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Rise of the Undead (Book 5): Apocalypse Z

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by Higgins, Baileigh

  Baileigh Higgins

  Apocalypse Z - Book 5

  Rise of the Undead

  Copyright © 2020 by Baileigh Higgins

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

  Baileigh Higgins asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

  Baileigh Higgins has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

  Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book and on its cover are trade names, service marks, trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publishers and the book are not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. None of the companies referenced within the book have endorsed the book.

  First edition

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  Chapter 1 - Amy

  Chapter 2 - Grissom

  Chapter 3 - Amanda

  Chapter 4 - Amy

  Chapter 5 - Saul

  Chapter 6 - Dylan

  Chapter 7 - Nick

  Chapter 8 - King

  Chapter 9 - Tara

  Chapter 10 - Bannock

  Chapter 11 - Amy

  Chapter 12 - Nick

  Chapter 13 - Dylan

  Chapter 14 - Saul

  Chapter 15 - Richard

  Chapter 16 - Misty

  Chapter 17 - Dylan

  Chapter 18 - Tara

  Chapter 19 -Saul

  Chapter 20 - Nick

  Chapter 21 - Richard

  Chapter 22 - Saul

  Chapter 23 - Bannock

  Chapter 24 - Tara

  Epilogue I - Alex

  Epilogue II - Bannock

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  About the Author


  Thank you to May Dawney for the lovely book cover design. You can check out her portfolio at She’s a truly talented artist. Plus, a huge thank you to Graham Rintoul for his tireless dedication to my books, his research, and his input. And a big shoutout to Mike Hansen for his support and help. I truly appreciate you all!


  This book is dedicated to Clarke Morris, a true fan and a wonderful supporter of my work. Thank you for being the person you are, Clarke. You make the world a better place just by being in it.

  Chapter 1 - Amy

  Amy stared at the familiar scenery of Fort Detrick as it flashed past the windows, lit by the truck’s yellow headlights. It looked much like she remembered, yet it felt alien. She’d only been gone a few days, but it seemed like an eternity. She’d experienced too much, hurt too much, to be the same again. I’ve changed.

  Jenny shifted next to her, whimpering in her sleep, and Amy reached out a soothing hand. “There, there. It’s okay. You’re safe now.”

  The child drifted back to sleep, and Amy brushed the hair from her forehead with gentle strokes. A wave of protectiveness washed over her, and she wondered what it felt like to be a mom. Maybe not a mom, I’m too young for that. Rather an older sister.

  Amy leaned back and closed her eyes, thinking about that. It would be nice to have a younger sister. Besides, where else could Jenny go? Her parents were dead, and who knew if she had more family? She can stay with us. I’ll look after her.

  The thought was a pleasant one, but it didn’t last long. The truck’s interior stank of tobacco and chewing gum. It was a queer combination that caused her stomach to churn. It reminded her of Red. Every time she closed her eyes, she was taken back to the moment he had her in his grip. She could still feel his fingers crushing the life from her flesh and the smell of his breath in her nostrils.

  Amy gasped and jerked upright, trying to dispel the awful memory. “Go away. You’re dead.”

  Grissom glanced at her. “Who’s dead, Miss Amy?”

  Amy shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. It was some guy who chased after me when I escaped.”

  “Some guy?” Grissom asked with a frown. “Did he hurt you?”

  “He did. Or, he tried, but he’s dead now,” Amy replied.

  Grissom’s expression tightened, and his voice turned flat. “So, you killed him?”

  Amy blinked, a tiny worm of confusion wriggling inside her brain at his reaction. “Yes, but I had no choice. It was either him or me.”

  Grissom flashed her a quick smile. “Of course, Miss Amy. I’m not mad at you. I’m mad that someone would try to hurt an innocent girl.”

  “Oh, okay,” Amy replied, her tense muscles relaxing a bit. “It’s just…it’s been terrible.”

  Grissom nodded. “I can only imagine, but you’re safe now. I promise.”

  “Thanks,” Amy said, rubbing one hand across her eyes.

  “Tired?” Grissom asked.

  “Exhausted,” she replied.

  “Why don’t you close your eyes for a bit?” he asked. “I’ll wake you when we get to the infirmary.”

  “Okay,” Amy replied, snuggling closer to Jenny’s warmth.

  “You just forget about him. A man like that isn’t worth thinking about,” Grissom added. “Besides, it’ll all be over soon.”

  With that thought in mind, Amy closed her eyes and drifted into a deep sleep. Grissom was right. She was safe now. She had nothing to worry about anymore.


  Twenty minutes later, Amy was woken up by a gentle shake. It was Grissom. “We’re here, Miss, just like I promised.”

  She blinked at the outline of a building that loomed behind him, its silhouette lit by the moon and stars. “Where are we?”

  Grissom laughed. “You must have slept harder than I thought. It’s the infirmary, and your brother’s waiting for you inside.”

  “My brother?” In an instant, the fog cleared from her mind. She vaulted out of the truck with a glad cry. “Alex!”

  Grissom grabbed her by the arm. “Whoa, there. Calm down, Missy. Remember, he might still be alive, but he’s hurt badly. Don’t go jumping on him now.”

  Amy sobered, her smile falling away. In her joy, she’d almost forgotten the severity of Alex’s injuries. “Oh, right.”

  “Let me walk you to the door,” Grissom said, offering his arm like a real gentleman.

  Amy hesitated. “What about Jenny?”

  “The little girl?” Grissom asked. “I’ll come back for her.”

  “No, she should stay with me. She’ll get scared otherwise,” Amy insisted.

  Grissom’s smile tightened, but he shrugged. “Alright, hold on. Let me fetch her.”

  He opened the passenger door with care before scooping the sleeping child into his arms. Jenny mewled but didn’t wake up, and Amy took the opportunity to grab her shotgun. She thrust it through her belt and tucked her jacket over it without anyone noticing. While she might be safe, she�
��d learned the hard way that having an ace up your sleeve was never a bad thing. Nor was the hatchet that rode on her other hip.

  She followed Grissom and Jenny up the steps to the entrance. A security guard met them with a rifle slung across his chest and a cigarette dangling from his lips. He eyed Grissom before nodding. “Good evening.”

  “Good to see you too, Spitz,” Grissom replied while pointing his chin at Amy. “Look what I found. The girl who was kidnapped.”

  Spitz’s blond eyebrows rose, and his blue eyes scrutinized Amy’s slender form. “That’s a surprise. She made it back here on her own?”

  “She did. Tough little thing, ain’t you?” Grissom asked as he shot Amy a smile.

  Amy didn’t answer as she shifted beneath the two men’s gaze. For some reason, she was feeling uncomfortable. The hair on the back of her neck prickled, and her stomach churned.

  “Anyway, she picked up a kid along the way, and I thought it best to bring them both straight here. Is there a doctor in tonight?” Grissom continued.

  “Dr. Hayes is on shift,” Spitz replied.


  “He’s always here. The man will work himself to death one day,” Spitz replied with a shrug. “Go on in.”


  “Is there anything I can do for you?” Spitz asked with another long look at Amy.

  “I haven’t had a chance to let anyone know she’s back yet,” Grissom answered. “Could you let them know?”

  Spitz gave a slow nod before dropping his smoke. The stub sizzled in the snow as it died, a faint trace of smoke and tar the only remains. “Yeah, I’ll let them know. I’ll let everyone know.”

  Amy stared at him, puzzled by his manner. “You mean Sergeant Dean, Sergeant Dhlamini, and Dylan?”

  Spitz smiled. “Of course, I meant them. Your friends will want to know you’re okay.”

  “Thank you,” Amy replied, though something was still bothering her, and she lingered in the doorway. A stiff breeze plucked at her collar with icy fingers, which sent a ripple of premonition down her spine. Something was wrong, but she couldn’t place her finger on it.

  “Coming?” Grissom called. “It’s warm inside, and your brother is waiting.”

  Thoughts of Alex chased away the worry that nagged at the back of her mind, and she turned away from the mysterious Spitz. His creepy smile was the last thing she saw before the infirmary welcomed her with its sterile arms.

  Grissom was right. It was a lot warmer inside than out, and not even the smell of disinfectant could bother her. All that mattered was that Alex was alive and waiting for her. That, and they were safe—Jenny and her.

  Ethan emerged from a doorway in the hallway ahead and paused when he spotted them. His frown smoothed away when he recognized Amy, and a broad grin enveloped his face. “Amy? Is that you?”

  Amy ran the last few steps and threw herself into his arms. “It’s me. I escaped, can you believe it?”

  “Of course, I can believe it. You’re a tough cookie.”

  “And I just heard that Alex is still alive. Is it true?” Amy asked. “I thought he was dead.”

  “He’s alive, but he’s very badly hurt.”

  Fear wormed its cold fingers into her stomach. “Can I see him?”

  “Of course, but he’s probably sleeping right now, and I’d rather you don’t wake him,” Ethan said. “He needs his rest.”

  “I won’t bother him, I promise. I just want to see him,” Amy said.

  “I understand, but first, tell me what happened to you. Where’s Tara?”

  Amy shook her head. “It’s just me. She’s still a prisoner.”

  Ethan’s face fell. “That’s terrible news.”

  “Yes, but now you can rescue her. I know where she’s being kept,” Amy answered with an excited grin. “We can get her back.”

  “You know where she is?” Ethan asked, his face lightening. “Then tell—”

  “Um, excuse me, doctor,” Grissom interrupted. “But, shouldn’t you examine the girls first? They’ve been through a lot, and Miss Amy’s been injured.”

  “Injured? Where?” Ethan asked with an immediate look of concern.

  “A man tried to strangle me,” Amy replied, tipping back her head as Ethan examined the bruises around her throat.

  “I’ve already arranged to let her people know she’s back. Maybe it would be best for her to save her story until they can all get here,” Grissom added.

  “Yes, of course,” Ethan replied. “In the meantime, I’ll take care of the girls. Thank you for bringing them here.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to stay,” Grissom asked.

  “It’s okay. I can handle it from here,” Ethan replied, signaling to a nurse to collect the still-sleeping Jenny.

  “I’m sure you can, but I feel responsible for the two ladies, and I’d like to make sure they’re safe,” Grissom replied.

  “Safe?” Ethan inquired with a sharp tone. “You think they are in danger?”

  “I’m sure they’re not, but there’s a chance that some of King’s men might still be among us,” Grissom answered, drawing himself up until he stood tall. “I’d like to watch over them until Sergeant Dean arrives.”

  “Alright. Permission granted, but stay out of my way. Understood?” Ethan said.

  “Yes, Doc,” Grissom answered, inclining his head. “You won’t even know I’m here.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.” Ethan turned to Amy. “Come, my dear. I’d like to get a closer look at those injuries of yours.”

  He offered his arm to Amy, and she took it with a sense of relief. It felt good to be with friends again. As Ethan led Amy to an examination room, Grissom followed behind them like a faithful guard dog.

  Once or twice, she glanced at him over her shoulder, her mind whirling with mixed emotions. On the one hand, she was grateful to him for being so kind, and yet, there was something off about him. Not everything he said felt genuine. As for Spitz…that man gave her the creeps.

  “Over here,” Ethan said, and she shrugged off her misgivings. I’m just paranoid.

  She entered a small room and sat down on the bed with her legs dangling in the air. The nurse lay Jenny down on an opposite bed and closed the door with a firm click. That left Grissom on the outside, a situation he wasn’t pleased with judging by the look he gave the poor woman.

  Still, it was nice to be away from the strange soldier, and Amy breathed a sigh of relief. She waited while Ethan had a quick look at Jenny. The girl complained a bit but fell asleep again as soon as he was done. Afterward, he turned to Amy. “She’s in good health. No injuries or signs of malnutrition.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. She’s been very brave this entire time.”

  “Where did you find her?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “Well, children need their sleep,” Ethan said, nodding to the nurse. “Could you please prepare a room for these two and tuck the little one in?”

  “Of course, Doctor,” the nurse said.

  “I’d rather she stay with me,” Amy added. “She’ll be scared if she wakes up alone.”

  “Alright, but you mustn’t keep her up long. Sleep is the best thing for her now,” Ethan said, tucking a blanket around Jenny’s face. He turned to Amy. “Right. Now it’s your turn.”

  As usual, his manner warm and efficient, and he gave her a thorough check-up. At the same time, he quizzed her on her injuries.

  In answer to his queries, Amy shared an abbreviated version of her adventures with him. Toward the end, he asked, “So, this man. This Red…he hit you?”

  “He slammed my head into the wall,” Amy replied with a wince as Ethan probed the back of her skull.

  “Mm, I can feel the lump. It doesn’t appear to be fractured.” He shone a light into her eyes. “I don’t think you have a concussion, either, but we’d better keep an eye on it. If you experience any nausea or dizziness, report to me immediately.”


  “There’s not much I can do about your throat except to give you medicine for the pain and swelling. The same applies to your back.” Ethan shook his head. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

  “Thanks, but I’m okay. As long as we get Tara back, I’ll be fine.”

  Ethan nodded. “Where are they keeping her?”

  “At George Mason University outside Manassas. They have a Biomedical Research Lab off-campus that’s perfect for her research.”

  “Does King want the cure?”

  “Yes, he does. He wants a vaccine too. I was just there to keep Tara in line. He wants you to work for him as well, but you weren’t at home the night they came for us.”

  “Asshole. Just another wannabe king of the castle,” Ethan muttered as he gently scooped Jenny into his arms. “I’ll take you to your brother now. She can stay with you while you see him, but after that, you must go to bed. I insist.”

  “I understand,” Amy replied. “As long as I know he’s going to be okay.”

  “He’ll be fine. He’s strong. You both are,” Ethan said with a faint smile. He led the way through the hospital to the patient ward. A guard stood at the entrance next to the counter, where two nurses were on duty.

  They greeted Ethan with polite smiles.

  “Good evening, Dr. Hayes.”

  “Are you here to see our patient, Alex?”

  “Yes, I brought his sister for a quick visit,” Ethan replied.

  “He’s sleeping at the moment,” one of the nurses replied.

  “And wasn’t his sister—” the other asked.

  “Kidnapped, yes, but she escaped and would like to see her brother for a moment,” Ethan added. “She won’t disturb him.”

  The nurse shrugged and waved them through. “Doctor’s orders.”

  “I’ll wait here,” Grissom said, flashing a charming smile at the two women. He turned to the security guard. “I could take over for a while, and give you a quick break?”

  The guard nodded. “Thanks. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”

  The man marched down the corridor, and Grissom turned back to the nurses. “So, ladies. What are you called?”


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