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Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7

Page 2

by Addison Moore

  These children grew to be men and women who held exceptional powers. They had become false gods to those that roam the Earth. And soon enough, they will be heralded as the heroes of old—men of renown. The Nephilim, as they are called, though they will remain on the planet until its destruction, had been culled to the brink of extinction during the time of the great flood. However, through one of the wives of Noah, they lived on, their numbers growing nominally with each passing day.

  And since the flood they have worked tirelessly to preserve their anonymity. They have learned a valuable lesson from their ancestors and do not wish to be tamed by humans, nor do they wish to rule over them. Instead, they choose to live in peace. To achieve dominion side by side with their human brethren.

  There will be a time, however, when their appetite for power will rouse. There will be chaos within the five Factions that will cause them to stumble. And during those dark hours, discord will rule the entire world.

  I see this now. Right here in its infancy. And I’ve already decided how fate must right this. And it will. All things will work together for the good of those that love Him, even this beautiful, beautiful mess. Just like the humans need a savior, these half-breeds do as well—not for their souls, He’s already met the need.

  In a lesser capacity they will need a being, much like myself, who will step in and be a balm for their people. I will provide a leader for the Factions—bones of my bones, a child brought from my loins. A daughter. And for her I will scour all of human history to find the soul best suited to be her mate. He will love her like no other. He will worship her the way she deserves to be worshipped. He will be her helpmate. And together, through their love, they will create offspring that will turn the tide of this unruliness forever.

  “Your Grace, Candace,” Demetri calls from behind, and I close my eyes a moment, demanding I center myself before engaging with him.

  “Can I help you?” I spin on my heels and take in his comely features.

  His dark hair gleams like the blackest night. His tight smile pulls back a notch because in his wicked eyes he believes he’s already bested me.

  I’m loath to admit, he may be right.

  “If you don’t mind”—he gives a slight bow—“I happened to step onto the water and hear your private musings.”

  A small laugh hums through me. “We both know, here in Ahava, all are susceptible to that unfortunate fate. I have no secrets.” I glance down as the water shimmers below my feet, in cool blues and pinks while the water beneath Demetri’s feet darkens like a bruise.

  To my left, in the middle of the crystalline lake, sits the rest of the Decision Council. Four crystal thrones lined in the center of the lake with expansive views of paradise in every direction. My home, if you will, and how I adore it.

  It’s a splendid day in the heavenlies where the air is scented with calamus and aloe, and the waterfalls spray water like stars. The Elysian Field adjacent to the lake is brimming with a fresh crop of souls by the hour, and Sector Marshall has taken to working the jasper cave at the Transport station to welcome them.

  There is so much to do, so much bustle in the heavenlies now that Project Earth is underway.

  And I suppose we should enjoy it now, shouldn’t we, Demetri? I give a little wink and he nods, acknowledging the fact he’s still listening in on my private musings.

  “It will all be over so very quickly,” I say as a smile of my own drifts to my lips. “What do you want?”

  “The Factions.” He folds his hands neatly as if the action afforded him favor with me.

  “All five?” I’m only slightly amused. But I am completely surprised he waited this long to ask.

  A dark laugh tremors from him. “Yes, well, one does need to build their confidence before approaching Your Grace. You yourself have observed their need for helpmates in the heavenlies.”

  Sector Marshall appears on the horizon, floating our way seamlessly as quick as lightning.

  “What’s this?” His well-sculpted features rearrange themselves with his own level of amusement. “Greedy for more, are we, Demetri? Aren’t the Fems busy enough tormenting humans and Nephilim alike with your dark presence? I hear there are pockets of civilization attempting to ward you off with garlic.” He takes a moment to glare my way. “You never should have approved their use of fangs.”

  I’m quick to wave them both off. “Let’s not stray from the subject at hand. I’ve been meaning to gather the two of you. There is certainly a need for leadership and guidance amongst the Nephilim, and I’m appointing you both to fill those roles. Demetri, you’ll be in charge of the Fems in that capacity.”

  “A leadership role.” Sector Marshall chuckles to Demetri. “Your ego must be bursting with joy, I’m sure.” He turns back my way. “And as for me, my lovely lady?” What have you decreed?”

  “A leadership position as well.” I nod. “A supreme leader if you will.”

  The energy emitting from Demetri darkens to pitch.

  Sector Marshall takes a breath. “Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it.”

  “Did you hear that?” I ask the nefarious being among us. “His response was in line with acknowledging me as his superior—something I have yet to hear from you. Could you do that, Demetri? Can you acknowledge that I am, in fact, above you?”

  His jaw tenses, and his eyes slit to icy coals. “Yes, my lady, I may do whatever you wish.”

  My lips cinch. “You may, but you won’t.” My shoulders pull back. “Truth be told, there will always be a power struggle between two of the five Factions. I’m sure you’ve already witnessed the beginnings of it between Celestra and Countenance. At the nexus of their conception I had seen their futures, far into the expanse, and I have determined which of you will be placed where.”

  Sector Marshall takes a breath. “Celestra and Countenance. Warring brothers, but only as much as Countenance demands it. They resent Celestra’s beauty and power. Ironic since Countenance has neither. One might go as far as saying, in light of every Faction’s abilities, they are, in fact, the least remarkable of them all.”

  I’m quick to nod in agreement. “And that is precisely why I’ve selected you, Sector Marshall, to be paired with Celestra. And you, Demetri, behold your new charges, Countenance. A simpatico union if ever there was one.”

  “What?” Demetri slices the air with the word like the hissing of a serpent.

  “You heard me.” I tip my head back, stealing a moment to glory in his displeasure. “You asked for all five Factions with boldness, and I gave you an equally bold people to mind. You will be their heavenly host, and you will lead them down the path best chosen. Be aware that the Nephilim hold a special place in both the natural and the ephemeral planes. Celestra and the Counts will decide whether the Sectors or the Fems will hold a position of power since you did not find peace deciding this amongst yourselves. Since the Sectors hold the position of power at the moment, we’ll afford Celestra that right as well. Should Celestra become unseated, then the Sectors will become unseated right alongside them. They will decide your destiny. Not I, not either of you. By their power, by their might, by your nurturing, and perhaps a little of my own, decisions will be made.” I nod to Demetri. “They are the composers of this symphony. You are simply the orchestra.”

  The color drains from Demetri’s face as his being ignites a cobalt blue, a sure sign of his displeasure.

  “You are the love of my life, Your Grace.” He takes an unsteady step forward. “I will do whatever you wish, however you wish, and in whichever manner pleases you most.” He takes up my hand and kisses it, and that niggling of hope for the two of us sparks within. And just as quickly as it came, it leaves me. A blessing within a blessing.

  “Demetri,” I purr boldly. “You were my lover divine. Our souls were merry as we rode the chariots of God. You were the object of my affection, and I yours, until you thought better of yourself and decided—”

  “That I would be like you,” he interrupts before
I can finish.

  “No,” I say. “That you could be me. You had it in your heart to unseat me, just as you have it in your heart to unseat the Sectors. You mirrored the fallen one’s self-exaltation, his manifest pride, and I was the target you desired to annihilate.”

  “My love, whoever has filled your ears with such drivel, pay them no mind.” He offers a sideways glance to Sector Marshall, inspiring the Sector to balk.

  “Demetri”—Sector Marshall snarls his name out—“you insult Your Grace by alluding to the fact she needs an interpreter to see through your parade of lies. Surely if you truly loved her, you would have enjoyed eternity as her subordinate.” A dry smile glides up his cheek. “As you will regardless. You let a dove of beauty fly from your arms because your heart was concerned with your own honor. Humility was far from your mind, and now you will pay an eternity for it. Though you stand before her, you can no longer have her. Though you crave her touch, you shall know it no more.”

  “I shall know it,” Demetri hisses it out like a threat before his eyes narrow over mine. “And though you might deny it, Candace, you crave my touch equally. Your love for me is genuine—a living, breathing entity that you can no more extinguish than I can. It is not a thing of the past, nor is it so insignificant that you can replace me with another. I am the one whom your heart desires. The Eros love we share is unmatched, unequalled, and unachievable with another. You and I both know this. Come with me.” He slithers his arm through the crook of mine and walks us away from the rest of the Decision Council behind us, away from Sector Marshall, and toward the Falls of Virtue where this romance destined for doom began. “Let us revisit the dew of our affection. The way you looked at me through a curtain of rain.”

  “A curtain of deceit.” I bubble with laughter at the thought. “You were handsome, strictly forbidden. Although, our kind doesn’t feed off Eros the way humans do. No, there is no propagation of our species spurring us on. We breathe the love of God Himself. For us to have entertained Eros was purely in vain. An error in the making, and now look what’s become of us.”

  He pulls my hand to his lips and satiates himself with the feel of my being against his mouth, his cheek.

  “Now, Candace, surely we both know love is not a mere feeling, a simple affection as mortals understand it. Love goes beyond the borders of the mind and heart. It is the life breath upon which our very beings exist. To find divinity in passion with you was beyond comprehendible. We both reveled in the glory.”

  “We both drank the maddening wine of regret. Demetri, you flatter yourself by alluding to the fact you had the ability to quell me from finding Eros ever again, or believing in it. You don’t hold that kind of power, and you never will. It is to your shame you believe you are to be exalted as if you were me, as if you were the Almighty.”

  A peal of thunder crackles through the air and all of Ahava shakes and shimmers. An instant rainbow appears in the expanse above as stars spray out from its tail. The Falls worship His majesty in song as the waters vibrate and dance. They sing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, worthy to be praised,” as all of Ahava shouts a spontaneous praise to the citadel of God which sits just beyond the crystal lake on the Mountain of Congregation.

  “See what you’ve done?” I take a moment to glower at the beast before me.

  Demetri’s cheeks flex. “My love, though I am loath to point it out, it was you who spoke and roused the thunder.”

  “Yes, but sometimes the truths of others must be brought to light no matter how terrible they might be. Now tell me, Fem Demetri, will you always be so cunning? Is there room in the darkness that owns you for redemption?”

  A hard laugh rocks through him. “My love, let’s not untangle the universe. Let us marvel at our humble beginnings when you picked me out of the shadows and brought me into your light. How you loved me so from the moment you laid eyes on me.”

  “How I loved everyone the moment I laid eyes on them.” I jostle his arm because he knows it’s true. “It was creation day for our kind. The Master in all His wisdom brought us forth at once. And what a time it was.”

  “Splendor in the springtime of God.” Demetri gives a wistful shake of the head. “Breathed into existence by the living Word.”

  “And blessed by His spirit,” I add. “It’s true, Eros struck me when my eyes feasted on you, but something quickened in my spirit and I knew—sadly, I knew you were not the one that would fulfill me. Don’t be hard on yourself. Eros affection will never fulfill me, Demetri. I’m a Caelestis. I’m charged to operate and manage the fates that God has given men. I have a task, an important one. That is the only reason I can conjecture why the Master has not created me to feed any Eros desires. I thought perhaps with you it could be done, but you looked to the right and to the left and saw that power abounded and you had none of it. You took those days we lounged on the enchanted lilies and turned them into rot and filth. You thought of submerging me under the living waters. You mulled over how to snuff my being out of existence. You had a mind to make me yours, to madden me with affection until I surrendered my post and my people to you. It was always about you, Demetri. Did you learn nothing from the fallen one?”

  His eyes flash as he looks to the horizon, past the Falls of Virtue, to the cliff of eternity.

  “Yes.” I nod in the same direction where at the moment angels are gathered as they watch their own travel to and fro from the planet the Master loves. “We saw the wicked one fall like lightning out of the heavenlies into disgrace. We watched as a third of the angels followed of their own volition. They chose pride and they damned themselves in the process.” I pull Demetri close and enwreathe my arms around his waist, demanding that he look into my eyes. “You chose yourself—your position over me.” My hands flatten over his chest as I push him away and laugh. “It was folly and even now you cannot see it. Your heart still merits your decisions as if there were no other.”

  His expression hardens. It’s such a rarity I take a moment to treasure it.

  “Now, Candace, you know that my affection lingers for you. It will never die. It is eternal. We are one. We are threaded together with the weaver’s bow. There is no you without me, no me without you. We were the most fevered brand of Eros that has existed or will ever exist. You cannot discard me like a filthy rag. You must look into your heart. I demand you do it. Find that part of you that longs for me and extract her. Free her from the iron cage you’ve placed around her. You cannot deny your affection lest you let it fester.”

  A sharp laugh expels from me. “Oh dear, Demetri, though it is comical, you are a bit delusional. I crave the Sectors more than I do the Fems. But alas, I have let all desires of that sort fall dormant within me. You see, I have been charged with an enormous task—one that encompasses this new delineation of seasons called time. The perimeters of which is laid in stone. Only the Master has the power to make it move forward, make it move back. And as you know, the Earth will not last forever, nor will its inhabitants. I’ve many generations to tend to. And, alongside of the humans I’m to mind, I’ve been charged with those you yourself wrought into existence. How dare you suggest to the angels that they cavort with the daughters of men. Those warriors, those brute beasts—the humans—have regarded them as gods. They have turned from the worship of their true Father and looked to half-breeds to fulfill their spiritual desires. It is a mockery. And now I will be forced to fix this disaster.”

  Sector Marshall appears before us, shining and resplendent, his every last inch regal and fierce.

  “Come now, Your Grace.” He nods my way before glaring at Demetri. “You’ve entertained devils for far too long. Let’s head for refreshments and discuss my new role with the Nephilim.”

  Demetri riots out a laugh, and it sounds like thunder.

  “We’ve yet to crest the height of our affection,” he roars my way. “Candace, let us not get bogged down with the details of this new venture so quickly. First, allow me to remind you of the thirst we quenched in one anoth
er through the portals, our mouths. We kissed for an Earth’s millennium, we knew no seasons, and we paid no mind to those that laughed at the spectacle we had become. We bore no shame because we were pure. We knew no other way than to pour our affinity into one another. We melded our beings together at the shores of Rockaway, on that ebony sand we lay for hours.”

  “That we did.” A stream of giddiness mingles within me. “You built a shelter from palm fronds and we watched as the heavenly hosts paraded out into their desired positions. Stars so close, our hands could touch them. We watched the universe stretch out like a scroll, navy velvet, soft as lambs wool.”

  “Your Grace.” Demetri leans in, and I can feel the heat of his desire like a scorching wind licking up my side. “We wrote a love letter in the sand with our bodies, our beings colliding in ecstasy that was witnessed by the heavenly hosts. We were unashamed of our affection—unmoored, untethered, we had lost track of what lay outside the borders of us.”

  My entire being burns with a fire of delight and my countenance glows an ethereal blue. But I cannot harness these emotions. Alas, they are not for me.

  I close my eyes and expunge them from my heart as an explosion of illuminated blue butterflies fly from within me. We watch as they float off into Ahava, into the paradise of God, and all who look to them are struck with wonder.

  “And they”—I say, nodding at the flurry of fluttering wings—“will be a sign of passion, a demonstration that proves it is alive and free in the world. I will use that winged creature as a symbol for the Eros love that humans are so quick to burn for. But what they won’t understand is that in order to gain power over it, they must release it. Lest it holds them captive and under its thick spell.”

  Sector Marshall leans in. “But, Your Grace, you are forgetting that it is no spell at all. It is whole, and right, and it is the very nectar of God that humans and created beings alike are blessed to drink should their path fall upon it. Let it be a symbol of pure love, true love, the kind that knows no end. A symbol of hope.”


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