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LIMITLESS: A Less Than Zero Rockstar Romance: Book 2: Jace & Alex

Page 3

by Kaylene Winter

  Chapter 3


  “You owe me big time, pretty boy,” Connor growled from the back seat of our beat-up green van where we were sitting.

  “I know, I know.” Ty smiled back at our grumpy bassist from the passenger seat. It was nice to see our singer happy, he hadn’t been able to keep a shit-eating grin off his face for weeks. We all knew that his home life was terrible, but Ty never wanted anyone to know about it and he certainly never, ever discussed it.

  “Do we have to stay long?” I rolled my eyes. “My family dinner is at seven.”

  “No, we’ll just play a few songs, and then we can go.” Zane smirked at me through the rearview mirror from the driver’s seat as he socked Ty in the arm.

  “I really, really appreciate it, you guys.” Ty slugged Zane back. “Zoey makes me so happy, she’s incredible.”

  The four of us had loaded up a few guitars, a snare drum, and a practice amp and were on our way to Ty’s new girlfriend’s house to play a fucking high school graduation party. Leave it to Ty to complicate his life with a serious relationship right before we were going into the studio and leaving on a six-month tour. With jailbait, nonetheless.

  “Dude, I still don’t know why you’re hooking up with a high school chick. She’s too young for you.” Conner must have been reading my mind.

  “She’s the one for me, I don’t care how old she is.” Ty crossed his arms and stared out the window.

  We pulled up to a big craftsman house in Wallingford, parked and each grabbed our acoustic gear and instruments. I led the way as we walked down the paved walkway toward the bright-blue front door. Before I could ring the doorbell, the door swung open and a gorgeous blonde MILF wearing tan capris and a white T-shirt ran down the walkway toward us.

  “Hi guys, I’m Olivia, Zoey’s mom.” She held out her hand to me before pulling Ty into a hug.

  “Jace.” I smiled. “Drummer.”

  Zane and Connor introduced themselves and we stood on the stoop awkwardly, grinning at Zoey’s mom for a minute, unsure of what to do.

  “Right.” Olivia took charge, pointing to the side of the house. “Let’s go through here, Zoey and Alex don’t know about this and they’re upstairs getting ready.”

  We didn’t have much to set up, so after about ten minutes Zoey’s mother ushered us into a room on the first floor where a large TV with an Xbox was set up next to a desk. On a side table, a platter of sandwiches and a cooler of beers were set up for us.

  “Hopefully, you guys can hide out here for an hour or so. When the guests have all arrived, I’ll come get you.” Zoey’s mom gestured around the room. “Is this okay?”

  “It’s fine, Olivia.” Ty gave her another side hug. “Thank you so much.”

  After we devoured the food and drank a few beers, Connor and I played old-school Halo while Zane watched, and Ty was busy with his phone.

  “Zoey is freaking out that I’m not here yet.” Ty chuckled. “She’s going to be so surprised.”

  “Dude, I know you like this chick,” Connor said. “But, it’s such shitty timing.”

  “Connor! Give it a rest.” Zane scowled. “You’re going on and on about it.”

  “What?” Connor held up his hands. “We’re supposed to be focused on the band right now, not chicks.”

  “Says the guy who is practically married.” Ty deadpanned.

  “Well, I don’t understand it either, Ty.” I chimed in supporting Connor. It tended to go this way in our band, Ty and Zane usually backed each other while Connor and I had each other’s backs.

  “I can’t explain it.” Ty shrugged. “I keep telling you guys, she makes me happy. I like being happy.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Ty. You’re twenty-one years old. She just turned eighteen.” I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

  “I’m not going to justify it to you, Jace,” Ty said definitively.

  Although our band was tight, Ty had always been hard for me to get to know. Except for the songs he wrote, he didn’t speak up that often. When he did, it was usually because he had a really strong opinion. Then his stubbornness was legendary. I had to come to terms with the fact that Zoey was not going anywhere anytime soon.

  Zane’s guitar skills were what had initially convinced Connor and me to join LTZ two years prior, but Ty’s front-man presence is what had sealed the deal for us to stay. Me, Connor, and Zane all still lived with our families and basically spent all our time together to work on the band and socialize. Ty spent as much time as he could, but he had to work a lot of hours as a line cook to support himself.

  Dividing up what little time we had with a girl pissed both me and Connor off.

  Carter, Zane’s famous rock star father, was pulling in so many connections that LTZ was primed to make it big. As long as we focused and took our careers seriously. We all did. Ty did too. I mean, he was such a good-looking dude who ordinarily was utterly and completely shy and awkward around women. Maybe having the beautiful Zoey by his side would build his confidence. On the other hand, I didn’t understand why he, of all people, would potentially muck up his bright future for a woman. Well, not really a woman. A girl.

  “Are you guys ready?” Zoey’s mom knocked softly and then quietly opened the door.

  “Yes, let me text Zoey so she thinks I’m running late.” Ty smiled.

  “Great idea.” Olivia gushed. “Ty, you’re so wonderful. Guys, you all are. Thank you for doing this for our daughter and Alex.”

  We moved through the house, out the sliding glass door to the back yard and across the lawn to where we had set up our gear. Connor removed the tarp that was covering it up and I glanced out into the yard to see it filled with a bunch of friends and family of the graduates.

  A petite, curvy girl with a crazy mane of streaked blond hair wearing a simple black tank dress was clutching the hand of a tall, honey-blonde, willowy beauty wearing low-slung white pants with a fringy turquoise halter that exposed her tan, flat stomach. My eyes zeroed in on the sparkly white jewel pierced through her bellybutton. Both were wearing blindfolds and giggling.

  The tall girl looked really familiar, and man she was smokin’. On second thought, maybe Ty was onto something with the high school graduates. I chuckled to myself as I sat behind my bass and snare. The rest of the guys sat on stools and picked up their guitars, adjusted their mikes, and gave the thumbs-up to Zoey’s mom. Two older guys, who looked like the girls’ fathers, gently removed the blindfolds from their daughter’s eyes just as we began to play.

  Instantly, I recognized the tall beauty as the girl who I chatted with at The Mission when I was trying to round up Ty. She and Zoey were clinging to each other, jumping up and down with utter delight at the fact that we were playing their graduation party. Zoey and Alex ran up to where we were playing and danced. The rest of their friends surrounded them.

  Ty was a lovestruck puppy, emoting each song for his girlfriend, causing the rest of us to give each other side looks and secret gag-me grins. Still, I couldn’t help but notice that Alex was pointedly trying to get my attention and it was working. Watching her gyrate with her hands thrown high in the air revealed her taut, sexy stomach. And a jeweled belly-ring. The sight caused my traitorous dick to swell despite my attempts to avoid looking directly at her.

  Jokes aside, nothing would convince me that getting involved with a barely-out-of-high-school girl was the right thing to do for a nearly twenty-three-year-old man.

  The girls kept whispering and giggling as they watched us, and although I had grumbled about doing this favor for Ty, playing the party was actually kind of fun. I laughed to myself when Zoey kept making kissy faces at Ty, causing him to blush. After seeing the two of them together, I changed my mind. How could any of us be pissed when Ty was finally so frickin’ happy?

  After we played all the songs we knew, we continued for over an hour by jamming through a few old-school covers from the eighties and nineties. By this point, all of us—even Connor—were having a blast.
Everyone at the party was dancing and celebrating.

  When we finally wrapped things up, Ty introduced Zoey and Alex to all of us and a few of their friends. A couple of older dudes walked up.

  “Gentlemen, thank you so much for putting on an amazing show. We really appreciate it.” Zoey’s dad, Mike approached us and handed Zane a thick envelope.

  “Oh, no, Mr. Pearson, we can’t accept anything. We were glad to play.” Zane tried to hand it back.

  “We insist.” A tall, gray-haired, suave guy wearing a navy sweater and gray slacks stepped up and put out his hand. “I’m Allen LeRoux, Alexandria’s father.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. LeRoux.” I shook his hand and introduced myself. Connor and Zane followed my lead.

  “You guys will be on tour and every little bit will help.” Mike Pearson smiled.

  “Wow, thank you so much. We had a great time.” Connor spoke up, surprising both Zane and me.

  After the dads left, the three of us looked around aimlessly, wondering whether we should stay, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  “Hey.” Alex smiled shyly and clasped her hands behind her.

  “Oh, hey.” I gave her a small wave. “I remember you from the club.”

  “You do?” She looked surprised.

  “Of course. What’s up?” I was genuinely curious.

  “Well, Zoey thought—Um. Here’s the thing. I was wondering if I could talk to you about the social media stuff you’re working on for the band. I have an idea for a project I want to start, but I’m not sure how to get going.” Alex wrinkled her nose. “But, if you need to go.”

  “I have dinner at my parents’ house, but I could chat for a few. No problem.” I pointed to the catering spread. “I’m parched and really could use something to drink.”

  “Dude, I gotta get home.” Connor interrupted, tapping an imaginary watch.

  “Can you grab an Uber?” I asked. “Zane and I can take the stuff with us later.”

  “No can do. I’m going to The Mission, remember?” Zane backed away from the conversation, so he didn’t get stuck loading out with me. “Maybe Ty can help you if you want to stay longer.”

  “Fine, you guys take the van and the gear, and I’ll take an Uber.” I planned to outsmart my band brothers, I always had to load out.

  “Fine. We’ll load, you unload. Make Ty help you. It’s only right. Happy graduation, Alex.” Zane gave her a huge hug, and Alex’s expression was wide-eyed.

  “Happy graduation.” Connor saluted and my bandmates headed toward the side gate with the remaining gear.

  “Thanks, guys!” She waved enthusiastically; her smile was radiant. Pure light.

  “Please tell me there are beers here.” Without thinking, I ripped off my sweaty T-shirt and grabbed a replacement LTZ shirt out of my bag.

  “Um, yeah. Over there.” Alex’s eyes were transfixed at my bare torso as she pointed toward the deck.

  “Great. Well, let’s go.” I gestured, flexing my biceps. She quickly looked away, embarrassed at being caught ogling me.

  Externally, I kept a neutral face but internally I was secretly pleased that she liked what she saw. Having a hot, young woman like Alex find you attractive wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Even if I’d never do anything about it.

  We headed toward the makeshift bar on the deck. I grabbed a Manny’s and she grabbed a Coke.

  “Sucks that me and Zoey can’t drink in front of all of the parents.” Alex pouted. “God, I can’t wait to be twenty-one. Or to be somewhere it doesn’t matter.”

  “Ah, it’s not all that different.” I laughed.

  “How old are you?” Alex asked.

  “Twenty-three.” I smiled. “Too old for you.”

  God, her eyes were the most amazing combination of blue with dark flecks. Her skin a smooth, caramel-colored tan with the slightest pink tinge on her cheeks. With only a hint of mascara and lip gloss, she was quite possibly the most naturally gorgeous woman I’d ever seen. Girl. Not that I’d ever, ever, ever do anything about it.

  “True, you’re an old man.” Alex’s eyes crinkled when she laughed. “You’re practically retirement age.”

  “Ha ha.” I grinned.

  “So, Zoey and Ty have really hit it off.” Alex gestured over to where our friends were tangled together, giving each other googly eyes. “They’re a little over the top.”

  “Ty’s never had a girlfriend before, so she must be pretty cool.” I knew how girls worked, especially best friends. I wasn’t going to give up any intel to Alex on my man Ty.

  “Was that redhaired girl at the club your girlfriend?” Alex cocked her hip and pulled a long drink on her soda. I couldn’t help but watch her lips as she took a swallow of her Coke, thinking that she was more beautiful than the models who usually advertised the beverage. Again, not that I’d ever do anything about it.

  “Um, no.” I raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Hmmm. She raised her eyebrow back at me.

  “We’re leaving on tour for six months.” I sputtered.

  “Uh-huh.” She held my gaze.

  “She’s not my girlfriend.” I huffed. “Now is not the time for a girlfriend.”

  “I said the same thing to Zoey.” Alex looked at me directly. “She’s going to college in the fall, it seems a little irrational to get serious about a dude this summer.”

  “Well, I like to tend my own garden. Ty can tend his.” I glanced around, not super interested in the way the conversation was heading.

  “Fair enough.” Alex took the hint good-naturedly, absentmindedly playing with a few of the bangle bracelets on her wrist. “I’m not going to college; I want to travel the world. It’s pissing my dad off to no end.”

  “Really? Where will you go?” I was genuinely surprised, figuring Zoey and Alex were attached at the hip.

  “Everywhere! That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I figure if I can get a good following on Instagram, maybe I could even start funding my travel that way.” She gestured excitedly. “I know it will take a few months, but maybe you know some shortcuts or ways to get there faster.”

  “Hmmm, well, I have a marketing degree, but in real life, I’m not an expert at all. It’s been a bit of trial and error with the LTZ account. Basically, it’s all about watching your analytics and seeing what is working and what isn’t and just doing more of what resonates.” I explained.

  “Well, it will be a piece of cake then,” Alex said sarcastically.

  “Look, I can help you get started, I’ve discovered a few shortcuts.” I took another pull of my beer.

  “Oh, for the love of God. Get a room,” Alex muttered when her attention was diverted to the show our friends were putting on.

  Ty and Zoey were full-on making out in the middle of the backyard and everyone was trying to avert their eyes, which was nearly impossible. I started laughing. Clearly, they didn’t care at all who saw. Why should I?

  “Well, Alex the adventuress?” I nudged her with my shoulder. “Are you gonna stare all night or should we figure out a way to make you famous?”

  “Yes, please. I’ll need a project because I’m pretty sure that I won’t be seeing much of Zoey for the rest of the summer.” Alex laughed.

  I couldn’t help but flash her a smile, hoping my dimples were on full display. Chicks dug my dimples.

  “So, um, Jace, just so you know I don’t want to be another annoying Instagram model. No cheesy, posey, pouty stuff. I mean, I’ll do what I need to do, but I want to find a clever way to travel and also raise awareness about animal rights.” Alex said as we walked over to an open bench seat.

  “Piece of cake.” I followed her. “No fish lips, only fish.”

  As we sat on a bench over our phones and went over a few plans, I was impressed. Alex already had a great vision of what her brand should be, and her sincerity and passion for animals was really cool. With or without my help, it wouldn’t take long for this beautiful, funny girl to take over the Internet.

  Chapter 4


  It had been a few weeks since our graduation party and, just as I suspected, I was a best-friend widow. Zoey spent all her free time with Ty. They were, officially, in love. We texted every day, so I was privy to my BFF’s romance unfolding. I had to admit, as happy as I was for my somewhat introverted friend, I was really disappointed and kind of melancholy for myself. This summer was supposed to be ours. Our last one together before we started adulting. Stupid emo-Ty had gone and hijacked it from me. LOL. Although, I wasn’t really laughing.

  Not that I could blame Zoey. If I had a bae as gorgeous and sweet as Ty—say a green-eyed drummer—I’d probably be ghosting her ass too. I was just envious. Stupid Ty. Stupid hot-as-fuck Jace. Gahd. My summer was turning out to be so boring.

  I’d hoped so bad that Jace would be into me even half the way that Ty was into Zoey. I’d pictured the four of us hanging out, having coffee, going on double dates, and doing all sorts of cool girlfriend-boyfriend things around Seattle. Zoey and I would both be in love for the first time with our hot, rocker boyfriends. We’d be able to confide in each other about our relationships and console each other when they left on tour.

  No such luck. At our graduation party, Jace had been really nice and helpful when we discussed my social media strategy. We even exchanged phone numbers and then—nothing. Every day I’d try to come up with some clever excuse to text him, but I wouldn’t allow myself to be “that” girl. The bottom line was the delicious, six-pack-abed, long, blond-haired, emerald-eyed hottie-hot drummer had been nice to me for a few hours at a party.

  I hadn’t realized Mr. Deveraux had a degree in marketing or that he was slightly older than Ty. He had been really helpful, encouraging even, and gave me some great ideas to validate my concept. Avoiding the pretentious, sexy posed location shots that could put me firmly in the “basic bitch” category, I still wanted to stand out. My best plan would focus on clever travel hacks for single girls in each city that I visited.

  With so much time on my hands, in between helping my mom out with pie stuff, I decided to be proactive by researching and planning out my itinerary for the first leg of my trip. Most of my graduation money was in, and I had enough to pay for an open-ended flight to Europe and funds to last for six months if I stayed in hostels and used wi-fi. Plus, my mom gave me a first-class Eurorail pass for graduation. I was literally counting down the days until my flight departed for Paris, which was the day before Zoey headed up to Bellingham for school.


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