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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 23

by Nikita Parmenter

  Trick chuckles at me bouncing around, as he grabs my hand and we walk towards the truck. In no time we’re off and I give him the address that Rylie sent me. I barely notice the drive there, too busy trying to decide whether I’m going to talk to Rylie about the guys or not. My mind flick’s back and forth between the pro’s and con’s. It’s not long, well it doesn’t seem like it’s that long but in all honesty I was so busy wrapped up in my thoughts, it could’ve taken a couple of hours to get to Rylie’s and I’d have no idea.

  We pull up to a decent sized mechanics garage with several half-built cars sitting around the forecourt and two massive garage doors, one of them wide open. Inside I can just about make out a car on each of the raised platforms used for working underneath vehicles and various equipment that I’m not even going to try and name. I start to question whether Trick is at the right address, before Rylie comes around the corner of the building and waves. Proving that we are actually where we’re supposed to be.

  I turn back to Trick and give him a kiss on the cheek like I did the others, apparently that’s a thing I do now. As I turn to open the door I pause as something occurs to me and turn back around to face him.

  “I’ll text you. Rylie says we aren’t going to be going anywhere but here and the party” I say, “I know it’s not safe out there for me, at least not completely and not until they’ve made sure they’ve got all my dad’s men” I smile.

  “Ok Sweetheart, if anything seems shady or suspicious you stay inside and call us ok?” He asks his voice firm, I nod in agreement and he continues, “we will be here as fast as possible, if you need us, but like you said before it’s very unlikely that even if the feds missed one of your dads men, they would be able to find you here. It’s not like the low life’s he worked with were criminal masterminds” He chuckles. “You do need to keep an eye out for that stalker though, I know it seems like he has backed off but just stay vigilant for me ok?”

  “You’re right about that, dumb as a bag of rocks the ones I had to deal with were” I chuckle. “Don’t worry though, I’m always vigilant it’s become a habit now.”

  He opens his arms, and I go willing enjoying the comfort I always feel when one of them hug me, he kisses me gently on the top of my head.

  “Come onnnnn” Rylie yells jokingly from outside the truck and I grin, before hopping out.

  “See you at the party” I tell him, closing the door.

  He winds down the window. “Have fun, Dragonfly.”

  I wave as he drives off and then turn to Rylie who has a shit eating grin on her face.

  “What?” I ask self-consciously, wondering if I’ve got something on my face, it’s a real possibility with how distracted I was at lunch.

  “Oh, nothing you’re just so far gone for him” she chuckles as she leads us around the side of the mechanics garage.

  “Fuck off” I say grinning, there’s not much point in denying it.

  Plus, I have decided to see if she has any advice for me when it comes to the guys. Just not right now, so I change the subject.

  “Is this your dads place?” I ask, as we walk up to a one-story ranch style home hidden down a short dirt track behind the garage.

  The house itself is small, with a wraparound porch and has seen better days but the outside looks clean and as well-kept as it can be for its age. It’s cute.

  Rylie smirks at me but allows me the subject change as she opens the door into a small entryway. “Yep dad owns the mechanics place and I work for him most weekends, do you want something to drink?”

  I nod, dumping my bag by the front door and following her through to a small kitchen with light oak coloured cabinets and pale-yellow walls, it’s homey.

  “That’s pretty cool, I know where to come if my bike craps out on me now” I chuckle, watching her rummage through the fridge for drinks. “I know the basics, but I’d be fucked if anything major went wrong with it.”

  “I got you, girl” she grins. She hands me a soda and leads me further back into her home. Grabbing my bag on the way back past the front door she leads us down a hallway and into her room.

  It’s about the same size as my room at Trick’s house, has a large bed with a grey velvet headboard, the floor is a dark stained wood which is broken up by fluffy purple rugs placed randomly around the room. There’s a large dressing table on one side and a door that I’m assuming leads to a closet. On the other wall, a small dresser balances a TV on top that’s already playing Big Bang Theory episodes and there’s a large window on the wall behind the bed overlooking her back yard. Rylie plops down on her bed and I take a seat next to her.

  “So, is Trick taking you to the Winter Formal then?”

  “What Winter Formal?” I ask ignoring the first part of her question for now.

  “You’re joking?” she asks shocked.

  I shake my head. I genuinely have no idea what she’s talking about, when she realises, I’m being serious she chuckles and then explains.

  “There’s like posters all over the school. It’s a dance, it’s next Friday, on the last day of school before we break up for winter break.”

  “Well I’ve been a bit distracted this week” I grin, and she chuckles, “besides, I never normally pay attention to school stuff, there was no point at my school. Are you going?”

  “Hell yeah, I love dressing up. You gonna come?” she asks hopefully.

  “Yeah, you know what I think I might. I haven’t got a dress though or anything remotely close to formal wear. I wonder if the guys are going?”

  “That’s ok I’ve got to get a dress to wear too, we can go shopping?” she asks, “I’m working pretty much the whole weekend after the party tonight but we could go after school on Monday?”

  I’m about to say I don’t have the money to get a dress but then I remember the card practically burning a hole in my bra.

  Actually ow, that was the wrong imagery to use, yikes.

  “Fuck, you will never guess what?” I say startling Rylie.

  “What?” she asks amused, accepting the subject change without issue.

  “So, it turns out my mom knew my dad was a shady fucker way before she died, and she left me a secret trust fund. Cash’s parents managed to swing it so I get an allowance every month. When I turn eighteen, I gain control of all of it.”

  “That’s crazy! But so amazing that she did that for you” Rylie grins excited for me.

  “So yes, I would love to go shopping with you on Monday after school and not in thrift bins, not that there is anything wrong with shopping in thrift stores. I’ve found some amazing things in them before, but it would be nice not to have to shop there. And dinner is on me” I grin, loving that for once I get to spoil my friends. Not that I had friends before, but you know if I did, I would’ve liked to have been able to spoil them.

  “Fuck yes, Ever” Rylie grins excitedly.

  “Oh, I can get Christmas presents for all of the guys now too. If you don’t mind doing that at the same time we get our dresses?” I ask giving Rylie a hopeful look.

  “Sure, I need to get a couple more things anyway” she shrugs. “So, is Trick the one you want to ask you to the dance then?” she asks again, not letting me get away with avoiding her question this time.

  “One of them” I mumble, covering my eyes with my hands and falling backwards onto the bed.

  “What!” she yells, “who else do you like?” she asks grinning as she looks down on me.

  Figuring it’s now or never I mumble, “all of them.”

  “Fuck yes!” she giggles, “can’t say I blame you” she shrugs still giggling as she crashes down next to me on the bed.

  “That’s the problem though Ry, I like all of them” I pause as she turns to look at me sensing the serious tone of my words, “as in more than just a bit of fun. I like them, a lot. Every single one of them” I admit for the first time out loud.

  “Shit, you like, really like them all huh, and you’re sure it’s not just for fun sexy times?�
�� she asks just to be sure but with no judgement at all. I giggle then sober up as she continues, “and I’m guessing, from the look on your face, you wouldn’t be able to choose just one of them if you had to?”

  “The thought of choosing just one actually makes my heart hurt. I didn’t realise that it was possible to feel this strongly for several people at the same time” I say quietly, waiting for the judgement, it doesn’t come though.

  “Well, fuck” she sums up accurately, “any idea how the guys feel?”

  “See that’s the confusing thing, a few of the guys have kissed me in front of the others and the others don’t seem to mind. Even going so far as to tease me when I look shocked as shit that they’d kissed me so casually and in front of each other. It’s really confusing” I frown.

  I decide not to mention the fun we had when we woke up this morning. My brain still can’t fully process that, and it is definitely something private I want to keep just between me and the guys.

  “Huh that is a bit fucking odd” she frowns too, “but if there’s no tension between them and none of them have a problem with how things are working right now, then honestly girl I’d just leave it as it is. Eventually you are going to have to talk to them about how you feel though Ever, because if you feel as strongly for them as I think you do, then your feelings are only going to get stronger not go away.”

  She only confirms what I had originally thought which is sort of comforting and sort of not, I actually really was kind of hoping that these feeling would fade and I wouldn’t have to ruin what we have by telling them I caught feelings every single one of them.

  “You’re right, the guys are taking me away for a week in the winter break, if I still feel as strongly for them at the end of it, I’ll talk to them” I almost tell her they’re planning to take me to the cabin but with the possibility of Atlas coming and the mystery surrounding him I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s not that I don’t trust Rylie, I do, but Atlas specifically asked us not to tell anyone that he’d been in contact. So, if I told Rylie we were going to the cabin but asked her not to tell anyone where we were going, it would seem really suspicious unless I mentioned Atlas and I am not about to betray his trust even though I don’t know him. That would just be a dick move, it’s just safer all round if she doesn’t know.

  “No way, that’s so cool. Are their parents all ok with that?”

  “Well it’s me, we grew up together remember, so the parents trust the guys with me completely” I tell her.

  “Hmm maybe they shouldn’t trust their sons with you though” she replies, wiggling her eyebrows excessively and licking her lips.

  I crack up laughing. “Fuck off” I say between chuckles, although she may have a point considering what happened this morning. I can’t help but smirk.

  “Come on, we better get ready for this party. Do you want to borrow something? I think we’re about the same size” Rylie offers.

  I glance over my outfit, which was the one I was going to wear. It might be nice to actually dress up properly for a party for a change. I don’t do that normally, but then again, I never went to parties to enjoy them. I went to sell for my dad, which meant that I needed to wear things I could easily run in; in case something went south.

  “I was just going to wear this but if you’re sure…?” I ask.

  “Yeah of course” she grabs my hand and pulls me up off the bed and over to the closet in the corner of the room. “So, what were you thinking?” I just stare at her completely out of my depth, at my blank expression she scoffs. “Ok so dress, skirt, trousers?”

  “Erm trousers definitely” I say. I’m not really a dress or skirt person and if I’m going to be wearing a super fancy dress at the end of next week, then I’m just going to stick to my comfort zone for now and wear trousers.

  “Hmm ok, well you could keep your jeans on, and I can give you some heels and a top?” she asks but continues before I can reply. “Oh, shit wait, I’ve got the perfect pair of trousers for you and what size shoe are you?” she asks her voice muffled from where she’s digging around in the closet.

  I chuckle at her.

  “I’m a six.” I reply sounding slightly bewildered, she’s a force to be reckoned with when it comes to clothes apparently.

  “Sweet, we’re the same size. I’ve got the perfect pair of boots that will go with these” she grins triumphantly as she holds up a pair of faux leather skinny jeans in matte black. She chucks them at me, before diving back into her unorganised closet.

  When she emerges again, she pulls out a bright red crop top that will show at least four inches of my stomach and in the other hand she has a pair of black high heeled ankle boots that lace up and have studded buckles around the top.

  “There, wear that with your bike jacket and you’ll look hot as fuck.”

  “I left my bike jacket at Trick’s place” I shrug apologetically.

  “No worries, I’ve got a leather jacket here you can borrow” she shrugs.

  There’s not long until we’ve got to leave for the party and I have a feeling that if I’m any later than I told the guys I would be, one of them at least is going to freak, which reminds me. I pull out my phone whilst Rylie rummages in the closet for her outfit and open the group chat to the guys.

  Me: Hey guys, just getting dressed, then we will be leaving for the party.

  Jensen: Send a pic ;)

  Cash: Everyone who agrees with Jensen say aye!

  Luc: Aye

  Riot: Hell yes, I mean Aye.

  Rafe: Aye, Dragonfly.

  Jensen: Ha dude that rhymed!

  Rafe: I’m sat right next to you; did you really have to text that?

  Jensen: Well in that case did you really have to text to say that I’m sat right next you?

  Trick: Guys! Stay safe, Sweetheart. Oh, and aye ;)

  I chuckle, the dirty fuckers think I’m actually getting changed right now. I snap a picture of me fully dressed in the clothes I was wearing earlier, sticking my middle finger up whilst smirking for good measure. Sending the picture, I then add a comment underneath.

  Me: Nice try you perverts!

  I’m still chuckling as Rylie finally emerges from the bottomless pit that must be her closet, seriously she was digging in that thing for ages.

  “What’s so funny?” she asks holding up a tight black and dark purple bodycon dress and matching dark purple heels, for me to inspect.

  “It’s hot, I like it” I compliment before answering her question, “the guys thought I was texting them whilst getting changed, they wanted a pic and had a vote, I sent them this” I turn my phone round and show her the picture I sent, she cracks up laughing.

  “That’s hilarious, Ever,” she giggles. “Wait was that on a group chat? They all asked?”

  “Yeah, see what the fuck I mean, it’s damn confusing” I growl.

  “Yeah girl, rather you than me” she gets a contemplatively look on her face, “actually I take that back. Six gorgeous and dangerous guys all into me?” she grins, “yes fucking please” she says as she fans herself.

  I chuckle at her dramatics, shoving aside the small stab of jealousy. I know she didn’t mean it like that. I roll my eyes at myself, Rylie’s right I am seriously far gone for these guy’s.

  “The bathroom is the first door on the left straight after you leave my room” she grins.

  “Thanks Rylie.”

  “No problem. Hurry up and get changed we’ve got to do hair and makeup yet!” she says as she rushes me out of the door. I only just manage to grab my bag on the way out.

  Once safely in the bathroom, my nerves start to get the best of me, changing in a stranger’s house is unnerving. I know that Rylie’s my friend, but I’ve never been in this house before. I lock the bathroom door behind me and try to reassure myself with the fact that Rylie and I are the only ones here at the moment and I trust Rylie. Even so I need a minute to get my heart rate under control and to calm my thoughts before I can consider changing. So I
pull out my phone and check the replies from the guys.

  Jensen: Boo Ever, not what I meant.

  He sends a picture of him and Cash pouting, which instantly makes me crack up, laughing. The pouty twins are at it again.

  Me: Not gonna work on me, pouty twins.

  Luc: Hahaha pouty twins, I love that!

  Riot: You look beautiful, Ever.

  That one makes me blush, before I get another reply, I decide to ask them about the dance.

  Me: Rylie told me about the Winter Formal today. We’re going shopping on Monday after school for dresses! :) Are you guys planning to go?

  There’s no response for a minute or so but feeling much calmer now I’ve spoken to the guys and calmed my nerves, I quickly get dressed. I look my outfit over in the mirror. I love it, it matches my normal edgier style but dressier. The red crop top stops just above my belly button and with the leather jacket on over the top you can’t see any of my scars. The leather trousers fit me like a second skin and make my ass look awesome, if I do say so myself.

  I grab my make up out of my bag and do my normal make up routine, eyeliner and mascara except this time I add a thin line of liquid eyeliner on my lids. Stepping back, I glance over my reflection in the mirror again to make sure I didn’t make one liquid eyeliner line thicker than the other. Calling it good, I decide to leave the boots for now knowing that Rylie wants to do hair and make-up before we go. Although I can walk in heels, my feet much prefer to be barefoot. So much so, that in the summer I avoid wearing shoes as much as possible. Of course, I was very rarely able to do that back where I lived with my father. It’s definitely not safe to walk barefoot there, you could catch all sorts of nasty things. Deciding to leave them off until the last minute, I scoop them up, stuffing my discarded clothes into my bag and grab my phone, checking it as I leave the bathroom.

  Trick: Yeah we’re going, Sweetheart.

  For some reason I feel like I’m missing something again but I shake off the feeling as I knock on Rylie’s door to make sure she’s finished changing. She uses a changing room at school like me so I know better than to just barge in.


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