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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 10

by Nikita Parmenter

  They all stare at me with their mouths dropped and eyes wide.

  Luc shakes off his shock first, smirks at me, then runs, placing one hand in the middle of the breakfast bar and literally vaults over the entire damn thing, landing on the opposite side of the table to where I am. It's my turn to gape at him and he chuckles, shrugging his shoulders. I’m actually genuinely impressed that took some flexibility to get over and strength, for such a big guy it was damn impressive, and hot. I think at this point I should just admit that pretty much everything they do, I find hot. Saves me the time of questioning why I think something one of them does is hot all the damn time. Jeeze Ever get a grip. If I was a guy, I’d be popping a boner all the freaking time, surrounded by these guys. That was a seriously weird thought to have. I stuff another cookie in my mouth in an attempt to shut my inner self up. Don’t talk to me about the logic of it, I don’t want to hear it.

  "Where the fuck did you learn how to do that?!" Cash asks.

  "Seriously impressive" Jensen compliments.

  "Trade secret" I say winking.

  Truth is when dealing with dangerous people and illegal substances, you learn very quickly to plot escape routes and train your body to use them. I do it automatically now and I've trained my body so that I can take the less expected route of escape, doing that gives me precious seconds longer to actually make the escape. Needing a distraction, I take another one of the cookies and take a giant bite as my eyes close at the deliciousness that is invading my senses. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that a small moan escapes me. Damn I forgot how fucking good Jenny's baking was.

  My eyes snap open as the plate is taken from my hands.

  "Noooo" I cry dramatically making grabby hands for the plate and causing the guys to laugh.

  I glance up at Trick, making my eyes go wide and pouting at the same time. I call it the double whammy, puppy dog eyes and a pout. Trick freezes mid laugh when he sees my face and his smile drops.

  "Shit, don't pull that face at me, Ever" he curses his eyes going wide, "guys help!" he asks desperately.

  Jensen takes one look at me and bursts out laughing at the effect it’s having on Trick but when Cash and Riot catch sight of me their eyes both go wide as they back up a step.

  "You're on your own dude, shit she plays dirty" Cash says, a proud glint in his eye.

  I let my eyes fill with fake tears, a handy trick that I figured out I could do a while ago.

  "Fuck!" Trick curses loudly, slight panic in his eyes, he hands me two more cookies and immediately I grin widely at him bouncing up on my tip toes and giving him a kiss on his cheek, making him go still.

  I momentarily think maybe I took it too far, too wrapped up in playing but his arm snaps out and wraps around my waist pulling me tightly against his chest, he dips his head down putting his lips at my ear.

  "You're not the only one who can play dirty Sweetheart" he growls low as his lips graze my ear lobe.

  I don't repress the full body shiver quick enough and he steps back taking the plate of cookies with him and smirking, he knows exactly what he just did. I glance around at the guys worried for their reaction, only to find them all smirking at me. Jensen catches my eye and winks at me, a decidedly dirty glint in his eye.

  Well holy hot damn.

  "Come on guys, grab your helmets and shit, I think it's all still here from last time, we'll be late for Rylie otherwise" Luc instructs, effectively changing the subject.

  "You want to ride in the truck with us?" Jensen asks.

  "Sure" I shrug, pinching another cookie and stuffing it in my face. I have a brief moment to worry about manners and my complete lack of them before he bursts out laughing, instantly stopping my fears before they could even take root.

  "Are you enjoying those by any chance?" He chuckles.

  "Fuck yes, so good" I say grinning, and then frown as I go to grab another cookie and find the plate empty. I gaze at it longingly, aware a genuine pout has arranged itself on my features.

  Damn it, I wanted another one.

  "Come on, Sugar" Jensen chuckles seeing the way I'm eyeing the empty plate, he grabs my hand and gently pulls me out the door.

  On the way past Rafe he holds up his cookie offering it to me. I grin widely taking the cookie off him and jumping up on my toes, do all these guys have to be so damn tall? Not that I'm really complaining because yum. I place a kiss on Rafe's stubbled cheek as he bends down so I can reach. He smiles softly at me and I grin wickedly in return, as I jump up again, this time I swipe my tongue up his cheek licking it. He stares at me in shock as Jensen and Luc burst out laughing, Luc having come back from grabbing his helmet.

  "What was that for?" Rafe signs.

  "If I lick it, it's mine" I shrug not really thinking of the implications and forgetting to censor myself since I'm too focused on taking a bite of the cookie. I damn near choke on the freaking thing as I glance up and see the heat darkening his eyes, well fuck me he liked that, a lot.

  Just. Damn. Friends. Ever.

  I remind myself, as I mentally run through the reasons why it would be a bad idea to climb him like a fucking tree in Trick’s kitchen. Fortunately, or maybe it should be unfortunately, I'm saved by Cash yelling for us to hurry the fuck up. I turn quickly and walk towards the door but not before I see the matching heat in Luc and Jensen’s eyes too. Well now that's an interesting reaction, I physically shake myself as I get to the door.

  Even if they were attracted to me, it wouldn’t last and then I’d lose them anyway. I’d rather have them as friends than start something with them and end up losing them forever, I wouldn’t survive that. Of course, the other issue is that I absolutely couldn’t choose, even then I was using ‘them’, I am so fucked and not in the fun way.

  Just friends, I will repeat that to myself until I’m not fucking tempted anymore, besides they probably don’t like me like that anyway.

  We all load into Trick’s truck and Cash’s SUV that he apparently leaves here since they’re all staying here at the moment. Trick’s truck is massive and has enough seats for all of them, so they tend to just take that to go places together, with all the bike jackets and helmets though it’s easier to take them both to the track. I don’t know how I didn’t notice it this morning, but I think he parked it on the street, so that would probably explain why. The guys insist I sit in the front and once they're all loaded up, we set off.

  "I'm surprised your granddad let you build the track out there" I say to Trick.

  From what I can remember they'd asked for a mountain bike track back when I was still around and he'd very firmly said no. I glance at Trick, when nothing but silence greats my words and I’m surprised to see him rubbing the back of his neck like he’s uncomfortable. A quick glance in the rear-view mirror shows me Rafe and even Jensen won't meet my eyes.

  "What?" I ask my eyes ping ponging between them.

  Jensen clears his throat and I turn to look at him, shocked to see his normally smiling and mischievous features so serious, even his eyes have dulled.

  "He didn't let us until a couple of years ago when we were fifteen, sixteen." He swallows and still won't meet my eyes, the others won't either. I think I might be about to get the answers to what is going on with them.

  "What happened when you were all fifteen, sixteen to change his mind?"

  "You've got to understand that losing you completely gutted all of us. We were never quite the same after that, none of us were. Rafe stopped talking at all, even to us and the rest of us" he pauses and clenches his fist, "the rest of us got progressively worse the longer you were gone, some other stuff has happened since you’ve been gone too but they aren’t my stories to tell. When we hit about fifteen, sixteen it got a lot worse. We started getting into fights, illegal racing and drinking."

  I stare at them in shock.

  "And then we almost lost Riot and that pushed us all over the edge. You know, Tomlinson high the high school in the next town over?" He asks without looking at me. I nod
mutely he must catch it as he continues, "well when we were kids, we never quite understood how damn serious the rivalry between the two schools is. We learnt pretty fucking quickly though, and we revelled in it."

  "The kids that run Tomlinson are brutal and we met them strike for strike. Everything came to a head in a massive fight. We held fights at one of the underground fight rings that was run by us and the guys that run Tomlinson. It was done so that people that had problems with someone from the opposing school could fight it out in a more controlled environment. That was the rule, you fight in the underground, any fights started outside of it and the fragile fucking truce we had finally brokered would be broken. It'd be carnage, and I’m not talking just a few bloody noses, I’m talking people in hospital or dead, that’s how deep the rivalry goes." Jensen explains.

  The sneer on his face is so unlike the Jensen I knew that I start to see him a different light, a more dangerous light. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm even more attracted to him and the rest of them now. Fuck there’s something wrong with me, a normal girl would be frightened now not turned the fuck on.

  "Let me guess, someone broke the rule" I growl.

  "Yeah, turns out one of the girls from our school started dating someone from Tomlinson. It wouldn't have been that big of a deal if they kept it fucking quiet but the girl was also seeing someone from our school too." Trick says.

  "Fucking idiot" I mutter, and a brief grin appears, lighting up his handsome features, it's gone before it's really there.

  "Someone, we still don't know fucking who, orchestrated it so they found out at the same fucking time, when they just so happened to be in the same fucking place downtown. Mindy’s is a diner and is neutral territory. Obviously the two guys couldn't fucking help themselves and got into a massive fight in the middle of the fucking diner."

  "Tomlinson's leaders were called, me and the guys were called. By the time we got there it had escalated. We tried to break it up but that ended up in us all being dragged into it. The diner was destroyed, several kids got seriously hurt and we all have records of some sort now. Fortunately, none of the Tomlinson leaders are stupid and realised what had happened, a very tentative truce was struck again. Tensions are extremely high still, and since we were all being closely watched and can’t use the fight ring again, fights now break out often. The adults think the rivalry has gotten worse, when in fact the fights just aren't as controlled as they were."

  “That was just before Atlas left.” Jensen interrupts, but I’m not sure why that’s significant.

  "The fight ring and all our other activities had to be put on hold. Obviously, our parents got called and dragged down to the station. They realised we had spiralled but didn't realise how far. They still don't realise how far; they just know about the fight. It was suggested that maybe finding a different outlet for our anger and hurt was needed. So, they all came up with the plan to build the track at the farm. It sort of worked but not really enough, we all still fight and do other things but more carefully than before." Trick says.

  "Then we got word from our parents that you were coming back" Jensen finishes as he finally turns to look at me and see it all in his eyes, the hurt, the anger, helplessness, fear and the need to escape that drives him to fight, like it drives me to fight and push my bike to the limits to see how fast it can go.

  I was wrong about these boys, they understand me far more than I ever thought they would. Trick glances at me, his knuckles white on the steering wheel. Rafe's hands are clenched tightly on his thighs and Jensen’s darkened green eyes are begging me for something I don't quite understand until it clicks. He's worried about my reaction.

  "Well that explains how you knew so much about the race circuit, as well as some other things I’d picked up on," they nod, "I'm not going to ask what happened with Riot that's his story to tell and if he wants me to know I'll listen, if he doesn't then that's fine too."

  "That's it?" Jensen asks incredulously

  "Well yeah, we've all got pasts. If anything, I'm glad."

  "What?" Trick barks out.

  "I can see it, how each of you love the fight. Need it. Even though I'm back you still run that school and you still want to, you need to, to protect the kids that go there I get that."

  "If we don't carry on doing what we are, then no one protects them. We stopped being so closely watched a couple of weeks ago and it won't be long until everything starts back up again" Trick says his voice stern.

  "I get it, it actually makes me feel safer." It really does, I’m not just saying it, these guys aren’t the normal teenagers I’d pegged them for and I’m so fucking glad.

  They look at me incredulously, I decide to explain it to them as much as I can.

  "Someone will come after me" they all tense their eyes flashing dangerously and I realise they might've been hiding as much of themselves as I have. "The police can't have caught them all and although I was careful, changed my plates, took a roundabout route, all that shit, if someone wants to find me they will. I was prepared to deal with that threat myself, not wanting to involve you guys in a world I thought you knew nothing about" I chuckle darkly, "turns out you're just as involved as me. I don't have to be as careful with what I say and do around you and instead of making myself sick with the worry of them finding me when I'm near you. I know that you will at least be able to hold your own until I can draw them away" I shrug.

  "Like fuck will you be drawing anyone away and endangering yourself Everleigh!" I jump as Riot’s loud voice sounds from behind me and I realise at some point we arrived at October farm. Riot glances at Trick, "she knows?"

  "She knows about Tomlinson" he says letting Riot know he didn’t tell me about whatever happened to him.

  "Good" he growls he opens the door and places his hands on my cheeks when I turn to face him, he leans forward, "if anyone comes for you Everleigh I will fucking gut them, do you understand?" his growl and words cause a reaction in me which is somewhat surprising although not really, as a full body shiver works its way through me and heat pools between my thighs.

  Apparently, I have a thing for dangerous men.

  Riot, thinking my shiver was one of fear backs up a bit to check my reaction, ready to apologise. Until he sees the heat I'm not even trying to hide in my eyes, his answering grin promises so much but before he can do anything, he's pushed out of the way by Cash.

  "Good going dickhead, you fucking scared her" he growls, standing in front of me as if to protect me.

  I rub my thighs together, fuck do they all have to be so hot and protective, shit.

  "No I didn't" Riot practically purrs and all the guys spin towards me, catching my reaction before I can even attempt to reign it in, "she liked it" Riot finishes as if the guys can't fucking tell that from just looking at me.

  They all get matching devilish smirks. Hearing an approaching motorcycle, I hop out of the truck and turn to the entrance, waiting for Rylie.

  "Fuck me, she's perfect" someone comments.

  I can't tell who though because one, I'm trying to control my reaction so I don't throw myself at them and two, Rylie just fucking pulled up and I can't tell who said it over the sound of her motorcycle .

  She takes one look at me and bursts out laughing.

  "They told you?" She asks still chuckling.

  "How the fuck did you know that?"

  "Dude, you look like you need a cold shower, me and you have the same taste, dangerous. It wasn't too big of a jump to think that they'd told you all about who they really are" she shrugs, and I smirk at her.

  "Can you blame me?" I ask looking over to where the guys are unloading the bikes from a large shed just inside the trees.

  "Hell fucking no, girl" she purrs.

  I chuckle, but a swirl of jealousy hits me full force. I have no right to feel jealous. They aren't mine, not like that, and I love Rylie, they'd be lucky to have her. Even as I try to reason with myself the jealousy stays, and my mouth pulls down into a frown. Rylie glances over at me
and chuckles lightly, threading her arm through mine and pulling me towards the guys. She lowers her voice as we get closer.

  "Oh, don't worry girl, they're all yours."

  "They're not, I mean I'm not, I don't" I stumble, and she just grins wider. "Well fuck" I say causing her to laugh loudly as I scrub my free hand over my face. "Is it that obvious?" I ask worriedly. I don't need people at school knowing and I definitely don't want the guys finding out.

  "No girl, you're good" she grins before pulling ahead and turning round to walk backwards, "I think you'd be surprised at their reaction if they found out how you feel about them though" she grins as my eyes widen and she sprints the last few meters towards the guys.

  "What the fuck does that mean!?" I yell after her.

  "What does what mean?" Luc asks pushing a teal coloured motocross bike towards me.

  "Never mind, is that one for me?" I ask trying to change the subject, he eyes me curiously before he nods. "Thanks, it's awesome."

  “It was Atlas’s, he won’t mind if you ride it, trust me” He grins at me before walking over to his own bike, putting his helmet on and swinging his leg over.

  I glance around at the others to see they're all ready and waiting for me. I quickly put my helmet on, swing my leg over and turn the key that Luc left in the ignition for me.

  "Follow us first so you get used to the lay out and then we'll take it in turns and time it" Jensen shouts over the noise of the bikes, winking at me.

  "Sounds good" I agree, and we all take off down the track.

  The track is well laid out with several jumps that allow you to get some decent air. As well as turns that require a good amount of concentration, so you don't slide out. On the first lap around we take it fairly steady so me and Rylie can learn the course, but in no time at all we are all racing round and trying to best each other. The light-hearted fun is exactly what we needed, especially after the harsh revelations over the past day. Far too many for the short amount of time they've been revealed in, yet I’m glad I shared some of my past with them. It’s made me feel lighter, the burden not so heavy and I am definitely glad that they shared some of their past with me. I’m glad they aren’t normal, we match.


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