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Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7

Page 29

by Addison Moore

  A slight murmur enlivens the crowd.

  My stomach squeezes tight as I glance to Skyla.

  But Skyla doesn’t stop at a glance. “What the hell is she up to, Logan?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know.”

  Rory lifts her chin. “What does this covenant mean, you ask? It is a binding agreement between your very soul and Celestra. Should you choose to saunter off and side with the enemy, you will be excommunicated, divorced. You will never have the opportunity to side with Celestra again. As you all know, my mother, our God Himself take binding covenants very seriously. Think hard and then do what you must do—enter into a holy covenant with Celestra. Be a part of this holy Faction forever.”

  I glance to Gage, and his lips curl at the tips with delight.

  Holy crap. I squeeze my eyes shut tight a moment. On the surface this is a very good thing for Celestra. That extra something that will ensure our people won’t bleed out ever again. But Gage—that damn wild card he’s become, something about this entire thing unsettles me.

  Brody leans over. “Just texted Dudley. He says this is on the up and up. A covenant, Logan. What the hell?”

  I shake my head.

  Skyla leans our way. “Why does it sound like solid gold, and yet smell like rotten fish?”

  If our people ever leave, they won’t be able to come back. Brody knows it. Skyla knows it, and I know it, too.

  Rory has everyone rise to their feet and repeat a set of rather unholy sounding vows, and just like that, we’ve solidified our souls to Celestra. It wasn’t hard for me to do. Hell, it wasn’t hard for the others to do either. But something tells me some of us will soon be regretting it.

  Rory goes on to explain the recordings of our hearts, as well as directives for those not present regarding how they, too, can join in on this fun binding agreement.

  Soon, we’re dismissed and bodies begin to mingle as they head for the door.

  Cooper and Laken weave their way over. No sooner does Laken say hello than she heads over to Rory. A natural move, and I’m thankful she’s so willing to play along.

  Coop nods to Gage. “Did you enjoy the show?”

  Wesley crops up. “Brother.” He sheds an easy smile, and it almost feels genuine. Makes me wonder if Wes, Gage, and Rory are all playing us. But then I remember Laken. Thank God for Laken. She’s the only honest barometer of Wesley’s intentions because his dick compass is always set to her.

  Gage twitches his lips at Wes. “Good show. She’ll regret the move. But she’s a novice. She wouldn’t realize that even if you warned her. I’m guessing this was a surprise to you as well.”

  Cooper shoots Rory a quizzical look. “It seems like a good thing.”

  “It’s not,” Wes is quick to answer. “I talked to Ezrina.” His anger only seems to grow with his brother. “Don’t worry, Gage. She didn’t spill your magical beans. But she did put me on alert. You are up to something, and it’s big. Bigger than you, that’s for sure. Ezrina told me whatever it is you found, it once belonged to me.”

  Gage nods. “It belongs to me now. Just the way all of these people will—forever.” He ducks out of the hall and into the night, evaporating into the thick Paragon fog like the ghost I wish he had become.

  Brody and Skyla join us.

  She nods my way. “She’s out of control. She needs to be stopped.”

  Brody purses his lips. “The irony here is that we should be the happiest people in the room.”

  Cooper exhales as he casts a glance toward Rory. “We will be. She’s merely ensuring Celestra topples the Fems once and for all. Her mother won’t speak to her. She’s pulling out all the celestial stops to make this happen.”

  Brody shakes his head. “What about Gage? One brilliant move will screw us.”

  Cooper glances to the floor a moment as if he were considering it.

  “What is it?” Wes growls it out curt. “When the hell do you know, and when are you going to spit it out? I don’t get to keep secrets, and neither do you, Flanders. Laken still doesn’t know, does she?”

  Cooper’s eyes widen a notch.

  Checkmate. Wesley has him by the balls.

  “No,” Wes says. “She doesn’t.” A silent laugh pumps from him. “Speak now or forever lose Laken. Rules are rules. You and I don’t get to make them; we simply have to abide.”

  Laken comes back and wraps her arms around Coop.

  “The sitter just called. She can’t get little Wes to calm down. I think we’d better go.” She looks to Wes. “He’ll be fine within five minutes of me holding him. I’ll text you.”

  “Sounds good,” Wes says, and we watch them flee the building as if it were on fire.

  Cooper Flanders is breaking the rules of engagement with Laken, with Celestra.

  With me.

  I’ve seen the damage secrets can do.

  I’ve seen them set the entire world on fire. Hell, they’ve landed my feet right where they’re standing.

  Why do I get the feeling Cooper’s secret has the power to unravel the universe?



  Cooper Flanders is a scammer.

  A lying piece of shit.

  An asshole.

  And horribly, ultimately, an all-around nice guy.

  True as God, and I still can’t stand the guy. All right, so a small part of me likes him. Hell, we were friends, good friends before Laken came to Ephemeral.

  That haunted scholastic academy flits through my mind and a silent rage percolates in me as I bench press the hell out of two hundred and twenty-five pounds.

  I’m shirtless. And according to the girls giggling in the corner who keep shooting me an invite with their eyes, they appreciate the gun show. Who knew Logan’s gym would prove to be the hot spot in all of Paragon?

  Sweat slicks my body as I pick up my pace.

  A few days have trickled by since Rory’s odd proclamation. Normally, I wouldn’t give a damn what she was doing as long as Celestra comes out on top—a concept I would never have dreamed of thinking about once upon a time. But here we are. Rory is the queen bitch, and she’s just as determined as I am to secure a win for our team. But something about that covenant doesn’t sit right with me.

  God forbid Gage pull an ace out of his ass and then we’re all screwed. And judging by the fact he’s wielding something over our heads that I thought up, we are all most certainly screwed.

  I am curious as to what it could be. Probably something I walked into backwards. Some of my greatest work was achieved that way. Of course, I wouldn’t admit it. But if I’m really honest with myself, that’s the way it’s been all my life—with the exception of one thing, my love for Laken.

  I’d give anything if the Fems—Demetri specifically—never knew of my existence, or in the least wasn’t all that interested. Laken and I would still be in Cider Plains, raising our proverbial children, having a normal life. We could have had it all if it weren’t for Demetri’s need to succeed in the heavenlies.

  Logan pops up, hovering over me a second with that obnoxious Cooper-inspired face, and he irritates me by default.

  “Heads-up, Wes. Coop and Laken just walked in. Don’t say I never did anything for you.” He takes off and I land my weights up on the bar and sit up on my elbows. Sure as shit, I see Coop striding on in with his too tight T-shirt and that goofy look on his face as he does a double take in my direction.

  Laken pops into view from behind him, and I watch as her lips contort once she sees me. A part of me wonders if she’s disappointed. Too bad. I’m here to stay. And I’m in her life to stay. For that I’m more than grateful.

  “Laken.” I shed an easy smile as I sit up. “Coop.” I can’t help but scowl at him.

  “Hey, Wes.” Laken sheds a genuine smile of her own, and that alone makes my day. “Cooper offered to help me strengthen my core. I went to pick Charlie up the other day and I almost threw my back out.”

  The television hanging on the far wall flashes an em
ergency warning across the bottom of the screen and Laken’s eyes magnetize to it.

  The talking head, a woman with a bowl cut, starts spewing information about a virus hitting Europe with a vengeance.

  “Respiratory difficulties, muscle weakness, and paralysis in some instances have occurred. Its origin seems to have come from Dover, England and is sweeping quickly through Europe seemingly overnight. The World Health Organization is warning people to be proactive with simple hygienic practices. Wash your hands. Stay indoors. The Kingdom Virus, as they’ve dubbed it, is potentially the deadliest virus to hit the planet since the Spanish Flu. We’ll keep you updated.”

  Laken shudders as she turns back my way. “Don’t worry. I’ll do my best to protect the kids—as soon as I get my back under control.”

  I jump to my feet. “I can help with a few core exercises. I used to train at Ephemeral.”

  Coop gives me a gentle shove to the chest.

  “And I trained at Host. I played college ball. College trumps high school.”

  I narrow my eyes over his. “Okay.” Asshole. I want to say let’s go mano a mano and see what your college education has to say for itself, but don’t.

  “Cooper.” Laken gives him a sideways glance. “Wesley didn’t have all the opportunities in life that we’ve had.”

  “What?” Coop looks confused and mostly pissed. “You’re kidding, right? His father could have bought him a university and ten degrees to go with it. He’s had more opportunities than either of us has ever had or will have.”

  She gives a little laugh. “True, but what I meant was—he was so bent on serving Demetri, he didn’t take advantage of higher education.” She leans my way and takes up my hand. “I know you would have excelled in anything you put your mind to as far as school goes. And face it, you have.” She offers a sorrowful smile before looking back to Coop. “I’m going to head to the restroom a minute, and I might call my mother to see if the kids are all right.” She takes off, and Coop’s eyes widen with fury my way.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask, almost amused. “You don’t like Laken coming to my defense? Here’s a hot tip for you. Don’t act like such a damn jerk.”

  “She’s emotional.” Coop exhales a long breath as if he’s been holding it all day. “She’s still getting up at all hours of the night, laughing one minute, crying the next. Her hormones are still all over the map. I read nothing into what just happened, and neither should you. Sorry, Wes. You don’t win ’em all. I win ’em all.” He flashes a cheesy grin my way.

  A dark laugh rumbles through me. “I win. I think we both know that.” It comes out both mournful and conciliatory. “You ready to shed your skin yet?”

  “You calling me a snake?”

  “If the venom fits. You and I both know the longer you hold onto this secret, the more Laken is going to lose her mind with fury.”

  Coop laughs. “You would know. You’re the king of keeping things from her.”

  “I was. You’re wearing that crown now, buddy. And Laken and I aren’t together because of the fact I kept things from her. You think you’re so special? You think she’s so into you that she wouldn’t mind at all that you were keeping something big from her?”

  His eyes expand a moment. “I guess this is the part where you threaten to tell her like a little bitch.”

  “Nope.” I shake my head emphatically. “I already did that the day Skyla revealed herself to be living in Chloe’s body. My guess is that you made up some dirty lie that you deemed justifiable. A lie to cover a secret. How does it feel to become the new Wesley Edinger? No, I’m not telling her a thing. The longer the rope you have, the farther you’ll swing. This is all you, buddy.” I take a step in toward him. “But you will tell me.”

  “No.” Coop doesn’t miss a beat, and I don’t either.

  I snatch him up by the shirt and pull him in close just as Laken runs over.

  “Hey, whoa.” She carefully removes my hand. “No way. Behave, Wes.”

  “It’s him who needs to behave,” I tell her.

  Logan pops up, looking good and pissed. “What the hell.” He closes his eyes a moment. “Laken, what’s going on?”

  She lifts her hands. “I’m just here to strengthen my core. Coop and I ran into Wes. I disappeared for one second and these two almost came to blows.”

  Logan shoots me a hard look as if he innately knows I’m the problem. Innately he would be wrong. And that’s half the problem with Celestra leadership these days—and perhaps always.

  Logan nods my way. “Wes, Coop, why don’t the two of you continue this conversation outside? I’ll help Laken strengthen her core.” He gives a cheesy wink my way, and I shake my head at him as he leads her off.

  “You heard the boss. Outside.” I navigate Coop toward the back door that’s partially open, and before we know it, we’re standing in the Paragon woods surrounded by fog as thick as pea soup. The Christmas tree lot that Logan runs is just a few hundred feet to the left. The sound of goofy Christmas carols can be heard from afar along with the happy screams of children. I happen to know he’s got a dozen bounce houses on the lot. Tobie is begging me to take her there. “What is it, Cooper?” I give his chest a hard push. “Tell me right now what it is you’re keeping from everyone, or I’m going to be forced to beat the shit out of you—for the good of our common people. How would you like that?”

  He glances to the gym as if he were thinking of bolting.

  I give him another hard shove. “What’s the matter? You thinking of running back to Mommy? Laken can’t help you right now. She’s busy with Logan. And if you keep this silent routine up, she just might like him a little bit better than you. She’s left you once. She can do it again.”

  He glances to the sky as if it were an impossibility I was preaching.

  “She’s not leaving me, Wes. Not for Logan. Not for you.”

  “All right, we’re not talking about Laken and me. That’s a subject that’s off-limits to you. Go ahead and tell me what has you clamming up. It’ll be good to get it off your chest—before I sock a hole through it and rip out your beating heart.”

  “You’re funny.” He scratches the back of his neck. “I’m not telling you. Not yet anyway. Besides, when I do sing, I’ll make sure you’re the last to know.”

  In one quick move, I pin him to the nearest evergreen with his chest to the bark and his hands tied around his back so hard I’m about to snap them both right off.

  “Shit.” Cooper lets out a pained cry. “Let the hell go. You’re about to do some serious damage.”

  “Damn right I am.” I glance down and note a series of dots over his flesh. “It looks as if that nasty allergy has hit hard. You’re still allergic to the serum, aren’t you? I can help. I shine where Ezrina goes dim.”

  “No thanks. I’ll take my chances.”

  “Why are you still taking the damn thing? You keep this up, and it could kill you. I’m the only one allowed to kill you, got that?”

  Coop sags as he leans against the tree for support. “She’s giving me micro doses to build up an immunity.”

  “Tell her it’s not working. But first tell me this ridiculous secret that you think nobody else on the planet can handle. Let’s start at the beginning. Who whispered it in your direction?” I crank his arm the wrong way and he lets out another howl.

  “Wes,” he barks as if he means it and I let up a notch. “Fine. Nobody told me anything. I figured it out on my own.”

  “Keep singing. How did you stumble upon whatever the hell it is?”

  Coop turns to look at me. “You gave it to me. This secret was in your possession, but apparently you’re dim on occasion yourself because you didn’t figure it out. I don’t think you wanted to.”

  “What?” I loosen my hold another notch. “What the hell are you talking about?” I shove him hard into the tree and he grunts.

  “The book—one of those sacred tomes, the one that needed to be transcribed. I read it.”

“You read it?” I glance around the woods as if trying to land on the answer to about a dozen different questions. “That’s not possible. Wait, Marshall and Ezrina helped decode it. Is that right?”

  “Parts of it.” He stretches his neck to the side. “Once they gave me the compass, I was able to transcribe it on my own.”

  “And that’s where you found this so-called secret?”

  “Yes. But it’s not quite a secret, because I’m by far the only one that knows. Your father, I’m betting Marshall, and hell, anyone who’s not remotely human, they’re all in on it.”

  “What about Rory?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Okay, what is it? Laken is either growing weary or falling under Oliver’s spell. Spit it out. I’m getting cold.”

  “Wes.” He bows his head a moment and takes a breath. “This isn’t some random musing. This is explosive. This doesn’t change some things. This changes everything.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.” I knock his head to the tree in front of him. “Speak, dammit. It’s me, Coop. I’ve switched sides. I’m all about Celestra. I’m your biggest cheerleader now. But I won’t tolerate you keeping something from us that might make Gage eat shit. It’s not up to you to determine who should know this. My book. My damn secret. Speak!” I roar right next to his ear and he lets out another sharp howl. “I’m a damn Fem, Coop. In the least run it through your deceptive mind.”

  I tweak his arms until Coop tips his head back and thunders out a cry. And when he doesn’t speak up, I press harder until I can feel his bones bending.

  His thoughts come at me all at once. I see the book clear as day. It’s opened up a quarter of the way to the end, and I spot Coop’s fingers scribbling something onto a piece of paper next to it. He scratches it out so fast and rips the paper to shreds. Whatever it is he’s gleaned, it’s something he knew immediately was for his eyes only.


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