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Iris and the Secret Library

Page 4

by Shu Daizi

  She gathered her toiletries and stripped down. Another problem was that she didn’t expect to need a robe, so all she had was a bath towel to wrap up with, and it was a lot smaller than she thought it would be. She wrapped it around her and stepped in front of the full-sized mirror to see how much it covered.

  Not much.

  She pulled the towel up over her breasts, but that pulled the bottom up almost to the top of her thighs. She had to wiggle it down again so that the top only just covered her nipples so that the bottom would be something just south of propriety.

  But all this tugging and yanking on the towel, along with staring at herself and imagining what other people might see of her had another effect, and she ended up in a gentle haze, leaning over, then lifting her legs up to see what might be seen. Her skin flushed under her gaze.

  Then again, the halls should be empty. She would just need to use her stipend to buy a robe or something before everyone came back to campus.

  She grabbed her toiletries and swung the door open and darted out, ready to sprint to the showers.

  She stopped dead in her tracks at what she found in the hallway.

  There were two girls walking down the hallway arm in arm. One had long straight jet-black hair nearly down to her waist. The other had shortish spikey hair that had been dyed a dark blue. Aside from that, they looked nearly identical, with thin, toned bodies. They had nicely-sized breasts topped with dark, tight nipples.

  Iris could see this because neither one was wearing a stitch of clothing.

  The two girls gasped on seeing Iris, and the long-haired one started to pull her towel from her shoulder, but then stopped half-way, leaving her arm lifted up. Iris was stunned, unable to take her eyes off the way the girl’s arm pressed into the flesh of her breast.

  “Well, hi there!” This from the short-haired girl. “I’m Cynthia. This is my evil twin Deborah.” Cynthia reached over and gave her sister a quick tickle. Deborah squealed and danced off to the side, causing the most delightful wiggling and hopping and a dropped towel.

  Deborah rolled her eyes at Cynthia, but noticed that Iris was still in shock.

  “We’re the RAs for the second and third floor. We didn’t know anyone was on this floor yet.”

  “I’m... uh...” Iris finally ripped her gaze away from Deborah’s breasts. “I’m Iris. I’m the graduate researcher... I just got in.”

  “Oh god! I totally forgot. We got an email about you last week. Welcome to Bright Hall.” Cynthia sidled up and threw a hand around Iris’s shoulder. “You headed to the showers?”

  Iris felt a sense of pride that she was able to keep her eyes on Deborah and didn’t look down at the warm body that was now pressing up against her.


  “Well, come on, we’re headed there too. It’s so cool to have you here. You’re going to be working in the library then? Ms Rai doesn’t let anyone down in the special collections.” Deborah looked over her shoulder as she walked down the hall, and Cynthia aimed Iris forward, following.

  Iris self-control waved and she ended up looking down to Deborah’s incredible ass as they walked down the hallway. Did she hit her head or something?

  The three of them got all the way to the bathroom without saying anything about how the sisters weren’t wearing anything. Iris couldn’t bring herself to say anything at all.

  Right after walking into the room, Iris stopped in her tracks. The showers weren’t in cubicles. It was just an open room like a gym, with showerheads on the wall.

  Cynthia and Deborah walked right in and hung their shower caddies on hooks, right next to each other.

  Iris was struck with indecision. She needed to shower, and it wasn’t like she hadn’t showered in gyms with other girls, but this just seemed different somehow.

  Deborah leaned in to her sister and whispered something with a smile.

  Cynthia laughed a little, and turned to Iris as Cynthia turned her shower on.

  “You coming in? It takes a couple of seconds, but things warm up awfully fast here.”

  Cynthia turned to her as well. “It’s not as great as the spa, but maybe if you’ve got some free time later, we can take you over there. It’s booked months in advance, but we know how to get in.”

  The twins shifted under the spray of their two showerheads, and Iris couldn’t help but let her gaze linger over them. Deborah’s hair took on the water and clung over her shoulders, down tight across her breasts. Cynthia stood with one leg bent slightly, making a delicious line from her waist up over her hip and down the taught thigh.

  Iris snapped herself out of it and made a decision. If they were going to be blasé about their nudity, then she could do that too. She walked into the shower area, although to the opposite side of the room from the other two. She didn’t have a little basket, so she bent over to put her shampoo and soap on the floor.

  In that split second, she remembered how small her towel was. She was bent over at the waist, with her butt aimed right at them. In a flash, she bent at the knees and squatted down while a flush raced across face. God! Why was she so hung up about this?

  In one motion she stood up and whipped her towel off and moved to hang it on a wall hook away from her showerhead. Her nervous fingers took more time than they should have at such a simple task. Then she turned and saw both of them staring at her. They weren’t even pretending to start washing. They just stood there under the spray, dripping wet, water caressing them, flowing off those hard, tight nipples.

  Iris spun back around and turned her shower on. She was going to wash her hair, but suddenly thought that a shorter shower might be wiser. She started scrubbing herself up, and realized that every touch was getting her hotter. She ran her hands over her arms and it was like it was one of... both of the sisters running their soapy hands all over her. Up her sides and, with a powerful shock, she ran her slick hands over her own thick nipples. It was like lightning, and a groan came unbidden to her mouth.

  She glanced back to the twins and found them still watching her, but no longer just standing there. Cynthia was behind Deborah, running her hands through her hair, fingers scratching over her scalp. Deborah’s eyes were locked on Iris, but they were hooded. Iris could nearly feel the ecstasy of it. Her hair was long enough, that she could imagine Cynthia’s fingers were running through her hair, and it was her eyes nearly closed by the sensation.

  “If you ever need anyone to wash your hair, I’m really good at it. My sister here just refuses to cut her hair, and she makes me take care of it.” Cynthia dropped one hand to her sister’s neck and shoulder, massaging gently as the suds poured down from that thick black mass of hair.

  Iris grunted, unable to make any coherent reply. Without realizing it, Iris’ hands hadn’t moved from her breasts. Her mind came to realize that she was nearly pinching her nipples, watching one girl caress another. It was the hottest thing she had even known.

  And she had to stop.

  These were undergraduate girls and she hadn’t even started her job here. She had to keep in control of herself. She blinked a few times and then turned back to the wall to finish soaping herself up.

  As she stood there, trying desperately not to react to the way that her hands felt all over her body, she heard a gentle moaning from the other side of the shower. She couldn’t ignore it, but she was doing her best not to react. In her mind’s eye, she could see clearly hands, sometimes Cynthia’s, sometimes her own, caressing up and down Deborah’s glistening body, then she imagined that it was Cynthia and Iris both running their hands all over her.

  Soap up. Rinse off. Get out. She kept saying this to herself over and over.

  She was able to do just that without looking back to them, even as she heard more moans echoing low off the tiled walls.

  Finally, she was washed as well as she was going to be. She turned off the shower and was getting ready to squat down to get her shower things. Then a flash of naughtiness took hold.

  She slowly bent over at the waist. She was a small woman and very flexible, so it wasn’t a problem to nearly double herself over as she reached out to pick up her soap, her unused shampoo, and the rest of her things.

  Her mind whirled with the absolute certainty that both girls would be staring directly at her butt... her ass, and maybe they could see more? She shifted her weight a little and stepped out to open her legs. Right then she heard a gasp and a shuddering groan. Was that...?

  Slowly, she stood up straight. She took a breath and turned around.

  The sight was lovely.

  Cynthia was still behind her sister, but any pretense of shampooing was utterly gone. She was all but holding Deborah up in her arms, one arm wrapped around her waist and the other grasping at her inner thigh. Deborah’s face was flushed a deep red that ran down to her chest, and she had the most wicked delighted smile Iris had ever seen.

  Iris nearly took a step forward, but caught herself. She turned and started to walk out.

  Deborah stumbled forward out of her sister’s grasp and nearly ran into Iris. She reached her hand toward her. Iris’ eyes widened in a combination of raw lust and terror, but Deborah’s smile turned sweet as she wiped a bit of soapy bubbles from Iris’ shoulder.

  “You missed some. You really should have rinsed off a bit longer.” Her hand lingered on Iris’ shoulder.

  “It seemed like it was enough for you.” Iris couldn’t believe she actually said that out loud.

  Cynthia’s laugh was pure delight, and Deborah joined in.

  “It was just wonderful, but it’s never really enough. It can always get better.” Then she leaned in, her hand moving from Iris’ shoulder to her upper back as her mouth came dangerously close to Iris’ ear. “It can always get better. And I’m really good with shampooing too, if you ever need help.”

  Iris nearly shuddered as Deborah’s tongue slipped out and gently ran up the outer edge of her ear.

  Then she pulled back and spun around to walk over to her sister, who unabashedly took her in her arms. Iris was struck by how pure and joyful that embrace seemed. If they weren’t nude and nearly quaking in orgasmic bliss, it would have been a wholesome image. But it really was wholesome anyway.

  Cynthia kissed her sister on the neck. “Seriously, if you want to come to the spa, and trust me, you do, come find us. Since we’re RAs for the second and third floor, we’ve got rooms on both floors, but I think we’ll be up here on the third floor until classes start. Just knock on our door anytime.”

  Iris didn’t trust her voice. She just nodded and stepped away, wrapping herself up in the towel, which she was now very sure only barely came to the top of her thighs. She had never done anything so bold and wild in her life. What was happening to her?

  She tried not to sprint back to her room, her stories, and a particular toy that had brand new batteries.


  The next day, Iris showed up at the library at 8am sharp. She almost never really thought much about clothing, but she spent forever deciding what to wear. She had only seen the librarian, Ms Rai that once, but she could tell that she was the kind of woman who was always immaculately dressed. And for some reason, after they previous day’s adventure in the shower, Iris felt that she should wear more conservative clothes, as if somehow that might insulate her from her temptations.

  The library wasn’t open yet, which made sense, since the students wouldn’t really be on campus in numbers until later, so Iris stood outside the huge gorgeous wooden doors in the most conservative thing she owned. It was a long heavy burgundy dress that had a high neckline and went nearly to her ankles. It wasn’t fancy at all, but it wasn’t something she would ordinarily wear. Because the weather was already a bit chilly, she also put on a pair of black tights. She thought she looked basic and uninteresting, which was kind of the goal of course, but for some reason she didn’t feel happy about that.

  Her self-consciousness redoubled when she saw Principal Lee and Ms Rai come in the door and walk down the hallway. Principal Lee had opened the door for her and so when Ms Rai came in, it was like the whole hallway had been set up as a stage for her entrance. Above dangerously high high heels and the most incredible calves, she was wearing a flowing grey skirt. Her sweater was black and coiled with a turtleneck so loose it nearly showed her entire right shoulder. But it was her face that Iris couldn’t look away from. Where she couldn’t tell in the poor light yesterday, she could see that Ms Rai’s dark skin was flawless. The lines of her face were angular, and almost severe, but shockingly beautiful, and her hair lay loose down just a little lower than her shoulders in effortless perfection. She could have been a model if she wanted to, and she walked toward Iris with a purposeful step, heels clacking on the floor.

  “Iris, good morning!” Principal Lee said, causing Iris to jump. She had nearly forgotten him, and certainly didn’t see him walking next to that tall dark goddess.

  “Ah! Uh, hello, Principal Lee, ah... Ms Rai...”

  Ms. Rai nodded in greeting.

  “Well, I know you have a lot of exciting work to do, so I’ll just let you get to it. I do hope that you’ll keep lunch open for me though. I’d like to get to know our new graduate student before the crush of the new semester takes away all of our free time.”

  For a second, Iris didn’t react. Her eyes were still locked on Ms Rai, and she didn’t understand that he was waiting for a reply.

  “Oh, lunch? Yes, of course. I eat. I... I’ll... um... Let’s...”

  Ms Rai threw a heavy glance as Principal Lee and raised her delicately sculpted eyebrow.

  He laughed kindly. “No worries. Lunch at noon in the theater cafe? I think they’ve got everything set up and ready. See you there?”

  Iris was cringing hard internally. Her anxiety was making her look like an absolute imbecile. But she remembered her strategy for dealing with it: few words, facts not thoughts, don’t worry about intonation.

  “Yes. Lunch at noon at the cafe.”

  As she said it though, she looked him in the eye and almost seemed to get caught there. What color were his eyes? They almost seemed to change somehow. They were really fascinating.

  “Good. I’ll get her to the cafe. Principal Lee, you need to leave now.”

  “Of course, of course. I’ll see you later, Veronica.”

  He turned away so he didn’t see Ms Rai’s piecing gaze follow him, although Iris thought he might have felt it. There was a strange relationship there. She seemed ice cold, but he was awfully familiar with her, and she didn’t exactly shut him down.

  “Very well.” Ms Rai took out a key card that opened the main library doors. “Welcome to the Bright Hall Library, Iris. I am very happy to have you here.”

  Iris didn’t think she looked happy, but then again, she wasn’t the best at reading people.

  With that thought in her mind, she walked into the library. It was fabulous. It was like an old European private library, all dark wood and deep comfortable looking chairs. But then immediately, she saw the modern touches. Internet plugs at every table and a few public computers scattered around. And then she saw the massive floor-to-ceiling stained glass piece on the opposite walls. It gave the entire room an eerie, but alluring supernatural glow.

  “Oh my god,” Iris whispered. “Ms Rai, I love it.”

  She started to blush in embarrassment. She was supposed to be a graduate student, an adult, not some fawning child. She turned to Ms Rai, trying to think of something serious to say, anything that would make her sound like a serious person.

  But Ms Rai had already moved on to the middle of the room.

  “This is the main stacks area, the only room that the students are generally allowed in. I’m afraid we don’t have the research material that you might want for your work here, but we can order just about anything, or get it on loan from the state schools. The real interesting bits, and your home for the next year, is downstairs.”

t looking to see if Iris was following her, Ms Rai strode to a door in the wall that opened onto a long narrow staircase. Iris nearly had to jog to keep up with those long Amazonian legs.

  At the bottom of the stairs, there was much less of the delicate decoration that made the main room so gorgeous. Down here, things seemed more utilitarian.

  “Over there in my office, that’s off limits.” Ms Rai turned down another hallway and continued walking. “There is one library classroom down here where I have my classes. But down this hallway is where you’ll be.”

  She stopped in front of an incongruously solid door, completely out of style with the rest of the building. There was a digital keypad to the side.

  “Go ahead and try your key. Let’s make sure you’ve been given access.”

  She stepped aside as Iris pulled out her ID keycard and swiped it across the keypad. The light blinked green and the keypad lit up.

  “Watch me put in the code and memorize it. We take security very seriously here.” Ms Rai locked eyes with Iris. “All this tech is new. We had some trouble in the past, but that’s over. The real secret of the Special Collections here is that it might be the biggest collection of unique manuscripts and documents outside of the Papal Collection.”

  “Is that even real?”

  “Well, if it does, we give it a run for its money.”

  The door unlatched and swung inward and they walked inside.

  There was no hint that the room would be as massive as it was. There were two heavy wooden tables in the front, and several bookshelves that ran far back into the vanishing distance. Some bookshelves were packed heavy with books, but most were full of tall boxes, some cardboard, and some were even wood.

  Iris couldn’t hold in a little gasp.

  “You ain’t kiddin’.” For the first time, Ms Rai’s voice seemed warm and human, but Iris couldn’t focus on that transformation. She stepped forward, running her hand absent-mindedly over the desks as she approached the bookshelves.


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