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Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7

Page 47

by Addison Moore

  Marshall has also generously gifted us unlimited access to his cache of spirit swords. We have enough for each of us, but there’s only one that can completely disable a Fem. I want Logan to have that one. If Gage so much as smells it on me, it’s game over. I’m not sure what he’ll think of my dress, but I don’t for a minute think that Gage is susceptible to a routine Fem binding now that he’s been resurrected. No. For him we’ll have to get far more creative, or at least I will.

  “Ms. Messenger.” Marshall strides my way, looking unnervingly handsome. I’m not sure if he’s turning up the handsome heat or if it’s the effect of carrying this sweet baby in my belly.

  Honest to God, I can’t get enough of Logan Oliver’s body these days. I can’t get him deep enough inside of me, deep enough inside of my mouth. All of my most delicate bits and pieces quiver for him all day long. I’m insatiable, relentless in my pursuit of his flesh.

  Marshall lifts a brow. “You are an open book to me, Ms. Messenger. Know that if The Pretty One is unable to satisfy you, my chamber doors are always open.”

  Logan crops up and scowls at the Sector among us.

  “Dudley, keep your celestial snake in your zoot suit.” Logan wastes no time in setting him straight. “It’s not needed. I can handle my wife.”

  I make a face at him and he winces.

  “Sorry, Skyla. That’s not quite what I meant.”

  Marshall nods. “I’m not here to start strife among the happy couple. I’m simply trying to inform you that the Gas Lab has catered lunch.”

  No sooner does he get the words out than the backyard drains, and soon we’re all noshing on foot-long sandwiches while sitting around in Marshall’s expansive living room.

  The fireplace is blazing, and just above that the television is on, as the news plays in the background. The conversation in the room quiets down to nothing as we strain to hear what they might be saying. We enjoy our food while watching with morbid fascination as our world is transformed into a mash-up of a horror and science fiction novel. If there were an author at the helm of this terror, I’d pluck them out of their cushy little home and rattle them until they wrote a happy ending for every living soul on this planet, or at least the ones involved in my story. But as it stands, the author of this catastrophe is Gage—his motivation is our love. I believe that would qualify this as a tale of the grotesque and arabesque. Poe originally penned those, but Gage isn’t doing so badly at his hand at it either. He always was an overachiever.

  Holden swoops in low and steals a piece of bread that Emerson picked off for him before he flies back to the top of Marshall’s bookshelf to share the bounty with his pale-feathered bride.

  Emerson strides my way, looking like the Goth princess she is. She has a shock of black hair and eyes that siren out like blue warning lights among all that dark makeup she has smeared around them.

  “We’re going to nail these bastards to a wall, Skyla,” she says. “I can feel it. And after you get your victory—and you will—I’m heading to paradise for good.” She shrugs. “So let’s get the V so I can go home and get some rest. The Gas Lab is freaking killing me.”

  A warm laugh bumps through me. “Let’s get the V.”

  Michelle grunts, “So help me God, if one of those birds shits on me, I’ll bite their heads off.”

  Michelle is fully human. Not an ounce of Nephilim in her, and yet after a few attempts of trying to explain the Factions to her, she’s finally a believer. She can’t do much as far as helping out with Operation Detain the Damn Fems endeavor, or Dark Horse as it were, but she wants to be a part of it somehow, and for that I commend her. It’s a bit odd seeing her and Liam sitting at opposite ends of the room. Even though their marriage was short-lived, it still breaks my heart on some level.

  And, of course, Lexy Bakova isn’t one to let a Logan Oliver knockoff go to waste. Although technically, Liam came first, so I guess Logan would be the knockoff. Nevertheless, Lexy hasn’t stopped drooling over him.

  Logan sighs as all eyes remain glued to the talking head on TV, and Ellis turns it up a notch to drown out Michelle’s moaning regarding the birds she’s so afraid of.

  “Nine hundred thousand deaths worldwide,” the muscles in Logan’s jaw flinch as he says it. I have no doubt it sickened him to get the words out.

  Marshall sharpens his eyes my way. “The enemy is merely serving up an appetizer. The Black Plague killed over twenty-five million. Demetri’s black heart knows no bounds when it comes to achieving his end goal.”

  “And what’s that?” Michelle asks, batting her hand mindlessly over her head in the event Holden is ready to unload that sandwich in a creative manner.

  “Power.” Lexy bites into her meatball sub with a marked aggression as if she were fueling up before the big takedown. And considering the fact her methods of binding a Fem require copious amounts of fury, I say rage up.

  “Love.” The word slips from my lips like the dark secret it is, and only Laken seems to be paying attention.

  “Did you say love?” She comes over and wraps an arm around me as she falls into the sofa by my side.

  I nod. “It’s nothing to write home about. No love story for the ages. And I don’t even know the ins and outs. I just know that Demetri loved my mom.” I point to the ceiling to indicate which mother. “This feud has some dark underpinnings that concerns the two of them romantically.”

  Cooper’s brows hike. “Like you and Gage?”

  My eyes close a moment. “Very much unlike Gage and me. What Gage and I had was real. What my mother and Demetri had should have been flushed down the toilet ages ago and long-forgotten.”

  A peal of lightning brightens the room, followed by an aggressive roar of thunder that rattles this cavernous home we’re holed up in.

  Marshall’s chest rumbles with a laugh as he looks my way, and I waste no time zipping over to him as he stands warm by the fire.

  “My dear Ms. Messenger.” His lips curve just enough. “Has the brewing storm frightened you? Shall I hold you in my arms until the danger has passed?”

  “Maybe later,” I whisper as half the room breaks out into conversation, the other half still glued to the television set. “Right now I want you to tell me a story. What the heck happened between my mother and that quadruped?”

  Marshall’s gaze flits to the fire, and it bursts to life, twice the size it was.

  “I’m afraid that’s not my story to tell.”

  “Okay, then tell me your story. You seemed enamored enough with me. Why waste so much time waiting for a Candace Messenger knockoff? Why not try to tap the OG while the feathers on her wings were still young and fresh? And before you placate me, I’m no prize. I am ordinary in every way. The only thing that sets me apart from the world, from Chloe, is the fact that I am coded with my mother’s DNA, the fruit of her loins. And, even though Rory died before she ever saw the light of day, I don’t believe for a minute I was a hard-won rainbow baby. I was destined to be here and here I am. I am programmed, designed, and destined to do my mother’s bidding. Such simple math. Don’t get me wrong. It’s an honor to fight for what’s right, for my people. But I certainly won the genetic lottery.”

  Marshall lowers his chin as he bears hard into my eyes. “Do such deep thoughts often come to you after indulging in one of Ezrina’s eggplant sandwiches?”

  “Funny. So why not my mother?”

  “She wasn’t for me.” He ticks his head to the side. “Beautiful yes, but you are stunning.”

  “And your affection runs only skin deep?” I know better, but what I don’t know is how to get a straight answer out of him. “Answer me, Sector. I do not work for you, I work with you. Maybe if you were straight with me from the beginning, we wouldn’t be in half the demonic pickles we’re in now.”

  His head inches back a notch. “Dare you insinuate that the Sectors have anything to do with the state of the world?”

  “Only one Sector has anything to do with this, and that’s you.”

  His eyes widen a notch, and the flames reflect in each one.

  “Your mother was very much taken, Skyla. I do not lust after those who have their sights pinned elsewhere.”

  Tears come unexpectedly, and I quickly blink them away.

  “So my father—her relationship with him, was that revenge? A rebound? Something perfunctory? A means to an end? A means to me?”

  Marshall offers a sorrowful smile. “My love, these are conversations to have with the one who bore you.”

  “And I’m sure she will bore me. The thought of listening to anything that remotely has to do with a love affair she had with that idiot Fem makes my skin crawl.”

  Marshall takes a slow breath as if he was deciding what to do with me.

  “And do you think your own daughter will ask you the same question one day?”

  My mouth falls open. “If we weren’t in a room full of people, I might have slapped you.” I’m only half-teasing.

  “And yet a part of you wonders the same thing.”

  I glance out the window at the raging storm now battering the world around us.

  “I guess you’re right.” I sigh. “But know that what Gage and I had will never be compared to what my mother and that monster had. Nobody is lording eternal separation from Demetri as far as my mother is concerned. He will rule the lowlands.”

  “He wants full access to the supreme being in question.”

  “He won’t get it. I’m determined to make him pay for what he’s done to me.” And then, as if I’ve just swallowed the bitterest pill of all, I realize something. “She has me doing her bidding. Her dirty work.” A dull laugh lives and dies in my chest. “I’m guessing she likes to keep her hands clean.”

  Marshall gives a slow nod. “She must in order to retain her seat.”

  I take in a quick breath. “Marshall, are you saying that my mother would risk losing her standing as the queen of destinies if she sought revenge herself?”

  “Revenge is a harsh word. The Nephilim needed a purpose, and she gave it to them.”

  “And she gave me one, too. Take down that bastard of an ex—her ex.” A thought occurs to me. “You don’t think my mother somehow manipulated Demetri into luring his dark angelic companions into committing some serious coital debauchery with the daughters of men, do you? Like, as a means to land us here—at this point in time where we obliterate Demetri’s ego and dash his dreams of world and heavenly domination?” I close my eyes and moan. “Don’t answer that. I have a feeling I hit the celestial nail on the head.”

  “You got one part wrong.” His left cheek rises up the side. “There is no we, there is only you. You alone are capable of obliterating his ego and dashing his dark dreams.”

  “Well then, I’m sure as hell glad to be me. It is an honor to destroy the destroyer.” Another dull laugh bucks through me. “And I’m sure my mother knew I would see the light eventually. What she didn’t bank on was the fact I’d love his son so damned much.” A groan comes from me. “Oh hell, that’s exactly what she was banking on. Demetri thought I was a means to an end, but my mother bested him again, didn’t she?” A heavy sigh falls from me. “Don’t answer that.”

  I have a feeling she’ll use my boys for good, Sage for good, and any scrap of Gage and me for good, too. But the biggest thorn in Demetri’s side will be seeing how much love Gage and I will still have for one another after all is said and done. My mother’s likeness and the fruit of his loins getting along, sharing our affection so freely. It will kill him on some level because he wants that, too—with her.

  Marshall leans in. “I see you. I understand you.” He touches his forehead to mine a moment. “Don’t get so bogged down on the details. I’d hate for you to miss any part of the big picture.” He nods to the television before offering me a knowing wink.

  My eyes linger over his a moment before I drift that way to see a reporter standing in front of a familiar brown boxy building.

  “New developments with the vaccine released just yesterday from Althorpe Corporation.” A female reporter clings to her tan overcoat as the wind picks up. She’s standing in front of the brick building with the Althorpe name emblazoned across the front. I recognize it as their headquarters in downtown Seattle. “A shocking twist that no one saw coming. As a part of the rollout, Althorpe is requiring all who wish to receive the vaccine for the Kingdom Virus to undergo DNA testing that could expose the aliens among us—a simple swabbing is all it takes. This testing is now undergoing strict analysis for not only results of the virus, but to winnow out those who may be foreign among us. Although tests have been conducted now for many months concerning the Stranger DNA, this new test is said to hold far more accurate results and it will be mandatory. It’s of the popular opinion that rogue mysterious strangers that have been plaguing our planet are to blame for the Kingdom Virus to begin with.”

  “Oh my God.” I stagger forward. “Ellis, turn it up.” The room falls silent as he does just that.

  The woman in the tan coat squints at the camera. “Yesterday, on its first day the vaccine was made available to the public, yielded a woman who tested positive—not for the Kingdom Virus but with the Stranger DNA. It’s said the woman was detained and will be further tested to rule out any false positives. Authorities are urging people to come in and receive the serum for the Kingdom Virus. Those who are documented to have received the vaccine will have a fingerprint validation that will be available through a government databank. All public facilities will require a fingerprint or an iris scan in order for patrons to have access. Restaurants, banks, airlines, grocery stores, and even gyms are chiming in that they will restrict access to those who have received the vaccine. If you have not received the vaccine and therefore have not been retested for the Stranger DNA, then you will be denied access to these establishments. And as you can see, with essential businesses on that list, it will make life very difficult if not impossible for those refusing to take the test. Here’s security footage of the vaccine distribution facility right here in Seattle where a young woman was taken to an unknown location for further testing. Let this serve as a harbinger to anyone thinking twice about receiving the vaccine.”

  A dismal gray day appears on the screen. The medical building is shown from a distance, and stepping out of the building are two men in navy jackets, the feds, and ensconced between them is a girl with crimson hair, shoulder-length, unruly curls, and instantly I know her.

  “Oh my God.” I step forward and hold my hand out as if I could touch her.

  Laken springs up to my side. “Skyla, what is it?”

  “It’s her.” A breath escapes me as Logan and Ellis crop up. “It’s Rory. She’s the harbinger.” I look around the room. “The war we were waiting for? It’s just arrived.”

  Wes steps forward with a determined look on his face as if he understands the implications.

  “It looks as if Rory volunteered.” He nods my way. “She’s telling us something, Skyla.”

  “She’s telling us that our attempts to hide the markers aren’t good enough anymore,” the words strum from me numbly. “Rory made it a point to tell me that Melody’s body had the serum we gave out. And now, for whatever reason, it’s inert. Our serum doesn’t work anymore.”

  Wes blows out a hard breath. “And if Rory didn’t do this, our people would have had to learn the hard way which end was up.” He looks my way. “This is the cure that Gage was touting to our people. He doesn’t just have a permanent serum—he has the only serum.”

  Brody nods, his eyes still very much glued to the television set. “Ten bucks says they’re taking her to Raven’s Eye.”

  Logan’s chest expands. “And there is no way in hell they’re going to let her get away. I’m sorry, Skyla.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “This is what she wanted. It’s her destiny. A great sacrifice for many.” I blink unexpected tears away. “Operation Dark Horse begins today. If anyone wants to back out, this is your chance.” I look to Marshall
. “I believe you have a dress waiting for me upstairs. It’s time for me to slip into something a little more supernatural.”

  Marshall’s lids hood low. “By all means, Ms. Messenger. Allow me to help you do just that.”

  No sooner does Marshall open the door to his bedroom than we find a greasy rat lying over his bed in the nude.

  “Chloe,” I say her name without much fanfare. “I take it things didn’t go in the direction you hoped with my sister?”

  Logan chuckles. “Chloe, Chloe. When will you learn? Things will never go the way you’re hoping unless you’re rooting for the winning team.”

  “Oh hush, you two. I haven’t seen that twat in days. And I was with you at the Take Gage Oliver Down Meet and Greet at Whitehorse. I miss one patty-cake session and the two of you tear me apart.” She glowers our way while rolling over to get a better look at us. It doesn’t surprise me how unashamed she is of her nakedness. Chloe’s entire life is a shock and awe campaign. “And since it bears repeating, I’m fighting for Celestra, not Skyla. I am on the winning team.”

  Marshall takes a deep breath. “You’re simply not the leader.”

  I nod. “And therein lies the problem.”

  Chloe snorts. “Dudley, you really should get a TV in here. The live productions you’re hauling into your room these days are rather boring. Unless, of course, the three of you were about to finally have that threesome you’ve been gearing up for.” She purses her lips at me. “I bet you and Logan miss rolling around with Gage.”

  A laugh chirps from me. “Those are your fantasies, not mine.” Okay, fine. I may have had a heated dream or two that went in that direction, but the reality was never that attractive to me. And I’m pretty sure it would have been a hard no from Logan and Gage—not that I would have asked. But if I did.


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