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Bone Quarry

Page 24

by K D McNiven

  “Whoo-hoo!” Kyle shouted. “Calvary’s on their way!”

  The three of them pushed the inflatable out into the water and jumped inside. Kyle kicked on the motor and the zodiac picked up speed, the prow slapping the waves soundly as they scudded over the rolling peaks. From where they were, they could see Captain Burke standing aft waving his captain’s cap in the air to acknowledge he’d seen them.

  The engine jerked and sputtered and then went dead. “Crap. Anything else?” said Kyle, bending to reignite the motor. He cranked on the handle several times, followed by a muffled coughing noise, but it showed no signs of firing back up.

  At least Burke saw their dilemma and prepared to bring around the other side boat to launch. Several of the men were sliding their arms into the life preservers and continued toward the dive platform to load. Then it happened—moments before they prepared to head out— another Purussaurus surfaced near the zodiac.

  “We’ve got more to worry about than the motor dying,” Rourke said, pointing his finger. The water bubbled just beneath the surface, and they could see the outline of the Purussaurus making a beeline toward them.

  In a frantic gesture, Kyle continued pulling the cord, still met by a sputtering sound, followed by a jolting underneath the zodiac. The Purussaurus let them know, by no uncertain terms, it would not relent. The hard bump sent Meg falling to the floor and Rourke grabbed hold of the center seat to keep from being thrown overboard.

  “It’s circling back around,” Kyle shouted.

  The other boat headed their way, hopefully with something to waylay the beast. Before they could reach the zodiac, the Purussaurus made another pass underneath, throwing the zodiac into the air. All three of them were thrown out.

  The heavy current tossed Meg. She felt herself spiraling downward, her heart pounding like a war drum. Silt muddied the water, making it impossible to see anything. She began thrashing her arms and kicking her feet, fighting for the surface. Something rubbed against her thigh, and she fought back a scream. She felt her arm being tugged on, then realized it was Rourke pulling her upward. Her lungs were burning as her head shot out of the water, and she gasped for air.

  Rourke had managed to climb on top of the zodiac and catching sight of her silhouette, reached beneath the surface, drawing her upward. He wrestled to drag her on top of the overturned boat with him, feeling his own body sliding on the polyurethane bottom. Inhaling deeply, he gave it all he had, managing to reel her body upward until he had drawn her fully out of the water.

  “Where’s Kyle?” she asked. She looked around frantically, seeing him several feet away, the current taking him out. She watched horrified as he went under. There was turbulence in the water near him, and they were about to give up hope when the other side boat made it out to where they were and threw a line to him. His head popped out of the water, and he made wild attempts to grab onto the line.

  “Come on, Kyle! Come on!” yelled Rourke and Meg.

  They stared breathlessly, waiting to see if he would make it before the Purussaurus took him to the bottom. His hand lashed out and grabbed hold, the other three men in the boat opposite began reeling him in. Just when they thought they had him, the water churned violently around him, his body yanked off the line and sucked beneath the surface. The beast began rolling in the water much the same as a caiman would, crimson blood bubbling to the surface.

  “No! Damn you!” Meg screamed, slapping her hand against the water angrily, her face crumpled in pain.

  “I don’t care what we have to do, we’re going to blow that slimy green behemoth to bits!” Anger swelled in Rourke. It had been almost too much to take when they had been forced to watch Jayden being swallowed whole. Now they would have to find a way to deal with the loss of Kyle as well.

  The other boat motored up to them, and they stretched out their arms to help Meg inside. Then Rourke. All the rest of the way back they remained silent. The shock of what had happened leaving them with a hollow feeling in their guts. The incidences they had just gone through, almost too much to take in.

  What brought them around was an enormous explosion port side by the Brazilian warship. The water shot upward like a geyser and within minutes the large body of the Purussaurus floated to the surface, bobbing on top of the waves. The team applauded and shouted.

  “Yeah! Take that!” Meg yelled, making the boat rock wildly.

  Rourke turned to look at her, one brow cocked. He smiled.

  As they climbed onto the ORI ship, they heard a voice blaring over the intercom, warning the Japanese ship to surrender. They still had one Purussaurus left in the cargo hold. It was imperative they didn’t let the Japanese leave the area.

  The answer came swiftly. The Japanese ship fired a missile which struck the Brazilian ship aft, leaving a wide gap in the hull. In response, the Brazilian’s fired off one missile, then another immediately after. Both missiles struck the starboard side, the Japanese ship breaking apart. To make sure the Japanese ship was fully disabled, the Brazilians fired yet again, striking the Japanese ship straight on, causing massive explosions.

  The ship began breaking apart and slowly began to sink, water rushing over the railing like a tidal wave. Men jumped from the side railing into the ocean as a fireball burst into the sky, black smoke belching into the air, so dense it appeared to devour it.

  Everything appeared to be in slow motion as the crew watched from the deck of the ORI ship, while the back half slipped below the turbulent waves; water boiled like a witch’s cauldron around the perimeter as it sunk. It all seemed surreal.


  Daisuke, in a panic, grabbed the eggs in the insulated container and made a run for the side boat. Unfortunately, with the damage they had inflicted, he wouldn’t have time to get it launched. Water surged around him steadily, already at his shoulders. He could feel the floor beneath him falling away. Terror overwhelmed him as his body was sucked downward and in a matter of minutes, the waves washed over him. One arm beat at the water in an attempt to surface. His other arm, clinging to the container. As he felt his body being dragged further and further below the surface, he could no longer hold his breath. The box slipped out of his arm, slowly drifting toward the bottom of the seafloor.


  In the blast, the cage had been compressed, which had sprung the door, and enabled Gabriel to squeeze out. He circled underwater several times, then seeing Daisuke floating aimlessly, he swooped in, catching Daisuke in his sharp teeth. He rolled like a spinning top toy, dashing the body against coral spires below, then gulped down the shattered remains. Satisfied, he headed back toward the tributary near the headwaters of the Amazon River. It was the place he knew. The place where he felt safe. He swam hard, well below the surface. No one imagined he could have escaped the fury of the missiles ripping the ship apart.

  Seeing that the Brazilian ship had been severely damaged, the ORI marine ship motored over to assist. It took the ORI crew by surprise when the Brazilian military shot off one more missile. This time, it was towards the compound. Another explosion resonated in the air. Bullseye. Flames licked the sky. That would be the end of the reign of evil that had plagued the village for so long. Finally, the people of São Brazilia would be able to walk safely along the beach without fear. Fishermen would be able to take their boats out to sea once again and feel confident they were safe from predators. A celebratory spirit washed over the decks.

  Captain Burke, a smile on his face, shook Rourke’s hand. “Couldn’t have done it without you, Rourke. You too, Meg. You stayed with it, and even though we’ve had our share of loss, at least we’ve been rewarded with the knowledge São Brazilia will be able to rest this night in peace.”

  “Some compensation,” Rourke replied.


  Light faded into darkness, ushering in a three-quarter moon that illuminated streamers of golden light across the water’s surface. Except for the usual rumbling of the compressor on the ORI ship, and distant animal cries, it was unusually
quiet on deck. Most of the team had since left, leaving little activity.

  After showering and changing, Rourke grabbed a bottle of bourbon and went mid-deck. Finding a quiet corner, he settled down, tipping the bottle to his lips. The amber liquid burned down his throat. He closed his eyes, a feeling of both victory and defeat sweeping over him. One thing for sure, he would miss Jake. They had worked together for years and he had been like a brother to him. His mind whirled with wild images he couldn’t seem to shake. The screams of Jake tormenting in the stillness around him.

  Hearing the soft padding of feet, he turned his head ever so slightly to see Meg walking over to him. She had changed into a gold tank top, khaki shorts, and flipflops. Her golden hair, still damp from showering, now drawn back and bunched up on the top of her head. She smiled, the creases around her mouth deepening. Without asking if she could join him, she pulled up a chair and plopped down.

  “You clean up quite nicely,” she said softly, seeing he’d shed his soiled clothing, and had slicked back his hair. His rugged features had deepened since the day he first came on board, she noted. His usual upbeat, over-achieving nature, had taken on a new tone—an almost somber, crushed spirit. Sadness encompassed her.

  “Like you,” he said, taking another drink, his eyes distant. “That was quite an exchange of firepower today, yeah? Good as a fireworks display.”

  “Just glad the good guys won.”

  “And I’m glad we managed to escape without being eaten alive.”

  “One positive note,” she said, “at least the compound was blown to bits, and there aren’t more mad scientists alive to rebuild it. The last thing São Brazilia needs is another Purussaurus rampaging their village.”

  A brittle smile twisted the corner of his mouth. “Here, here.” His eyes closed as he gulped down another drink.

  “Hey,” she said, drawing his attention back on her. “We made a good team.”

  “Damn good team. You are gutsy, Megan Gerhart.”

  “Thanks.” Her cheeks flushed.

  From the onset, Rourke had found it difficult to hide his feelings for Meg. He’d tried. But with everything they had gone through, his emotions simmered just beneath the surface, ready to erupt at any moment. He had missed her terribly. Missed her childish enthusiasm, her optimistic disposition, and above all, her incredible bravery. When he had first come on board and caught sight of her, he knew he would not be able to resist falling prey to her undeniable charm again.

  The breeze ruffled his dark hair. With an unreadable expression on his face, he held out the bottle. “Drink?”

  Locking her gaze on him, she grabbed the bottle of amber-colored liquid, tipped it to her lips, and took a large swallow, then handed it back. The familiar scent of Versace Man cologne intoxicated her senses. Without thinking, her trembling fingers reached out to touch his dark, stubbled jaw tenderly. “How are you doing, Rouke? I mean really doing?”

  “Well as can be expected under the circumstances. You?”

  She shrugged and sat in silence for a moment listening to the sound of waves slapping against the hull. It had since stopped raining. The air smelled clean. She glanced up, the moonlight dancing off her tear-stained cheeks. “I will miss them greatly…Jayden… Kyle… Jake…and yet, I’m so thankful…” She choked up, stopping briefly to compose herself. “So thankful that you’re alive, Rourke.”

  He lifted his gaze to see the pain blanketing her face. “I’m glad you’re alive too, Meg. We had a lot of close calls.” A moment of silence followed. “I know how difficult this has all been but I have to ask Meg…were you and Jayden…”

  She struck off his words without hesitation. “A good friend Rourke, and my heart is breaking. We were always just friends…nothing more.”

  He took another swig, his eyes bloodshot, his brows drawn. “I’m sorry for all of your loss.”

  “And I’m sorry for yours.” She looked away briefly, collecting her thoughts, then turned back to him. “Rourke, I didn’t…did not know how much I still loved you,” she whispered, “not until we were in the military truck. I…”

  He placed a finger over her lips “I was hoping you still did, Meg. I’m so sorry for the hurt I caused you. I have suffered every day since you left. Despite what it looked like, nothing happened between Lori and I. Had I not passed out…I don’t know…I’d had so much to drink… no excuses… I’m ashamed I allowed even the slightest appearance of impropriety.”

  “And I was too rash in walking out, never allowing you the chance to explain. But that is over and done with. We can’t go back and change all of our screw-ups. What’s important now, is that we can begin fresh…take it slow…one step at a time…that is…if you’re willing?”

  “You can’t know how much, Meg.” Rourke stood, offering his hand. When Meg got to her feet, he pulled her into the circle of his arms and bent forward to kiss her passionately…longingly.

  In the distance, the chatter of monkeys echoed through the warm, night air. Gazing out over the dark, rolling waves, everything seemed as it should be.


  Gabriel swam hard, circling back around. He skimmed the coral spires, dove still deeper, his tail thrusting forcefully, working his way along the white sandy seafloor. His gold eyes caught sight of the eggs, bobbing along in the current. With his jaws opening, he skimmed the bottom, two of the eggs sliding into his mouth. The other eggs kept being thrust forward as he swept in to grab them, and finally, he gave up. He twisted his body back around, once more heading straight for the headwaters.

  Once he merged with the muddy river, he pushed his way to what used to serve as a home. The entrance to the compound had collapsed, leaving no other opening for him to take shelter. He clawed his way up the muddy slope, dropping the two eggs onto the ground. He realized he was alone now. There was no sign of Anna who had faithfully seen to their needs, no more food to be tossed out to him. He must now find a new place with an abundant food supply else he would not survive. With that discovery, he turned to leave, stopping when he heard a faint sound from behind. His head whipped back and from out of the egg, a small Purussaurus plopped out, and then another. Both stood on gangly legs, their linear bodies swaying a bit unsteadily. Their feet slapped across the ground as they rushed toward him. They would be hungry soon, and they would have voracious appetites. With no one left to care for them, Gabriel knew they would have to push further back into the interior to survive. They were on their own, but he would make sure they survived. He turned and slid down the slick embankment, plunging beneath the swirling brown waters of the tributary, which lead to the Amazon River, followed closely behind by the two new arrivals.

  Thank you, for reading Bone Quarry!

  If you enjoyed Bone Quarry, please, let me know what you think by

  leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads. It would be greatly appreciated.

  A few more books by K.D. McNiven:

  Decker & Callie Adventure Series:

  The Monkey Idol

  Shark Eater

  Bermuda Conspiracy

  Sam Carter Adventure:

  Sheba’s Treasure

  About K.D. McNiven

  K.D. McNiven

  I have always aspired to be an author since high school as well as entertain the idea of becoming an archaeologist or a marine biologist but never followed through. It only made sense when I began writing novels, to incorporate those latent desires into my writing, which you will see when you read my books, The Monkey Idol, a Decker and Callie Adventure book one, followed by Shark Eater, book two, Bermuda Conspiracy, book three, and recently published Sheba's Treasure, A Sam Carter Adventure. All four are action/adventure thrillers, and they reflect the dreams I have carried with me for years. I am hopeful, as you read through the pages of these books, you will experience the razor-edge excitement while walking alongside the Haydens through exotic locations, and engage in dangerous showdowns.





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