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Leaning Into Series: The Complete Box Set

Page 49

by Hayes, Lane


  “Me too. I remember everything about it. You wore a dark shirt and your hair was a little wild. Like it is now.” He pushed a strand of hair from my forehead and traced my brow with his thumb. It took everything I had not to lean into his touch. “When Nick introduced us, I thought we’d say hello and move on, but we spent the whole night together. I liked talking to you. You were funny and charming and you seemed so…real.”

  “I am real.”

  “Yes. It’s a rarer quality than you’d think,” he said sagely. “I was prepared to chat politely and then find a way to talk business with Nick. But he disappeared and honestly, I didn’t mind at all. I wanted you to myself. You made me laugh. And your eyes positively lit up when I mentioned an art exhibit at the de Young. I suppose that was when I knew I wasn’t going anywhere. We critiqued our favorite painters and sculptors for over an hour in a private corner of a crowded kitchen. Minimalists, impressionists, expressionists. You were so passionate. I was taken aback when you talked about finding meaning in an artist’s brush strokes.”

  “I did?”

  Finn nodded. “You said, and I quote, ‘The details are in the repetition and iteration…just like in life.’ You said those details are the only ones that matter. Waves crashing on the beach, vivid sunrises and sunsets. Daily repetition, daily patterns.”

  “Um…yeah, well…” I gulped, not sure how to respond.

  “At first, I thought Nick set me up to distract me somehow, but I couldn’t figure out an ulterior motive that made sense.”

  “We were two guys at a mostly male party on a Saturday night. I’m sure it was obvious I was attracted to you.”

  “Likewise. But seduction via an in-depth discussion about mixed media in art was a new one to me,” he teased.

  “Seduction! I wasn’t trying to—”

  “Right. My point is that a man who can compare the change in tide in a brush stroke to real life is as detail-oriented as he needs to be.” He traced the shell of my ear then set his hand on the counter behind me, caging me in on one side.

  I swallowed hard and cautioned myself to stand still. And ideally, not faint. I couldn’t understand what he did to me. I became a gooey mess around him. I should have pushed him away and reminded him I wasn’t interested. But his melodic voice was like a siren’s song, encouraging me to lean in and let him take over.

  Whoa. Bad idea.

  I pulled back slightly and shook my head with a laugh. “I was a little dangerous that night. Give me a few vodka sodas and I turn into an art critic and a know-it-all.”

  “You weren’t drunk in the slightest.”

  “I woke up with a killer hangover the next day that rivaled the one I had a couple of mornings ago. How do you explain that?”

  “You invited me to your place for a drink…or three.”

  “Oh. That’s right.”

  “The bar was crowded at the party and neither of us wanted to brave it. I raided the freezer and presented you with a contraband cup of ice cubes. Do you remember?”

  “Yeah,” I whispered. I remembered it well.

  Voices had echoed around the kitchen. I could picture Finn shaking the plastic cup of ice and asking if I wanted water. I’d smiled and made a smartass comment about being perfectly happy sucking ice cubes. And that was when everything changed. He’d closed the distance to stand close to me like he was now. His gaze had darted from my mouth to my eyes hungrily. There was a game at play. I wasn’t sure what my part was, so I winged it. I tipped back the cup and dislodged a small cube, then held it between my teeth. Finn leaned in and licked the corner of my lips then plucked the ice away. He’d crunched it noisily and given me a cocky grin I’d tried to return with something light and jocular, but words hadn’t come. And I couldn’t stop staring at him.

  Damn, he was beautiful. His chiseled cheekbones and strong even features were worthy of a runway model. Better yet, the devilish glint in his eyes had hinted at a wicked sense of humor and a good-natured demeanor that made him seem approachable and even kind. I couldn’t believe my luck when he’d inched forward and brushed his nose against mine. Then he slid his cold tongue between my lips and devoured me in a feverish kiss that would have brought me to my knees if he hadn’t wrapped his arm around me.

  We’d made out in that kitchen like a couple of teenagers at a high school dance. It was carefree and unexpected and maybe even a little innocent. But the fever grew steadily as the night progressed. I should have been freaked out to find him in my bed the next morning, but I wasn’t.

  And it all began with an ice cube.

  Finn lifted my chin, gently dispelling the aura of déjà vu and firmly anchoring me to the present. I stared into his eyes, more aware than ever of the electric current buzzing between us. Bad idea or not, I wanted him all over again.

  “Finn, I…”

  “I’ll go now if you want me to, but—God, I want to touch you.”

  He held the back of my neck and drew me forward, resting his forehead against mine. Tension emanated between us, making it clear I wasn’t alone here. We weren’t strangers at a house party tripping carelessly from flirtation into something more than we bargained for. We were practically experts at this now. We could fuck and walk away without blinking.

  Actually, I sucked at that. But I’d do it if it meant I could have one more night with him. He was the perfect diversion from reality.

  “Yes. Touch me, Finn. I want to feel you. Please.” I nipped his bottom lip and licked it better.

  He let out a strangled growl then crashed his mouth over mine. Our tongues dueled in a fierce dance, twisting, sucking, and licking until we were panting for oxygen. I slid my arms around his waist and squeezed his ass then hissed with pleasure at the feel of his hardened shaft through our clothes. We humped against each other in a renewed quest for friction with roving hands and locked lips.

  Finn stepped back slightly for air. He splayed his hands over my chest and ran his thumbs across my nipples. The featherlight touch drove me wild. I reached for his belt, threading the leather through the buckle and then unbuttoning and unzipping his pants in seconds flat. He jutted his hips forward with a groan and tweaked my tits hard. But when I dipped my finger under the elastic of his boxer briefs, he held my wrist to stop me.

  “Wait. When will your roommate be home?”

  “Uh…” I blinked in an effort to make sense of his words. “Sunday night or Monday. I don’t know. Why?”

  “We’re alone.” Finn licked my jaw as he lowered his hands to work on my belt and zipper.

  “Yes. I—stop.” I pushed at his chest.

  “Do you want me to go? Tell me, Josh. Tell me what you want.”

  We stood inches apart, breathing heavily in a tiny corner of the spacious kitchen. Every bit of energy in the room was centered in one incendiary spot. Any moment now, it would burst into flames. I wanted nothing more than to be completely consumed. I knew how good we were at this and it scared me. This wasn’t smart. This was—oh, fuck it.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  Finn raised his brow and flashed a wicked pirate’s smile that made my heart race so fast, I thought I might pass out. “I will. But I want something first.”


  I closed my eyes briefly when he licked my lips. I could hear the rustle of fabric and feel his talented fingers moving as he undid the buttons on his shirt. It was sensory overload. I wanted to bask in his nearness and the sweet slide of his tongue alongside mine. He was hypnotic. I groaned into the connection and pulled him closer then pushed his trousers out of the way.

  Finn did the same for me. He let out a low chuckle when I rubbed my dick against his thigh. My maneuver lacked finesse, but I couldn’t help myself. I was desperate for friction. I sucked in a breath at the feel of his hands on my bare ass. He smacked each cheek then kneaded my flesh before tracing my crack with his forefinger.

  “When we were standing in that kitchen, this was what I was thinking. I wa
nted everyone to fade away so it was just us…naked with a party going on around us. But what I really wanted was you…on your knees.”

  I drew back slightly to gauge his expression. His eyes had a sex-glazed quality that I was sure more than matched my own. I reached between us to palm him through the cotton barrier of his briefs while I stroked my impossibly hard cock. Finn shuddered at the contact, then he covered my hand and swiped his thumb over my slit, smearing precum over the wide head. I let go of myself to shove his briefs aside and free his rigid dick. Then I stepped sideways before sinking to my knees.

  God, I missed this. His cock was a thing of beauty. He was long and thick and so damn responsive. I’d spent a good amount of time in this very position, admiring the light smattering of hair on his ripped abs as I looked up at his handsome face.

  Finn smoothed back my unruly hair and smiled down at me. “You look wild, Joshy. Like you need to be tamed.”

  I gripped his length with my right hand and fondled his balls with my left. “What are you gonna do, put a leash on me?”

  “Mmm. I like that idea. A collar and a leash. Something with my name on it to remind you who you belong to,” he said in a low tone.

  “I don’t belong to you, Finn.” I frowned but I didn’t stop stroking him. I twisted my wrist rhythmically and spread the leaking precum as I worked.

  “You will.” He guided my head lower and bucked his hips meaningfully. “No more talking. Just do it.”

  I held eye contact for a moment then stuck out my tongue and rested it on the tip. I licked him like a lollipop, up one side and down the other. I stopped to suck his balls and lave the sensitive skin underneath before licking my way up his shaft again and finally swallowing him whole.

  If I did say so myself, I was masterful at the art of fellatio. It came down to doing what I liked and hoping my partner was as slutty as I was about a blowjob. I dug my fingers into Finn’s muscular thighs as I bobbed my head in time with some mysterious beat in my head he seemed to hear too. He rolled his hips forward, gently at first, as though he was testing my readiness. Once he knew we were in sync, he held my head still and let his hips fly. I did my best to relax, but I was so horny I ached. I stroked myself double-time as I worked him over. Finn’s sexy growl of approval somewhere above me was all the encouragement I needed. I sucked him like a man possessed.

  “Stop. You’re too good at that. I don’t want to come yet.” Finn pulled me to my feet and kissed me hard then reached down to grasp us both in a punishing hold.

  “My room is that way.” I inclined my head in the general direction of the bedrooms and leaned in to nip his bottom lip playfully. “Come on. I’ll show you my baseball card collection.”

  I kicked off my sneakers and stepped out of my jeans before gathering my belongings. Then I pecked his cheek and moved toward the hallway, wearing his suit coat, my shirt and nothing else.

  I dropped my stuff in a heap on the floor when I pushed open the door to my bedroom. Then turned on the bedside light and smiled at Finn. He gave my room a once-over as he toed off his shoes and finished undressing. No doubt he’d have something to say about the pile of dirty clothes next to the hamper and the unmade bed. The guy was a neat freak. He wasn’t overly fussy in his appearance or mannerisms but I remembered he kept his place very tidy. I shrugged his jacket and my shirt off my shoulders and winked at him before draping it with infinite care over my desk chair. Then I shoved the duvet to the edge of the mattress and flopped on my back in the middle of the bed with my legs wide open.

  Finn grinned at my antics and then gestured wordlessly toward the jumbo bottle of lube on my nightstand. I wanted to make a smartass comment to cut through the sexual tension, but I couldn’t stop staring. The man was a god. He was rugged and masculine perfection. And the flagpole sticking straight out in front of him made my mouth water.

  “What are you waiting for? I want to watch you finger yourself.”

  “Y-yes,” I stammered. I squeezed my painfully hard cock at the base and admonished myself to keep it together before rolling sideways to obey.

  I slathered lube over my right hand and then lay back on my pillow, pulling my knees to my chest before setting a slick finger over my entrance. Finn moved toward the bed and stood above me, stroking himself roughly. His half-hooded gaze was focused on my hole. I wondered how long it would take before he pushed my hand away and took over. When he looked into my eyes, I licked my lips and then slipped a digit inside. Finn groaned on cue.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” he said in a gravelly tone. “Condoms?”

  “In the drawer.”

  Finn found one and tossed it onto the bed beside me before crawling between my legs. Then he poured some lube into his palm and dripped the clear liquid over my hole. The cool contrast sent a shiver along my spine. I moaned loudly and hooked my finger deeper still. Finn watched the show with wild-eyed intensity like a hungry predator ready to pounce. His nostrils flared as he sidled closer so his knees hit the back of my thighs. Then he set his finger next to mine and pushed.

  “You’re so sexy. Look at you fucking yourself. Let me take over.” He moved my hand and set it over my cock before gently slipping two fingers inside me. He twisted his wrist slightly as he praised me with sweet nothings in a low melodic voice. Crude and then kind. It was pure porn in an Irish accent.

  I writhed underneath him, stroking myself as I rode two fingers and then three. I was seconds away from begging when he pulled out and reached for the condom. He slid the latex on then lined his cock at my entrance and pushed. We gasped in unison. This was heaven. Actually, it was a little uncomfortable at first. I hadn’t had sex in a while, and Finn was fucking huge. But this…being here with him inside me, filling me, surrounding me, taking me over…this was sublime.

  We stared at each other, letting our bodies acclimate for a moment. I brushed a strand of hair from his eye and pulled him closer to press my lips against his.

  “Fuck me, Finn.”

  He bit my bottom lip as he pulled almost all the way out then surged forward. I wound my arms around his neck and held on tightly when he started to move. He set a moderate pace at first, sweet and slow. But when I raked my nails down his back and dug my heels into his ass, he turned up the heat. The bedsprings creaked in time to the steady thump of the headboard hitting the wall as he pistoned his hips and spouted a stream of toe-curling dirty talk all the while.

  “You want it rough?”

  “Yeah, harder. Do it,” I growled, lifting my ass to meet him thrust for thrust.

  Finn pulled my legs over his shoulders then braced his arms on either side of my head and let go. He drove into me repeatedly, clutching my wrists as he alternately nipped at my jaw and licked my lips. It was a wild ride. I was an equal participant, but there was no denying he was in complete control. And I didn’t mind at all. Until the pressure built and a telltale tingle flitted up my spine. I was so close, but the friction of our joined bodies wasn’t enough to tip me over the edge. I yanked my right hand from his grasp and jacked myself. My rhythm faltered when he knelt back and changed the angle. The second he wrapped his fingers over mine, I knew I wouldn’t last. I swiped at the precum puddling on my stomach, intending to use it for extra lube, but Finn caught my wrist. He gave me a wicked grin and then sucked my fingers.

  And I was gone. Cum shot between us, over his fist and onto my chin as I arched my back and fell apart. Finn slowed his movement, running a soothing hand along my upper thigh until the trembling subsided. Then he bent to lick me clean, flattening his tongue over my stubbled jaw before kissing me softly.

  “You look so pretty when you come like that,” he whispered reverently.

  I blinked in surprise and smiled. No one had ever said that to me. Maybe it was a corny line former fuck buddies occasionally used in the heat-of-the-moment throwaway, but I took it at face value and enjoyed the surreal feeling of being with him again. Fuck, it felt amazing. I ran my thumb through the moisture on my stomach then set it on
his swollen lips like a decadent treat. Finn came with a roar a moment later. He held my shoulders for purchase as he bucked and shuddered with the force of his release.

  The sound of heavy breathing permeated my room. I held his gaze while he gasped for air. I loved the way his eyes twinkled before he smiled. His mischievous side put me instantly at ease. This didn’t have to get awkward now. Life was easier to navigate when you remembered to laugh.

  * * *

  We took turns using the bathroom. At my insistence, Finn went first. When I made my way back to my room, I half expected to find him dressed and ready to go, but he was right where I left him.…Naked in the middle of my bed. He lay with his head propped on two pillows, checking messages on his cell. He set his phone on the nightstand and took the water I offered with a nod of thanks. He chugged most of it before raising the bottle to examine the nearly empty contents under the lamp suspiciously.

  “Where’d the water go? I was thirsty but I’m sure I didn’t drink the whole thing.”

  I chuckled and cracked a new one open. “Oops. I meant to give you a new bottle.”

  “We’re sharing germs already then?” he asked in his customary singsong way.

  “We just had sex, Finn. That’s about as germ-y as it gets.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” He sighed and shook his head in mock consternation then rolled sideways to set the bottle on the nightstand, pausing to lick my flaccid penis.

  “Jesus!” I jumped back and then leaned in to smack his head when he cackled at my irritated expression. “Your tongue is cold.”

  “That’s what you get for putting water in the fridge.”

  “Hmph. Move over. You’re on my side of the bed.”

  He complied with an amused snort and patted the space beside him. “Join me, Joshy. You can—maybe you should get that. I heard your cell buzzing when you were in the bathroom.”

  I rummaged through my discarded clothes and pulled my phone from the pocket of my jeans. I’d missed two texts. One from Eric reminding me to be ready to sail at ten tomorrow. I sent him a thumbs-up sign before reading the second one from my father.


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