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Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

Page 27

by Nikita Parmenter

  Whilst they’re gathering everything, Jenny goes into the kitchen and starts to make dinner. I’m glad I’m still going to have Trick, although I highly doubt, he’s going to be allowed to sleep in my room. Which means my nightmares are going to come back with a vengeance and just the thought of them reappearing has my mood souring even more. I’m not saying that sleeping next to the guys is the reason why my nightmares stopped but I do think it’s a mixture of feeling so completely safe with them that even my nightmares can’t hurt me, and of course snuggles, snuggles help everything.

  I am so fucking glad no one can hear my thoughts right now. I roll my eyes at myself. I’m getting second-hand embarrassment from my own damn thoughts.

  I take all of my crap upstairs grabbing my clean clothes from the utility room as I go. I really don’t want to be wearing jeans right now but I feel like my new pyjamas from Jenny are a bit too casual and not something I want to wear at dinner, so I’m going to have to just stick it out and wear the jeans.

  I make a mental note to pick up some comfy sweatpants and leggings when me and Rylie go shopping tomorrow. She’s been texting me on and off all day telling me how excited she is. I have never really enjoyed shopping and I still wouldn’t want to do it regularly, but I am really looking forward to tomorrow. I trudge back downstairs to say goodbye to the guys, squeezing them all really tightly. Which I’d be embarrassed about, but they hugged me back just as hard. As they’re walking out the door, I remember I wanted to ask them something.

  “Are you guys coming to the mall with me and Rylie tomorrow?”

  “Most of us need to pick up Christmas presents still, so we were going to” Trick shrugs.

  “If you don’t mind, Dragonfly?” Luc asks.

  “We won’t come around with you and Rylie” Rafe signs.

  “But to be honest I think we would all feel better if we stayed close by, what with that stalker fucker still around.” Riot adds. “He’s already proven he’s dangerous enough to try and take you by force” he finishes, his voice hardening as the guys grunt in agreement.

  God help the stalker if my men get their hands on him, he doesn’t stand a fucking chance.

  The level of danger that they are radiating right now should scare me, it would scare a normal person.

  I have never claimed to be normal though and I love the dark just as much as my guys seem to. Which means instead of being scared, I love the danger surrounding them.

  “I was actually going to ask you guys if you wanted to come anyway, the cop said not to go anywhere alone. I know I’d be with Rylie but I’d feel safer if you guys were around. Plus, we can get dinner in the food court, I promised Rylie I’d treat” I grin happily, pulling myself from my thoughts. “So, we could meet up there after everyone’s done? I’ve got to get a dress for the Winter Formal, which is going to be interesting” I scrunch my nose up, I don’t really do dresses. “As well as Christmas presents.”

  “Well I for one can’t wait to see you in a dress Dragonfly” Jensen grins at me, winking.

  I can’t help but return his smile.

  “That’ll work, Ever. We’ll be around if you need us and then we can meet for dinner in the food court.” Cash agrees for all of them. “See you tomorrow, Il mio cuore” he adds, gently kissing me on my forehead.

  I really should ask him what that means.

  The guys all traipse past me saying a final goodbye before they go back to their houses. Once they’ve gone, Trick wraps his arms around me pulling me into his broad chest.

  “Why is it so hard to watch them go? I’m going to see them again tomorrow” I mutter.

  “I know, Sweetheart. I can guarantee that they feel the same way and actually I’m even going to miss the fuckers.” He scoffs, making me giggle. “We’ve spent so much time together since you came back, it is actually going to be odd not having them around.” He adds before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the kitchen. “Come on mom’s making steak and potatoes.”

  I smile up at him, glad that I have at least one of my guys with me.

  Throughout dinner I tell Rob and Jenny about the stalker and shopping with Rylie tomorrow. They’re understandable upset about the stalker and although they wish we’d told them sooner, they were proud that we’d gone to the police and reported it.

  “Are you sure you should go to the mall tomorrow with that maniac on the loose?” Jenny says worriedly.

  “We’re all going with her mom; trust me no one is getting through us” his violent side flashes through his eyes for a second before he pushes it down chuckling.

  “He has a point babe, don’t worry. The boys will protect Everleigh” Rob reassures her.

  The rest of dinner passes quickly, and I soon find myself dithering outside my bedroom door. Trick turns to me and must see something in my expression because he moves towards me, backing me up against my bedroom door and pinning me in place. My heartbeat picks up as my breaths shallow, one of his large hand’s dives into my hair as he angles my head and brings his plush lips down to meet mine. The kiss is slow and sensual, stoking the flames of desire. I let out a quiet moan as his tongue tangles with mine, a touch of hard metal reminds me that he has his tongue pierced and adds an entirely new dimension to his kiss that has my toes curling and releasing yet another breathy moan that has him releasing a groan of his own. He brings me even closer to his taught body in response before he gives me one last soft peck, moving away slightly and putting his hand on my face, studying my features.

  “Sweet dreams, Everleigh” he mutters as he steps back smiling at me.

  “Night” I reply still breathless.

  I turn still dazed and go into my room shutting the door softly behind me and leaning back against it. That’s all of them, I’ve kissed all of them now.


  That’s decided it, I desperately need to talk to them all. I feel like I need a bit of time to prepare myself for the probable negative outcome though and I don’t want to ruin the dance or Christmas. I selfishly want to enjoy what we have now before I bring up that I have caught feelings for all of them and ruin it.

  I’ll do it after the trip to the cabin. I know I’m just prolonging the inevitable but I’m a coward when it comes to anything emotional.

  I go over to my bed and clear it off, procrastinating and making sure everything is neatly aligned. I then make the effort to fold and put away all of my new clothes and clean washing, for probably the first time ever. Looking over at my neatly folded pyjamas on the bed and then back towards my still lockless bedroom door, I debate whether I want to be brave and put them on. If one of the guys were staying in here with me I wouldn’t even be thinking twice about wearing them but I know I’m already going to have nightmares. I decide to stay dressed, but I do take my socks and shoes off. Some days all you can manage is a small win and that’s ok.

  I glance over to my backpack where my knives have been resting all weekend. I didn’t feel the need for them at all, although they would’ve been handy when that stalker dick attacked me. I bring the bag closer to the bed but leave my knives inside, progress.

  A glance at my phone shows it’s only ten o’clock. If I have any hope of sleeping without nightmares tonight, then I’m going to have to stay up until I’m so tired I have no choice but to fall asleep. Hopefully making me too exhausted to dream at all.

  I’ll admit it’s not a fool proof plan.

  I pull out the homework that I didn’t get around to finishing because of Jensen’s antics and sit cross legged in the middle of my bed to finish it up. It takes me about an hour and a half to get it all done, since one of the piece’s was an essay. When I’m finally done, I rub my tired eyes before I pack it all back away in my bag and glance at my phone to check the time, nearly midnight. I’m not quite tired enough to sleep yet but the homework definitely helped. I glance around my room looking for something else to do and jump as my phone buzzes on the bedside table.

  I quickly snatch it up, thankful for the dist
raction and curious as to who is texting me this late.

  Riot: Goodnight Sunshine.

  Me: Night Riot.

  I reply sending a kiss emoji for good measure.

  Riot: How come you’re awake Sunshine?

  He replies immediately and I decide to tell him the truth.

  Me: I haven’t had nightmares whilst I’ve been with you guys but now I’m sleeping on my own, I’m terrified they’re going to come back with a vengeance. What about you?

  I send my reply and wait but after ten minutes I figure he’s fallen asleep and start to play a mindless game on my phone to pass the time. About fifteen minutes later a tink, tink sound breaks up the silence of the room. My gaze immediately darts to the window and I jump up, peeking out cautiously as I open it up.

  “Ow fuck” I curse rubbing the spot on my forehead that just got dinged with a small stone.

  “Oh shit, sorry Ever. Are you ok?” Riot whisper shouts from below trying and not succeeding, to suppress his laughter.

  “Yeah laugh it up, jackass” I tease, “what the fuck are you doing here anyway?”

  “Let me in and I’ll tell you. I’m freezing my fucking ass off” He calls back up.

  “Alright hang on, you big baby” I chuckle.

  I shut the window and then creep towards my bedroom door, glancing out of it all ninja like.

  I am absolutely not quietly humming the mission impossible theme tune to myself like a crazy person, nope not me.

  Once I’ve checked that the coast is clear, I tiptoe across the landing, down the stairs and up to the front door, silently turning the lock and pulling the door open. Riot rushes inside and pulls me into his cold arms, burrowing his freezing cold hands under my top and making me yelp.

  “Oi you fucker you’re freezing” I chuckle as I push him back and ignoring his pout, walk back up the stairs. Once we’re safely in my room I ask him, “what are you doing here?”

  Not that I mind in the slightest let’s be honest.

  “Well I don’t want to go to sleep for the same reason as you, so I thought we could go to sleep together, then maybe neither of us will get nightmares” he rubs the back of his neck nervously as he glances away.

  I walk up to him a wrap my arms around waist. “Thank you” I say softly.

  “Anytime Ever, go get your pyjamas on and we can get some sleep.”

  I nod as I grab my pyjamas out of the drawer where I stored them earlier, now that Riot’s going to be sleeping with me, I have no problem with putting them on. Instead of going to the bathroom and risking waking someone up, I get changed quickly in the closet and when I’m done, I come out to see Riot has turned off the light and is already in bed. He pats the other side of the bed and grins at me. Although this feels more intimate with just us in the room, I don’t hesitate to return his grin and scoot into the bed with him. Turning my back to him, he immediately wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his wide chest. I sigh happily as I snuggle down in his arms and his chest vibrates in a chuckle.

  “Sleep Sunshine, I’ve got you” he whispers placing a light kiss on the back of my neck and within moments I’m fast asleep.

  I wake up early the next morning pleased that Riot’s plan worked, and I had a nightmare free sleep. I turn over, reaching for Riot only to see him getting out of bed. That must’ve been what woke me up in the first place.

  “Morning Sunshine” he smiles softly his hair all over the place, “I’ve got to get back to mine to grab some clothes for today. I’ll see you at school” He grins, leaning down and kissing me on the forehead before he tiptoes towards the door with his boots in his hand.

  As soon as he’s gone, I contemplate going back to sleep but quickly decide it’s not worth it. I do decide to have a shower since the house is still quiet. I throw my covers off and make my way over to my closet as a giant yawn takes over most of my face.

  Damn I need coffee.

  I may have slept without any nightmares plaguing me last night and I’m guessing Riot did too since I would’ve noticed him thrashing around in the bed but we were still up quite late and if I’m going to even attempt to deal with school today, I’m going to need lots of coffee.

  I am so ready for winter break. Only one more week left of school. At least I have shopping later with Rylie to look forward to, that at least will help me get through today.

  I glance out my window and shiver at the bleak looking grey sky, just looking at it has me shivering. I’m so glad I don’t have to ride my bike in the winter at the moment. When I was back with my dad I rode it all year round unless it really was unsafe, in which case I’d have to walk everywhere instead and considering unsafe meant deep snow and I rarely had proper clothing, it meant I froze my ass off and spent most of the winter suffering with a cold. So, I’m incredibly grateful that the guys and Rylie don’t seem to mind driving my ass around. It would be nice to get my own car though and not to have to rely on other people all the time. Maybe I could ask Rob and Jenny about it, I’ve got no idea where to start when it comes to buying a car. I’d need to save first but that shouldn’t be too hard with my monthly stipend. There doesn’t seem much point in asking them to help me buy my first car until I’ve actually saved enough to do so, so I’ll wait to ask them.

  I grab some dark blue jeans and one of the long-sleeved tops that I bought yesterday. I choose the one that’s a black Henley style, with long sleeves that come to the middle of my hands, the cuffs of the sleeves embroidered with a beautiful silver swirling pattern that tapers off as it goes up the arm of the top. I love it so much that I got one in grey with burgundy embroidery too. I rush into the bathroom and take a quick shower. Once I’m dressed, I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where Jenny is already up and preparing pancakes.

  It’s almost surreal that this actually happens in real life.

  “Good morning Ever” she says, far to cheerfully for this time in the morning.

  “Morning” I grunt, shuffling over to the coffee pot, pouring myself a large mug, and adding cream and sugar.

  I take a sip and let out a sigh. Oh, coffee I do love you.

  “Would you like some pancakes and bacon?” Jenny asks amused, holding out a plate piled high with both.

  “Yes please” I reply gratefully taking the plate, much more civil now I’ve had my coffee.

  Her laughter follows me to the kitchen table where I take a seat and waste no time stuffing my face.

  “Morning Dragonfly” Trick’s raspy morning voice sounds out from behind me as I feel a kiss drop onto the top of my head.

  He walks past me and grabs his coffee and a plate of food off of Jenny, who is watching him with a soft look on her face that he doesn’t notice as he comes to sit next to me. He immediately reaches his hand under the table and intertwines his large hand with mine.

  I release a happy sigh.

  I missed him, which is a bit ridiculous since we were in the same house and I saw him last night. It is what it is though. There is no point in denying it.

  “Come on, Sweetheart” Trick says once we’ve finished breakfast, “the guys are waiting for us, they’ve been blowing up my damn phone” he rolls his eyes chuckling.

  “Really, why?”

  He raises his eyebrow at me incredulously before answering, “they’ve missed you and want us to, and I’m quoting them, hurry the fuck up” he chuckles.

  “Seriously?” I ask, my dumb heart soaring. He nods. “Why didn’t they message me?” I ask chuckling as I grab my bag.

  “Well where’s your phone?” he asks me with his eyebrow raised.

  I think for a second before answering him, “upstairs still, whoops” I grin, leaving him by the door as I run upstairs to grab it. It wouldn’t be a good idea to go anywhere without my phone at the moment, not with stalker dick around.

  “Got it” I grin waving it in front of Trick.

  I check it as we get into Trick’s truck. “Holy fuck, I’ve got twenty-eight text messages” I chuckle.

  “Yeah I figured you’d have a lot, they started panicking when you didn’t reply and then I got all the damn text messages” he gripes playfully.

  “Slightly overprotective aren’t they” I chuckle.

  “Can you blame us Ever?” Trick says suddenly serious. “We know what it feels like to lose you and somehow we care even more for you now than we did back then, losing you now would destroy us. There is a threat to you at the moment that we can’t do fuck all about because we don’t know who the fuck is threatening you” he takes a calming breath, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye as we pull into school. “So, I’m sorry Sweetheart but you’re going to have to deal with us being overprotective assholes when it comes to you for the foreseeable future. At least until this stalker fucker is caught and then we will dial it back to just protective” he grins.

  I should probably feel smothered or something, but I really don’t, they aren’t being assholes in the way their trying to protect me. It’s not like they’re trying to control where I go or what I do, they just want to keep me safe and to be honest the stalker guy scares the shit out of me. I want my guys around helping keep me safe, because although I can protect myself, it’s nice to have other people wanting to do it too.

  “I can deal with that” I reply honestly, “in fact I love it” I smirk.

  He glances at me sharply, thankfully we’ve just parked, so he doesn’t cause an accident when he does it.

  “What?” I shrug, my smirk growing. “Six gorgeous guys all hell bent on protecting me and keeping me safe? That’s fucking hot.”

  I jump out of the truck before Trick can reply and I’m instantly engulfed in giant arms, my face turns into Rafe’s neck as he lifts me up and I hug him tightly. Riot comes up behind me and squishes me between them both, I giggle as I’m pulled out from between them by Jensen, who scoops me up and spins me around his head buried in my neck. I tug his hair in what seems to be beginning to be our usual greeting and he nips my neck. Before I can retaliate, I’m pulled into Luc’s arms as he squeezes me tightly, giving me a quick peck on my lips that shocks the shit out of me and makes him chuckle quietly.


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