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Roar of the Lion : Celestra Forever After 7

Page 54

by Addison Moore

  We hold one another and weep enough bitter tears to flood the universe.

  To hell with everything. This is never what I wanted. Never this. Cooper Flanders, damn it all to hell. I loved you like a brother all these years. I still love you. Every day you will haunt me. Laken and I will crave you until the day we die. This wound will never heal. Not until we’re with you again. Only then will we be whole. Only then my friend. Only then.

  Laken and I hold one another with Cooper’s blood dripping from us.

  This is not the way it was supposed to be.

  This is not how Cooper Flanders was supposed to go down.

  Yes, he was once my enemy, but he was my brother and I loved him.

  I have always loved him. I always will.

  Laken and I are relentless in our grief.

  Cooper Flanders is gone, and I vow from this moment on to live for his memory.

  “I won’t let your death be for nothing,” I say as I look to his lifeless body, my voice strangled with grief.

  Ezrina takes his arms and lays them over his chest, the dead man’s pose, just before she lifts the sheet to cover him from the world once and for all. Those red blotches over his flesh are annunciated even with the blood caked on him, and something in me quickens.

  “Stop,” I shout before Ezrina completes the task. “Cooper,” I pant. “He’s the key.”

  Skyla runs her fingers over Cooper’s distorted flesh as she looks up and nods.

  And now we all know what we have to do.


  A Glorious Ending


  Ahava forms around us as I wipe away Cooper’s bitter tears.

  “Cooper,” I say his name gently, the first call of paradise. “Welcome home. Yours is a righteous death that will live on with fame and glory. You are a hero and shall forever be hailed as one. You fought the good fight. And I shall escort you to the Master myself.”

  I take his hand and fly us to the throne room.

  “Go on.” I nod to the fierce steed by my side. “If it wasn’t Logan, it would have been you.”

  A laugh curdles in his chest. “It was best this way. I had Laken.”

  “And you will again,” I assure him. “For all eternity. Now go forth, let the Savior comfort you in His loving arms. Then come back to Ahava. More waits for you. I promise, you will hold your love, your children once again. Just a little while and they will all populate the heavenlies right along with us.”

  He nods my way before making his way to the holy of holies.

  All at once his ancestors surround him and I make my way back to Ahava, back to where the water reflects the countenance of God, and the air we breathe enlivens us with His Holy Spirit.

  And just as I’m about to revel in the victory at hand, I spot two handsome creatures stalking in this direction, one filled with light, one filled with darkness.

  “Sector Marshall.” I smile his way. “Demetri,” I growl his name out like a threat. “Are you here to cede so early?” I ask as I appraise his sodden spirit. “Don’t bother,” I say. “My daughter is about to stomp you and those pigs you herd with the heel of her foot. Did you think this was a war you could win?”

  Demetri growls right back, “This isn’t over, Candace. You belong to me.”

  My eyes flash with fire as my gaze meets with his. “I belong to Him and Him alone. The end is nigh, our time will never come again. Go on.” I flick him away with my fingers. “Go get what’s coming to you in full—delivered by my own flesh. Yours has already abandoned you. I’ll see you soon enough.” I hold my hand up and a cloud of darkness envelops him, and as soon as he’s evicted from my presence a cry rips from me.

  “Your Grace.” Sector Marshall steps forward, and I can see the anguish in his eyes. “You truly love him, don’t you?”

  I turn my face to the lake as sure as if he struck me.

  But I don’t dare answer.

  After all, there is no room for lies in Ahava.



  There are some mysteries in life that simply remain. Then there are some mysteries in life that eventually, ultimately resolve in a blaze of glory.

  It was that way that day in the lab when Wesley looked down at Cooper Flanders’ battered flesh. Poor Coop had been walking around Paragon all but diseased from that serum we were filling him with, when all along history, our future was being written out over his skin, a blatant road map that not one of us could see. I would like to think we would have seen it even if he didn’t leave us that day. But the horrible truth is, we drained his body within a half an hour. I commanded Heathcliff to take Laken away, but she wouldn’t have it. She stayed and watched the entire grisly show. She said she wanted to. She said Cooper was her hero, and now she could witness him being that for all of our Nephilim brothers and sisters.

  It turns out, our serum, the one that Ezrina and Wes finally developed to hide the markers, was indeed complementary to the bastardized vaccine that Demetri discovered could expose the markers and heal the Kingdom Virus. All along we were one tweak away from this liquid savior, but we couldn’t find the right antibody. We didn’t have the right antibody—that is, until Cooper gave it to us.

  Cooper Flanders’ allergy turned into a boon for Celestra, for every Nephilim alive. His blood provided the component we needed to build a serum that hides the markers once and for all—despite the vaccine distributed by Althorpe.

  Cooper’s unique chemical makeup was the holy grail we needed to fight Demetri’s most cunning tactic. And honestly, we should have figured it out a lot earlier. My mother all but gave us a hint by allowing Cooper to bring the truth of Gage’s deception to light. I have no doubt Candace Messenger had her hand on Cooper Flanders all along. And I have no doubt God Almighty Himself has His hand on my people, too.

  Providence directs our paths, it always has. Candace Messenger is simply another cog in the wheel. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t have a heavy hand in it. No. She was, is, and will always be a force to be reckoned with. Right along with me.

  Our serum—Cooper’s Cure, as we dubbed it—was rushed into production. Ezrina deduced Cooper’s blood had a unique property to it that held a supernatural edge, and that was the fact Cooper had Sector genetics stamped over his DNA. It made me wonder if that somehow played a part in my mother’s decision to send Marshall down to Earth to procreate with someone in the seventeenth century—diluting his lineage just enough where the Justice Alliance wouldn’t find Celestra guilty of stepping out of bounds and using a Sector to save the day. Whatever the reasons my mother had to allow what she did, I have a feeling her reasons were multi-pronged and that saving the Factions through Marshall’s descendants was one of those reasons.

  We were able to distribute the serum to the four corners of the Earth thanks to Gage and his league of devout Levatios. Even though Gage was proven to be a Levatio on a microscopic scale in comparison to his almost pure Fem line, they have given him an honorary position within the Faction. And it warmed my heart as much as it did his.

  And thanks to their concerted efforts, not a single Nephilim was exposed as a Stranger to the government—save for Rory. And sadly, I do not know the fate of my brave sister. In a strange way, she fulfilled a destiny that saved our people and enabled Celestra to stand victorious. I tried to speak with my mother about Rory, but she won’t see me.

  It’s been a month since that Valentine’s Day massacre, and my mother won’t so much as acknowledge my existence, let alone answer me. She’s not responding to Logan either, but we finally seem to understand that she’ll come around when she wants to. When she’s ready. When it’s right.

  “Well, Ms. Messenger?” Marshall stands tall and regal in a dark suit and a red tie that brings out the hellfire in his eyes. “Is it true what they say? True love burns bright and strong as—”

  I cut him off with a laugh in my throat, but I refuse myself an ounce of pleasure. “Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your ar
m, for love is as strong as death, its jealousy as enduring as the grave. Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame. Song of Solomon eight, six.”

  He ticks his head to the side. “Impressive.” He cups my face in his hands and brushes his thumbs softly over my cheeks. “But, then again, you never cease to impress me—my love, my eternal immortal, inamorata.”

  “All right,” a deep voice calls from behind, and I turn to see Gage coming up the steps.

  It’s Saturday, exactly a month from that catastrophe, that victorious day. The entire Landon backyard has been transformed into a rose gold and pink wonderland—the colors Mia has chosen for her official wedding reception. She didn’t ask for it or want it, and Rev wasn’t exactly a fan either. But I insisted, and once I got our mother going, Lizbeth Landon moved heaven and earth—and mostly Demetri’s credit cards—to make this shindig happen. The sky is dove gray. Holden and Serena have been circling high above all afternoon like faithful watchmen, and for the first time in a long while I feel safe, content, comforted by the thought Gage is once again with us in every single way.

  It’s a small gathering, just immediate family with a peppering of friends. Mia was insistent in only inviting her Nephilim friends, in the event another supernatural war decided to break out. It’s bad enough those few full humans that were at the Valentine’s Day wedding believe that Mia’s wedding was the epicenter of an alien war—which the government claims to have won. I certainly don’t mind them thinking that. I don’t ever plan on inciting another war, and lucky for me, I won’t have to. Demetri’s Fempire has been wholly decimated. Not a single follower was left once I gave the serum freely.

  It’s true, those who defected to the Fems and Steel Barricade can never fully be members of Celestra again. So I did what any good leader would do. I formed a new Faction, the United Factions. And one day, I hope to regain my seat as leader of the Nephilim people. I’m still not sure what needs to be done to achieve that. But as long as we have peace in the land, I’m not too worried about it.

  Gage wraps his arms around me as he nods to the bounce houses that are gyrating every which way.

  “Those kids are a powerhouse.” He lands a kiss to my cheek and my body warms under Gage Oliver’s love. “How are you feeling?” He lands a hand over my burgeoning belly and the baby gives a light kick.

  We share a laugh as she does it again and again.

  Gage shakes his head. “I’d like to think that was her way of saying she loves me.”

  Marshall’s chest bucks. “She’s certainly saying something, Jock Strap.” He gives a little wink before his expression grows somber. “Have you seen him?”

  By him, I’m assuming he means Demetri.

  Gage’s monster of a father has been as elusive as my mother these days. My earthly mother has seen him. She claims he needs time. She’s comforting him. Of course, she is. And to be honest, only she truly could.

  Logan heads up to the porch with a happy little toe-head in his arms. Jaxson Oliver is the embodiment of love and light. A smile never leaves his face, not even when he sleeps, and he radiates heavenly light that magnetizes everyone in the vicinity. I don’t know what my mother has planned for him, but it’s a good plan. I can feel it in my celestial bones.

  “Your mother wants you over by the cake.” He ticks his head down toward that magnificent three-tiered wonder that Emily baked. Mia wanted a unicorn cake, and sure as anything, the top tier has an iridescent horn erupting from it in an almost phallic fashion.

  Mom waves us over. “It’s time for pictures!” she shouts. “All of you!”

  Mia jumps up next to her. “You too, Mr. Dudley. You’re the reason we’re all here. You helped us do the deed.”

  “You heard her,” I say as I link my arm through his, and the entire lot of us heads down toward the cake while Lexy snaps at least a hundred pictures.

  “Just the happy couple now.” She waves Mia and Rev toward the woods. “Before the fog rolls in.”

  They take off as Emma and Barron head our way.

  Mom swoops over with Tad in tow. She’s been fiercely protective over me these last few months whenever Emma is brave enough to show her face.

  Marshall does a double take toward the woods. “I’m afraid I’m being summoned, Ms. Messenger. Carry on.” He takes off before I can question him.

  That’s funny. I didn’t hear Lexy call him. But, then again, Emma is here distracting me with her presence once again.

  My hands land protectively over my stomach. I can’t help it. It’s a reflex around this woman.

  Emma’s hair is freshly dyed the color of blood, her lips a matching hue, but there’s a softness in her eyes that I haven’t seen in a very long time.

  “Skyla.” She nods my way, but her eyes flit to her son. “Gage.” There’s a hint of anguish in her voice. I know for a fact she’s been cold to him, he’s told me so himself. I’m sure she feels cheated, used by her own flesh and blood.

  Barron nods our way. “It’s wonderful to be here. Thank you all for having us.” His hair is shorn to stubble, white as snow, and matches the stubble on his face. He’s aged a thousand years in the last few months alone. We all have.

  Tad slaps Barron on the back, that ankle bracelet still a very real reminder that he’s not out of the legal woods Demetri landed him in.

  “You’re always welcome,” Tad says it with a touch of pride to the two of them. “Why so glum, Emma? Let me guess. You miss the good old days when Greg here was shacking up with Skyla?”

  “Tad.” Mom motions for him to stop.

  “What?” Tad squawks. “Don’t worry, Em. The way the three of them have been holing up in that bedroom, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they become Paragon’s first official throuple.”

  Mom groans, but I can’t help but giggle. It’s not true, of course. I’m fully Logan Oliver’s wife. But Gage has a very special place in our lives and he always will. Hell, maybe we are a throuple—just not in the salacious way that Tad is suggesting.

  Emma clears her throat as she nods to Gage. “Whatever makes you happy—makes me happy—son.” She holds out her arms, unsure, and Gage pulls her in and wraps her with his love. And despite everything Emma and I have been through, the sight brings tears to my eyes.

  Barron wraps his arms around them as well, and Logan nods my way.

  “Come on, Skyla.” He ticks his head their way. “Let’s get in on this.”

  And soon we’re a part of their love fest, a tangle of arms as we cry together and laugh. We laugh happy, happy tears.

  Once we’re through, I spot Laken and Wes by the bounce house at the end of the yard, and I head on over as Gage and Logan carry on a conversation with Barron about the morgue. He’s anxious to retire, and there’s talk of Gage taking over. Rev already works there, full-time. In that way it’s still very much in the family.

  “Hey,” I say as I come upon Laken. She looks rested for the first time in weeks, her skin holding a peachy glow. Wes has been helping her with the kids, but so far she’s still staying put at the house she shared with Cooper. She says there are too many memories she’s not ready to leave. And I firmly support her decision. Laken needs to move slowly. And I plan on being there every inch of the way. I know Wes does, too.

  She holds out her arms, and I pull her in for a firm embrace.

  “The kids are having a blast.” She pulls back with those perennial tears glittering in her eyes. “That was very nice of you to have a whole bounce house just for the babies. Wes-Cooper loves it.”

  I nod to the two of them. “I’m so glad. And I’m glad you’re both here. Wes, you look good. Strong.” Not that Wes had ever been weak, God no. But he’s been just as battered as Laken after losing Coop. “He will always be our hero,” I say to the two of them.

  “He will.” Wes closes his eyes a moment too long. “Any news on what happens next?”

  I shake my head. “I think that was it.”

  “Oh no, you don’t, Skyla.” A dark
laugh strums from Laken. “We’ve come too far not to go all the way. I want to see you take your rightful place. A majority of our people still thinks you’re not in your right body.”

  “I know.” I wince. “But there is only so much I can control. And I certainly don’t seem to have control over that. I’m sorry I couldn’t control what happened with Coop.” I sniff back tears as I look to my beautiful friend who wears her anguish still so very fresh. “But with Cooper’s Cure, in a way, a part of him will always be with us all.”

  A gentle laugh rolls through her as she gives Wes a knowing look.

  “Skyla”—she brings her hands to her stomach—“Cooper is still very much a part of me. He left a little something behind for us to remember him by.”

  I gasp. “Laken?”

  She nods as those tears in her eyes are met with a full-blown smile. “I’m having his baby.” She pulls Wes in close. “We’re having his baby.”

  Tears blur my vision as well as I pull them both into a hard embrace.

  “As painful as it sounds, I’m so very thrilled,” I say. “Congratulations.” I pull back and nod to Wes. “To the both of you.”

  “Mess!” Chloe shouts near the woods where she’s congregating with Bree, Em, Lex, Michelle, and Nat, and it feels like a strange relief to see those girls in the same small space. I’m not sure why. It certainly almost always spells out trouble.

  “I’ll be right back,” I say, excusing myself.

  Chloe Bishop gleams like a very sharp knife as a stray beam of sunlight falls over her. It makes me wonder if it’s a message from my mother, a warning.

  Her long dark hair kisses the sunlight and glows like a fire.

  “Rumor has it, the boys are planning a scrimmage.” She offers an indifferent hike of the shoulders.

  Bree hops over and slings an arm around me. “And guess what? We’re getting the band back together! We’re going to put on our old West uniforms and cheer. Are you in?”


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