Home (Finding My Home Book 1)

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Home (Finding My Home Book 1) Page 31

by Nikita Parmenter

  Sitting in homeroom with Rylie, I catch more than a few hostile glares from Selena’s bitch squad. I guess news of the guys all claiming to go to the Winter Formal with me, has finally reached them. I can’t help but listen in as I hear my name mentioned, keeping my head down and pretending I’m not listening to their conversation.

  “It’s not true, Trick told me himself last night in bed, that it’s just a prank on the skank” Selena says smugly.

  I almost laugh out loud at her statement. One, he was with us all night last night, and B, if they were talking about me whilst in bed together then there’s underlying issues there in the first place, yikes.

  “It can’t be true. Why would they all go with that whore when they can go with us and get us all to themselves?” one of them sneers.

  That one hits a little close to home. I have no idea what our dynamic is at the moment and let’s be honest I won’t know for definite until I actually speak to them about it but I am constantly worried that one of them or all of them are going to get girlfriend’s. Then I’ll lose them most likely as friends as well as whatever we currently are. Girls are bitches and they aren’t going to like that their man is friends with a girl, it’s a sad but simple fact.

  “I don’t know Selena; they are always around her and at least one of them is always touching her” a red-haired follower says, and I make note of her.

  There might be hope for her yet, she is the only one that I have heard talk back to Selena and have a mind of her own. Not just blindly follow.

  “Shut up you stupid bitch, of course they don’t all want her” Selena growls.

  I tense up sending a sideways glance at the red head. I'm surprised when I see her eyes practically spitting fire, I like this one. She sees me watching her and I send her a wink and she smirks in return. Yep I definitely like this one, we’re going to have to adopt her before Selena sullies her anymore.

  “I’d be careful who you call stupid Selena, this one looks like she could beat you to a bloody pulp” I chuckle raising my head.

  “She wouldn’t dare, I own her ass” she sneers hatefully.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” I growl back, completely ignoring the teacher who’s trying to get the class back on track.

  The red head is boiling mad but what I don’t like, is the look of defeat in her eyes, I feel like I need to do something. Call it a gut instinct if you want but I feel like this one needs help. Ignoring a still ranting Selena I turn to the red head.

  “Red” I start.

  “Darcy” she interrupts me, and I smirk.

  “Darcy, make a choice” I say simply knowing that she understands what I mean.

  Darcy’s gaze pings between me and a smugly smiling Selena.

  “Like I said, I fucking own her” Selena scoffs, shooting a warning glare at Darcy.

  Darcy closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as if preparing for some monumental moment. I have to say I am beyond curious. When she opens her pretty green eyes again, I’m proud to see determination glaring back rather than defeat, I look over to Rylie to see what she thinks only to find her staring at Darcy with an enraptured look on her face, now that’s interesting, I grin to myself.

  “I’m a lesbian” Darcy says clearly, “I like girls” she clarifies for the stupid people in the back before turning towards Selena who is gaping like a fucking fish. “There you go you vapid fucking cunt, now you have nothing to blackmail me with,” she growls and gathers up her stuff.

  I push out the chair on the opposite side of me with my foot and she plonks her ass down into it, I smirk at her.

  “That was fucking awesome Darcy” I grin, she returns it, but I see her hands shake as she puts her bag on the floor ignoring the indignant screeches from Selena.

  Rylie leans around me and studies Darcy concerned, she motions for me to move out of the way, so I swap seats her.

  “You ok?” I hear Rylie ask Darcy softly.

  “Yeah I’m good I think” she frowns and then turns to look at Rylie, her eyes run over Rylie’s features and her expression softens.

  I think Josh has some competition, and if I were the weak-willed Josh, I’d be worried. I smile to myself; I trust my instincts I gained a friend today, or at the very least an ally but I think Rylie might have gained a girlfriend and a partner in crime and that’s pretty fucking awesome. I kind of like playing matchmaker even if it was unintentional.

  The bell rings to signal the end of homeroom and we all gather our things.

  “What class do you have next Darcy?” I ask.

  “English lit with Miss Dennis.”

  “Rylie has that class too, you got lunch after?” I ask.


  “Do you want to sit with us?” Rylie asks her cheeks tinting slightly pink, oh that’s cute.

  “Yeah, that would be great, thanks. Listening to those girls talk about hair, make up and celebrity crushes, oh, and venomously bitch about Ever when they didn’t even know her, was pushing me to breaking point, seriously” she sighs heavily.

  “It’s all good girl, you can sit with us” Rylie grins.

  “See you guys later.”

  I wave to them as I continue past their classroom in order to get to mine, they don’t even lift their heads, too absorbed in each other to notice my absence.

  Everleigh the matchmaker at your service. Again, not that I did it on purpose but I’m fully taking credit for this development.

  My next class is boring as all hell and takes a ridiculous amount of time to end, I seriously think this lesson is double the length it should be. It doesn’t help that this is one of my only classes where I don’t have Rylie or any of the guys with me. Finally, after an eternity, the bell rings and I’m up and out the door before anyone else. I practically run to the cafeteria. I miss my guys but more importantly right now I want food.

  After I’ve bought my food, I take a seat at our usual table and lean against Cash heavily.

  “You ok Dragonfly?” Luc asks from across the table, his chocolate brown eyes concerned.

  “I’m just tired, ready for winter break and to spend some proper time with you guys” I grin.

  “I hear that Ever” Jensen grins from beside me putting his hand on my thigh and gripping tightly.

  I lean over and kiss him gently on the cheek before leaning my head back on Cash’s shoulder, he gently kisses the top of my head. I can feel the stares coming from the rest of the cafeteria, but I just don’t give a shit. For some reason I feel like it really doesn’t matter what the fuckers think, almost like I’m never going to see them again. Probably wishful thinking and actually now that I’m thinking about it, I’m probably hormonal. My hormones are an actual bitch and I think I’m due on soon. I do quick math in my head, yep I’m due on in the next couple of days I think, which explains why my boobs hurt like someone’s punched them. I’ll have to see if the guys would mind taking me to the grocery store after school.

  “What time are we going out tonight” I ask Riot as he sits down on the bench on the opposite side of the table.

  “Around six ish if that’s ok?” he asks smiling at me.

  “Yeah that sounds good. Do you guys mind if we nip to the grocery store after school, I need to pick up some stuff.”

  “Sure, Dragonfly” Luc answers from next to Riot.

  “Hey, who’s that walking with Rylie, Trick and Rafe?” Jensen asks.

  “That’s Darcy, I rescued her from Selena. Apparently, Selena was threatening to tell everyone that she was a lesbian before she was ready for anyone to know. Darcy told our entire class this morning and put an end to the control Selena had over her, it was epic” I grin.

  “What was epic?” Rylie asks as they all get to the table and take their seats.

  I eye Trick for a bit longer than necessary, he definitely seems nervous, the dude is up to something.

  “Darcy was this morning” I say distractedly, still eyeing Trick suspiciously.

  “She really was” Rylie c
ompliments, smiling softly at Darcy who blushes.

  Jensen nudges me and I turn to him, he raises he eyebrow as his eyes dart towards Rylie and Darcy who once again have their heads bent together completely ignoring the rest of the world around them. I grin nodding and he chuckles.

  “So much better than that Josh kid, dudes got absolutely no backbone he never would’ve been able to keep up with her” Jensen chuckles quietly.

  “I still don’t know how he managed to convince her to go to Winter Formal with him” Rafe signs from next to Trick.

  “Speaking of Winter Formal” Trick grins.

  “What?” I ask, my eyebrows dip in confusion, I look around the guys and they just grin shit eating grins at me, dicks.

  Trick winks at me before stepping up onto the cafeteria table.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I hiss, confused.

  Trick puts his fingers in his mouth and let’s loose an ear piercing whistle. The whole cafeteria falls quiet and turns towards him. Once he is sure he has everyone’s attention, Trick turns towards me.

  “Everleigh Dragonfly, will you make me the happiest guy here and go to Winter Formal with me?” He grins down at me confidently but nervousness seeps from his eyes as he waits for my answer.

  There’s a screech from the other side of the cafeteria and I know it’s come from Selena but I just could not give a flying fuck about it right now. I smirk as I slowly get up on the table beside Trick, Jensen and Cash helping me up. The whole cafeteria starts muttering.

  “Yep” I say simply, seemingly incapable of anymore words right now, my smile impossibly wide.

  My heart soars in my chest as Trick crushes his lips against mine in a searing kiss. I never thought I would be one who enjoyed PDA but it’s more than that, it’s that he really isn’t ashamed to be seen kissing me and I love it. A loud cough breaks us apart as I realise the entire cafeteria is whooping and hollering.

  “Whoops” I grin at Trick as we take our seats again.

  This time I take a seat next to Trick. I glance around at the other guys to gauge how they are feeling. I shouldn’t have worried though because they’re all still grinning at me. I start to wonder whether this means that I’m not going with all of them anymore, if this means that I’m just going with Trick now? I know that shouldn’t make me sad, but it does.

  “This is just the beginning, Sunshine” Riot chuckles as if he can read my mind and I eye him curiously.

  My gaze darts to Rylie and Darcy but they look just as confused I do. I decide to just put a pin in it to worry about it later. So, I shrug and continue to eat my lunch. Although happiness is consuming me from Trick asking me to the dance and I haven’t let go of his hand since we sat down.

  “So, what are we doing after school?” Rafe signs to the rest of us.

  “Well I need to go to the grocery store and then I’m going out with Riot” I say grinning at Riot.

  I am incredibly excited for my first proper date. Pretty sure meeting someone at a party, fucking them and then not talking to them ever again does not count as a date. Darcy’s gaze darts between me, Trick and Riot probably trying to work out the dynamic we’ve got going on.

  You and me both dude. I’ll let Rylie fill her in on the confusing shit that is me and my guys.

  “Why do you need to go to the store?”

  “Feminine products” I wink at Rafe as his ears turn slightly pink.

  Jensen chuckles quietly across the table from us, clearly amused at Rafe’s reaction.

  “What are the rest of us doing?” Cash asks.

  “Gaming marathon at mine” Jensen says. “Dad wants to play too.”

  That makes me smile. I’m glad that Jensen’s dad seems to be more involved in his life now. When we were kids and the death of his wife and daughter was still fresh, Jensen’s dad was a bit standoffish and threw himself into his work. Fortunately, Jensen had us, but I know it was hard for him. I’m glad his dad is around more, now.

  I’m about to comment, when Rylie’s eyes suddenly widen, which is the only warning I get before warm sludge gets poured over the back of the left side of my head and down my back on my left side.

  I screech as I stand up and turn to face a smugly sneering Selena.

  Of fucking course, I should have known that there was no way she was going to let it slide that Trick has asked me to the Winter Formal.

  The guys all start to stand up but before they can even utter a word, I hold my hand up silencing them. I take a deep calming breath trying desperately not to punch her in the face. I list the reasons why I shouldn’t quickly in my mind. Disappointing Rob and Jenny, she will definitely press charges which I absolutely do not need right now, I will most likely get suspended from school, and could therefore miss the dance and I am not letting this bitch ruin my first dance, more than likely that’s what she fucking wants. That makes my decision easier, although it fucking sucks because I would love to knock her the fuck out.

  She is just a normal bully though and it really wouldn’t be a fair fight. I’m used to protecting those who cannot protect themselves from people a thousand times worse than she is, in short, she’s just not fucking worth the time or effort.

  I’ve got to give it to her though, she doesn’t back up as I step towards her, I let my rage swirl in my eyes, and she flinches when she sees it.

  “This is your last fucking warning Selena, I know what you’re doing and I’m not fucking stupid enough to knock you the fuck out right here in front of all these witnesses” I grin viciously, as she starts to huff indignantly. “Yeah bitch you’re dumb as a fucking bag of rocks. You should know though, that if you keep trying to come after me, I’m going to find you outside of school, where there’s no witnesses and then we’re going to play” I grin savagely, as I lean back into Jensen who has stepped up behind me, on my clean side and dips his head so his chin rests on my shoulder.

  Selena scoffs once before paling when I continue to stare at her and she realises that I’m not joking.

  “Y-y-you can’t threaten me like that, everyone heard you” she smirks like she thinks she’s got me.

  Jensen’s head lifts from my clean shoulder as he glances around at the crowd surrounding us, from Selena’s flinch and the fact that several of the people that have decided to surround us take a step back. I’m guessing that Jensen has his scary grin on, the violent one, filled with the darkness I love.

  “Did any of you hear Ever threaten Selena?” Jensen growls as the rest of the guys take a step closer.

  There’s a loud echoing of no and heads shaking as everyone backs the fuck up.

  “Shoo bitch” I chuckle as I make a shooing motion with my hands.

  The guys chuckle behind me as Rylie and Darcy burst into laughter. I grin, as Selena sputters trying to come up with something scathing to say no doubt but one of her followers obviously has a sense of self-preservation because she starts to pull Selena away although not before shooting me a glare.

  “Come on girl, the showers are empty at the moment and I don’t think any got on your jeans” Rylie says.

  “I’ve got a travel shampoo in my bag, if you want it?” Darcy says.

  “Yes, please and thank you guys” I grin appreciatively.

  “Wait Ever, here I keep a spare in my bag” Luc grins as he hands me over a dark grey tee that’s going to be miles too big for me.

  I give him a peck on the cheek and turn to follow the girls out of the cafeteria to shower and change.

  “God this feels absolutely disgusting” I groan as soon as we’re out of ear shot of anyone in the cafeteria.

  The gravy was cold enough that it had started to solidify and is slowly making its way past my shoulder blades.

  “It looks disgusting” Darcy grins.

  “Cheers dude” I chuckle as we make it to the showers.

  “We’ll guard the door” Rylie says as Darcy hands me a shampoo bottle, she shoots Rylie a look but doesn’t question it.

  “Thanks guys.”
  Thanks to showering with the guys around, I seem to have started to build up a kind of tolerance which I’m incredibly grateful for. It definitely still makes me nervous though so I waste no time stripping and jumping into one of the shower cubicles to clean off the disgusting goop. I end up using all of the little travel sized bottle and make a mental note to pick up some more for Darcy at the grocery store later.

  The bell rings as I finish getting dressed and I bundle up my ruined shirt, which thankfully wasn’t one of my new ones and dump it in the trash on the way past, god what has the rest of the day got planned for me.

  As I’m exiting the changing room my phone pings with an alert, pulling it out I grin and do a happy dance when I read the message.

  “What’s with the happy dance” Rylie chuckles.

  “My Victoria secret parcels have arrived” I grin as we walk to our next class which it turns out Darcy shares with us.

  “Parcel’s? As in plural?” Darcy asks, her eyebrow raised.

  “Er Yeah, well I’ve never had enough money to own really pretty underwear before and I went a bit crazy with it” I chuckle, and they laugh with me.

  “Fair enough, those boys are in for a treat” Rylie chuckles, waggling her eyebrows.

  “Ok I have to ask; please don’t take this the wrong way, it’s not meant to be bitchy or anything like that but what is going on with you guys?” Darcy asks.

  “Fuck if I know, Darce” I chuckle, and she raises her eyebrow at me again.

  “Ah, I hear you dude fair enough” she grins.

  We take our seat’s in world history just as the teacher starts her lesson, she tries to give us the stink eye but I’m just not in the mood to even pretend like I give a shit right now. Just three more days until the Winter Formal and then winter break and escaping with the guys for a while. I grin as I think about how Trick asked me to go to the dance at lunch, I loved it.

  The rest of the day passes in a blur of glares from the girls and generally confused looks from everyone else. The confused looks I can understand, Trick asked me to the dance and then the other guys were still touchy feely with me and Jensen held me in front of all of them when I had that ridiculous show down with Selena. If I was on the outside looking in, I’d be struggling to work it out too. Hell, I’m on the inside and I’m not entirely sure what the fuck is going on.


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