Leaning Into Series: The Complete Box Set

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Leaning Into Series: The Complete Box Set Page 125

by Hayes, Lane

  Levi chased the ball down and brought it back to the start. “Take some heat off that swing. All right, you have two points now. Go.”

  “Two? I only hit it once!”

  “Yeah, you whiffed the first time.”

  “That shouldn’t count,” I insisted.

  “It does. And don’t even think about picking it up with your fingers and directly depositing the ball into the cup.”

  “What happens then?”

  “You’ll be in big trouble,” he said in a mock ominous tone.

  I waggled my brow. “That sounds promising.”

  “Behave and be a good sport. Go on. You got this.”

  I huffed but tried again. Then again. And again. It took me ten attempts to get the ball near the glass and another three to get it inside. I was irritated yet completely consumed. And when I finally did it, I pushed the broom at Levi and then threw my arms in the air and did a victory lap around the kitchen and the living room, whooping and cheering for myself like a loon. Levi doubled over laughing at my antics when I lay flat on the floor and declared myself the winner.

  I jumped to my feet, took a bow, and did one last happy dance. “Beat that, Yeager.”

  Levi rolled his eyes then moved into position and pulled the broom back then paused. “What do I get if I get a hole in one?”

  “Is that a sex joke?”

  He snorted in amusement. “No, it’s a serious question. I should get a reward.”

  “It took me fourteen attempts, darling. Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

  “Fifteen,” he corrected. “If I get it inside the glass in less than three, I get a prize. Of my choice.”

  I smirked. “Okay. Deal.”

  Two swings later, success. Levi grinned as he crooked his finger, beckoning me close. I dragged my feet but obeyed.

  “Now let me think…” He tapped his chin thoughtfully. “What do I want?”

  “If it’s a blowjob, can we at least move into the living room? Hardwood flooring is rough on my knees,” I griped.

  Levi chuckled. “Sure. But I’ll collect that prize after I win the next round.”

  I folded my arms over my chest and eyed him suspiciously. “Then what do you want now?”

  “I want to know what’s on your mind.” When I didn’t respond right away, he caressed my cheek tenderly then prodded. “Well?”

  I gulped and tried to think of a way out. He already knew me too well. He wouldn’t let me get away with diverting his attention or pretending I didn’t understand.

  “Mike died on July 14th. And every year I’m a bit of a mess, so change the date or don’t change it, but I thought you should know,” I blurted.

  “Okay, I’ll change it,” he replied swiftly.

  I bit my lips, hoping it would help fight back the sudden sting of tears. “Just like that?”

  “Of course. Come here, baby.”

  Levi pulled me into his arms and ran his fingers through my hair. I wanted to cry at the sweetness of the gesture. He had such a lovely way of knowing just what to do and what to say. I listened to his heartbeat for a moment and marveled at how amazing it felt to be held by him.

  “How do you do this?” I whispered. “I don’t understand how you can be so patient. I wish I was more like you.”

  Levi kissed my forehead. “I’m glad you’re you, Geord. You’re extraordinary. Strong, resilient, and willing to get your ass kicked in a game of makeshift miniature golf. My kinda guy.”

  I buried my head in the crevice between his neck and shoulder and chuckled. “I wasn’t willing, I was tricked. Was that the point of this exercise? To show off your superior skills?”

  “No. You said we have nothing in common, but we do. We know how to compromise and both like a good laugh. If you ask me, we’ve got more going for us than most.” He licked my lips then pushed his tongue inside until I moaned with pleasure. He squeezed my ass as he pulled back then angled his head toward the living area. “By the way, I’m upping the stakes on part two. I want to suck you and then fuck you.”

  I laughed at his serious delivery then wiggled out of his arms and sashayed into the next room. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  Levi won in two strokes again, though I supposed I technically forfeited after throwing the broom outside when I failed to put the ball in the glass after seventeen tries. He shook his head then picked me up like a sack of flour and threw me on the sofa. I yelped in surprise and tried to wiggle out of his arms, but it was a waste of energy. He was far too strong. He dove on top of me, tickling my sides as he pushed my pajama bottoms and briefs over my ass. I didn’t stop laughing until he kissed and licked his way down my torso. And when he held my cock at the base and then swallowed as much of me in one go as possible, I sobered quickly and felt every last bit of anxiety fall away.

  What began as a funny power play soon gave way to something that felt…significant. He controlled the action from the start. He moved quickly, peeling off his clothes while he issued instructions like “Lay on your back.…Hike your leg over the sofa.…Put your finger in your ass.…Move it for me, baby.” I was trembling with need, lifting my hips, and practically begging him to fuck me before he even rolled a condom on. When he pushed inside me, I would have bet there was no way this would last long. The fever was too hot already. But he immediately changed the tempo and waited until he had my attention before he began to move.

  And then he made love to me. With his body, his eyes, his everything. He rolled his hips languidly, coaxing me to arch my back and meet him halfway while he glided his tongue over mine. He was passionate yet unhurried, and in every sigh, stroke, and sweet caress, there was a message. I heard it loud and clear. He loved me. Yes, it frightened me. He knew it would, so he didn’t tell me; he showed me. Hands down my sides, cupping my ass, fingers in my hair, and the gentle brush of his stubbled jaw against mine. He knew my body so well. He brought me to the edge and then held my face, demanding my full attention when my orgasm pulled me under. He came after me, covering my mouth then thrusting inside me over and over again until he was spent.

  When we lay together afterward, shaking and sweaty in a tangle of limbs on the sofa, I wondered if he’d say the words aloud. I wondered if I’d say them back. Funny enough, the idea didn’t freak me out. My heart, my mind, my body…everything inside me was calm and I knew it wasn’t the orgasm. This was us.

  I stirred in his arms and smiled. Levi smiled in return, and I could have sworn I felt my heart flip in my chest. The sweetness, patience, friendship, and adoration in his gaze humbled me. And made me wonder if it was actually possible to fall in love again.

  Chapter 11

  July seventh was a good day for a party. Sure, the warmer than average temperature might make it a little sticky in the sun, but the festivities wouldn’t get underway until early evening. I had high hopes it would be comfortable in the shaded area on the patio. Bright blue umbrellas were arranged in the garden adjacent to the restaurant and on the terrace. We’d planted lavender along the perimeter and climbing ivy on the walls and hung fairy lights liberally throughout the space. It would be a visual wonderland at nighttime. However, the restaurant’s interior was the true focal point.

  La Vid was simply gorgeous, if I did say so myself. Not that I could take full credit by any means, but I’d thrown myself into my consultation project over the past few months. Details were my strong suit. I had an eye for color, proportion, and spatial harmony. I understood the importance of a wow factor like the gorgeous iron chandelier we’d commissioned months ago at Elliot’s shop in the city. I’d commissioned him to make tiny star-shaped cutouts in the cylinder drum shade and the result was stunning. When the chandelier was illuminated, stars were strewn across the ceiling and walls. The effect was subtle but elegant, and it set the tone for the California Spanish-meets-wine country decor with tall wood-beamed ceilings, white walls, and pops of color in the blue and white tiles on the bar front.

  I fussed with a stack of cocktail napkin
s then straightened the olive tree branches I’d arranged in a giant vase at the reception desk before glancing at my watch. We had ten minutes until showtime. I didn’t have any real responsibility here tonight. Levi had hired an excellent staff who were more than capable of handling the party. And that’s what this was…an event for one hundred and fifty guests to celebrate La Vid’s grand opening to the general public the following day. A trio was warming up on the terrace, the bar was ready for service, and the kitchen buzzed with activity as Rico and his team prepared a variety of culinary masterpieces in tapas form that would be featured on the menu.

  I studied the listed cuisine selection idly. It was sharp, concise, and sophisticated yet reasonable. Perfect. I set the thick, oversized paper aside and whirled around when I felt a hand on my shoulder. And almost passed out at the sight of my extraordinarily handsome man.

  “You look positively dashing, my love,” I whispered, admiring the cut of his lightweight navy suit jacket and his well-fitted trousers. My fingers itched to unbutton and maybe rebutton his white oxford shirt just to have an excuse to touch him. He was impossibly good-looking and seemingly calm and collected. Nothing turned me on quite like a man who oozed self-confidence.

  Levi grinned. “So do you.”

  I fluttered my eyelashes and thanked him demurely, which I thought was better than agreeing outright because yes, I did look damn good, if I said so myself. I wore a lavender plaid suit coat with white linen pants rolled at the hem and a plain white shirt. The pièces de résistance were my sparkly red shoes. I stuck my foot out and pointed at them.

  “I’m wearing my red shoes for luck. Not that I think you’ll need it. Everything looks fabulous,” I gushed.

  Levi nodded in agreement and picked up a menu. “Even the font. Are you sure this one isn’t too boring?”

  “Monaco is never boring. It’s casually elegant, just like La Vid. I’m proud of you, Levi. You’ve done what you set out to do and more. You’ve turned a greasy spoon into an elite eatery in a fashionable part of Napa. Your family will be thrilled when they see what you’ve accomplished. It’s too bad they couldn’t fly out for the opening.”

  He shrugged as though it was no big deal, but I knew he’d been disappointed. His stepfather wasn’t able to travel, and his mother wasn’t willing to leave him. He had a few random cousins twice removed or more who still lived in the area, but he hadn’t kept in contact with that side of his family anyway. His mom and sister were the only ones he’d wanted there, and I felt horrible when I found out his sister planned to come the following week. In other words, if I hadn’t asked him to change the date, she’d have been in town. By the time he’d told me that was the case, it was too late to switch it without great expense. And Levi insisted it didn’t matter anyway.

  “You’re here. That’s all that matters.”

  “I have to be here. I was in charge of the font,” I joked.

  Levi smiled then glanced back at the kitchen. “Anything I should remember? Is there anyone I need to go out of my way to impress or—”

  “Just be yourself. There will be a couple of local food bloggers, but they’re here for a sneak peek like everyone else. They won’t critique the food or the service until they’ve had the full dining experience. Tonight is supposed to be fun. Wes invited a ton of mutual friends from the city, and Nick invited his college friends too. They’re sweet and scrumptious. You’ll love them all.”

  “They sound like donuts,” he commented with a laugh. He sobered quickly and gave me a sharp look. “Hey, if I get anything wrong, let me know. I feel good about this, but the connections tonight are all yours and Wes’s and—well, thank you. For everything.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m here if you need me. And Wes and Nick will be here any second with Ryan and Danny and Lauren. I told them to come a smidge early,” I said, nodding a distracted greeting at Kevin as he exited the kitchen.

  Levi waved at his ex then turned back to me when he noticed the manager calling him over. “Alicia is waving me over. See you, babe.”

  He pressed an absentminded kiss on my lips and stepped away just as Kevin approached.

  Let’s be real; it was a careless albeit affectionate gesture. It wasn’t passionate, but it was very familiar. The equivalent of briefly holding a lover’s hand in public or squeezing it and letting go. It had a proprietary feel of a statement without words. It was that kiss on the back of the Vespa all over again. And Kevin noticed.

  He watched Levi’s back as he retreated then swallowed hard and gave me a weak smile. “Everything looks great.”

  “I agree. How is it going in the kitchen?”

  “Great. We’re all set.”

  “Wonderful. I can tell this isn’t your first rodeo. I hope the hassle of temporary relocation was worthwhile for you.”

  “I worked with my sister when she was getting her kitchen up and running. It’s always crazy in the beginning. As far as relocating goes…I’m thinking of moving here or to the city.”

  “Oh? That’s…good,” I said nonchalantly.

  Kevin and I held eye contact for a long moment before he took a deep breath then swiped his hand over his mouth. “Are you seeing each other? You and Levi?”


  Blood drained from his face so quickly I thought he might pass out. He recovered and gave me a weak half smile. “I thought so. I know it’s not my business, but I—never mind. I should get to work.”

  I tugged Kevin’s elbow before he walked away. I could hear the strains of a violin from the terrace and the sound of laughter as Wes and Nick and a few of their friends approached. This wasn’t the time for a heart-to-heart, but the poor man looked devastated. I couldn’t leave it alone.

  “What is it, Kevin?”

  “Nothing. I’m surprised, that’s all. I shouldn’t be. I’ve seen how he looks at you and fuck knows, I can’t complain. I did this to myself but—I didn’t think you felt the same way about him. I heard about your partner, and I’m terribly sorry for your loss but everyone who’s mentioned it has made a point of saying he was the most amazing man they’d ever met and how much you loved him. And…look, I don’t want to get maudlin right now. This is a happy occasion. Levi’s worked his ass off for this. He deserves a chance to make a success of it.”

  “Of course,” I said, ultra-aware of the tension emanating from him. He definitely had more to say, but I just wasn’t sure I wanted to hear it.

  Kevin pursed his lips then blurted. “I needed to know he could do this on his own. I had to let him go, or he would have relied on me too much. I told him I wasn’t ready to come out but that wasn’t it. He had this crazy idea, and he expected me to stop everything and follow him and—”

  “He expected you to believe in him,” I intercepted.

  “And I did. I just needed him to start on his own, so I’d know he was serious. Then I was supposed to join him and…I didn’t plan on you. I figured he was pissed with me at first but now…fuck, I don’t think that’s it. He’s in love with you.”

  The pain in his voice stopped me. Yes, I had a pretty good idea about how Levi felt about me, and I was sure I felt the same way, but casually bringing up Mike in the midst of his mini-outburst put me on guard.

  Someone called my name. I spotted Ryan and Danny talking to Eric and Zane. Josh and Finn and Grant and Miles were behind them. I could hear them laughing at something Nick said. They were getting closer and the music was louder. I might have been standing in the middle of the room, but I felt cornered and claustrophobic and wary of Kevin’s emotional state. And mine.

  “I don’t know if—”

  “If you don’t know how you feel, let him go. If he’s a replacement for someone you lost, let him go,” he insisted.

  “Like you did.”

  Kevin bit the inside of his mouth, hollowing out his cheeks. It distorted his features and made him look haunted and unbearably sad. “Yes. But I came back for him.”

  He didn’t have to say anything else. I su
spected he was too polite to say what he really meant. Just because your lover isn’t coming back doesn’t mean you can have mine. Yes, the sentiment was melancholy and selfish. Part of me knew better than to take offense or worse yet, wonder if he was correct. Unfortunately, he hit me in my weak spot and caught me at a vulnerable moment. We were about to be surrounded by over a hundred people, many of whom had known Mike personally or professionally. When Kevin held eye contact with me before turning back to the kitchen, I had a bad feeling my night was about to go downhill fast.

  It did.

  Clue number one, I drank too much and ate too little. The food looked fabulous, and everyone raved that it tasted amazing, but my appetite was long gone. I sipped Pinot instead and flitted about the room, immersing myself in my self-appointed role of co-host slash investor. I sang Levi’s praises to local bigwigs and spent time catching up with old friends too. Nick’s group of buddies and their partners had become some of my favorite people over the past few years. Nick, Eric, Zane, Josh, and Grant were all successful professionals in their midthirties who’d met at Stanford University. Well, Eric and Zane met in high school initially, but they’d become good friends in college and lovers afterward. They were the only married couple in the bunch, but Josh and Finn were engaged, and I’d bet Grant and Miles would be right behind them.

  I brought my wineglass to my lips and clandestinely observed the eye candy. Zane was California surfer turned professional sailor and with his longish dark blond hair and sun-kissed skin, he looked the part while Eric was by his own admission, a geek. He and Nick had started their cyber security network firm out of college and had made a fortune over the past decade. Somehow Finn, Josh’s sexy Irish boyfriend, was involved in their business but I didn’t know a thing about cyber stuff. That was Mike’s thing. He—

  Oh, fuck. Don’t go there. I took a gulp of wine and tuned in to Josh’s story about something funny his and Finn’s toddler had done.


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