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Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7

Page 20

by Addison Moore

  Oh, come on, I want to say. Everyone in this room was equally suspicious of how he was getting that loot.

  Tad’s chest expands. “They’ve decided to freeze our bank accounts.”

  A strange whistling sound comes from my mother as the color bleeds from her face.

  “How will we pay the mortgage?” she howls. “How will we buy food and clothes and the organic utter salve that keeps my”—she pauses a moment to glance around at all the eyes feasted on her—“skin supple.”

  Good Lord. We all know what she’s keeping supple—the question is for whom.

  Demetri clears his throat. “Do not worry.” He lifts a hand while jostling Misty in his arms. “I vow to look after, and protect, provide all financial needs, and be a pillar of strength for any and all in this household. I will not allow such turbulent times to affect your daily lives, especially not at the holidays. Christmas is right around the corner, and I suggest we focus on joy, laughter, and light.”

  Melissa’s jaw roots to the floor. “What about my dad?”

  Chloe gives a dark laugh. Your daddy’s going to the big house, kid. Demetri is making his move—and good old Taddy Dearest will be moving to Rikers if Demetri has a say in it. Hell, he’ll probably reopen Alcatraz just for him. Demetri’s specialty is making the impossible possible—for all the wrong reasons.

  I won’t argue with her on any of those points.

  Tad makes a yipping sound as if a small dog just had a paw run over in the driveway.

  “Good old Demeet here has hired a top-notch attorney.” Tad slaps him on the back good and hard—as he should.

  Mom gasps. “What about Olivia Harrison? I thought she agreed to represent you?”

  Olivia Harrison is the mother of my very good friend, Ellis Harrison, and I very much plan on outing myself to Ellis very soon. In fact, after this little charade is over, I plan on getting the OG Retribution League together, a very small society of Nephilim that I banded together, which consisted of Ellis, Brody Bishop, Cooper Flanders, Logan, and me—in order to fight the old Barricade. But I suppose the Retribution League has expanded to include Laken and Wes.

  What am I? Chloe snips. Chopped Celestra? I’m in the Retribution League. Get used to it. I’m not sitting around waiting for some cordial invite.

  I meant you, too, Chloe. You’re in regardless of the fact I’m literally inside of you. And don’t try to twist that into something sexual either.

  A laugh rumbles from her. My mind didn’t go there. Yours did.

  Tad looks to Demetri as if he wasn’t quite sure what exactly happened to Olivia Harrison himself.

  Demetri gives a measured nod. “Of course, she insists on consulting with the case. But she’s agreed that you’re better left in the hands of an experienced attorney who specializes in this type of fraud. Mendelson Bain is a predator even among the sharks. He’ll eat you alive and spit out the bones before you ever realize what’s happened. He’s perfect for you.”

  My lids hood low as I shoot Logan a look. We both know that the person who is going to be stripped to the bone is Tad. And the shark in question just so happens to be Demetri.

  The sound of familiar laughter comes from the hall, accompanied by the sound of what sounds like an entire herd of little feet running in this direction as both Nathan and Barron burst into the room, and just like that, my spirit blossoms to life.

  “We’re back!” Barron screams with laughter at the top of his lungs.

  “Boys!” I gulp with grief and joy as I leap forward, and just as I’m about to hold out my arm, Logan steps on my toes, adding just enough pressure for me to howl a bit.

  Nice save, Oliver, Chloe quips. Cool it, Messenger. I don’t care about your rugrats, remember? Snort at them and tell your mother I hope she has insurance on that fine china Tad purchased off eBay last spring to the tune of forty K.

  A slight groan comes from me because it is wholly possible this was an actual purchase I was not aware of.

  Logan shoots me a quick look, sharp as a knife. And I’d say there was a very real threat in there somewhere. As bad as I don’t want to screw things up, Logan doesn’t want me to screw them up either. I get it. There is a hell of a lot on the line with Rory.

  And then, as if all of time freezes, Gage Oliver waltzes into the room right after the boys as if he belonged here—as if we had rewound time a few years back when I truly believed he did belong here.

  “Thought I’d bring the kids by.” He glares at Rory for a moment before searching the room and his eyes land on me. “I’m sure, Lizbeth, you won’t mind looking after them. They miss their mother.”

  I don’t know why, but it feels like a punch to the gut and a heartfelt embrace all at the same time. Gage knows how much I miss the boys. He brought them for me, right? Unless he brought them for their own sakes because they’re craving any bit of me they can have, even if it is a mean empty shell of a person. And deep down, I know that’s the truth.

  They crowd around Rory, fighting for her attention, and it kills me inside to watch as she bats them away with promises of ice cream if they head to the kitchen and get it for themselves. My God, she doesn’t care an ounce about them—or their health.

  I cared, Chloe chirps. Or at least I pretended to when they were at my place. And don’t go off on how it was technically your house. I don’t give a shit anymore. You can have it all back, including that louse of a husband of yours.

  A dull laugh bounces through me. You can have Gage. I couldn’t care less, Chloe. And that’s the honest to God’s truth.

  Gage heads this way, and Logan cuts him off at the pass while my mother tends to the boys.

  “What do you want?” Logan says it loud enough for me to hear, and I appreciate it.

  Gage glances my way. “What do you care what I want? I’m giving you and Skyla what you want—the boys. We can get back onto our visitation schedule.”

  Logan shakes his head. “It must be lonely at the top. Not what you thought it would be, is it?”

  “Ice cream party!” Tad heads off to the kitchen to indulge with the boys, and Drake and Ethan are quick to follow.

  Demetri steps in close to Gage. “Son, I was just about to stop by. I’ve got news for you. I’m sure you’ll appreciate.” He nods to Logan and Rory. “The two of you will appreciate it as well. In time, of course. I’d hate to give away the farm so soon.” His lips curl in Rory’s direction, and a siren goes off inside me.

  Why is he looking at Rory? Doesn’t he know?

  Rory bounces over and wraps her arms around Logan as if she were about to accost him.

  “We’re not afraid of either of you.” She widens her eyes over at Gage. “And don’t think for a moment I’m not going to help my people. You think you traded a formidable opponent for the lesser, but I’m about to prove you wrong.”

  Wow, Rory is letting Gage know she’s not doing him any special favors.

  Chloe scoffs. She’s putting on an act.

  I don’t know, I say. She did ask if you wanted to join wicked forces with her. I think she’s looking to take the throne and own it. She feels slighted because destiny gave her the shaft. I’m the child my mother venerated, not her.

  Chloe groans. I’m familiar with the feeling. I was never enough for my parents. They never wanted a girl. My mother had one serious hang-up about having a daughter, and look how well I turned out?

  My heart cinches at the thought. No wonder Chloe morphed into a piranha. She’s been dealing with rejection from the day she was born, literally.

  Don’t you feel sorry for me, Mess. I still don’t care about you.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not pulling out the tiny violin,” I whisper as I stride over to where Logan and Gage look ready to kill. “What’s with the meeting of the minds?” I shoot Demetri an icy look.

  The devilish Fem broadens his smile my way. “Chloe, you’ve switched sides, I hear.”

  “Everyone has switched sides,” I snip and sound decidedly like Chloe in the p

  Demetri’s chest expands with his next breath. “Not to worry, all of you will be switching soon enough. Gage is the leader of the Factions. The Fems hold the high ground. And soon we will unveil a peace treaty that will be impossible to resist.” He looks to Rory. “Don’t worry, my love. You will be cared for. We have a special place in our kingdom just for you. A place of honor.”

  “No, thank you,” Rory bleats it out, and I’m a touch proud of her for it, even if Chloe is right and it is an act. “I’m sure whatever it is you have cooking won’t be in the least as appetizing as what we have to offer. Our serum is at the finish line.”

  Logan nods. “Round one of our inoculations is complete. That means every Nephilim out there is covered. And round two will be distributed in weeks. There will be no round three. You can guess why.”

  Gage takes a breath. “Because you’ve found a permanent solution.”

  “That’s right,” I say sharply. “Your little wicked playground games are over. There is no reason anyone needs to side with you.”

  Gage pierces me with those cobalt eyes. “Not even you?” His cheek glides up one side. “Don’t worry, Chloe. Once everything is revealed, you’ll come with your tail between your legs apologizing to me. And I will accept that apology.”

  Demetri nods. “That’s right. Soon, the Fems and Celestra will be working side by side.”

  Logan shakes his head. “No, we won’t. We’re not interested in sharing the celestial spotlight.”

  Bree tackles me from behind and sweeps me a few feet away.

  “Let them haggle it out, Bishop. Who the hell cares where the supernatural pieces land? We’ve got a party to plan.” She pulls Emily into our midst. “I’m thinking strip clubs and tattoo parlors.”

  “I’m on board.” I’m quick to nod to the lunacy. “What other vulgar, outlandish, completely out-of-control freaky things can we do to her?” I glare over at Rory without giving it a second thought.

  “Relax, Bishop.” Em chuckles. “Tone down the hate. You’re on the same side now. You should play nice.” She tips her head back. “Oh, that’s right. You’re still operating under that whole tell-’em-you’re-for-’em-and-then-stick-the-knife-in-their-back-when-they’re-not-looking plan.”

  “Chloe?” My voice drops a register and both Em and Bree look at me funny.

  Chloe chuckles. Oh, stop making me look stupid, Messenger. You and I both know I wouldn’t do that. I invited you into the holy of holies. To stick a knife in your back would be sticking one in my own—literally and figuratively.

  “Lovely.” I give a few quick blinks. “Never mind. Em, what do you suggest?”

  “Isn’t she afraid of heights?” Her pale face turns a notch to spy on Rory, and I’d swear the lights just dimmed. “We could push her off Devil’s Peak.”

  “Emily Morgan!” I snap. “She rescued your brother and that’s the thanks you have for her?”

  It’s true. Em’s brother was one of the Viden youth who Wes turned into a Spectator—a monstrous zombie about as tall as an evergreen. But since then, with my intervention, they’re pretty much back to normal. Ezrina put some sort of default system into them and they have the ability to revert to their zombie state if needed.

  Em grunts, “Fine. But for your information, I don’t think a shove to the jagged rocks below would have killed her. Rumor has it, the last time she jumped, her mother made sure she sprouted wings and she floated down as soft as a feather. But we could try to kill her for the fun of it.”

  I suck in a quick breath. “That’s a brilliant idea.”

  Dude. Chloe groans. Do not mangle that body. If it’s nonoperational, you won’t want to go home. And have I mentioned that you’re wearing out your welcome mat?

  “Good point.” I wrinkle my nose at Em. “We should probably do something a little less risky.”

  Bree snorts. “She wants a princess party with a sparkling pony and a piñata filled with glitter.”

  Em rolls her eyes. “That’s so Skyla.”

  “That is not,” I’m quick to contest. A thought comes to me. “Hey? Maybe we should give her that party. A big sparkling pink party complete with pig’s blood.”

  Bree slaps her hands together. “Now you’re talking. How about we get the old cheer squad together? We could throw some soap in an old sock and take turns giving her a whack to the rear.”

  Em shakes her head. “Knowing Skyla, it will only turn her on.”

  “You’re right,” I’m quick to admit. But only because it’s randy Rory in that body of mine. “You know, maybe we should try to kill her. Just for the fun of it. Nothing that could maim her. I mean, she does have a wedding coming up. Just something that can scare the ghost right out of her.” I might need Marshall on standby to complete the switcheroo, but I’m sure he’d be thrilled to oblige. “A slow death.”

  A slow death, Chloe coos. I’ll keep that in mind for you when the time is right.

  I’m not laughing, I say.

  Gage scoops up the boys in his arms as if he were about to leave, and I don’t hesitate bolting his way. He’s alone, more or less, in the corner of the family room.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind so quickly,” I snip.

  Logan steps over and takes Barron from him, shaking his head ever so slightly my way.

  “What’s going on, Chloe?” Logan grouses at me. “Looking to scheme with Gage for old times’ sake?”

  I scoff at the thought. “I’m done with him.”

  Gage shoots Logan a look as if he didn’t find our little Bishop puppet act amusing.

  He shrugs. “I'm just hanging around, waiting for Demetri.”

  I pluck Nathan from his arms and drink down the feel of my sweet son, despite the fact he’s kicking me in the chest with enough force to stop Chloe’s heart.

  “Chloe’s going to eats me!” Nathan gives a playful scream before I land him to the floor and he takes off to play with his cousins.

  That’s right, Chloe shouts. Tell him he’d better watch his back. Kids taste the best in their sleep.

  I shake my head in lieu of a response.

  “What are you and Demetri up to?” I snip the words at Gage. “Plotting another murder?”

  Gage flexes those dimples that used to do me in so efficiently.

  “We’re plotting a get-together. You remember the old barn busters up at Nick Haver’s place? Something along those lines. But as far as the big announcement goes, I’m in the dark.”

  “Gage”—Logan’s chest bounces with a laugh as he flips Barron upside down before landing him onto the sofa—“you have been in the dark since the day you were born. What makes you think you’ll ever have all the answers?”

  “Ha!” I laugh right in the unholy king’s face. “Wouldn’t it be a riot if when all is said and done the joke is on you, Gage? What if you wake up one day only to find out none of the bull Demetri fed you was real? Everything was backwards—and you sold your soul to the wickedest Fem of them all for nothing.”

  He scowls over at me. “You wish. Believe me, if you knew the truth, you’d be on my side, too.”

  He bears those blue eyes into mine a moment too long before Logan swats him on the stomach and knocks the air from his lungs.

  “Sorry, sweetheart.” Logan sheds a dry grin. “Just a little love tap to keep you in line.”

  “I am in line.” Gage ticks his head to the side as he examines me. “I’m right where I need to be.”

  He tries to blast his way past us, and I step in front of him.

  “You’re not where you need to be. You’re standing in a puddle of lies that Demetri pissed in front of you. You’re slipping in his shit, and you don’t even know it. You killed me,” I hiss it so low it was nothing more than a disappointed sigh. “You have lost hold of everything. That means you’re capable of killing the boys.” I nod up at him because I already know he’s not capable of believing it.

  “No.” It comes out low, guttural from him, from the deepe
st part of his soul.

  “Yes, Gage. You are just that dangerous.”

  Rory enters our midst. “Whatever Bishop is saying, that goes twice for me.” She slithers over Logan’s body like a snake before dotting a kiss to his lips. “The girls are really throwing a party for me. It’s going to be fabulous. I just can’t wait for our wedding. I’ve been dreaming of having a wedding of my own for as long as I can remember.”

  “You’ve had three. Two to Gage and one to Logan,” I’m quick to point out. And truthfully, I’m not even sure if that’s the final matrimonial count. I’ve lost track.

  She lifts a shoulder my way. “Who cares? This will be the only one that counts.” She shoots Gage a cheeky smile and winks. “Sorry, honey. You were good for some things. But everyone knows Logan is my true love. He’s my true destiny. My mother had us meet”—she swipes a finger along his cheek—“in eternity, a very long time ago. She wanted to see if we fit. Of course, she wiped it from your memory. But I have not forgotten.”

  Logan and I exchange a quick glance.

  Could my mother have done that? With Rory? I refuse to believe Rory and Logan were ever meant to be. Obviously, she failed the meet and greet test.

  But then, the Master decided to pull the plug on her existence, not my mother. I’m basically take two. And yet, I’m literally the one that took. And here I am, in hostile Bishop territory while Rory gets to parade around in my flesh. I will never understand my mother’s willingness to allow what she does. This entire episode seems counterintuitive to the progress of our people.

  A thought occurs to me.

  Maybe it’s not all about our people. Maybe some of the things that happen to me are actually just for me.

  I shake all thoughts of my mother out of my head. She’s not here. She’s most certainly not helping all that much. I’m the one that needs to drive this crazy train.

  “Get ready, Mess,” I say. “The girls and I are taking you out for your bachelorette party a little earlier than anticipated. And I’ll personally make sure you have the time of your supernatural life.”

  Both Gage and Logan cast their eyes my way, and I pin a greedy grin to my face.


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