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Betrayed (Atlanta's Finest Series Book 5)

Page 21

by Sharon C. Cooper


  Elijah growled. “I don’t have time for this.”

  He slammed Kira into a wall and Zenobia screamed when her cousin crumbled to the floor.


  “You think I’m playing with you?” Elijah turned his gun on Zenobia.

  Angelo had mentioned that the cartel would want her alive in order to regain some respect in the drug world. Zenobia was banking on that as she picked up the flashlight, keeping it out of sight behind her back.

  Elijah marched across the room, his arm stretched out and the gun aimed at her. Each step he took, Zenobia took one to her right. A little bit more and she could make a run for the back door.

  Elijah lunged at her.

  Zenobia screamed and swung the flashlight, catching him across his arm. His gun slid across the hardwood.

  “Why you…”

  Zenobia swung at him again, but he grabbed her around the waist and tackled her to the floor.

  “Get off of me! Get off of me!” Adrenaline drove Zenobia as she kicked and wiggled beneath him. She swung her arms, landing punch after punch until her fist connected with his eye.

  Elijah howled and grabbed his face.

  Run! Her mind screamed and she scrabbled, slipping and sliding across the hardwood floor to get away from him.

  “Stop or I’ll shoot!” Elijah yelled.

  Zenobia tripped over her feet and crashed to the floor. Chest heaving, she glanced over her shoulder, shocked to see that he had the gun again. As he came toward her, she took off in a run.

  The front door banged open and Zenobia dived to the floor as two gunshots rang out. Screaming, she curled up in a ball and covered her ears with her hands.

  “Zenobia!” Large arms wrapped around her.

  “No! No! Don’t touch me!” she screamed.

  “Zenobia, baby, it’s me. You’re okay,” Angelo said, holding her so tight she could barely breathe.

  “An—Angelo.” She twisted and turned in his arms. “Ohmigod! Ohmigod! I’m so glad you’re here. He was going to kill me.”

  “He’ll never be able to hurt anyone else.”

  “What about, Kira?”

  “She’s going to be okay.”

  Zenobia buried her face into the crook of Angelo’s neck. A host of footsteps and voices spilled into the small space, but she didn’t bother looking around. All that matter at the moment was that Angelo was there and he had saved her life.

  “You didn’t leave,” she sobbed. “You didn’t leave me.”

  Angelo leaned back, forcing her to lift her head and look at him. “I will never leave you. I am so sorry about earlier.” His voice was thick with emotion as unshed tears filled his eyes. “I love you. I swear I will never leave you.” He planted kisses all over her face before capturing her lips in a heated kiss.

  Zenobia didn’t even want to think about what would’ve happened had he not showed up.

  When the kiss ended, he pulled her back into his arms and squeezed her.


  Her head jerked up and her heart thudded at the familiar sound of her name. Over Angelo’s shoulder, she spotted her brother.

  “Oh, my God. Monty?”

  Angelo loosened his hold, and Zenobia ran to her brother and leaped into his arms. It had been years since she’d seen him. He might’ve been a ruthless drug dealer to some but to her, he was the man who gave her a new life.

  He set her on her feet and a grin spread across his handsome face as she looked him over. His shoulders seem wider, but his spicy, woodsy fragrance still smelled amazing, and his dreadlocks were still well maintained. All in all, he hadn’t changed a bit.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  He placed a lingering kiss on her forehead. “I had to come and make sure you and Momma were okay.”

  “Are we?” Zenobia asked in a shaky voice, the adrenaline from moments ago seeping from her body. “Is it over?”

  “Yeah, it’s over. You’re safe.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Three weeks later…

  “God, this hurts,” Zenobia gritted out over the humming of the tattoo machine.

  “He’s almost done, baby,” Angelo assured as he held her hand while Tito, the tattoo artist, put the finishing touches on the design.

  Angelo hated seeing her in pain, but she had insisted it was time to do something about the Carmeeso brand. She’d been wanting to get it done for years, but hadn’t been brave enough to go by herself.

  As Angelo looked on, he had to agree that the small angel design she had chosen perfectly camouflaged the brand. It still blew his mind that those bastards had scarred her. Each time he thought about that ordeal and the one she’d gone through with Elijah, he got angry all over again. There hadn’t been anything he could do about the Cameeso Cartel years ago, but he blamed himself for Elijah getting the chance to hurt her.

  Angelo kissed the back of Zenobia’s fingers, trying to distract her when she groaned in pain. If only he could distract himself from constant thoughts of that day at the guest house. Zenobia insisted it wasn’t his fault. Angelo knew better. He was to blame that his team’s attention had been pulled away from protecting her. Had Angelo not showed up at the house in a tirade, Elijah wouldn’t have gotten the jump on them. It was also because of him that Zenobia had been left vulnerable in the guest house after their argument. Angelo would have never forgiven himself had he lost her.

  “All right. All done,” Tito said. “What do you think?”

  Zenobia stood in front of the mirror and lifted her arm. She studied the tattoo, moving back and forth to see it at different angles.

  “What do you think?” she asked, looking at Angelo through the mirror.

  “I think it’s amazing. Question is, what do you think?”

  Zenobia looked at the artwork again then smiled. “I love it.” She moved away from the mirror and faced Angelo. “Thank you for coming with me. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  His heart swelled as he cupped her face and stared into her beautiful eyes. “Sweetheart, you’re the strongest woman I know. You could’ve done this on your own, but I’m glad you wanted me by your side.”

  “Always.” She tugged on the front of his shirt and kissed him. “I’ll always want you by my side.”

  God, he loved this woman. As Tito put ointment over the tattoo, Angelo thought about how resilient Zenobia was. It amazed him how she hadn’t allowed her past to keep her from living. He meant it when he said she was the strongest woman he knew.

  After settling up with Tito, Angelo escorted Zenobia to his new Land Rover. He’d been thinking about buying a new vehicle for months. Since his car had sustained a ton of damage in the accident, he took the plunge and purchased his dream truck.

  “Are you still okay with us stopping by Kira’s place before you drop me off at home?” Zenobia asked when Angelo climbed into the driver’s seat.

  “Of course.”

  Kira had been keeping her distance since she blamed herself for allowing Elijah into their lives. Zenobia refused to let her cousin pull away from her, insisting she was a victim, too.

  The day at the guest house, Kira had been knocked unconscious and had suffered a concussion. Though they hated she got hurt, Zenobia was glad Kira hadn’t seen Rock. Her brother and Gavin had left the house, not wanting to be around when the cops showed up. Angelo and his team had agreed. Later that night, Mason and Hamilton had arranged for Zenobia and Sofia to visit with Rock at Supreme Security before he headed back to Miami.

  Angelo had mixed feelings about Rock. He appreciated how he took care of Zenobia over the years, but he didn’t want her anywhere near the guy. At least no time soon. Not until all of Rock’s businesses were legit, and his life no longer put her in danger.

  “Hey,” Zenobia said, pulling Angelo out of his thoughts when she touched his arm.

  He reached for her hand, something he did often these days. She brought a peace to his life over the last
few weeks that he couldn’t get from anywhere else.

  “Stop thinking,” she said. “I can feel your tension all the way over here. It’s over. Me and Sofia are safe. Kira’s going to be okay. Rock’s back in his world. More than all of that, I love you.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Not as much as I love you, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving how much I adore you.”

  “And you’re going to sing to me every day. As a matter of fact, this happens to be one of my favorite songs.”

  Angelo laughed and turned up the volume on the radio. As Freddie Jackson’s “Jam Tonight” blasted through the speakers, Angelo and Zenobia sang along.

  If anyone had told him months ago that he’d meet a singing sensation and fall madly in love with her, he would’ve laughed in their face. Now, he couldn’t imagine his world without this amazing woman, and he planned on singing with her for the rest of his life.


  Three months later…

  Zenobia and Angelo stood in the small pulpit of the church, singing to Kenton and Egypt’s wedding guests about an endless love. When Angelo reached for her hand and stared into her eyes at the part of the song about hearts beating as one, Zenobia barely contained her tears. The words filled her soul, as she never imagined that she’d one day find her special someone.

  When the song came to an end, Angelo curled his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “I love you,” he whispered. Zenobia would never tire of hearing those three words from his mouth. “I’ll be back.” He gave her a quick kiss, then took his place next to the other groomsmen.

  The wedding venue, a small church, was beautifully decorated with a purple and white theme. As the guest and wedding party of four bridesmaids and four groomsmen looked on, the unity candle ceremony started and Kenny G’s “Forever in Love” played through the speakers.

  Zenobia stepped back from the mic, feeling a calm settle around her. Her life had changed considerably in the last three months. Now she only sung for pleasure and not because she had to honor a contract. Those days were over. She would no longer be in the spotlight.

  All ties with Octavia were cut, and instead of a manager, Zenobia had an agent, Wesley Bradford. Going forward she would only write songs, and already her new career was paying off. She’d signed four contracts in the last three months to write songs for some of her favorite singers.

  “Family and friends. We are gathered here today to witness the…” The minister started after the candles were lit.

  During the ceremony, each time Zenobia glanced at Angelo, he was looking at her. And when the minister asked Egypt if she took Kenton to be her husband, Zenobia couldn’t help but wonder when she and Angelo would marry. She had no doubt that they would one day walk down the aisle. It was just a matter of when.

  After he had found out about Rock, she thought she had lost her man for good. He once claimed he wasn’t the forgiving type, but thankfully he had forgiven her for not being forthcoming with him. Since then, they’d been working on their relationship that was growing stronger every day, and she couldn’t be happier.

  Now, surrounded by his friends, who had quickly become her friends, Zenobia’s life felt full. It was like they were all one big, happy family. If the Atlanta’s Finest team wasn’t enough, a couple of months ago, Angelo had taken her and Sofia to meet his large family. For Zenobia, it had been a little overwhelming being around his parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews. Yet, she already loved them, and Sofia adored them all.

  Zenobia glanced at her mamita, who was sitting in the audience. When their gazes connected, Sofia blew her a kiss. God, Zenobia loved that woman. Sofia might not have given birth to her, but she was more of a mother than Zenobia could have ever hoped for.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride,” the minister said, cutting into her thoughts.

  As the bride and groom kissed, Angelo rejoined Zenobia and they sang the last song while the wedding party and guests exited the sanctuary.

  “The wedding was beautiful,” Zenobia said as Angelo escorted her down the aisle to join everyone in the hallway.

  Angelo brought the back of her hand to his mouth. “I agree, and I’m thinking you and I will be next.”

  Zenobia’s heart fluttered. “I’ll be ready when you are.”

  Angelo grinned at her. “I’m counting on it.”


  Two hours later, Angelo was thinking that having a cookout instead of a formal reception was a brilliant idea. Everyone had changed clothes and were hanging out in Laz’s back yard, eating, drinking, and dancing.

  Angelo brought his beer bottle up to his lips as he glanced across the yard at Zenobia. They’d spent almost every day of the last three months together, and they’d been some of the best months of his life.

  He smiled when Journey, Laz’s wife, handed Arielle, their six-month-old baby girl, to Zenobia. Angelo immediately imagined her holding their baby one day. They both wanted at least two, which meant they’d need to get started soon.

  “You know, if Zen keeps hanging out with Laz’s daughter and Hamilton’s baby boy, she’s going to want a few babies of her own. You ready for that?” Myles asked, and sat at the picnic table with a plate of food.

  “She can have anything she wants from me,” Angelo said without missing a beat. There was nothing he wouldn’t give or do for her, and he couldn’t wait until they started a family. He had already purchased an engagement ring, but planned to wait until their Hawaii trip in two weeks to propose.

  “Yeah, you say that now. We’ll see.” Myles ate a few bites of his food and wiped his mouth. “So, when you planning on…” He stopped talking when Geneva, Laz’s sister-in-law, strolled over and started wiping down the table next to them. “Don’t you think your shorts are a little too short? It’s not that damn hot out here,” Myles said to her.

  Beer flew from Angelo’s mouth and he coughed-laughed while trying to catch his breath. He laughed even harder when Geneva turned and scowled at Myles with her hands on her hips.

  “If you got a problem with my shorts, don’t look. Asshole.”

  She walked away and Angelo practically fell off the bench laughing. “I cannot believe you said that to her.”

  Myles shrugged and went back to eating as if he’d just had a normal conversation with the woman. Then he asked, “What do you know about her?”

  “All I know is she’s probably too much woman for you.” Angelo tried to keep a straight face, but burst out laughing again when Myles glared at him.

  As a former CIA agent, Myles was the most fearless man Angelo knew. He’d probably been a helluva spy back in his day. The guy moved in and out of rooms like a ghost, blending in to his surroundings and able to disappear without detection. If anyone could handle the prickliness of Geneva Ramsey, it was him.

  Myles dug more into his food. “So, I’ll take that as a—you don’t know a damn thing about her.”

  Angelo pointed his beer bottle at Laz who was adding more meat to the grill. “That’s the person you need to be asking.” He waved their friend over.

  Laz wiped his hands on a towel before taking the seat on the other side of Angelo. “What’s up?”

  “Myles wants the scoop on your sister-in-law.”

  Laz shook his head and chuckled. “I suggest you stay clear. She eats men up, chases them down with beer, and then spits them out without a second thought. Trust me. She is way too much woman for you.”

  “Man, screw y’all. I’ve never met a woman I couldn’t handle,” Myles said and left them sitting there cracking up as he stalked away.

  “You’ve been warned,” Laz called after him.

  They watched as Myles tossed his plate in the trash and walked across the yard to Geneva. He sidled up next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “How much you want to bet she punches him?” Laz asked as Myles whispered something in Geneva’s ear.

  Angelo shook his head. “I don’t know, man.
Myles is pretty smooth. I wouldn’t count him out.”

  “What are you two up to?” Zenobia sat next to Angelo and followed their line of sight.

  “We’re about to witness Myles make a fool of himself,” Laz insisted and sat up straighter when Geneva grabbed hold of the front of Myles’s shirt. “Okay, here it comes. She’s going to…what the…”

  Angelo and Zenobia roared when Geneva pulled Myles close and planted a lingering kiss on his lips.

  “Damn, I should’ve took that bet.” Angelo shook his head as Geneva led Myles into the house. He could only imagine what came next and had a feeling that if those two got together, the city of Atlanta would never be the same.

  Hours later, Angelo and Zenobia said their goodbyes to the few people who were still at the cookout.

  “I love your friends. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had this much fun,” Zenobia said as they left the house.

  Angelo slipped his arm around her. “I love you so much. I’m going to make sure that the rest of your life is filled with fun experiences.”

  She smiled up at him, and his heart danced inside his chest.

  “We’re going to have an amazing life together, aren’t we?” she asked.

  “Baby, you have no idea.”


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  About the Author

  Award-winning and bestselling author, Sharon C. Cooper, is a romance-a-holic - loving anything that involves romance with a happily-ever-after, whether in books, movies, or real life. Sharon writes contemporary romance, as well as romantic suspense and enjoys rainy days, carpet picnics, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She’s been nominated for numerous awards and is the recipient of Emma Awards (RSJ) for Author of the Year 2019, Favorite Hero 2019 (INDEBTED), Romantic Suspense of the Year 2015 (TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES), Interracial Romance of the Year 2015 (ALL YOU’LL EVER NEED), and BRAB (book club) Award -Breakout Author of the Year 2014. When Sharon isn’t writing, she’s hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work or reading a good book (a romance of course). To read more about Sharon and her novels, visit


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