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Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7

Page 52

by Addison Moore

  The sky is dark, damn near the same color of this necrotic beach. I have no clue what the hell time it is, and I don’t care. I’m free. I made it. I’m home. And I get Skyla—my Skyla.

  A flash of lightning illuminates the darkness, and like a star shooting across the sand, here she comes.

  “Skyla!” I cry out with all my might as I bolt for her, and we collide in an embrace for the ages.

  “Gage,” she moans, her relief palpable as I spin her. “Is this real?” She holds my face in her hands as she looks hard into my eyes. “Tell me right now that you believe me—that you’re for Celestra—that you are mine again.” Tears streak her face, a wash of water, a baptism after a trial by fire.

  I pull her close until I feel her body doing its best to embed into mine.

  “Skyla Laurel Messenger Oliver, this is damn real. I am for Celestra. And I have always belonged to you.”

  Her chest bucks as she crashes her lips to mine, and we linger just like that for a blissful eternity that neither of us is in a hurry to disrupt—a chaste kiss, something pure, something better than anything on a sexual level.

  Skyla and I have arrived.

  We have it all back.

  The world is no longer upside down for either of us.

  It is right side up, just the way it should be, forever immovable.

  “I love you so much, Gage Oliver,” she screams and cries as she hikes her legs up around my hips and I spin her. “Tell me again it’s real.” Her laughter marries with tears, and I’m right there with her.

  “It’s real, Skyla. I promise. Demetri lied. You were right. This was the grand delusion. I just hope it’s not too late for me to help make everything right.”

  She gives a furious nod. “We will. Together. You, me, and Logan. He’s on his way. I couldn’t stop him. We didn’t know what you wanted.” She shrugs. “I’m so glad this is over, and yet it’s far from over.” She presses her lips to mine once again and my wings burst forth. I carry Skyla and me up into the clouds, wrap us in a fortress of my love, invisible to anyone on the ground, anyone in the sky. This is just us, our love nestled in a shield of privacy for a small moment of time.

  “Before Logan gets here,” I lift her chin to meet her gaze, “I owe you an apology. I’m sorry, Skyla, for the absolute hell I put you through. I wanted you to fight. I didn’t want you to surrender. That night—the night you showed up in Eversor for what would have been our wedding—I knew marrying you would be a knife in Celestra’s back. Neither of us would have wanted that. I pulled poison from the bottom drawer—Chloe herself. I knew she’d send you reeling in the other direction. And yet I couldn’t pull the trigger, so I brought Wes into my nightmare.” Tears stream from me, but I refuse to acknowledge them. It’s time for me to man up. I owe Skyla this apology and so much more. “You don’t need to forgive me. Not now, not ever. Just know that my heart was always yours. There was nothing I wasn’t going to do to preserve our love. I may be gone, you may be with Logan, but we get eternity.” The words choke from me painfully. “We win. We get it all.”

  She nods, her eyes outshining the stars around her. “Yes, to all of it, but I’ve got news for you, Gage. I’m yours. Eternity starts today.” She wipes my tears with her thumbs. “I am wholly yours. And I am so damn glad to have you back.”

  My lips crash to hers and we settle into that lingering kiss once again, and it feels far more satisfying than anything physical we’ve ever shared before. It’s done. Skyla and I will never be separated again. There is no future to pine for. I have her now, and I always will. Heaven on earth, and we’re engulfed in it right now.

  I land us back onto the sand in time to see a familiar face headed this way.

  “Logan!” Skyla gives a jovial shout and waves until he speeds his way over.

  “Gage?” His voice roars over the sand, vibrating through my bones as if waking me from a very bad dream.

  “Logan,” I say, shaking my head. Soon he crashes into me, and we’re hugging it out, sobbing like a couple of pussies.

  Skyla jumps over the two of us, and we pull her in until we form a holy huddle—just the three of us, the way it was always supposed to be.

  “We have him back,” Skyla cries out as she smacks my cheek with a kiss before landing a wet one to my lips as well.

  Logan nods as he looks me in the eyes. “Welcome home, brother. We’ve missed you, but we never stopped loving you.”

  “Never?” I’m only half-teasing.

  Logan pinches his finger to this thumb and winces. “Dude, you are going to get an ass beating from me one of these days for the torment you inadvertently put us through.”

  “No way.” Skyla presses a hand to his chest as if averting the disaster right now. “We’re a unified front. It’s time to roll up our sleeves. The Earth and its people have been plunged into darkness, and it’s up to us to turn this disaster around.” She wraps her arms around me. “Welcome home, Gage.” Her eyes look into mine with wonder. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” I wince, almost afraid to hear her answer.

  “For your undying love.” She nods. “You broke me, but tonight you’ve healed me. And now the three of us”—she pulls Logan in once again—“we are stronger than steel, and nothing and no one will ever come between us again. I know this much is true.”

  Logan nods. “Damn straight.”

  I look into their beautiful faces. “Damn straight, indeed.”

  I take in this moment and freeze-frame it into my mind, burn it into my heart to relive over and over again, and I know I will.

  I pull Logan’s hand to Skyla’s. “Take care of one another. Rejoice, have a party.” I can’t help but laugh with genuine joy myself. “There’s somewhere I need to go right now. And I’m hoping this little trip will save all of us a hell of a lot of trouble.”

  Skyla nods, her eyes widening. “Do what you have to. We’ll be waiting for you. We love you.”

  Logan pulls me in again and lands a kiss to my face. “Get out there and kick some ass, Gage. We’ve got your back.”

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  I take off, walking right through the Paragon fog until I land where I began this wild ride of a day—right in front of Demetri Edinger’s door.

  I don’t bother knocking. I head right in and find him in the exact spot I left him in, alone, with a whiskey neat in his hand, the same cold look in his eyes.

  “Son.” He lifts the glass in my honor, and the amber liquid reflects the flames licking their way out of the fireplace behind him.

  “Never call me that again.” I head over. “I’m here to give you my formal resignation. I’m not your son, your pawn, or your king. I am fully and wholeheartedly committed to Celestra—my wife’s people, my people. I demand that vaccine distribution come to a halt.”

  “But Gage”—that ridiculous ironic smile of his crests his face—“the world is in great peril. It won’t survive without it.”

  “Science is licking at our heels. It’s on the verge of a vaccine. Or hell, Ezrina and Wes will whip one out. You no longer have my permission to run this crooked show. I’m out.”

  His chest pumps with a dry laugh. “You’re out?” He looks amused at the thought. “My dear son, I don’t need your permission to run this crooked show as you call it. You see, you already gave the ordinance. And I most certainly accept your resignation. I understand you have a mind of your own. It was never my desire to hold you against your will.”

  “No. You just made sure I bent to yours. You are a liar. And you have deceived me for the very last time. If you won’t halt the damn vaccine distribution, I’ll do it myself.”

  I give him a firm shove, a powerful blow that sends him exactly where I intended, right into the flames of that overgrown fireplace of his.

  I take off and I don’t look back.

  We’re fighting a whole new war—this time on opposing sides of the field.

  And I know just who to call to watch my back.



  God reigns.

  Never before have I felt the glory of His presence shining down over us the way I did on the beach that day.

  Almost a week has passed and the shitstorm of Demetri’s fury still rages. Try as he might, Gage can’t stop the distribution of that vaccine. Althorpe has it, and is running to the four corners of the planet with it. After that fiasco with Rory, not a single Nephilim has run out to get it, with the exception of those few expats who still plead their allegiance to the Fems. But my God, there are less than a handful of them. It turns out, the only way to hide the markers from that rather expository vaccine is to take the sister inoculation—the serum the Fems are holding close to the vest that not only deflects the efforts of the vaccine’s tattle-tale component, it hides the markers permanently. The holy grail, and they have it all. Demetri is coming at us with a two-pronged punch. And as much as I hate to admit it, it’s damn brilliant.

  It’s the night before Valentine’s Day—the day that Mia and Rev are set to marry at Marshall’s estate. Lizbeth was campaigning hard to host the big event at Demetri’s hall of horrors, but Skyla was able to talk some sense into her sister, and thankfully we won’t be anywhere near that cursed haunted house.

  It’s an odd time for a wedding regardless of where it’s held. The world is aching, so very ill. And that’s precisely why Skyla, Gage, and I have decided to hold a meeting at the Havers’ old barn. It’s time to let them know what we know. It’s time to rally the troops and share some hard truths.

  It’s late in the evening, and the barn is filled to capacity. Barron has shown up but not Emma. She’s still very much pouting. I’m sure she’ll come around, but she sees Gage’s return as a betrayal and she needs time to lick her wounds.

  The Retribution League is here, front row as usual. Chloe has bothered to show, ever so full of piss and vinegar. Gage sits between Wes and Coop, our new brothers, right along Brody and Ellis. And, of course, Skyla sits next to me. And since it’s late, and we’re not in the mood to drill into anyone’s head that Skyla is, in fact, herself, I get to play the part of her mouthpiece tonight.

  “Thank you for coming.” I stand to face the crowd. “My Nephilim family. As you know, our world is in disarray. Althorpe and the Fems have the vaccine, and it seems to be working.”

  “And when will we get it?” someone shouts from the back. “My family is suffering. We’re afraid. We see images of bodies piling up in the streets. We see the terror this virus can bring. We need this vaccine, too.”

  “I agree,” I say. “And it’s coming. Ezrina is working overtime to make this possible. A new serum is being formulated as we speak. One that will dovetail with the vaccine and our markers will remain hidden.” I glance her way and she offers me a nod. “She’s given me her word she’ll have it in less than a week.” Those were her very words before I took my position at the front of the room, and if Ezrina says it’s true, you can bet it’s gospel.” I look to Skyla and my heart breaks as she sits by my side like an angel with a broken wing. “And by week’s end or sooner, when our new serum is ready to combat the curse that the Fem’s have imposed on us, it’s not going to be me who stands here to tell you the news. It’s going to be Skyla. She is your protector, your adversary. She is the queen of our people. Do not disparage her with your doubt, your criticism. But give her your honor, your full trust. She not only deserves it, she has earned it.” I look to Gage. My lips purse as I contemplate on how to go about this. No matter how many times I’ve spun this in my mind, I can’t decide on how to stick the landing. So I opt for something short and sweet. “And on that note, Gage Oliver is back. He has denounced the Fems and is fighting for our people. He will aid in unraveling all that he has done.”

  Gage steps forward as the room fills with gasps and murmurs.

  “Brothers and sisters.” He takes a slow breath. “It is with a humble heart I ask your forgiveness. But do not give it to me freely. Allow me to earn it. I’m returning what rightfully belongs to Skyla, to you—your power. And I’m fighting with you, elbow-to-elbow. We will prosper. We already have the victory, we simply need to reach out and grab it.”

  Silence clots up the room.

  Not the response he was looking for, I’m sure. But, then again, at least they didn’t stone him.

  The meeting wraps up and bodies drain rapidly from the room. They thank me, nod to Gage, and eye Skyla with the utmost suspicion.

  Skyla falls into my arms as Gage comes over.

  “How will they ever truly trust me again?” She shakes her head with tears in her eyes.

  Gage wipes her cheek with his hand. “They will. I predict it will be sooner than later. But for now, Logan is here. Our fierce lion.”

  She nods as she looks my way. “Roar for Celestra, Logan.” She nestles her head over my chest and whispers, “Roar for me.”

  Valentine’s Day.

  Paragon has given us a brief reprieve from the rain. Perhaps it was Candace showing a modicum of kindness to Mia on her wedding day. Or perhaps it was Demetri, who is still hanging onto the periphery of our lives by way of kissing up to Lizbeth like never before. He’s here, of course, at Marshall’s estate, because he’s like the plague, but unlike this new virus destroying Earth, there doesn’t seem to be any inoculation to remove him from our lives.

  Dudley’s elaborate grounds have been transformed into a veritable valentine with pink and red flowers everywhere you look, along with a heart-shaped arch at the end of the clearing and rows and rows of white ladder-back chairs, most of them empty. Let’s just say things didn’t end well that fated Halloween night when Mia married Gabe. Here’s hoping today’s festivities go off without a homicidal hitch.

  Skyla glows in a pink flowing dress that shows off her growing belly, and I can’t help but smile at her.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, beautiful. Promise you’ll save a dance for me?” I tease as she falls into my arms.

  “Me too,” Gage pipes up as he shrugs my way. “There’s not a lot you could do to stop me from asking.”

  Skyla laughs. “There’s not a lot anyone could do to keep me from saying yes—to the both of you.”

  The boys run up and Gage picks them both up. “Here they are. The dinosaur squad. Are you ready to walk down that aisle?”

  Barron nods. “We gonna race and bring Auntie Mia da rings.”

  “Good.” Gage lands a kiss to each of their cheeks. “Now go find Mee-maw. She’s standing by the balloons. If you ask nice, she might give you a few.”

  Lizbeth stands holding Jaxson in his miniature suit, and my heart couldn’t be fuller.

  I look to Skyla and Gage. “I know this is Mia’s wedding, but I can’t help but feel this is our party as well. And as soon as this entire nightmare is behind us, I think we should do something to celebrate.”

  “A party at Ellis Harrison’s house?” Skyla shrugs.

  Gage winces. “Maybe. Maybe we should toss the ball on the field, too.”

  “I’ll cheer.” Skyla holds her belly and laughs at the thought.

  “We can always head to the bowling alley afterwards.” I pull the two of them in. “Let the good times roll,” I say as we head over to ground zero for Mia and Rev. It’s showtime.

  Soon enough, the wedding is underway. The boys run down the aisle right along with Skyla—and the crowd, which has tripled in size, finds every moment of it adorable. And once they’ve trampled their way down the aisle, D-O-G, or Bullet if you would, barrels his way down as well and takes his rightful place by Revelyn Booth’s side.

  It seems right. Bullet is Mia and Rev’s canine lovechild, and it wouldn’t be fair to have the nuptials take place without him here to take a giant shit between them. I know that dog. This is a given.

  Laken is seated up front with Wes and Coop on either side of her. Bree, Drake, Ethan, Emily, Lexy, Michelle, Nat, Chloe, Brody, Ellis, Giselle, Liam. We’re all here.

  Melissa was already up there waiting for her sister. Tad gi
ves Mia away, but I bet Nathan is here somewhere as well. A ghost at a wedding. Nothing surprises me anymore. Nothing should.

  Dudley officiates, and soon the bride, in her blood red dress, kisses the groom decked out in his biker gear. I’ll admit, it’s nice to see Rev in his own skin again. I’m sure Mia feels the same.

  Bullet takes his requisite dump, and the crowd gasps with delight. Dare I say, it’s just about perfect the way it all plays out. The crowd is on their feet, clapping and whooping it up so much so that it sounds like thunder.

  Skyla starts to head this way with a laugh caught in her throat, but she stops suddenly. The smile fades from her lips as darkness covers the sky, and the sound of a riot in the sky picks up pace.

  Dudley no sooner looks my way than a flash of light ignites from behind him and knocks him to the ground—out cold.

  An entire brigade of beasts descend upon us, humanoid faces, but they didn’t quite get it right, bodies far too massive to ever be believable. Monsters from our nightmares materialize, an entire army of them, their roars as loud as a jet engine.

  Ladder-back chairs go flying as people race to get the hell out of here.

  Skyla shouts at her mother to take the kids and leave, and I spot Demetri helping her do just that. Damn coward won’t stick around to fight a war that fully belongs to him.

  Wes looks my way. “Valkyrie,” he shouts and Brody, Ellis, and Coop each pick up a chair and go on the attack.

  Gage gives me a hard shove toward Skyla. “Get her the hell out of here. I’ll handle this.”

  Ezrina barrels forward. “Don’t die,” she says it sternly to me. “Heathcliff and I will take the left.”

  Gage nods. “They’re here to take us prisoner, just the way you took my men to Tenebrous.”

  “How do we stop them?” I ask as we part ways, charging forward as an all-out war breaks out before us. It’s too late for answers, but I already knew that.

  Skyla evades me, making a run for the thick of it, and I catch her by the wrist.


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