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I Will Be There For You

Page 17

by Priyal Jain


  I was working my extra shift and both Emma and Jake have already left. Emma insisted on staying but I asked her to go back home and be with her brother. Her brother’s health was deteriorating day by day and she should spend more time with him. As I glide from one table to another and collect tips, I feel a pang of guilt. I have always been a careless, free-spirited and a pizzazz girl. I have never cared about money always cared about spending it. And, when I heard about Emma’s sufferings I feel so bad. She also told me that on her day off’s she babysits her neighbor’s children to earn extra money. Tangled between all these thoughts my shift soon got over. I went inside and removed my apron and kept aside the diary. I went outside and saw something shell shocking, I was so surprised to say anything.

  “Jake!” I somehow throw the words out.

  “Hey there you are, ten minutes late madam.” He said pointing towards his wrist watch.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “You forgot, being your driver waiting for you is one of my glorious jobs.” He joked.

  “You have been waiting for me for an hour!”

  “Correction, one hour and ten minutes. You had a crappy day so I thought you may need a little cheering up.” He winked and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Finally, atleast you smiled.” he said, touching his heart dramatically.

  “You are such a sweetheart. Thank you so much.” I said and hugged him hard.

  “My pleasure, your highness.” He bowed. “I think we should leave, it is getting late.” He opened the passenger’s gate for me and I sat then he rushed to his side and fastened his seatbelt and we rode off.

  “I am so lucky, you are always there for me everytime I need you.”I said to Jake.

  “I am happy to be there for you.” He said and then we continued our journey in silence.

  “Your house, Miss Lost.” Jake said, clipping in front of my face.”

  “Oh! I wanna talk to Becky first, so you can take the car to your house. I said. He nodded and zoomed off. We reached their house and we both hoped out of the car. Oh God! She will be really upset. Please God help me.

  “Hello Ashley dear.” Rachel greeted me with her perfect smile.

  “Hi Rachel. Where is Beck? I really want to talk to her.” I asked.

  “Oh dear! Where else she would be. In her room, doing absolutely nothing. Ash please tell her jobs are good. All she does is spend money. I think she needs to understand the value of money. She has really been spoilt and it is my fault. She is 25 and still living with her parents.” She ranted and I looked at Jake who was completely offended and to be honest I was too. What is wrong with living with our parents? But I do earn money so I pay for my shopping on my own now a days and so does Jake. Maybe Rachel is right Beck should work.

  “I will talk to Beck about that.” I said and rushed upstairs. As soon as I entered her room I saw her dancing like a lunatic with songs playing in the background. Maybe we should start knocking before entering each other’s rooms.

  “Hey there Beck.” I said. She jumped with fright and then seeing me she took a sigh of relief and turned off the music.

  “Hey Ash.” She gasped for breath.

  “I really want to talk to you. It’s really important.” I said right away.

  “Of course. What is the matter?” She asked sitting on the bed and I sat on the chair in front of her. I narrated the whole story, and her smile vanished, her eyes stony and her glare as though she could eat me up with her eyes.

  “What the hell Ash?” she shouted.

  “I am really sorry Beck. I can’t help it.” I pleaded helplessly.

  “Oh please, you could have done something. You just agreed to the punishment. Couldn’t you have said something?”

  “Becky please try and understand. If I had said something then I would have lost my job.”

  “Ash what is more important your silly job or Jake’s party?”

  What the hell is wrong with her??? And SILLY JOB. She has lost it.

  “My job Beck.” I said, completely irritated.

  “How can you not come to the party and what about all the work that you were supposed to do?” she asked panicking.

  “I would try to do them.” How insensitive is she. I didn’t tell her all about Emma but still I had a crappy day and all she is worried about is that damn party work she has given me. I was trying so hard not to shout on her.

  “When you will do it, huh? Your job, your extra-shifts, your Emma.”

  “You have every right to get upset but please don’t involve Emma.” I said. She is getting on my nerves.

  “Because she is your new best friend?” she taunted.

  “Why are you so angry at me? Jake is your brother, you know him well then I do. It’s not such a big deal you can still make that-surprise-party-for-Jake work.” I screamed.

  “What ‘surprise party for Jake’?” came in the shocked voice of Jake.


  Becky is so gonna kill me. I am dead meat.

  “Great! Now, you have ruined the surprise completely.” Becky vociferously shouted at me. I was so near to tears that nothing came out of my mouth.

  “Would anyone please tell me what is going on?” Jake asked totally unaware of what was happening.

  “We were planning a surprise birthday party for you, and Ash was helping us. But this blabber mouth ruined everything. She is not able to take off from her work, she didn’t invite your band members, didn’t found about what you want for the birthday and know she spilled the beans.” Becky said. It is so unfair, she was partner in crime. She was shouting at me and I lost my temper. But I cannot shout right now. I have to behave.

  “I am so sorry, I didn’t do that on purpose.” I said in a low voice,

  “I really wanted it to be a great surprise for you, Jake.” Beck said, quite hurt.

  “Oh! Beck you thinking about planning my birthday party is enough for me. I am really happy.” Jake said, embracing her sister. “Moreover, you know I don’t like parties, so I am not at all upset.”

  “I think I should leave.” I said, I didn’t want to disturb them.

  “Yes, you should and never come back.” Becky shouted at me, escaping his brother’s hug. Tears started pouring out of my eyes, I tried but couldn’t control. I turned around and hurriedly went away.

  “Ashley wait!” Jake yelled, following behind me. I ignored him and Rachel and Jon’s stares too and rushed out of their residence. Jake followed me out and grabbed me by my arm. My face was completely damp by my tears. “Ash, it’s okay. Please don’t cry.” Jake said, wiping my tears.

  “I am so sorry Jake I really didn’t want to spill that out, it was just a coincident.” I tried to explain myself.

  “You don’t need to justify yourself, I understand it was not your fault.”

  “You have done so much for me; I wanted to repay you, by helping Beck to organize this party. But . . . . . . . ..” Jake hugged me and said under his breath, “But nothing. I have done nothing for you. I was just being a good friend.”

  “You are the best friend!” I said and hugged him more tightly. I felt really comfortable at that moment in his arms. It was the best thing in the whole day.

  “I’ll always be there for you!” he murmured.

  “I know. But what about Becky?” A tear ran down my cheek.

  “I know she is a bit upset, but I am sure she will get over it soon, because truth be told, she cannot live a day without you.” A brief smile came across my face.

  “I know you had a terrible day but don’t stress over it. Just relax.” Jake said, holding me by my shoulders, gently.

  “I can’t relax. You don’t know the whole story.” Tears started again. I told everything about Emma to him and explained him why I bailed out on our plans.

  “Poor Emma.” He exclaimed, genuinely feeling sorry for her.

  “I know and I really want to help but with so much happening……”

  “Don’t worry
I am sure you will find out a way.” He sensed my pain and hugged me again more tightly this time and I forgot all my troubles and wept on his shirt. “It’s okay no one is perfect. You are only human and have full rights to make mistakes. No one cans blame you for whatever happened, it was just your hard luck.” He consoled me and then we slowly drifted apart.

  “Thank you that really helped.” I said with my little voice.

  “Here, take this.” He handed me his handkerchief. I took it and wiped my face with it.

  “I’ll return it after washing.” I said and he nodded. “I think I should leave mom and dad must be worried I didn’t even picked up their calls, just left a message. Bye Jake.”

  “Wait…. Wait, do you really think I will let you go all by yourself that to like this. I’ll be awarded as the worst bodyguard.” I smiled but it quickly disappeared.

  “I don’t think Becky would like it if you come along me.”

  “We’ll see that later, but now your safety is my foremost priority.”

  “Okay, but this time you have to come inside, I can’t face my parents alone.” I said and he nodded in agreement. I am so glad Jake is there for me. I am so pissed off right now that I cannot handle anymore drama and my dad is a drama queen I mean drama king. I took a deep breath and went inside the house. As soon as I entered the house I saw mom and dad anxiously waiting for me. They were sitting in the dining hall sipping their tea. Mom suddenly noticed me and kept her tea aside.

  “Honey, where were you? We were so worried about you.” Mom said coming near me. Dad also came and stared at me for an explanation for me being so late.

  “Oh my God Ashley, you look miserable.” Mom said putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

  “What is wrong honey?” dad asked his eyes getting warmer and the stony stare gone. Both of them looked so worried. I hate it when mom and dad are tensed because of me. I feel like a terrible daughter.

  “I guess we should sit inside and talk about it.” I said gathering up my courage. I looked at Jake and he gave he had a perfect smile assuring me that I am doing the right thing.

  “I am so sorry Jake, we didn’t even invite you in.” mom said her high-class hostess tone.

  “All cool.” He said digging his hands in his pocket. Finally we all settled inside the dining hall and I started to narrate my story to mom and dad. Tears dampening my cheeks. Truth is even I don’t know the reason behind my tears. Am I crying because I feel sorry for Emma or am I crying because Becky acted like a bitch? I think the answer is both. I never expected in my wildest nightmares any of the two things. When I finished my story, mom and dad’s expressions were the same. Both felt bad for Emma and both were angry at Becky.

  “Honey we are so sorry for Emma and what ever happened today.” Dad said.

  “Don’t worry love, everything will be fine, just give it some time.” Mom explained me, staying positive.

  “Henry, Kathy. I assure you that I will always be with Ashley and I am really really sorry for what Becky did.” Jake said.

  “Thank you Jake. You are really sweet. You please don’t feel sorry; it was none of your fault. Instead, we are sorry for your surprise birthday party.” Mom said apologetically.

  “Oh, no worries at all, I don’t like parties at all. I hate them. So it is like a blessing in disguise.” He replied breezily. I will never find someone like him in this entire world. So selfless, so caring. He is a gem of a guy. He is the best. I can’t stop thinking about him. I just pray that whatever happens, he always stays beside me. He gives me power to take a stand for myself. He makes me believe in myself. He brings the best out of me.

  “And Ashley, just to be clear, I hold no grudges against you. None at all.” His voice brought me back to the dining table.

  “Thank you Jake For everything you have done for me, it means a lot. I am glad everything is cool between us.” I said a lot relieved even though I knew it that he is okay with me.

  “Yes Jake you have been really helpful to us, there is no way to thank you. We’ll always remember your favor son.” Mom said.

  “Please don’t embarrass me. It was my duty, and I love doing it.” he winked at me and I a broad smile flickered on my face. Mom and dad looked at each other, not understanding his statement. Dad raised his eyes and mom shrugged.

  “What about Emma?” I asked, coming back to reality. “She is going through a really bad time and I really want to help her out.”

  “Honey, whatever you decide, we are with you. We will help you in every way possible. Emmet will be alright soon. I am sure.” Mom said, squeezing my hand a bit from across the table.

  “Me too. I am ready to do anything for Emma and Emmet.” Jake chimed in too.

  “Darling, we are really proud of you.” Dad said.

  “Thanks dad. Well, I have thought of something.”


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