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Dressed to Kill (COBRA Securities Book 22)

Page 26

by Velvet Vaughn

  It seemed like an eternity before Kaiya returned with two paramedics and several police officers in tow.

  Ryan eased her back while the medics went to work on Gage. After securing a collar around his neck, they rolled him to a backboard and lifted him to the gurney. One kept pressure on the wound while the other wheeled him out.

  “Olathe, you need to go to the hospital, too, to be checked out.”

  “I’m fine, really.”

  “No arguments.” Beatriz’s earlier words cut through her shock, and she grabbed Kaiya’s arm. “We have to stop the show!”


  “Beatriz poisoned all the dresses! She used the same drug that killed Renee Stickler.”

  Though she wanted to go with Gage, she had to make sure the other women lived. She sprinted after Kaiya as she tore out of the room.

  Jax spotted her and sagged with relief. “Thank good—”

  “Stop the show immediately,” she ordered.

  “What are you talking about?”

  She ignored his outburst and turned to the models. “Take off the dresses now!”



  “It’s almost my turn.”

  She ran onto the stage. The crowd gasped when she appeared and then started to cheer. She ignored them. “Thank you so much for coming, but I’m so sorry. The show is canceled.” She motioned for the models on the stage to hurry off, leaving the crowd in stunned silence.

  Kaiya was bagging the dresses in black trash bags as the women whipped them off, while Stella was stuffing the ones still on hangers in another sack.

  “What about the one you’re wearing?” Kaiya asked.

  “I brought it from home, so she wouldn’t have had the opportunity to poison it.”

  Ryan rushed to her, studiously avoiding the women undressing in a panic. “I’ve notified the hospital to expect them.”

  “Thanks.” She addressed the women. “You are all going to the hospital immediately.”

  Chaos ensued as the women wanted to know what was happening. She told them there was the possibility a harmful substance had been applied to the dresses. She didn’t want them to panic. Ginny stopped her before she could leave.

  “Brooklyn, what the hell’s going on? Why did you cancel your show?”

  “I don’t have time to explain, but Beatriz Pace was behind the sabotage. She told me she poisoned the dresses. We need to get the women to the hospital immediately.”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “I’ll take care of the spectators and meet you there,” Jax said.

  “Please tell them the show will be rescheduled for a later date.”

  “Got it,” he said as he dashed for the stage to calm the confused crowd.

  Ambulances were waiting outside to transport the models to the hospital. As she climbed in, Kaiya told her, “We’ll be there after we deal with this.”

  The models wore a mishmash of clothing they threw on after removing the gowns. She and Ginny shared the ambulance with six others, including Kaycee, who grabbed her hand.

  “Honey, what happened.”

  “It was Beatriz. She was behind everything. Linc’s murder, the sabotage, everything.”

  “I can’t believe it wasn’t the twins,” Ginny groused. “I was so sure they were the ones causing trouble.”

  “I was, too,” Brooklyn agreed. But they didn’t cause death and destruction. Beatriz did.

  When they arrived at the emergency room, the models were rushed in for evaluation. While she was worried about them, her first concern was Gage. She headed for the nurses’ station, but they wouldn’t give out any information since she wasn’t family.

  Ginny nudged her aside. “I’m her mother, and I can attest that they’re engaged. Now please let her know how he’s doing.”

  The nurse looked annoyed. “I will when we know anything.”

  They took a seat in the waiting room. Brooklyn kept her head down, hoping no one recognized her. She noticed her one-of-a-kind gown was ripped and bloodstained.

  A few minutes later, the same nurse came to get her. “Ms. Fontana? I was just notified that the doctors need to work on Mr. Monahan, but he refuses to cooperate until he sees you.”

  Brooklyn laughed as tears flooded her eyes. If he were arguing with doctors, then he’d be okay.

  Ginny squeezed her hand as she stood and followed the nurse. When she entered the room, it was to see Gage reclining on a bed with his shirt off. She gasped at the nasty black bruise from where the bullet collided with his vest. A doctor was trying to work on the gash in his side, but he wasn’t making it easy. When he saw her, his entire body relaxed. “Thank God. Are you okay?”

  She grasped his outstretched hand. “I’m fine, but I need you to let them fix you so I can thank you properly.”

  His eyes darkened at her words, and she smiled. Yes, he was going to be just fine.


  Relief rolled over Gage in waves when he spotted Brooklyn. She was safe and unharmed. He could take whatever was thrown at him, as long as she was okay. Then he remembered what Beatriz said. “The dresses.”

  “We ended the show and brought the models to the hospital.”

  “Enough talking,” the nurse admonished. “You need to leave so the doctors can work on the patient.”

  He tried to argue, but with Brooklyn gone, he could give into the darkness that had hovered around his vision.

  When he woke again, he was in a dimly lit room. A machine beeped a steady hum beside him. There were bandages on his upper arm and his torso, but he didn’t feel the wounds or the pounding he was sure was going on inside his skull. Good drugs. Turning his head, he saw the most beautiful sight in the world. “Hey.”

  Brooklyn’s head jerked up from her phone, and a smile of genuine pleasure lit her face. “Hey, yourself,” she said as she stood and leaned over him. He wanted to taste her lips more than he wanted his next breath. “How do you feel?”

  “Ready to get out of here.”

  She rolled her eyes adorably. “You aren’t going anywhere, tough guy. The doctors said you lost a lot of blood, and besides the battered chest, two bullet gashes, and slash in your midsection, you have a concussion—probably a double one since you took two hits to the noggin.”

  “I’m fine,” he insisted, and he was with her by his side. “What about the models?”

  She closed her eyes, and dread filled him. She’d never forgive herself if anything happened to them, even if it wasn’t her fault.

  “There was no poison on the gowns.” He exhaled with relief. “Beatriz either meant to and didn’t, or she was just lying. Anyway, she got part of her wish. My fashion show was ruined, not that it matters with all the lives that were lost.”

  “I’m so sorry, babe.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Thank you for being here.” Maybe it was the drugs, but he was feeling emotional. The bad guy—or girl—had been caught. That meant the job was over, and he would head home once they released him from the hospital. He didn’t want to go without her. She’d become the most important person in his life. But there was no way he could ask her to move with him. The world needed her in the spotlight.


  Gage must’ve nodded off again because Ginny was standing by his bed the next time he woke. Fear gripped him when he noticed she was crying. Had Brooklyn been too afraid to tell him something was seriously wrong with him? He searched the room but didn’t see her.

  “I’m glad you’re awake.” Ginny wiped a tissue under her eyes. “I can never thank you enough for saving Brooklyn’s life so many times. I knew your company was good after the research I conducted, but you’re better than advertised. Your services are priceless, and you can assure your bosses I will recommend your company to everyone I know.”

  Luke and Logan would be pleased—though they already had more work than agents.

  She squeezed his arm. “You love her, don’t you?”

  His eyes widen
ed. How did she know? Was he that obvious?

  “I can tell by the way you look at her,” she replied, even though he hadn’t spoken out loud. At least, he didn’t think he had. “She looks at you the same way, Gage. Despite all that’s happened, I’ve never seen her happier.”

  His breath stalled in his throat. Was it possible she felt the same way? “It could never work,” he rasped, his voice suddenly becoming gravelly. “Long-distance relationships rarely work. I couldn’t live here, and she wouldn’t be happy in a small town in the Midwest.”

  “Why don’t you ask her?”

  Because his heart would break when she told him no.

  “I think you’d be surprised at her answer. She can design from anywhere, and there are these things called airplanes, you know.”

  Could she want to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her? He thought about having TKO Productions produce her next show if she wanted to continue. Still, it was a long shot.

  “I would be heartbroken if she left, but her happiness means more to me than anything.” Ginny leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Don’t disappoint me.”

  He pondered her words long after she left. Did Brooklyn feel the same way?

  When the door opened, he braced himself for the impact of seeing the woman he loved. Instead, Kaiya and Ryan stuck their heads inside.

  “You feel up to a couple of visitors.”

  “I feel like getting out of here,” he groused.

  “You probably don’t want to right now,” Ryan insisted. “Every news outlet in the country is having a field day with the story.”

  That was an upside of staying where he was.

  “The authorities raided the apartment Beatriz and Ron shared and found all kinds of incriminating evidence, including some aconitine and a diary where she documented everything,” Kaiya told him. “She pursued Ron when she discovered he worked for the company that would provide security for the show.”

  “Was it just them, or did they have help?”

  “Just those two, though she contacted the drug dealer who shot at you.”

  So many lives lost, and to what end? She’d been delusional to blame Brooklyn for her brother’s addictions.


  Brooklyn pushed the door to Gage’s room open to find it dark. Hopefully, he was sleeping so his body could heal.

  She’d left him to check on the models. They were shaken but unharmed, and each one wanted to participate in the rescheduled fashion show. She figured they would all run as far and fast as they could from her. Instead, they embraced her and offered their unwavering support.

  After she’d been evaluated by doctors and pronounced okay, Olathe had been questioned for hours by the authorities. Brooklyn had been worried about her, but the woman was strong. She insisted she was good. Her concerns had been for Gage and Brooklyn.

  Brooklyn wasn’t sure the program would air after all that happened, but the network was still committed. Olathe, Alease, Genie, Nari, and Carmelina wanted to stay until the fashion show was rescheduled, so Stella had booked rooms for them.

  Stella had also been fielding calls from every major news agency wanting an interview. Knowing the requests wouldn’t stop until she gave them something, she had Stella arrange an impromptu press conference. She said a few words about what happened, expressed condolences for the lost lives and answered questions.

  She was exhausted now and wanted to climb into bed next to Gage and hold him.


  She stepped into the room. “How did you know I was here?”

  “I just knew.”

  She smiled and grasped his hand as she bent down to him. She meant to kiss his cheek, but he turned and captured her lips instead. He tasted so good, and she couldn’t stop the whimper. She’d thought he was dead when Ron shot him. If he had been, she wasn’t sure she could go on. She loved him so much.

  Knowing he was hurting, she broke the kiss and eased back. She wasn’t prepared when he tugged her, and with a squeal, she fell against him.

  “Gage, you’re injured.”

  He settled her against him. “I’m much better now that you’re here.”

  She was, too.

  “How’s Olathe?”

  “She’s doing remarkably well. She wasn’t hurt and refused medical attention. I’m afraid she’ll be traumatized, but she’s strong.”

  “So are you.”

  Brooklyn smiled. She was strong because of him. He was her rock.

  Silence stretched as they held each other, but it wasn’t awkward. It was comforting. She took solace in the steady beat of his heart.



  “I love you.”

  Her head jerked up, and she looked into his serious blue eyes. She hoped it wasn’t the drugs talking. “You do?”

  “Oh, yeah. You’re the kindest, most incredible woman I’ve ever met. You’re as beautiful on the inside as the outside.”

  Tears flooded her eyes. “I love you, too.”


  She repeated his words back to him. “Oh, yeah.”

  “It won’t be easy. There are obstacles we have to overcome, the biggest being location.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she assured him. “As long as we love each other, it will all work out.”


  Jax worked long hours to reschedule the fashion show a week after the original date. Brooklyn’s designer gowns had been salvaged and dry cleaned. Backstage was chaotic as the models hurried to change into their next look. Jax kept the show running like clockwork, calling out instructions and ensuring the models hit the stage on time.

  The crowd was electric, the atmosphere invigorating, and Brooklyn couldn’t keep the smile from her face. Gage stood off to the side, away from the commotion. He thought he was keeping an eye on her. Little did he know she was the one monitoring him. He’d been released from the hospital after spending exactly one night. He refused to stay longer.

  Kaiya and Ryan had returned home, so there was no reason to pretend they weren’t sharing a room. Her mom was supportive, having fallen in love with Gage as well.


  She looked over when Jax called her name and motioned her forward. This was it. Time for her to take her bows. She navigated the steps and walked onto the stage. The crowd cheered, and she waved as she navigated the runway. She was stunned to see Jade, Layla, Harlow, Peyton, and Cassidy, along with their husbands. Gage didn’t tell her they were coming. Tears filled her eyes as she acknowledged them. She swept a hand to encompass the models, and they took their bows, too. Then it was over.

  She thanked everyone for taking part and then hurried to the judging room to meet Ginny, Kaycee, and Jax. They watched films of Alease and Olathe, and all came to the same conclusion.

  The women entered the room, and Clark gave her the cue.

  “Welcome, ladies. You both did an outstanding job. Let’s look at the film.”

  Alease’s footage scrolled across the screen first and then Olathe’s.

  “It was a hard decision, but the winner of the inaugural season of Supermodel Search is,” she paused for effect, “Olathe.”

  Olathe gasped and covered her face as Alease smiled and hugged her. Alease then walked forward to hug Brooklyn, with tears running down her cheeks.

  “Alease, I don’t want you to think that we picked Olathe because of what she went through. That wasn’t even a consideration.”

  “I understand. She deserves to win.”

  “We appreciate your attitude and your poise. We wanted to let you know that even though you didn’t win, Ms. Hurst is interested in signing you.”

  Alease looked stunned. “She is?”

  “Yes,” Ginny confirmed. “You have everything it takes to make it in the business.”

  While Alease celebrated, Brooklyn walked to Olathe, who still looked shell-shocked.


  “Thank you so much. I ca
n’t believe it. I never dreamed I’d win.”

  “You deserve it, and I’m so proud and honored to have you as the face of my brand.”


  Gage nervously turned into the compound. What if Brooklyn didn’t like it? What if she wanted to stay in New York City? He’d move to be with her because he loved her, but he wasn’t sure he could survive in the concrete jungle.

  He stopped at the booth and waited for Tucker Nash, the head of security, to hobble out. He used prosthetics on both legs, having lost them while serving in the military.

  “Hey, Gage. Welcome home.” He leaned down to peer inside the window. “You must be Ms. Fontana.”

  “Brooklyn, please. Nice to meet you, Mr. Nash.”

  “It’s Tucker. Welcome, Brooklyn.”

  “Thank you.”

  They spoke for a few minutes, and then he continued into the compound. Gage lived on-site in an apartment. He didn’t own a piece of land yet, like many other agents. He’d planned on it, but now he was glad he waited. If Brooklyn didn’t want to stay, he’d be moving.

  He pointed out the various buildings as they drove past and parked at the apartments. They’d just stepped outside when a blur raced up to them.

  “Gage! I’m glad you’re back.”

  “Hey, Little C. I missed you, too.” They went through Kai’s elaborate fist bump routine while Brooklyn looked on with an amused smile.

  Kai turned to Brooklyn. “Wow, you’re even prettier in person, Ms. Fontana.”

  “Call me Brooklyn. You must be Kai.”

  His eyes widened. “You know who I am?”

  “Of course. You’re famous.”

  His cheeks reddened. “Nah. But I have a question for you. Why did the model bring lipstick and mascara to school?”

  Brooklyn pretended to ponder the question while Kai sniggered. “I give up. Why?”

  “Because she had a makeup exam.”

  Brooklyn laughed with Kai, and Gage’s heart completely flipped in his chest. He loved her so much.

  “I’ve been sent to escort you to Duquesne Park.”

  Gage had a suspicion he knew why. His coworkers loved a party. They jumped in Gage’s golf cart with Kai riding on the back, and sure enough, everyone was gathered. Grills were sending smoke skyward, music filled the air, and kids and dogs ran wild.


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