly aged in seconds.

  He extended a hand to Cayden who had dropped down to his knees and rested his hands on the ground. Sweat was still gleaming on his head, and he could barely speak from exhaustion. “Need a hand?” Power Prince asked. Cayden moved his hand slowly, and then reached into his pocket and pulled out a chunk of purple rock, and tossed it into his mouth.

  “I’m good. Help Perkins.” Power Prince nodded as he stretched his mouth and jerked his head while saying, “Alrighty then!” He fought a laugh as he stretched the words and wished Jen was there. She would have understood the Ace Ventura reference.

  She didn’t share his love for all things movie and cinema, but she did love a good Jim Carrey movie. True to his word, Power Prince dropped down slowly and hefted Perkins up from the ground, careful not to cause more pain to her injury.

  As they turned, he tapped his com. “Flex come in.” There was silence over the coms for a moment. Even though it was short-lived, it was enough for the people around him to pause and listen for a response. They feared that they would have to go join another fight and push their already tired bodies to new limits.

  “Hey, you guys okay?” Flex finally came back. “We just got done with Manis and are en route back to you.” “Don’t,” Hunter said through the coms. “Impervious is dead. Get The Mechanic to Acropolis. We need to see if he can come up with a solution in that lab.”

  “He’s dead?” Flex asked slowly. “But-” His words were cut off by Power Prince this time. “Cayden used his ability to speed up time around him, once Hunter locked him down. Only dust is left of him now.” “Holy shit,” Danielle said back over the coms. “What about Icaro?” Flex asked. “Taken care of.” Power Prince responded as he slowly walked with Perkins to where Hunter stood looking at the ashes.

  “Looks like you guys had a blast,” Jen said. “This Manis guy was a pushover.” “That’s easy to say when I was doing the pushing.” Flex came back over the coms. “We all have our strengths,” Jen replied. “Your strength just happens to literally be strength.”

  “Mechanic!” Flex suddenly blurted out. “I know you’re listening.” “Yes. Yes. I’m here. I have my things ready for transport to the Acropolis lab. The recruits are still spread throughout the city working with civilians.” “Good,” Flex said. “I’ll come to get you and fly you over. Jen and Danielle will stay here and help the recruits with clean up and civilian control.” “Also known as the dull part of being a hero. I noticed you aren’t jumping up and down asking to stay,” Jen said in a groan that was easily heard over the com.

  “We all have our strengths,” Hunter said to her slowly. “Very fucking funny, Paragon,” she replied. “I’m not staying here,” Danielle said suddenly over the coms. “I’m going to be where Hunter is. You get to see Perkins, and I want to see the person I love after a fight too.” He knew she was talking to Flex, but he couldn’t help but smile some at her words.

  As he looked over to Power Prince, Hunter saw him mouth the words she loves you with a goofy face. Perkins rolled her eyes at him as she stretched her arm out to Hunter. He dipped a little and lifted her up off the ground.

  She felt almost weightless. He had always had enhanced strength and had lifted people before, but he normally could still feel them pulling on his muscles some. That wasn’t the case now. Now he felt like he was holding nothing. He couldn’t even feel his arms strain from being held in place.

  He made a mental note that when he returned and had time, that he truly needed to test these new powers Omega created within him to see how strong he was. He lifted up slowly off of the ground and as he did so, he looked at the spot where Impervious’ remains were. A part of him felt like he should have gathered up the remains and did something with them, but in the end, he decided to leave them there.

  In time the heated winds from the wastelands would spread the remains. Impervious would truly be a part of his world now, and Hunter felt like he would like that. Then again, what did he know? At the end, he saw that he knew so little about what made his uncle tick. Still, deep down, he knew he would miss him and the slim connection that Impervious provided to his father.

  The Mechanic moved slowly around what was left of the lab. It was easy enough to find but had a steel defensive wall around it. That must have been the measures taken by Impervious to secure the lab. Under normal conditions, it would have worked but with Flex, and a newly stronger Hunter, the security measure stood little chance.

  The tube housing the body of Infinity was now empty. Each person looked around the lab, but there was no sign of his body on either level. Jen stood guard outside of the lab with Cayden, just to make sure there were no other surprises left waiting for them. When they arrived, they found the body of Omega’s aide, the one called Maridi

  His body, much like Omega’s had been destroyed by one likely faster and stronger than he. His book was clutched in his hands but now rested in the one good arm of Perkins. She drummed her fingers over the book slowly as she bit her lip.

  “What is it?” Flex asked her slowly. He stood beside her with his hand on her shoulder, wishing they had a healer around to mend the broken limb she had. Power Prince and Hunter could deal with their bruises from the fight. So could Jen and Danielle, but he hated seeing Perkins in pain.

  Pain that she had an unusual tolerance for. Had he not known the arm was broken, he wouldn’t have been able to tell by her actions. Only the never moving, limp limb gave her away. “This book,” she finally said to answer his question. “It’s got everything in it we need. Locations, ledgers, goals, personal notes on people in Omega’s employ, and methods to destroy the leaders of the other sections of Mo’eizus. It even talks about secret stashes of funds this guy had hidden over the city under Omega’s nose.”

  “That is quite the resource.” Flex said slowly. “It’s your golden ticket.” Power Prince said from across the table. Danielle, who was sitting in Hunter’s lap laughed. Power Prince glanced at her with a brow raised. Danielle shrugged. “I loved Willy Wonka as a child.” “As a child?” Hunter replied. “We watch that movie every other week. I know every damn line.”

  She turned and glared at him with a fist balled. “Want a punch to the nuts?” “And I look forward to it every other week,” Hunter said quickly as she dropped her fist and leaned on his chest while saying. “Good boy,” as she pinched his cheek.

  “I just don’t think I could trust it with anybody if,” Perkins’ words faded slowly. “If what?” Hunter said. A single tear fell down her cheek as she held onto Flex’s hand that was on her shoulder. “Cayden. Jen. Can you come in here,” Perkins said over her shoulder in a voice just under a scream.


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