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Hard Love (An Evans Mill Romance Book 2)

Page 10

by Scarlett Brooks

  “Oh my God. Your mom knows?” I held my breath. Everything about us had been so secretive.

  He chuckled. “I wanted to tell her. Besides, it’s been in my dad’s family for a long time. It was the only way to get the ring.” He kissed me again. “Annabelle, I told her about the baby.”

  “You what?”

  “She has been sworn to complete secrecy. We can trust her. It was how the conversation went. I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t have to. And she’s happy for us, but anxious to meet you.”

  My hands moved to my stomach. Someone else knew about the baby.

  “And my sister Caroline too. But she doesn’t know yet. We can tell her soon. I thought maybe you could meet them this weekend. We could invite them out here, or to the apartment, if you wanted.”

  “Luke.” I stopped. I had been thinking about it all day. Among a thousand other things. “I think we should live here.”

  “What about the studio?”

  “You were right. It’s only five miles away. And there’s no place for a baby in the apartment. The spare room is full of boxes. Here we have room. And the lake. And a yard. I want to raise the baby here in the house its father built.”

  His lips crushed mine and for a minute I didn’t know if I could breathe. Luke lowered me to a pile of blankets he had spread in front of the blazing fire.

  “God, I’m so happy,” he growled.

  “Me too.” I smiled.

  “I’d be happier if you were naked,” he teased, dragging the T-shirt over my breasts.

  I fought with his belt buckle while he deposited his work shirt on the couch. I stared at his hard rigid lines by firelight. My fingertips traced over muscles.

  The flames licked the wood and crackled with loud pops. His mouth took mine with a powerful kiss. I climbed into his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist.

  “I don’t think I can wait,” he groaned, positioning his thick cock at my entrance.

  My tits grazed his chest as I bounced upward and then slid over his shaft, sucking him inside my walls.

  “Oh fuck,” Luke growled.

  Our lips melted together as our tongues tangled. I rode him fast and furious. Climbing higher. I clawed and groaned. Our skin glistened. The heat blistered until the only way to survive was to give in to the release consuming us. My body shook in his arms as the orgasm started like a freefalling avalanche. Luke grunted, thrusting his cock deep. He rolled me on my back, angling with a position that brought screams from my throat. He filled me with his essence as the last drops shot from his climax.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered.

  He kissed my throat and shoulder before collapsing next to me.

  “I can’t wait to marry you, Annabelle.”

  I smiled, maneuvering on my side to study his sexy rugged face.

  “When were you thinking this would happen?” I asked sleepily.

  “You’re the bride,” he answered. “When do you want to get married. If it was up to me, I’d take you to the courthouse tomorrow.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am. I want this to be official. I want you to be my wife. No questions. No doubts. I want to tell everyone we’re married.” His hand traveled to my navel. “I want them to know you’re having my baby.”

  I rested my palm over his knuckles. “Can we do it next weekend?” I asked. My chest was about to burst with happiness. I wanted to marry him too. But I knew there were a few things I had to get in order first.

  “Actually, there is one catch.” He looked at me from the corner of his eye.

  “I knew it.”

  He laughed. “I promised my mom she could throw us an engagement party.”

  “A party?”

  He nodded. “She wants to welcome you to the family.”

  “That’s actually really sweet.”

  His thumb began a lazy circle on my stomach. It felt protective and sexy at the same time.

  “Do you think you’ll want to invite your dad?” he asked.

  I inhaled. “I am his only child. And it’s not his fault what Harriet tried to do.”

  “I don’t think I want her anywhere near you. She has been a pyscho.”

  “I think she wants a baby so badly, it’s made her desperate. It’s the only thing that can explain it.”

  I saw the way Luke’s jaw clenched. “I get it. Family Christmases could be awkward. But until I know she’s not a threat to you, can we agree to keep her far away?”

  I smiled, climbing onto his solid body. I felt the power of him beneath me. His hands clasped at the small of my back.

  “I didn’t know I could fall in love with you this way,” I whispered.

  His brows knitted together. “This way is our way.”

  I laughed and leaned into kiss him, knowing our night had only just begun.


  I looked down at my left hand. I had been a bride-to-be for exactly ten days and I couldn’t imagine taking this ring off my finger for one single second. I also couldn’t imagine walking downstairs to face the entire town of Evans Mill.

  I looked out the second-story window. People were already filing into the house. I heard the music trickle upstairs from the band. Luke’s mom had stationed them on the giant wraparound porch.

  There was an open bar in the sitting room and catered stations throughout the house. Up until five minutes ago Kyle was still making the finishing touches on the flowers. I don’t know how he had orchids shipped in so quickly, but they were breathtaking. Everything was.

  Evelyn Lincoln had done everything she could to welcome me into the Lincoln family. I’d never felt so loved. Even Luke’s sister, Caroline had offered to take me shopping for a dress for the party.

  It was the first time we had a chance to be alone. Caroline and Evelyn were the only ones who knew I was pregnant. Until the marriage certificate was stamped, we were going to wait to make the announcement.

  At twelve weeks, I had the tiniest swell at my belly, but Caroline and I found the perfect dress to conceal it for the party. My breasts were a different story. They spilled out of everything I owned. Luke loved it.

  “There you are.” He opened the guest room door and locked it behind him. “The guests have started arriving. I couldn’t find you.”

  I stood partially behind a curtain, still observing the street.

  His arms circled my waist.

  “We have to go downstairs?” I asked.

  He spun me toward him. “You are the guest of honor.”

  “And you,” I corrected.

  “Everyone knows me. They are here to see the bride. Only the bride.” His eyes dropped to my cleavage. The white silk dress was strapless at the top with a flared tulle skirt. Luke and I weren’t going to have an elaborate wedding. We decided Evelyn could splurge on the engagement party instead of a reception.

  I tipped his chin upward. “My eyes are here,” I teased.

  He grinned. “You look gorgeous. I can’t wait to take you home, later.”

  “Want to just skip to that part now?” My hand traveled to his dress pants and cupped his generous shaft through the fabric.

  “Oh no. You aren’t sidetracking me, you vixen.” He kissed me. “I’m tempted though if you think no one will hear us up here. This used to be my room. I think we could make it quick and dirty.” He winked.

  I pouted, knowing there was no way I would escape this massive party. Evelyn had spent the entire week preparing. In the morning, Luke and I would be married and on our way to Hawaii for a honeymoon. We could keep our hands to ourselves for a few more hours.

  “Fine. If you won’t take me back to the lake house, we can go say hi to everyone.”

  “You’re so beautiful, Annabelle. I just want to say that before we go downstairs.”

  “You look pretty hot, yourself.” I smiled at the groom.

  He took my hand and led me into the hallway. I was stunned at the top of the stairs. The rooms below were full of guests in black su
its and cocktail dresses.

  Luke clutched my hand.

  Together we descended into the party. It was only a matter of seconds before we were separated. Evelyn wanted to introduce me to her friends from church and Luke’s friend Josh hurried him to the bar to take shots with the guys.

  I felt bad I had robbed him of a bachelor party.

  It seemed like hours passed while I was whirled in one direction and then another. I saw Milly and Victoria at the bar. I posed for pictures, and Caroline pushed me into the bathroom at one point to touch up my makeup.

  I tried to sip club soda so it looked like champagne. Caroline made sure to add a little mixer to it so the color was convincing. She had been a godsend the entire party.

  I finally pushed my way to the deck for a break. I held onto the railing and tried to take a few deep breaths. I could see Luke through the windows. He was laughing with his buddies. I’d have to remember later to ask him what stories they told.

  I turned my back on the party for only a second, when I heard a deep voice behind me.

  “Hi, sweetheart. You’re not an easy girl to find.”

  I spun around. “Dad?”

  He was wearing an expensive suit. He held a glass of champagne.

  “Evelyn invited me.”

  I was confused. I didn’t understand why he was here.

  “But Harriet,” I sputtered.

  “She told me about the baby,” he admitted. “I know you’re pregnant.”

  I lowered my eyes. “Did she tell you she wanted to raise the baby? She came here demanding I give you the baby.”

  “Yes. She told me all of it.”

  I blinked. “She did?”

  He sat in an empty patio chair next to me, depositing the empty champagne glass on a table. “She’s sorry, Annabelle. She knows she crossed a line. When we got the invitation from Evelyn Lincoln, Harriet insisted I travel to the party without her.”

  “She wasn’t invited,” I argued.

  “True, but it was an olive branch. She’s embarrassed. We both are.”

  I slid into the chair across my father. I didn’t realize how much my feet hurt until I wasn’t on them any longer.

  “I think Harriet needs to do more than send you to a party, Dad.”

  “She does. We both know that. She’s been taking hormones, kiddo. For months. And honestly, I don’t know who she is anymore. This baby business has gotten out of control.”

  “Dad, why are you trying to have a baby with her in the first place? You’ve already done that with Mom. You’re going to be a grandpa.”

  There. I had finally said it.

  I’d never seen him look so tired or old. There was a heaviness in his eyes. “Because I thought it would make Harriet happy,” he admitted. “And I need her. I know you don’t understand why I married her. You never have, but she made me smile when I never thought I could smile again. She was my way out of the darkest place I’ve ever been. And for that, I thought if she wanted a baby, I’d give her a baby.”

  “Babies aren’t negotiating tools, or bargaining chips,” I pleaded. “You’re talking about my future brother or sister.”

  He shook his head. “She hasn’t been able to get pregnant. We agreed to a year of hormone treatments, but I don’t know if we can survive it. Look at what she’s already done. She thought I’d raise my grandchild as my child. That’s crazy.”

  He buried his head in his hands.

  “Oh, Dad.” I stood from my chair and walked to him, taking the next seat. I put my arms around him. “You don’t have to stay with Harriet.”

  He lifted his head. “You want me to be alone?”

  I shook my head. “No. I want you to be happy. Mom would want you to be happy. If that’s with her, then what can I say? But if she’s determined to go off the deep end just to have a baby, I don’t want that for you, either. We need to look out for each other. We promised Mom we would take care of each other.”

  “I’ve let you down a lot since then, kiddo.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself,” I whispered. “I’m the one who left Denver. I guess you needed me to stick around more than I realized.”

  I searched his eyes for a semblance of the wise and measured man I’d always known. The one I loved before my mother died. I saw something I hadn’t wanted to see. He was broken. He was sad. And even with Harriet, he was alone.

  He sniffed. “Enough about me. You’re getting married.” He smiled. “I want to know how you’re doing.”

  “Dad, are you sure you’re okay?”

  He nodded. “I’m fine. Harriet and I will work through this. Don’t worry about me.” He took my hand and gave it a squeeze. “Tell me about your husband.”

  I grinned. “You are going to be okay, Dad.”

  “I know, kiddo. I know.”

  By 2am the last guest had finally left Evelyn’s historic home, and I was sure she had thrown an historic party.

  We all looked at each other while the caterers bustled around, clearing crystal glasses and removing empty plates. Evelyn hopped up when a server almost knocked over an urn.

  “I’ll be right back.” She scurried out of the room.

  Luke lifted my feet into his lap and began rubbing in long deep strokes.

  “Oh, God, yes,” I moaned.

  He chuckled. “Save that for when I take you home.”

  I threw a pillow at his chest. “You have no idea what stilettos do to a girl’s feet.”

  “So you’re not wearing those in bed tonight?” He waggled his eye brows.

  “Your mother is going to hear that dirty mouth of yours,” I warned.

  “What am I supposed to hear?” Evelyn asked sweetly, walking back into the room.

  “Just that you are going to be disappointed I’m taking this one home,” Luke teased, helping me from the couch.

  “You know you could stay. I have two guest rooms,” she offered.

  “Thanks, Mom.” Luke leaned down to kiss the petite woman on the cheek. “But we’re going to the courthouse bright and early.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I nodded, hugging her. “Thank you for everything. It was a beautiful party.” I looked at her. “I couldn’t have asked for anything more perfect than this.”

  “I’m glad your father could make it.” She pulled me in for a second hug.

  “Thank you for inviting him.”

  She kissed my cheek. “We’re all family now. Right?”

  I laughed. “We are.”

  I didn’t know what my father was going to do or if he and Harriet would add to their family. What I did know was that we loved each other and he was going to be an amazing grandfather. My baby was going to grow up with so much love and attention.

  Our bags were packed and ready at the front door. Luke had planned the Hawaii trip with the help of Tammy from L&L. He had prepared all the paperwork and scheduled our wedding with the justice of the peace.

  I had spent the week squeezing in as many clients as I could at the studio, and preparing for two weeks away. It was going to be hard to let for that long, but we knew we needed it. We needed the time together. I was worried I would forget something. I was worried I missed a client. I was worried I slipped up on an order.

  Luke assured me all that could wait.

  But as he carried me inside the lake house, I didn’t care about the suitcases, or the marriage license on the counter. I didn’t mind that I hadn’t checked my messages or texts. With his lips on mine and his arms around me, I knew everything was going to be okay. In the morning I would be Mrs. Luke Lincoln. And that together with our new little baby, we were going to be a perfect family.

  Thanks for reading HARD LOVE

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  Other books based in EVANS MILL

  Sinful Whispers

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  Scarlett Brooks, Hard Love (An Evans Mill Romance Book 2)




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