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A Love So Wrong: A Forbidden Romance

Page 23

by Katerina Winters

  "What?" Gideon shouted into the phone. "What is your fucking advice?" Anything to shut the bastard up. Standing up from the bed, Gideon began pacing the length of the room, keeping one eye on the surveillance video of Jade.

  "Say it like you mean it, boy," Dimitri hissed, anger peeking for the first time behind his words. "I suggest you start showing me a little respect. Or do I need to remind you, I'm the man giving you everything right now when I could be the one taking it all away?"

  Gideon felt the seconds tick by in time with his pulse. He wanted to raise his fist and flip off the hidden cameras, no doubt hidden in their room. He wanted to tell the piece of shit to come down here so Gideon could beat the respect into him, but he didn't. Looking at the screen, he watched the masseuse line a series of small black stones along Jade's back, and Gideon knew he couldn't risk it.

  "What is your advice, please?" he said through clenched teeth. The words felt like acid to his entire being.

  Dimitri chuckled. "You know she really loves you. Loves you enough to come to me alone, trying to find a way out for you. Trying to save you," he said it as if the words were something bitter on his tongue. "I have to tell you it was hard to resist her. I'm not sure how you did it many years has it been now? How many years have you loved your sister in secret?

  "That's none of your damn business," Gideon gritted out.

  "Is it not?" he asked curiously. "I just watched your beautiful Jade cry out your name as you sucked her nipple into her mouth. Hell, if it’s not my business at this point, I would like to know whose the hell it is."

  Gideon didn't trust himself to speak. Clenching his fist at his side tighter, he stopped at the window and stared at the mountains in the distance as the prick spoke.

  "Mmm, there’s something about the way those hazel eyes of hers look at you. As if she can take a man's measure with just a glance. It feels as if she's looking right through me. It's unnerving and very addictive. I have to be honest, Dominic is already in love with her. He's practically begging for you to fuck up, hoping I lose my interest in this little game and kill you like I did the last man who crossed me, so he can have her for himself."

  "Tell your man to come down here then," Gideon whispered, his voice rough and low. "I'll be more than happy to explain to that ugly bastard in detail that Jade is mine."

  And by God she was, Gideon realized, letting the words soak into his soul. She was his in every way, and once he got her back, he would make sure she realized that fact too.

  Dimitri let out a laugh. "You know, there is a part of me that wants to see that, but I have my plan already laid out, Mr. Lattimore, and I won’t let you two fuck it up. Now, as you can see on the screen," Dimitri paused as if waiting for Gideon to turn back to the TV, only confirming Gideon's suspicions about the hidden cameras in their room. Sick freak.

  Looking at the TV's screen, he watched as the masseuse began placing delicate needles along Jade's back.

  "The acupuncture you see there is laced with a little something that will help Jade sleep," Dimitri explained. "That will give you time to clean up the mess you made and get ready to start part two of your installment."

  "And are you going to tell me what exactly is part two?" Gideon asked dryly, already knowing the sick fuck wouldn't tell him.

  "Of course," Dimitri replied happily, surprising him.

  Gideon listened as the man succinctly explained what he wanted, and Gideon felt the strength in his body dissipate. Stunned, Gideon grabbed an overturn chair and placed it upright before falling heavily onto it. Sitting there in silence, he did not reply, not yet able to respond to the man's words.

  "Are you sure you know how to do this?" Dimitri asked with an audible smile breaking the silence.

  "Yes," Gideon growled in annoyance, running a hand over the back of his neck as his mind raced.

  "How many times have you done it?"

  "Enough," he said defensively.

  "How many?" Dimitri demanded.

  "Twice," Gideon answered, shifting uncomfortably. He knew the bastard was staring at him through one of his cameras.

  "Mmm. Your sister has never had anyone do this to her. Virginal, inexperienced, and trusting. I hope her big brother won’t disappoint," he said mockingly. "Are you sure you don't need any last-minute advice? We don't need you down there searching and making her feel awkward."

  Gideon felt the blood rush to his face. "I know what I'm-"

  "Because I can always have Dominic taste her," Dimitri interrupted. "Because nothing would satisfy me more than to watch your soul tear in two as your precious sister screams in pleasure as another man takes your spot. So, let me ask you again, do you need any last-minute advice, kid?"

  Scrubbing his free hand over his face, Gideon pressed the heel of palm against his forehead and shut his eyes. "Just say what you want to say, you bastard."

  Dimitri laughed and finally conceded. "Just remember this, you're not her nice dependable brother anymore and especially not in the bedroom. You're the man who has dreamt of tasting her pussy many years?"

  "Since...since I was sixteen," he admitted freely. His mind was wrapped around the image of laying Jade down and spreading her silky soft legs. He never wanted anything more, and now he was within reach of that dream.

  "Yes, and now that you have her, she will know firsthand how badly you've suffered," Dimitri's words felt as if they were coiling from the phone and around his mind and body. Gideon found himself nodding in full agreement as he spoke. "All those moments you hid and held yourself back, you can let it go. Taste her until she begs you to stop. Take her clit between your teeth to remind her that all pleasure comes with a measure of pain. Taste her as deep as your tongue can go and watch her break underneath you. It's time to bury her brother and show her the man who’s been patiently waiting, don't you think?"

  "Yes," he agreed hoarsely.


  Shaking his head, Gideon leaned forward in his seat, bracing his forehead in his hand. "Why are you even doing all of this?" he muttered. "If you're so powerful and rich, why do you care if two kids broke into your house and stole stupid hard-drives? What does it really matter what I said about you? Are you that goddamn sensitive?"

  "Maybe I am," Dimitri remarked. "Maybe I just hate seeing men being a pussy around the women they claim to love. If you want them, then just take them.

  "Says the lunatic," Gideon's tone was dry. "What are you some twisted version of cupid?"

  "Ha, maybe. But, if you like, I can always stop our game and just do what any man with my history and my position would normally do. I can fuck your beautiful Jade while you watch and then put a bullet in your head then hers, would that suit you, Gideon?"

  "No," Gideon choked out the word, fear spiking through him. Automatically he looked to the screen, assuring himself of Jade's position asleep on the massage table.

  "I didn't think so," Dimitri replied darkly. "Now, go, get ready."


  Adjusting the mask on her face, Jade tried not to focus on the heavy hand around her waist. When she had awoken from her nap earlier, she was shocked to learn how much time had passed. She had been asleep for four hours. She must have been much more tired than she had thought. Given just a robe and a gold cat-shaped half-mask, the masseuse had given her a polite smile and instructions to dress and wait. To her horror, Jade had found that the cat mask's eyes holes were completely blacked out, making it an ornate blindfold rather than a mask. She had sat in the candlelit room for what felt like minutes glaring at the mask as she nervously bit her fingernail, trying to decide what to do. But she knew she had little choice in the matter.

  Putting the robe and the mask on, she didn't have to wait long for the sound of the door to open. Immediately her instinct told her that the person standing in the doorway was not the kind but quiet masseuse. Dangerous power radiated like heat off of a stove licking at any of her exposed skin, and she knew instantly it was Dominic.

  Lifting her ch
in towards the direction of the door, her hands tightened in the soft material of her robe's sleeves. "Dominic?" she called out, her voice sounding like a whisper instead.

  "Yes," the gravel, rough tone of the man turned her skin to gooseflesh.

  "Are you going to take me back to Gideon?" she asked, reaching one hand out to him as she slipped off the table to her slippered feet.

  Meaty and warm, Jade felt his hand enclose around hers and gently pull her forward. Turning her so that she stood at his side, he rested his hand at her waist, his thick muscled arm barring her back.

  "Yes," he finally answered brusquely.

  Now, as they walked down the hall, she had no choice but to rely on his touch as he led her to where she hoped was back to her room. For the first time, she was now very aware how hard it was to walk straight while not able to see. With the heavy press of Dominic’s hand at her waist, Jade was acutely aware of her nudity under the thick robe. She could feel his fingers just above the narrow belt that circled her waist and knew that all that stood between her and this man who wanted her was Dimitri's command and this robe.

  Dominic stopped, forcing her to stop as well. For a moment, neither one of them said a word, and with each passing second, her nervousness grew. Bunching the soft fabric of the thick robe between her sweating palms, she waited for him to do something. Something soft brushed against her ear, and Jade jumped, letting out a startled little sound. Ignoring her small outburst, his fingers lightly traced the shell of her ear, making her shiver before placing something rubbery and familiar inside of her ear. Realization dawned on her as he placed the second earbud in her other ear. Feeling the weight of the phone drop into her robe's front pocket, Jade felt Dominic's warmth step back from her as the sound of a door opening behind her.

  For one second, she felt lost in a void of cold darkness, like an island on a black windy sea, but as the panic of being left alone began, it was banished by the familiar grumble of her name and the commanding grip around her waist pulling her backward. Instinctively, her body melded to the one behind her, and she felt herself sag in relief. Pulling her all the way through the doorway, she felt the whoosh of air against her as the door was slammed shut.

  Hands at her shoulders turned her around before strong arms enveloped her close. Jade let out a relieved little cry as she hugged the man she loved back, taking a deep breath of his familiar smell of soap and cologne.

  "You're in so much trouble," Gideon rumbled against her ear.

  Jade froze at that but melted again at the feel of his lips against the curve of her neck. She let out a moan of happy relief as he tenderly kissed her neck. Clutching at him tighter, she wanted to tell him she was sorry, she wanted to explain what she had felt, but the beeping in her ears stopped her words.

  Cursing, Gideon stepped back but grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. Reaching up with her free hand, she clicked on her earbud.

  "Let's begin," Dimitri's voice greeted them over the line. "Jade, you will keep your mask on at all times, understood?"

  Jade nodded. "Yes," she answered breathlessly. She was nervous about the man's plans for them but at the same time a little excited.

  "Good," he replied, satisfied. "Gideon, you may take her to the bedroom and begin."

  With a soft tug of her hand, Gideon led her across the suite. She could hear the sound of the double doors opening and could feel the cool air of the room hit her as they stepped in. Letting go of her hand, she could hear Gideon move to close the doors shut. Shivering at the cool temperature of the room, she waited nervously with her hands clasped together.

  "Are you cold?" Gideon asked his voice closer now.

  Turning her head towards the direction of his voice, she stared blindly into the darkness and nodded. "Y-yes," she stuttered nervously. "I don't have anything…" her words faded on her lips, unable to admit the embarrassing fact.

  Gideon groaned, and she could feel him step closer. Setting each hand at her waist, he pulled her close until her breasts were pressed against his chest. Dipping his head to hers, Jade shivered as she felt his lips move across hers as he spoke while his hands found the knot of her robe.

  Pulling the knot free, Gideon pulled the narrow strip of fabric away with a soft winding rustle. "I want you to lay down and open your legs."

  Jade did not react. Replaying his words over and over again in her head, her chest tightened, and her body felt hot all over. Feeling his hands pull her robe open, she made a small whimpering noise in the back of her throat as she felt the material push past her shoulder and fall to a puddle at her feet.

  Gideon swore deeply under his breath but made no move to touch her. Naturally, her hands came up to hide herself the best she could but even blindfolded, she could feel his eyes bathing over her exposed flesh. Jade could feel her nipples harden, and her skin go taut. Fire bloomed to life in her belly and settled in her core, and she shifted on her feet.

  "Lay back on the bed," Gideon's voice was thick and hoarse.

  Pushing one foot backward, Jade's mind began to whirl. Was that hunger she heard in his voice, or was he upset again like last night? Freezing in place, she tried to cover herself further, closing in on herself. Dropping her head, she let her thoughts of doubt threaten to smother the warmth of desire flowing through her.

  A warm, firm hand clasped her on the back of her neck, hauling her forward and her mouth met his. Swallowing her cry of surprise, Gideon pressed himself fully to her body, and she gasped at the feel of his arousal pressing through the thin material of his pants. With a fierceness she never experienced, Gideon worked his lips against hers, skillfully opening her mouth until his tongue swept past her lips with a teasing swipe. Searching hungrily, his tongue danced with hers, retreating every so often as he pulled away to kiss her swollen lips, giving her a chance to take a breath.

  "I'm not going to ask you again," Gideon growled in her ear, crowding her close until the back of her legs hit the bed and his hard arousal brushed against her stomach. "Lay back on the bed."

  Nodding at the dark threat in his command, she braced her hands blindly against the bed and pushed herself back until her feet were at the edge of the bed and her head near the other end. Laying across the bed horizontally, Jade lay there exposed, waiting for whatever the man behind the hidden cameras had planned for her. Hearing the rustle of clothes beyond her, Jade tried to cover herself once more. She never felt more exposed in her life. Was Dimitri the only one watching them, or was Dominic watching too? Her skin flushed at that thought. Feeling the freshly trimmed hair of her sex beneath her hands, she recalled the nice plump lady greeting her at the spa's entrance. She had led Jade to the showers to bathe, and once finished, she had taken Jade to a brightly lit room with a table that reminded her of a gynecologists' table. Having her place her feet on the padded stirrups, the woman had smeared hot wax on her most private of places and told Jade to brace herself. A few painful minutes later, Jade had walked from the room to the serene massage room, nearly bare down there.

  A hand on her knee startled her from her thoughts. Reaching for her hand, he pulled it away from herself and pressed it flat on the bed beside her. "There is no use hiding, Jade. I will see you—all of you," his voice rumbled from above her.

  Blind Jade could only rely on her other senses as she lay there, trembling naked on the bed. Warmth radiated near her feet and traveled up her legs before the bed near her right knee sank from a sudden weight. The warmth intensified around her legs, and she realized Gideon had crawled up onto the bed with her. Breathing harder, she stiffly complied as she felt him nudge her legs open with his knee.

  "Or is it that you don’t want me to see you?" he asked, his voice suddenly closer, directly above her now.

  "No," she shook her head against the mattress. "Of course, not. I'm just-"

  "Nervous?" he supplied dryly, his leg nudging her legs further apart until she could feel the room's cool air against her exposed folds. "Not nervous enough to offer yourself to ano
ther man, Jade," he seethed, his tone hushed.

  Without thinking, her hands reached up, finding the searing skin of his bare chest beneath her fingertips. Smoothing her palms across the firm flesh, she found the rise of his shoulders. She wanted to pull him down for a kiss, but she couldn't see a thing and didn't want to make a fool out of herself. Instead, she let her hands glide inward to the curve of his neck and held on.

  "I'm sorry, I was only trying—ah!" her words were cut off with a gasp as she felt his hand cup her open sex.

  Undulating his fingers against her slit, Gideon lowered himself until she felt his breath against her neck and his lips graze the lobe of her ear. "Tell me you love me, Jade," he whispered harshly. "Tell me you will never do anything so fucking stupid ever again. You're mine, do you hear me?" he demanded, ignoring her startled keening noise as his fingers grazed her clit, causing her back to arch up off the bed.


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