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The Fight for Britannia IV: Fighting for Humanity

Page 3

by Saxon Andrew

  “We can send the Hares to do that, Taffy.”

  “And which ship stands the higher odds of being detected? A thirty-yard-long Super Rabbit or a three-hundred-yard-long Hare?” Taffy replied.

  Grady stared at her and then nodded, “You’re right. I didn’t think it through. And if one of them is detected, they’re the same size as Earth’s stealth scouts.”

  Taffy smiled, “That’s what I was thinking.”

  Joshua blew out a breath, “Noel and I have been up all night. We’ll start working on this tomorrow; we need a break.”

  • • •

  Rory and Abby walked over to RJ and Rory said sternly, “RJ, come with us. We’re having a discussion about following orders!”

  RJ sighed, “Yes Sir.”

  They walked away as Taffy and Grady walked up and hugged Candy, “I’m sorry.”

  Grady shook his head, “You have nothing to be sorry about, Candy.”

  “I got RJ into trouble.”

  “He should have followed orders, Candy. That is still not your fault. Let’s go home.”

  Taffy smiled, “I’m so proud of you coming up with this new idea.”

  “It wasn’t my idea, Mom. I proposed using a negative field to stop a blaster beam.”

  Grady chuckled, “But it was that idea that led to the use of a positive field. You’ll be given credit for this and you deserve it.” Candy turned and followed them out of the lab. She saw Rory punching RJ in the chest with his index finger up the hall as he read RJ the riot act. She shook her head and hated it.

  • • •

  A week later, finals ended, and Candy and her new boyfriend Timmy Scott walked out of the building, “Boy, am I glad that’s over,” Timmy stated.

  Candy nodded and started to agree when suddenly, her arms were pulled behind her back and bent up at a painful angle. An arm was wrapped around her neck and she was lifted off the ground. Candy screamed, and a large cadet walked in front of Timmy and said in a wicked tone, “You should leave now!”

  Timmy looked the large cadet in the eyes and saw he was hoping he stayed. Timmy raised his hands and said, “I’m sorry, Candy.” He turned and walked quickly away.

  Candy managed to say, “TODD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

  “I’ve just been expelled from the Academy for cheating on my finals. It appears you told the Commandant I was cheating, and she’s expelled me. I’ve never cheated in my life and you’re going to pay for your lies.”

  “I’ve not told the Commandant anything about you!!”

  Todd pulled her arms higher and Candy screamed.

  RJ saw the gathering of cadets outside the main building and he heard Candy’s scream. He pushed his way through the crowd and his eyes narrowed. He rushed up toward Todd Jenkins holding Candy off the ground and Bill Smith and Frank Older stepped in front of him. Bill sneered, “You need to walk away, RJ.”

  RJ stared at them and said in a loud voice, “Todd, let her go!”

  “She’s gotten me expelled from the Academy, RJ. I’ve never cheated in my life!”

  “If that’s so, Todd, you should be able to prove your innocence. Now let her go!”

  “The Commandant says she has proof of it!”

  RJ kept his eyes on Todd but saw something change in Bill’s expression. RJ asked, “Who told you that Candy turned you in?”

  Todd relaxed Candy’s arms slightly and said, “That’s not any of your business, RJ. Walk away.”

  “Did Bill tell you it was Candy?” Todd’s eyes narrowed and RJ looked at Bill, “Did you set up Candy for something you’ve done?”

  Bill’s expression turned angry and he snarled, “You should have walked away!”

  Bill moved forward raising a fist with Frank right behind him. RJ hit Bill in the forehead so fast he never saw the punch coming. Bill flipped backward from the blow and RJ turned his attention to Frank. Frank came to an abrupt stop and raised his hands. RJ walked by him and confronted Todd, still holding Candy. “Todd, you and I have never had any issues but if you don’t release her now, you’re going to spend a week in the hospital!”

  Todd saw RJ level Bill and also saw the threat in RJ’s eyes. He pushed Candy forward and RJ caught her in his right arm. Candy was rubbing her shoulders as RJ went to Bill and patted him down. He felt something, reached inside Bill’s jacket, and pulled out a communicator. He looked at it and then tossed it to Todd. Todd caught it and looked at it. “What is Bill doing with my communicator? I lost this a month ago.”

  RJ held Candy up and looked down at Bill, “I suspect you didn’t lose it. Bill stole it from you and loaded it with material needed to pass the finals. He panicked when we found out the Academy was looking through our communicators to see if anyone had copied test material into them. He accused Candy of turning you in because she would be the only one to know about our communicators being examined.”

  Todd’s expression turned to rage, and he rushed forward with a raised fist. He stood over Bill and RJ grabbed his arm, “Don’t compound a mistake by making another one, Todd.” Todd felt RJ’s grip on his arm and it was like a steel vice. He stood up and RJ released his arm.

  The Commandant walked out of the crowd and looked down at Bill who was moaning. “I think I’ve heard enough.” She looked at Candy and asked, “Do you want to send Cadet Jenkins to the disciplinary council?” Candy shook her head. The Commandant turned to Todd, “Cadet Jenkins, you are reinstated to the Academy. I apologize for the mistake.” She turned to Bill, still laying on the ground and said, “Guards, remove Cadet Smith from Academy grounds. He is expelled and will never be allowed to serve in New Britannia’s military.”

  The same two guards that took Candy stepped out of the crowd, lifted Bill off the ground, and took him to the hospital to treat a concussion before he was taken off campus. Todd turned to Candy, “I’m sorry, Candy. I just lost it when I thought I was losing everything important in my life.”

  Candy nodded, “Apology accepted, Todd.” Todd walked away, and Candy looked at RJ, “It appears you saved me again.”

  “Actually, you were in no danger last time.”

  “I could have taken him, but he took me by surprise,” Candy stated while rubbing her shoulders.

  RJ shrugged, “I’m sure you could.”

  Candy rolled her eyes, “You dropped Bill like a bad habit.” RJ chuckled. “Thank you, RJ.”

  “Hey, what are friends for?”

  “Timmy ran away.”

  “Duh! Bill is twice his size and a really nasty dude, Candy!” RJ replied.

  “It didn’t stop you.” RJ raised his left shoulder. Candy sighed, “I’m going to do to Timmy what you did to Bill.”

  “What is that?”

  “Drop him like a bad habit.” Candy went up on her tip toes and kissed RJ on the cheek, “I owe you.” Candy turned and walked away. RJ stared at her until she disappeared in the crowd. He took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, then turned and saw Todd extend his hand. He shook it and walked away.

  Chapter Three

  Abby looked at Rory over dinner and sighed. He turned to her and lowered the fork from his mouth, “What has you bothered?”

  “RJ was involved in a fight at the Academy yesterday.”

  “I know.”

  Abby’s expression turned angry, “And just when were you going to tell me about it?!”

  “There’s nothing to tell. Rory Junior stepped in and stopped a student from hurting Candy. The Commandant praised him for his actions. How do you know about it?”

  “Taffy called and told me to thank him.”

  “It was all a misunderstanding, Abby…”

  “I know! Taffy explained it to me!”

  “Then what has you bothered?”

  “Why has RJ decided to be Candy’s guardian angel? This is twice he’s stepped in where he shouldn’t have.” Rory’s eyes narrowed, and Abby continued, “Guards showed up quickly and he didn’t have to step in and possibly get hurt.”

  “Abby, RJ and Candy
have been close friends since they were children. And besides, anyone that takes on RJ is the one that’s going to be hurt.”

  “Oh? And why do you say that? The cadet he fought was a lot larger than RJ.”

  Rory put his fork down on his plate and shook his head slightly, “I was contacted by Captain Lu when RJ was fifteen years old, you know who Captain Lu is, don’t you?” Abby nodded. “Well, RJ started attending his dojo when he was eight years old and Captain Lu called me when he was fifteen to have a discussion with him about his martial arts skills.”

  “What about?”

  “Captain Lu informed me that RJ had just defeated him in a match and that there was nothing more he could teach RJ.” Rory smiled, “He said the student was better than the teacher. Anyway, he wanted me to impress on RJ that with great power goes great responsibility and that he should never use his skills for selfish reasons.”

  Abby pursed her lips, “Something else you withheld from me!”

  “Abby! You knew he received his Master Fighter belt when he was eleven. It wasn’t a big deal to sit down with him and make sure he understood not to abuse his talents. What’s the problem?” Abby was silent, and Rory reached across the dining room table and put his hand on hers, “What are you not telling me?”

  Abby lowered her eyes and released a soft sigh, “I think RJ is in love with Candy.”

  Rory started laughing, “Abby, don’t be ridiculous! Candy and RJ are like a brother and sister. They love each other like that; they aren’t romantically attached. Where did you come up with this nonsense?”

  Abby raised her eyes, “Do you remember the program in elementary school where they tested students and allowed them to skip some grades?” Rory’s eyes narrowed slightly and then he nodded. “RJ was so happy at being allowed to skip three grades, remember?” Rory nodded again. “But the next day he came home and was furious.”

  Rory thought back to that day and replied, “He said that Candy was also moved up three grades.”

  “Exactly! He said that he wanted to be in the same grade as Candy.” Rory was still and then nodded slightly. Abby then asked, “Why has RJ been taking a double load of courses in the Academy to graduate early?”

  “You know how driven RJ is, Abby. He goes after anything put before him.”

  “But why?”

  “What are you thinking, Abby?”

  “He’s did this in the hopes that he will graduate with Candy.”

  “Abby! That’s…that’s…”

  “Rory, think about it! He doesn’t date or have a social life. He spends his hours studying and working his butt off to shorten his time at the Academy. This should be the most enjoyable years of his life but he’s doing all he can to shorten his time in the Academy.”

  “Candy is still going to graduate a year ahead of him,” Rory replied. “Abby, I really think you’ve missed the boat on this. RJ has encouraged and supported Candy in all her relationships with her boyfriends. I’ve heard him do it numerous times when he’s talked to her on his communicator.”

  Abby stared at Rory for a long moment and then shook her head, “I hope you’re right about this. I’m probably just being a little protective.”

  “Why would you try to protect him? Candy is a wonderful person and she wouldn’t be a bad choice for any man.”

  “Rory, Candy changes boyfriends faster than the seasons. Taffy has told me about all the broken hearts she’s left in her wake and I don’t want our son to have to endure that!”

  Rory stared at Abby and then stated, “You know if you ask him about his feelings for Candy, he won’t tell you the truth if you’re right?” Abby nodded. “I seriously think you’re wrong about this, but I’ll keep my eyes open to see if there’s any evidence that supports your belief.”

  “And if you find any, what are you going to do?”

  Rory sighed, “Be ready to help him if his heart is broken. However, RJ is his own person and trying to force him to stay away from her will only drive them together.”

  “So, you agree she isn’t a good choice for him?”

  “The evidence says she isn’t.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “Abby, on the surface, would you say Taffy and Grady are a good match?” Abby’s brow furrowed as she thought about the question. “Taffy is a free spirit who is always stirring things up and Grady is the most solid person you’ll ever meet,” Rory added.

  “What about us, Rory?”

  Rory released a big sigh and remained silent. “What about us?!” Abby pressed.

  “I’ve lived in your shadow since the beginning, Abby. I’m just a simple warrior and you are a lot smarter than me. You’ve always outranked me, and I’ve been fine with that; I love you. You possess many more talents than me and that hasn’t bothered me in the slightest.”

  “That is no longer the case, Rory.”

  “Only because of your having been Prime Minister. But have no doubt that I depend on you to help me make good decisions… we’re a team, Abby.”

  Abby smiled, “I guess the same can be said for Taffy and Grady.”

  “Exactly right. And RJ is no dummy. He doesn’t make foolish mistakes and he can handle himself. We need to trust him, my love.” Abby nodded, and Rory lifted his fork.

  • • •

  Candy graduated number seven in her class and went to flight training. After two months, she was assigned to a King Hare Warship under the command of Captain Loraine Miller. It wasn’t a match made in heaven and after four months, Loraine requested Candy be replaced. She was assigned to another warship and this time it only took three months before her commander requested a replacement. Candy was assigned to Fleet Intelligence and was furious about not serving on a warship. She went to Grady demanding he order Fleet to assign her to another warship and he refused.

  “Dad! My place is on a warship, not sitting in Intelligence wasting my time!”

  “Candy, you’ve been put in intelligence to give you some time to grow up. Admiral Alexander says you’ve not been a team player and constantly criticize your commanding officers. Wade hated to deliver that news, but he felt it necessary to take the action. I will not use my position to overrule him for personal reasons. Why can’t you just get along with your ship commanders?”

  “They’re idiots, Dad. They have no clue on how to fly the Hares.”

  “Then keep your mouth shut and wait until you’re promoted to command your own warship!”

  “Dad, that could take years! The numbers on the promotion list with more seniority is more than six thousand.”

  Taffy stayed out of the conversation, but she couldn’t help but interject, “If you had spent more time on your academics at the Academy, you would have been given command of a warship! The top five in their class are promoted to Captain and given command of a ship.” Candy glared at her mother and Taffy continued, “Just a little more effort and you could have graduated number one but Nooo, you had to be the social queen and play before studying!”

  Candy’s eyes narrowed and they heard the entry chime sound. Grady looked at Candy, “Rory and Abby are coming over for dinner. If you can’t smile and be pleasant, go to your room until after they leave.” Candy stood up and stormed out of the dining room. Taffy sighed and went to the door.

  • • •

  An hour later, Abby looked up from her plate and asked, “What’s bothering you, Taffy. You look a little tense tonight.”

  “Nothing, I’m fine.”

  Grady shook his head, “No, you’re not. Do I need to send you to your room?”

  Taffy blew out a harsh breath and said, “My daughter is driving me insane!”

  Rory shook his head slightly, “Does this have to do with Admiral Alexander assigning her to Fleet Intelligence?” Taffy sighed and nodded. “He contacted me about it and I told him he had to do what he felt was best for his command.” Rory turned to Grady, “He really dreaded making the call to you.”

  “I know.”

don’t you just give her a ship, Grady?” Abby asked.

  “Once I start doing things for personal reasons, the officers under my command will start to not trust me, Abby. They’ll not tell me things for fear I might take things personally and make them pay for their actions. That’s the slippery slope that leads to the trust in a fleet for its officers to decay. I’d do it in a heartbeat if I could justify it, but Candy hasn’t given me any tools to use to do it. If she had just graduated one position higher in her class, I could use that to give her a command, but she didn’t. There are consequences to behaviors and I’m forced to stand behind my Fleet Admirals.”

  Rory looked around and asked, “Where is Candy now?”

  “I sent her to her room!” Taffy replied.

  Abby shrugged, “Well, it’s a good thing she’s not here hearing this.” Taffy nodded.

  Rory chuckled, and everyone turned to him, “What’s so funny,” Abby asked.

  “Just how certain are you that she’s not hearing every word we say?”

  Grady rolled his eyes, “Rory, this room has no listening devices in it. Security makes sure of that weekly.”

  Rory turned to Taffy, “Would that stop you if you were in her place?”

  • • •

  Candy was lying on her bed and she suddenly sat up, “UH-OH!”

  • • •

  Taffy shook her head and then stopped. She glanced across the room and saw the robot on it’s charging station. She fell back in her chair and Grady’s eyes narrowed, “What?”

  Taffy looked over at Robbie and asked, “Where is Bob?”

  “He’s in Candy’s room.”

  “Is he hearing everything we’re discussing?”

  “We’re directly connected.”

  Taffy stood up, “Candy, get in here now!” Grady turned toward Candy’s room and Taffy said forcefully, “The gig is up! GET IN HERE NOW!!”

  Everyone stared at the door and after a few moments, it opened, and Candy walked out. She walked up to the dining table with her head lowered while she was wringing her hands. Grady glared at her and demanded, “How long have you been doing this?” Candy shrugged. “I ASKED YOU HOW LONG, YOUNG LADY!!”


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