The Sacrifice (Wicked Book 2)

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The Sacrifice (Wicked Book 2) Page 11

by Blaire Hammond

  He’d taken only a single step before he made his first mistake. He stumbled hurriedly back into the bush, pushing Grace and Logan to the ground in a desperate attempt to remain hidden. Fortunately, their racket was drowned out by a shout of command as two Force Members rounded the stables, informing the current guards of their changeover.

  Robin ducked down behind a tree, sweat prickling the back of his neck, as he watched the Force Soldiers pass by, clearly exhausted and eager to get home after being relieved of their duties for the night. He squeezed his eyes shut in frustration. Stupid. How could he be so stupid? He’d been too lost in his concerns to actually sweep his eyes over the entirety of their surroundings.

  Pull your head in. Focus. Do what Mitch would do. Be brave and get them out. He told himself, then re-opened his eyes to find Grace staring into them.

  ‘Come on, they’re gone.’ She informed him, pulling him up by the arm.

  He pushed past both Logan and Grace, taking the lead, checking thoroughly that it was indeed safe for them to venture out of their hiding place. They crossed the yard, sprinting straight for the thickest part of forest. Robin ducked down low and forced his way through the bush, glancing over his shoulder every so often to ensure his two companions were following along behind him. He slowed as he reached the two hundred steps mark, knowing the traps were up ahead. The Force designed them to be further from the house, convincing any escapee that they were safe to run, only to catch them out once they took off.

  Logan and Grace sidled up beside him.

  ‘Remember, they’re at random.’ He murmured, eyes searching for the first of the traps they’d have to pass, the arrows.

  Usually he would’ve gone around, however that would put him either right near the soldiers tents or have them running into Gemma and Mitch, which they couldn’t do with the dogs stirred up.

  Robin caught sight of an indentation in the tree. Sensor.

  ‘There’s the first one.’ He whispered, showing the others.

  ‘And another,’ Grace said, pointing out a second one further across.

  ‘Good. Keep your eye out, otherwise…’ he swallowed, deciding not to finish that particular sentence. ‘Just follow my lead.’

  He took a single step forward, glancing every which way for possible triggers, only allowing quick glances at the ground between each step. He approached the first sensor, ducking down low and scooting underneath its invisible beam. He waited for Logan and Grace before continuing on to the next one, which Logan spotted at the base of a tree.

  Robin stepped over it easily, though the process was slower than he would have liked. They crawled under the next sensor, stepped over another four, and ducked another three, before finally the coast appeared to be clear. The sweat was staining Robin’s clothes, however he understood their escape was far from over. The flares were next.

  He pointed out the slight overturns of fresh soil throughout the forest before them, indicating a flare was beneath the earth.

  ‘We have to find the right path.’ He told them. ‘Even stepping in the surrounding area of one could set it off, alerting the guards to our presence.’

  They manoeuvred through the forest slowly, pausing with each step to search every inch of ground for a safe location to place their foot next.

  Robin’s heart was in his throat by the time they reached the end of the flares, for he knew the next leg of the journey would be the hardest.

  It was the same situation as beforehand; even a single wrong step would set off an alarm, however they’d find themselves hanging three feet off the ground, trapped in nets.

  Moving through the vicinity was slower going, and Robin was positive that if he could breathe, he’d be choking on gasps. His nerves were taking over, compelling the muscles in his knees to spasm ever so slightly, weakening his stance with each step.

  Keep it together. You’re almost there. He hissed inwardly.

  Then, they were through. He almost took off at a run, eager to reach the meeting point, but resolved to keep calm, which took much restraint. Once his nerves were under control, he took a moment to glance around. The coast was clear, yet he couldn’t quite rid himself of the bazar feeling that something was off.

  ‘Up,’ Logan whispered, and, slowly, Robin raised his eyes to the sky.

  Bats. Hundreds of enormous Enchanted bats hung from the trees above them.

  You’ve got to be kidding.

  ‘What do we do?’ Grace whispered so softly he was sure he imagined it.

  He placed a finger to his lips, eyes searching for something, anything that could set the bats off, coming up empty handed. He spared the bats another glance, then stepped forward. Nothing happened. He raised his foot slowly, so slowly it pained him to do so, then moved it an inch forward and placed it down. Nothing. He edged his way across the path, eyes flickering to the treetops with each step, and to his relief, the bats didn’t stir once.

  He was close to the end, he realised, and turned ever so slightly upon his next step to assure himself Logan and Grace were following. Glad to see they were right behind him, he twisted back to the path, taking his next step. He placed his boot down and almost passed out at the crack that sounded from under his sole. He froze, not daring to raise his gaze, not daring to even move. He was dizzy with nerves, and his vision blurred.

  There was a slight rustle from above, and he finally braved a look. One bat seemed to be shaking out its body before it settled back into a sleep, wrapping its leathery wings around itself. The rest of the bats, otherwise, did not move.

  He took the final steps to safety even slower than before, despite every ounce of his being screaming at him to run. At last, after what felt like hours, they were in the clear, and sped up their pace.

  They were last to reach the meeting point, but the relief was evident as the others climbed down from their hiding places.


  Stella glanced at the clock, unable to ignore the ticking any longer.

  ‘It’s time.’ She said calmly, despite the storm that raged within.

  Leo turned to the fire, fireworks already in hand, and tossed them into the flames.

  Stella and Leo sprinted from the room as the fireworks shot up the chimney, exploding into the sky.


  Laura shielded her eyes from Stella and Leo’s display, hurrying to hide herself with the others amongst the bushes. They watched as soldiers rushed by, heading straight for the house.

  When the coast was clear, they took off across the clearing towards their final exit.


  Stella waited by the door for the inevitable knock while Leo hurried to the kitchen and readied himself to press play on the tape player. The soldiers arrived, shouting through the door, and Stella heard the recording begin to waft down the hall. She waited a moment, then opened the door.

  ‘Hello officers.’ She said to the dozen or so Force Members.

  ‘What’s going on in there?’ One of the guards asked suspiciously, glancing down the hall to where the laughter and chatter was coming from.

  ‘Just having a little fun celebrating a student’s birthday since we can’t go outside to set them off.’ Stella said curtly.

  She heard the beginning of Happy Birthday being sung by everyone on the recording and faked a grin.

  ‘I have to get back, can’t miss the singing!’

  She moved to close the door only to find a foot blocking the final inches.

  ‘No more funny business, understand?’ The soldier barked, eyes dark as he peered through the gap at her.

  She gave a single nod in response, then closed the door the moment he removed his foot. She turned away, allowing her nerves to settle, then charged down the hall to find Leo.


  To Laura’s relief, Mitch took the lead, and she relaxed somewhat, allowing him to do the work directing them to safety. Unfortunately, it appeared her relief was short lived, for they’d only gone a matter of yards when she heard the distinct sound of a click
beneath her foot.

  She paused mid step, eyes falling to the ground first in wonder, then quickly shifting to horror. Slowly, so slowly she could hear the squeaking of her muscles, she lowered her second foot to the ground.

  She sucked in a breath. ‘Oh god.’

  The others finally stopped, turning to her.

  ‘Ace, what is it?’ Drew asked, beginning towards her.

  ‘No don’t come near me.’ She hissed, waving her hands at him to back up.

  He stilled, eyes searching her face.

  ‘What is it?’ He repeated so quietly that she nearly missed it.

  ‘Land Mine.’ She whimpered.

  After all she’d been through, all she’d suffered, and that was how it would end. She grit her teeth in anger. It seemed almost stupid.

  ‘Why the hell do they have mines set up? Surely they don’t intend to kill us?!’ Gemma demanded, turning to Mitch for answers.

  Mitch shook his head in clear disbelief, and in that moment, Laura understood that it wasn’t the Force’s doing. Even the arrows they’d set up were only darts with a sleeping draught in them. They didn’t intend to kill. But someone else did. Someone named Erebus.

  ‘He must have sent Wicked to do it.’ Grace murmured.

  ‘Wouldn’t the Force members have set one off by now though?’ Logan asked.

  Laura shook her head, unable to contain her frustration, her defeat. ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘How do we stop it going off?’ Drew asked frantically, snapping into action.

  ‘We need something equivalent to her weight.’ Mitch said.

  He appeared to have woken from his shock, and was already removing his pack in search for something he could use. The rest of the group followed suit, and Laura watched on helplessly.

  ‘What about a big rock?’ Grace asked, eyes sweeping across the dark expanse around them.

  ‘None we could place on the mine quick enough.’ Mitch replied, pulling a tin case from his bag. ‘But if we can put something on it then roll a rock over the top that may work.’

  ‘I’ll find one.’ Grace said immediately.

  ‘Be careful where you step, there could be more.’ Mitch told her.

  Grace and Logan hurried off as quickly as they dared to locate a rock. Moments later, Laura saw the flash of a light, and panic took over.

  ‘They’ve left the manor.’ She squeaked.

  ‘Ok, got something.’ Mitch said, rushing to Laura’s side, the tin case in hand.

  ‘That won’t replace my weight!’

  ‘No, but my pushing on it will.’


  ‘No way, you’ll be blown up!’ Gemma snapped, arriving by their side.

  ‘Why would you care?’ Demanded Mitch in an angry whisper, arranging the dirt around Laura’s foot.

  ‘Because you’re supposed to be getting us out of here, not killing yourself!’

  ‘Got a rock.’ Grace said through gritted teeth as she and Logan hauled their load over to the group.

  ‘I know you’re afraid, but you have to trust me. Okay?’ Mitch said, glancing first at Gemma, then to Laura.

  Laura could feel her heart in her throat and she could no longer control her breathing, but the look in Mitch’s eyes told her she would live. She gave him the smallest of nods, forcing her shaking body to stiffen.

  ‘Good,’ Mitch said. ‘Put the rock by Laura’s feet,’ he told Grace and Logan.

  With Robin’s guidance, they did as Mitch asked. Mitch had dug the earth down around the land mine so it was level, and his hand now rested over the tin box which sat by Laura’s feet.

  ‘The box will act as your foot, follow my instructions, and once you’re clear, run.’

  Drew appeared by Laura’s side. ‘What about the rock?’

  ‘Everyone else get back. Once I’ve replaced Laura’s weight, Robin, come in and push the rock over.’

  The shaking in Laura’s body started all over again as she realised the torches were fast approaching. She spun her head cautiously back to the others, careful not to move her weight. Her heart raced in her chest and her pulse thrummed a constant beat in her ears.

  ‘Okay, time to get back.’ Mitch told the group, and reluctantly, they abided.

  ‘Do exactly as I say Laura,’ he said calmly.

  Laura’s breath caught.

  ‘Okay, lift only your toe,’ he instructed.

  She did, feeling the press of metal as it slid smoothly in underneath.

  ‘The arch,’ Mitch continued.

  She could feel the sweat dripping down her spine as she did so. She could feel a lot of things, in fact. Like the relentless beat of her pulse vibrating throughout her body, the growing headache behind her eyes, and the terrible trembles that threatened to take over her legs.

  ‘Last bit.’ Mitch promised, noticing the strain in her face. ‘The heal.’

  Laura didn’t hesitate for a second. The moment she’d lifted the heal of her foot from the mine, she took off running without a single glance back. She fell into the arms of her companions just as she heard Mitch call Robin over.

  She turned and watched as Robin took hold of the rock, slowly repeating the same process she’d just endured, rolling the rock over the mine inch by inch as Mitch removed his weight, until finally, the mine was secure.

  The whole event had taken place in a matter of seconds, and Laura swivelled to see the soldiers had surpassed the Lake, torches searching the grounds. She knew if they didn’t take off they’d be caught.

  ‘Let’s go!’ She whispered desperately, jolting the others into action.

  They took off through the bush as quickly as they dared for fear of setting off another mine. They were lucky, making it through the forest and emerging into a clearing where the next part of their escape could be put into motion.


  ‘Split. You know where to go,’ Mitch told the others without stopping, though he desperately wanted to.

  He may have appeared calm throughout the whole process, but the land mine had truly unnerved him. If the Wicked had indeed planted mines, who’d put them up to it? There was a small voice in the back of his mind repeating the answer over and over, however he still wasn’t sure he could accept defeat. Not yet.

  He and Gemma plunged into the bush again, feet moving fast. He hoped they were far enough from the Guards that they wouldn’t hear the racket he and Gemma were making. Ten minutes of sprinting passed before Gemma began to slow. At first, Mitch assumed it was because she couldn’t keep up, but then he caught sight of her face, and an uncomfortable feeling passed over him.

  Mitch slowed too, matching her pace. ‘What is it?’

  ‘Something. A creature, not human,’ she answered.

  ‘Keep moving, I’ll hide and sneak up from behind.’ Mitch said, ducking behind the large trunk of a tree.

  He watched as Gemma continued jogging, then walking, until she’d stopped all together. He could see her muscles tensing up as her hand reached gingerly for her sword. Then, she spun on her heal, her eyes settling on the creature that he’d heard come crashing through the bush after them. Her eyes widened. Then the stench of rotting flesh hit him.



  It was a God damn Goblin.

  Gemma’s heart thundered in her chest and her eyes flickered to Mitch who had noticed her panic. He remained hidden, waiting for the Goblin to pass, but his eyes rested on her, urging her to be brave.

  The horrific smell had reached her nostrils, but instead of shutting her down like it once use to, it woke her up. She grit her teeth and adjusted her gaze so she was staring straight in to the face of the monster. She drew her sword without hesitation and charged. Never again would she cower. Never again would she show mercy to those who deserved the death sentence.

  The blackened stump of the Goblin’s hand clawed at her and Gemma plunged her sword through its fleshy arm, feeling the satisfying crunch of blade cutting through bone.

  She withdrew her swo
rd, slicing it swiftly through the second arm of the creature, severing it completely. Mitch joined the fray then, spinning out from behind the tree and sinking his own blade into the Goblins back. The Goblin toppled to the ground, roars of pain erupting from its lips as Mitch freed his sword. Gemma took her chance, swiping her blade through the neck of the monster.

  Gemma dove to the ground just as she felt the hot flash of flames against her skin. She rolled over to stare at the heaped pile of ash which was all that remained of the Goblin, and grinned. She felt good. Better than she had in a long time.

  Mitch appeared, hand outstretched, and she took it, allowing him to pull her to her feet. Together, they buried all evidence of the battle, then took off again.


  Logan thrashed through the forest, pulling back branches and pushing away bushes so Robin and Grace could follow easily. Usually, he would have had Robin to hide their tracks from behind, but someone was following them. They each felt it, heard it, however every time they paused, no one showed up.

  Fear beat in Logan’s heart, pulsed through his veins, and he could only hope they were wrong. He stopped again, ducking into another hiding place, Grace and Robin rushing in beside him. They waited, eyes searching the dark dense bush. Nothing.

  ‘Must be our minds playing with us,’ Grace reasoned, and they rose.

  Logan heard the cocking of a gun and froze. Before them stood a woman, human, long blond hair pulled back off her face and bruises on her bare arms, visible even in the moonlight. She held a gun, and it was pointed straight at Logan’s face.

  Logan raised his hands calmly, nodding at Grace and Robin to do the same.

  ‘What do you want with me?’ The girl hissed.

  Logan raised a confused eyebrow. ‘I could ask you the same thing.’

  She sneered, ‘don’t play games with me. I knew he’d send someone for me eventually.’

  Logan frowned, ‘who? Ah- you know what, never mind. I don’t know what you’re talking about, but we’re kinda in a hurry so if you could let us go that would be great.’

  To his utter relief, her hand wavered ever so slightly and she met his gaze.


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