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The Fight for Britannia IV: Fighting for Humanity

Page 10

by Saxon Andrew

  Angel turned to her console, “Just don’t dwell on it. I’ll see you later this evening.” RJ nodded and left the ship. Angel watched him go and decided that wasn’t so bad. At least he wasn’t weeping and acting like a zombie. Well, it’s hard to tell with RJ; he didn’t give you much… but… she could live with what she’d just seen. She went through a simulation and was leaning back in her chair reflecting on what she learned when the communication panel pinged. She sat up straight and pressed the enable button. She was surprised to see Candy Henricks on the display.

  Candy’s expression showed surprise and she asked, “May I speak with Wing Commander Dunhan?”

  “Sorry, he just left to visit his parents. He should be back later this evening.”

  Candy nodded and then asked, “Uhhh… who are you?”

  Angel smiled, “I’m RJ’s second-in-command.” Candy stared at the beautiful black-haired woman and Angel chuckled, “I don’t know if he ever told you about me.”

  “I don’t recall him ever telling me about you.”

  “RJ and I worked together on the piloting and weapon simulations our senior year at the academy.”

  Candy nodded, “He did mention that, but he never told me you were…”

  Angel laughed, “Nice on the eyes?”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “I don’t think he even noticed. You were the only one on his mind.”

  “So, he told you about me?” Candy asked.

  “No, not a word. I figured it out and confronted him. He told me that you and he were no longer an item. And I have to tell you that I’m amazed at how short-sighted you are.”

  “What do you mean?!” Candy responded tersely.

  “I watched you at the academy and I noticed that every boyfriend you ever had possessed one thing in common.”

  “What was that?”

  “They were all very nice on the eyes but most of them weren’t that bright. I checked a few out that you dropped, and I must say I wasn’t impressed. Now you’ve rejected the smartest, bravest, and most honest person I’ve ever known. He’s much better off now, you don’t deserve him.”

  “Just who are you to say that?”

  Angel smiled, “The one he chose to be with him after you turned him down. Thank you for being consistent in using poor judgment. I would appreciate it if you not contact him for a while and give him some time to get over you. Can you do that?”

  “Just tell him I called to thank him for his assistance in the meeting!”

  “The Admirals must have seen the recording of you moving in too close to the Britannia Aliens. I’m surprised they promoted you after seeing that snafu.” Candy’s expression turned angry and Angel raised a shoulder, “I’ve looked at all the recordings and both of you would have died except for RJ’s quick thinking.”

  “You’re not showing proper respect for a senior officer, Captain!” Candy said angrily.

  Angel smiled, “Once again, you have things wrong. RJ’s second-in-command is a Senior Captain. I signed my promotion papers first thing this morning so even if you get promoted to Senior Captain before I make Admiral, I’ll still have seniority over you. And I expect serving on this ship with the smartest officer in fleet, I’ll make admiral long before you do. Tah-Tah.” Angel ended the contact.

  Candy immediately went into the Fleet Seniority List on her communicator and found that an Angelica Coronado was listed two names above hers on the list. She stamped her feet and knew this was one woman she didn’t like. But she was right about leaving RJ alone. She took a deep breath and decided to stay away.

  • • •

  Angel laughed, sat back in her chair, and decided that the twit deserved everything she said. Maybe she’d come to her senses and see RJ was really too good for her… but… did she want that to happen? She had to admit she really didn’t know. She started another simulation and still laughed as she thought about Candy’s expression.

  • • •

  RJ arrived at home and he was managing to keep things together until Abby came rushing to the door and took him in her arms. He started crying and Abby held him tightly, “I’m so sorry, RJ. She’s not worth it!”

  RJ held Abby and after a few moments, wiped his eyes with his sleeve, “Yes, she is, Mom. It isn’t her fault.”

  “How can you say that!!”

  “I dropped it on her without any warning. I didn’t do the things to prepare her to accept it. I just… didn’t have the right words, Mom.”

  “No words would work with her! She throws away boyfriends like dirty socks.”

  “But I wasn’t a boyfriend, Mom. She wasn’t ready, and I chose a bad time.”

  RJ walked in to the living room and sat down on the couch, as Abby asked, “Are you going to try again, RJ?”


  “Why not? Give her some time to think it over.”

  “Mom, I saw the look on her face when I told her. She really does see me as a younger brother and that’s not going to change. I’ll survive and eventually get over this. Thanks for being here for me.”

  “She’s an idiot!”

  “That’s your love talking, Mom. You know she’s far from being an idiot.”

  Are you hungry?”

  “I am.”

  “I’ll fix you something. Rory should be home shortly.”

  “Does he know?”

  “Yes, but he won’t bring it up unless you do.”

  “Let’s just leave it alone, ok?” Abby nodded and went to the kitchen. She quietly contacted Rory and sent him a message to not mention Candy. She hurt so much for RJ, but she had to be strong as well. Life could sometimes be so cruel.

  • • •

  RJ left that evening and Rory walked him out to his shuttle, “Son.”

  “Yes, Dad.”

  “You know that I love you and will always be here for you. I’m so very proud of the man you’ve become.”

  Rory hugged RJ and he replied, “I know, Dad. I love you, too.”

  RJ went to the shuttle and Abby hugged Rory. “Is he going to be alright, Abby?”

  “I think what you just told him will give him enough strength to get through it.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Abby hugged Rory tighter, “He’s always wanted to be just like you. Knowing you’re proud of him means more than you know.” They turned and watched the shuttle grow smaller in the distance and Rory asked, “Did you tell him?” Abby shook her head. “Why not?”

  “Let’s tell him about the baby at a happier time, ok?” Rory nodded and held her close.

  Chapter Eight

  Grady arrived at home and hugged Taffy. “Have you spoken with Abby or Rory?” Taffy asked.

  “No, should I have?”

  “They’ve just learned about RJ’s assignment and they’re rather upset. They’re on their way to discuss it with you.”

  “What has them bothered?”

  Taffy snorted, “Come on, Grady! You’re sending him back into the Britannia Alien’s space and they believe you’re playing favorites.”

  “How do they get off believing that?”

  “Candy’s not going.”


  Taffy shook her head, “Sometimes you’re really a dunce.” The entry bell chimed, and Taffy went to the door. She opened it to find Abby and Rory, “Come on in. Grady just got home.”

  Abby rushed by Taffy and went to the living room where she confronted Grady, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING SENDING RJ BACK TO ALIEN SPACE!?”

  Grady’s brow furrowed, and Rory added, “He’s already faced enough danger going there.”

  Grady glared at them and then asked, “Ok, tell me who should go instead?”

  “Your daughter would be a good place to start looking!” Abby retorted.

  Rory added, “I understand she’s not going back! Why are you sending RJ?”

  Grady’s anger instantly rose, “Just who are you to tell me how to make my decisions!!”

  Taffy shouted,
“ENOUGH!!” Everyone instantly turned to her and Taffy said harshly, Abby, Rory, take a seat!!” They glared at Taffy and she said, “Have either of you examined the recordings RJ and Candy made during their mission?”

  Abby glanced at Rory and then replied, “No. What does that have to do with this?”

  “Because if you did, you would see that sending Candy to command this mission would be a huge mistake! She nearly got both of them killed with her foolish decisions. It was only RJ’s fast thinking that saved their lives!”

  Rory stared at Taffy and then turned to Grady, “Is that true?”

  Grady took a deep breath and blew it out slowly before answering, “Yes, it is. And RJ went along with her because he didn’t want to alienate her by telling her no.”

  Abby was still angry, “That doesn’t preclude sending Candy on this mission. You’re trying to keep her out of danger!” Taffy started shaking her head and Abby asked, “You know I’m right!”

  “Are you that stupid, Abby?”


  Grady held up his hand, “Alright, Abby. If you insist, I’ll send Candy on this mission.”


  “If you think I’m protecting her, I’ll send her.”

  “Just like that?” Abby replied.

  “Exactly like that, Abby.”

  Taffy sat down on the sofa and interrupted, “Before you open your stupid mouth again, you need to think how that will affect RJ on this mission.”

  Abby’s mouth was open, and she suddenly closed it. Rory sighed, “You’re not sending her because you feel it will adversely affect RJ’s ability to command.”

  Taffy waved a hand at them, “Ask your wife, she’s the expert on what’s happening here.” Abby stared at them in silence for a very long moment and then lowered her head. Taffy started nodding, “Now you’re starting to think, Abby. RJ is the most experienced officer available to send out to scout the Britannia Aliens. He demonstrated during the last mission that he is steady and doesn’t make foolish mistakes. Sending Candy out with him, under his command, could lead to severe distractions endangering the crews going with him. She’s not going because Grady was thinking of RJ and his feelings. Being away from her for an extended period will be good for both of them.”

  Abby looked up, “You’re right. Not sending her is the best thing to do. I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking this through.”

  “But why are you sending them, Grady?” Rory asked.

  “The scientists examined the recordings our children made and there is a real possibility that the Britannia Aliens are close to defeating the civilization with the stealth warships. If that happens, it will free up hundreds of thousands of their most advanced warships. What do you think they will do if that happens?” Grady replied.

  Rory thought for a moment and said, “There’re two possibilities. One, they could send those ships against the other civilizations they’re fighting on the other side of the black hole.”

  “Or?” Grady prompted.

  “They’ll send them against the Fagan and Earth freeing up all the warships on this side of the galactic core,” Abby answered.

  Grady nodded, “If you were in their place, what would you do?”

  “Go after the Fagan first and then Earth,” Rory replied.

  “Do the colonies know about this?!”

  Grady turned to Abby, “I’ve discussed the situation with the Prime Minister and he’s on board with it. It appears that being able to hide from the Britannia Aliens and the Fagan Empire is an option that is quickly ending. We don’t have as long as we thought to prepare to take them on.”


  “Because if the aliens remove the Fagan and Earth, they will quickly defeat the two civilizations currently attacking them and start a major expansion into the galaxy. They will eventually discover us, and we’ll be forced to take them on here. If we’re going to take them on, it must be soon.”

  “But why?” Rory asked.

  “There’s no possible way we’ll be able to take on all of their forces at once,” Taffy replied. “We must attack their forces on this side of the core before the Stealth Civilization is defeated. They won’t be able to send all of the forces confronting the three civilizations attacking them and we’ll deal with them piecemeal.”

  “And what happens if the Stealth Civilization is defeated before we can attack them?”

  Taffy turned to Grady and he shrugged, “Then we’ll take on the forces they send against the Fagan and Earth.”

  “That will reveal our existence, Grady.”

  “Possibly, Rory. Our ships look nothing like the Rabbits we once used, and they may believe that our ships belong to Earth. We have a lot to do to get ready and I’m sending RJ with a wing of advanced scouts to keep us updated on what’s happening in alien territory. We’ll act when we must.”

  “What it comes down to is that all of us will be involved in the coming war, Abby. You and Rory along with Grady and I will be needed to command our fleets,” Taffy added.

  “But I’m expecting a baby!”

  “I know, Abby. So am I, but this is the end game and I suspect this won’t happen until after our children are born. This is a fight we must win, and we need everyone involved in it. You and Rory need to get out and start learning how to fly one of our new warships.”

  “What about Maranda?”

  “The Prime Minister has requested we send her back to the Colonies to command their carrier forces. She has agreed, and they left for the colonies three days ago along with their two children,” Taffy answered.

  “But it’s been years since we’ve flown a warship!”

  Grady tilted his head, “Rory, I said earlier that we’re short on experienced officers to command our ships. You and Abby fought with us against them and your experience is invaluable. You know the Britannia Aliens and we need you in a leadership role.”

  Abby looked at Rory and his expression was grim. “We need some time to digest this, Grady.”

  “Take all the time you need as long as you decide within a month. Your training on how to fight the new warship needs to begin as quickly as possible.” Grady paused and then sighed.

  “What have you not told us, Grady?” Rory asked.

  “RJ and his scouts have been given the authority to use their weapons to delay the Britannia Aliens defeating the Stealth Civilization for as long as possible.” Abby’s face turned white.

  Taffy took Abby’s hands, “None of us are safe, Abby. The war is coming and there’s no avoiding it.”

  Abby lowered her head and nodded. Grady leaned forward, “I know this sounds daunting, but I believe RJ will not take any foolish risks. He’s the best one to go out and do this.”

  “I pray you’re right,” Abby responded in a soft voice.

  • • •

  RJ listened to the instructor and glanced at Angel. Her expression didn’t give away what she was thinking but he knew she was just as shocked as he was. He had no idea that he was going back to alien space to keep track of their activities. What was the most shocking was that he was free to attack their warships. This was a brand-new ballgame! He looked around at the crews of the wing going with him and saw their trepidation. This could only mean that the long-delayed war against their enemies was about to kick off. He raised his hand and the instructor nodded, “There is a real risk of our ships being discovered by the aliens if we open fire on them, Sir.”

  “You should do all you can to avoid that happening, Captain Dunhan, but Fleet knows the risk is unavoidable,” the instructor responded.

  “Revealing our new cutters is not a good thing, Sir.”

  The instructor nodded, “You are ordered to use the new heavy missiles and avoid using the cutters unless absolutely necessary. I’m going to update you on the technology of the heavy missiles and the most effective way to use them in combat. Please open your computers and go to the file titled, Missile Technology. Once you complete
the file, you will find several simulations for you to complete. If you have any questions, pause the file and raise your hands. I’ll come and assist you.”

  RJ opened the file and said softly to Angel, “Sorry about dragging you into this.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, RJ.” RJ shook his head and began going over the file.

  After the class was over, Admiral McArdle stopped RJ and Angel outside the class room and said, “Please follow me to my office.” They followed him to the top floor of the building and he led them to his office. He nodded to two chairs in front of his desk and ordered, “Take a seat.” They sat down, and he asked, “Tell me what you think about your assignment.”

  “I don’t understand why we’re being sent to attack the aliens, Sir.”

  “Your primary assignment is to scout the aliens, Wing Commander, and keep us informed of their status.”

  “I thought we were free to attack their ships, Sir.”

  “You are. And truth be told, we expect you to do that.” RJ blinked, and Admiral McArdle continued, “Our scientists believe that the civilization sending the stealth ships against the aliens is close to being defeated. If they are eliminated, that will free up hundreds of thousands of alien warships to possibly attack Earth and the Fagan. If they fall, then they will fall on the remaining two civilizations attacking them and there’s no way we can take on all of their forces. We have to decide if we are going to wait for that to happen or open an offensive against them.”

  “But we’re nowhere close to being ready to do that, Sir.”

  “I’m aware of that, Wing Commander. I’m ordering you to do whatever you can to delay the defeat of the Stealth Civilization to give us more time to prepare. There is also the issue of not knowing how our new weapons match up against the alien’s most advanced planet killers and warships. We need to find that out before we move to take them on. Sending you is intended to determine how they operate in combat conditions. We can’t wait until we’re in the middle of a war to determine their effectiveness.”

  RJ glanced at Angel and said, “Yes Sir.”


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