The Sacrifice (Wicked Book 2)

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The Sacrifice (Wicked Book 2) Page 10

by Blaire Hammond

  The silence that followed Robin’s words was long and awkward, until finally Leo nodded. ‘Okay.’

  They all spun to face Leo.

  ‘Okay?!’ Gemma cried furiously.

  ‘Yes. They can help you, Logan and Grace. Right now, finding Erebus is priority, and their training can be of help to you three.’

  ‘You trust us?’ Robin asked in earnest.

  ‘Not yet, no. But if you help our students escape, you’ll be on the road to earning it.’

  ‘You have my word that we’re only here to help.’ Robin said, giving Mitch a clear nudge.

  Mitch nudged Robin back but nodded in response. ‘Mine too.’

  Thoughts, concerns, questions, all flew wildly through Laura’s mind as she watched the scene unfold before her. All of a sudden, they had two new recruits, who could either make or break them. She could only pray that it wouldn’t be the latter.

  ‘Right, you two get over here and show us how our students can get out of the Manor without being caught.’ Stella said sternly, waving them over to the plans laid out on the table.

  The two boys set to work immediately, marking out all the watch points, traps and guards that they knew of.

  ‘There may be more but these are the ones we passed by.’ Robin told them.

  ‘Once we get past this point, we’ll have to move around to the back of the Manor and into the forest, which is outside of what we’ve explored, so from then on we’ll be entering the unknown.’ Mitch added.

  ‘What? You didn’t take the time to check all the possible entry and exit points before coming here?’ Gemma scolded.

  ‘We only decided to come four hours ago. There was… a death.’ Robin told her as he cast his eyes downwards.

  ‘What do you mean?’ Leo asked immediately.

  ‘The body of an Enchanted girl, only fourteen, turned up at the station for an autopsy. Strange markings were all over her body, like thick black burns deep into the skin.’ Mitch explained.

  ‘Mr Stark dismissed it straight away. It was obviously only some silly accident, he said. That was the last straw. We knew he was hiding something from the Enchanted, something to do with you lot.’ Robin added.

  ‘So you truly are here to protect your race, no matter the cost.’ Grace said softly.

  ‘We are.’ Robin confirmed. ‘Mr Stark may think he’s doing what’s right for the Enchanted, shielding them from danger. But it’s not right, the way he’s going about it. We want to get to the bottom of this, so we can prepare the Enchanted if we need to.’

  ‘Yes. Exactly. So,’ Mitch said, steering them back to the plan, ‘we’ll be going in blind past this point, but if we’re well prepared, we should be able to make it through.’

  ‘Just get them out.’ Stella said fiercely. ‘Please. You two have been trained for this kind of stuff. You can do it.’

  ‘Our entire race depends on us exposing Erebus.’ Leo concluded.

  Mitch’s eyes shot up to Stella’s, and Laura saw an unfamiliar softness behind them. ‘You have our word. We will get them out.’


  Erebus straightened his shirt, rolling down the sleeves and brushing the wrinkles from the fabric. There was a sharp knock at the door, and Erebus’ eyes snapped up to the handle as it twisted slowly. He checked his watch; right on time, as always. His attention fell back to his attire, ensuring all was in order. He waited until The Sargent had stepped through the door before regarding him.

  ‘What’s so important that you insisted upon tearing me away from my work?’ Erebus snapped.

  The Sargent’s eyes flickered to the blond boy in the corner who persisted in following Erebus everywhere; his hair slicked back in the same style as Erebus’; his mannerisms a clear replica of those his leader possessed. Even Erebus had noticed, and it was beginning to irritate him.

  Erebus turned to the boy. ‘You. Get out.’

  The blond boy straightened immediately, though he made no move to leave. ‘But sir, I’ve-‘

  ‘I said get out.’ Erebus snarled, and the boy darted quickly from the room.

  The Sargent shut the door behind him before meeting Erebus’ gaze. ‘I’ve come to report on the training.’


  The Sargent hesitated a moment before answering. ‘I think you should come take a look for yourself.’

  ‘You do realise I’m very busy right now.’

  ‘Yes, sir, I do, but I think you’ll want to see this.’ The Sargent insisted firmly.

  ‘Fine. Lets go.’

  Erebus and The Sargent weaved their way through the tunnels until they arrived at one of many underground caverns; large enough for three hundred Wicked to train comfortably in.

  Erebus stepped up to the balcony, a small surge of excitement blooming within him.

  ‘Very good Sargent.’ He said, unable to conceal the sinister smile anymore. ‘Very good.’

  Two hundred Wicked knelt in a circle, six rows deep, heads bowed over their swords, honouring the ten Wicked that were battling it out with ten Enchanted in the centre of the room. What made Erebus so excited, however, was that the Wicked were winning.

  ‘We’ve been using the captured Enchanted to train with, before testing them for the conversions.’ The Sargent told Erebus.

  ‘And are they surviving the conversions?’

  ‘As of yet… no. But we are close to perfecting the procedure.’

  ‘Do you know why the conversions aren’t working? It was always known that any Enchanted or Wicked could convert.’

  The Sargent remained quiet for so long that Erebus finally growled, ‘spit it out.’

  ‘They have to want to convert. Really want it, deep in their bones, as James did when he joined us. If your soul does not want to be Wicked, it will fight to the death not to be. If an Enchanted does not commit wholly to the Devils during the change, it’s skin will be marked with the burns of a traitor.’

  Erebus clenched his teeth. ‘And how are you “perfecting” this issue exactly?’

  The Sargent swept his hand over the arena below. ‘By weakening them, convincing them this is the only option.’

  Erebus eyed him. ‘I told you to do whatever’s necessary, but within reason. I don’t want the entire race to die off.’

  ‘May I inquire as to why?’

  Erebus considered for only a moment relaying his desire to have the Enchanted, the arrogant, pompous race who always believed they were better than him, despite the fact that he was the one to give them life, watch him succeed, unable to do anything about it. However, he settled for the simplest answer. Slaves.

  ‘And Humans?’

  ‘Again, we still need people to work in the factories, run the stores, and I can’t expect my Wicked to do that after all they’ve been through. They want freedom.’

  ‘Is that really what they believe they’re fighting for? A free life ruling Elixir as the imperial race?’

  ‘Are you questioning me, Sargent?’ Erebus inquired, ensuring to keep his voice level despite the anger rising inside him.

  ‘No, Sir. Of course not.’ The Sargent responded. ‘I only want what’s best for our people.’

  Erebus didn’t answer, eyes returning to the battle taking place below them.

  ‘So, are you pleased with their progress?’ The Sargent asked.

  The corner of Erebus’ mouth lifted in a satisfied smirk as he grasped onto the clear fact that all the pieces were slowly but surely falling into place.

  ‘Yes. I am indeed.’

  Chapter Nine

  Escape Route

  ‘You lot ready?’ Asked Mitch, hands already pushing the door to the weapons room open.

  Laura’s heart began to race in her chest, leaving her momentarily breathless. It was time. They’d already bid Leo and Stella an emotional farewell, and the two watched the group as they followed Mitch through the door, bags secure on their backs, swords fastened over their hips.

  ‘You’re sure the force doesn’t know about this tunnel?’
Grace asked cautiously as Logan opened the entrance to the escape tunnel Laura, Drew and Leo had used only a few nights ago.

  ‘Positive.’ Robin reassured her. ‘We’ve all been briefed on the layout of the Manor for guard duty. There was no mention of a tunnel.’

  Mitch sealed the door behind them, and, one by one, with only Logan’s torch light to guide them, they began their journey through the dark depths of the tunnel.

  The moment they reached the door to the stables Logan’s light flickered out and Drew pressed the door open, allowing everyone to pass by, emerging into the moonlit stalls.

  Laura’s nerves were back, flitting uncontrollably through her stomach, and she feared that at any moment Force Members would surge through the stables seeking them out. However, regardless of her concern, she compelled herself to keep moving, refusing to back down from the challenge before her. They had to succeed. If they didn’t? Well… she didn’t want to think of what would happen to the Enchanted, let alone the human race.

  They clustered by the door after a few hurried minutes spent collecting a number of items that could only be found in the stables and stuffing them into their bags.

  ‘Right, groups of two and three,’ Mitch whispered, then cracked the door open enough to peer through. He pulled it shut again. ‘All clear, there’s a beam of light along the west side of the boundary though. The moon is working in our favour, this side of the stables are shadowed enough that an open door won’t be noticed. Remember, five minute intervals between groups. Move smoothly and keep low. Gemma and me first. You all know where you’ve got to go.’

  With that, Mitch pushed the door open ever so slowly, then ducked down low and crept through the gap, Gemma right behind him. Robin leaned in, gripped the door handle, and quietly pulled it shut after them. They waited five minutes, then repeated the process with Logan, Grace and Robin.

  Laura’s legs were like jelly by the time Drew turned to her and whispered, ‘you ready?’

  She sucked in a breath and wiped the sweat form her forehead.

  ‘Yep, lets go.’

  The door creaked open only a fraction at a time, until finally it was wide enough to allow Drew and Laura to pass through. Drew paused, grasping a hold of the handle with one hand, gently pressing the door closed with the other. Just as Laura heard the click of the door shutting, a whistle sounded in the otherwise still night. Keeping to the shadows, she glanced over her shoulder in time to notice that the beam of light Mitch had been referring to was moving towards them.

  She tugged at Drew’s sleeve and they ducked down low, skittering across the yard as quickly as they dared. In a matter of moments they’d reached the bush, and found themselves stooping down behind a clump of trees with the rest of the group. Mitch kept watch as the guards completed their routine patrol of the stables, which took up fifteen precious minutes of the groups time, then gave a nod when the coast was clear.

  ‘Same groups. Five minutes between. Let’s go.’

  The following procedure would be different, for each group couldn’t take the same route to their next destination, which meant they would be on their own.

  ‘Good luck.’ she whispered to Gemma and Mitch.

  Then, they were gone.


  Gemma ensured her stride remained even with Mitch’s, though their pace wasn’t particularly fast. They kept as low to the ground as they could, passing through the grass, bush and trees like lions on the hunt. The night air was cool against Gemma’s face and neck and though her injuries still ached, she felt better than she had in a long time.

  Mitch grasp her arm and she slowed to a stop, dropping to the ground and commando crawling under the nearest bush.

  ‘They’re up ahead.’ Mitch told her quietly, pointing out the Enchanted dogs they had to distract in order to pass by.

  She watched the three beasts, as large as horses, slowly rise as they caught a whiff of Gemma and Mitch’s scent. They stretched their legs, shook out their fur coats, and raised their noses to the sky, sniffing at the air again. Mitch pulled a plastic bag from the side pocket of his pack, and Gemma was quick to follow suit. Inside was raw meat, and plenty of it, which would, hopefully, mask their scents and distract the dogs long enough to allow them safe passage.

  Gemma’s heartbeat quickened with anticipation and adrenalin flooded her veins as Mitch urged her into action. They dragged themselves out from under their hiding place and slowly approached the animals, holding out the bags of meat as an offering. The dogs were peering at them, and Gemma heard one of them expel a soft growl. Her insides tightened and she found herself praying that the dogs would remain quiet. At the moment, the food was the only thing keeping the dogs from barking, she was sure of it.

  As they closed in on the animals, Gemma reached out a clenched hand, allowing the dog closest to her to edge cautiously forwards and smell her knuckles. To her surprise, it began licking the back of her hand and wagging its enormous tale. She smiled slightly, reaching up to pat the dog on the head.

  ‘Hey there little- uh big boy. Who’s a cute lit-big doggie huh? Are you? Yes you are!’ She said in a baby voice, scratching the dog behind its ears as it panted happily.

  ‘Oh good god,’ Mitch grumbled.

  She reached into the plastic bag and pulled out a slice of meat. Suddenly, she had all three dog’s attention, the other two quickly approaching her with keen interest.

  ‘You want the meat? You want it?’ She asked, watching the tails of all three dog’s begin wagging like mad. ‘Well, you have to promise to let us pass if I give it to you, okay?’

  ‘I don’t think they understand the concept of bribery,’ Mitch said.

  ‘Shut up.’ She snapped, then threw the meat behind her.

  The dogs tore off like bullets, and both she and Mitch dumped the rest of the meat where they stood so that when the dog’s returned they’d still be distracted.

  Then, they slipped away, sliding between trees, ducking under low hanging branches and diving over bushes. Finally, as they arrived at their meeting point, they slowed their pace, seeking out the nearest tree, before climbing it and settling amongst the branches to wait for the others.


  Drew tapped his watch, indicating to Laura that it was their turn to make a break for it. Laura glanced back at Grace, Robin and Logan’s ashen faces, before trailing behind Drew out into the darkness. The two of them kept to the tree line, slowing their pace as they closed in on the lake. They fell into a rhythm of ducking behind trees and peering out around the base before darting to the next one. The process was painfully slow, but it was the safest way for them to proceed. It took twenty minutes to reach the bottom of the hill, however the excruciating waiting times proved to be worthwhile for they narrowly missed being spotted by three guards as they completed their rounds.

  Finally they reached the lakes edge, and were preparing themselves for the mad dash across the open paddock to the meeting point, when Laura noticed a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye.

  She jarred Drew back before he could leave the cover of the willow tree by the lakes edge. He glanced at her, panicked. Then he caught sight of the three Force Soldiers walking the perimeter of the lake. They were heading straight for Laura and Drew, a torch in hand.

  Drew glanced in the opposite direction and Laura felt his body stiffen immediately. She flickered her gaze over Drew’s shoulder to the three guards coming up the other side of the path, evidently there for the swap over. She expelled a nervous breath, fear radiating off her. Drew turned back to her, eyes searching her face as if the answer to their escape were hidden there.

  Laura swivelled around, quietly assessing her surroundings. They were still at the top of the bank, hidden among the branches of the willow tree. There was no cover close by, but only a matter of meters away the bush started up again on the other side of the road that separated the Lake from the Manor. That would have to serve as their refuge. The only problem was getting there. Laura scanned their loca
tion once again, taking in the fast approaching flashlights on either side, and the owl perched among the branches of a willow tree situated two shrubs down from where they were hiding.

  She knew they couldn’t fight the guards off. Their escape would be blown. She could only see one likely distraction that would gift them with enough time to reach the trees. She bent down, scrabbling for a rock, then drew back her arm, aiming for the owl.

  ‘Sorry Mr Owl,’ she whispered, then let the rock fly.

  It collided with the branch on which the Owl perched, startling the poor thing out of its slumber. The Owl took to flight in an instant, cooing and making a terrible amount of racket amongst the leaves.

  Neither Drew nor Laura waited to see the results, they simply took off for the tree line, sliding down the side of the bank and sprinting across the grassy paddock, diving for cover the moment they reached the safety of the bush. They didn’t dare move a muscle for all had fallen quiet around them.

  ‘What was that?’ One of the guards asked huskily.

  ‘Owl. Probably spooked by our light.’ Another guard, a woman, replied.

  ‘We’re here to swap shifts.’ Someone else said.

  ‘Thank god.’ Laura heard the same woman say.

  Laura and Drew waited ten minutes after the change-over before leaving the confines of the trees. Together, the two of them slowly, cautiously, picked their way along the bushes edge to the meeting point. They climbed a tree, catching sight of Mitch and Gemma in a neighbouring one, and settled in to wait for their friends.


  All the muscles in Robin’s body were slowly tensing up with each second that ticked by, until all of a sudden, it was their turn. His heart leapt into his throat as he manoeuvred around the bush, checking the coast was clear. While he was indeed trained in such forms of escape, (though his instructor surely hadn’t intended for him to exercise the skills in their particular situation,) Logan and Grace were relying on him more so than anyone had previously. Well, except maybe Mitch. Regardless, he was feeling the pressure, having only ever been a follower as opposed to a leader.

  ‘Right, let’s go.’ He whispered, swallowing hard, forcing himself to bypass the nerves that were creeping sluggishly into his stomach.


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