The Chronicles of Heaven's War: Blood Moon Rising
Page 74
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Mihai carefully read over a copy of Asotos’ pronouncement that he had made public. Lowenah’s children now anxiously waited to hear their new king’s reply. She well knew that the real reason for Asotos' ranting was to stall for time. He was not yet fully prepared to pounce on his enemy. Many of his forces were not in place and his logistical arrangements were not finished. His intent was to open a dialogue, declaring his desire to find a peaceful solution. Then, when everything was set, he would unleash his armies in one massive blitzkrieg in hopes of quickly overwhelming his enemy. The new king thought of the countless times he had played this same game before.
As Mihai walked toward the presentation chambers to address her people, Anna hurried along by her side. “My Lord, news is that our brother has offered to sit down and talk over his grievances. He may even be willing to admit some fault in this misunderstanding. It can buy us a little more time…time to increase our military strength and offset our severe losses in the Third Fleet.”
Mihai stopped and gently grasped Anna’s forearm. “I have reviewed all these things, my sister. I am grateful for your insight and appreciate your concern. At the moment, I must talk to our people about the situation at hand. I have already prepared my speech. When I am finished, if you wish to address any concerns, I will be happy to do so.” She turned and hurried off.
A deathlike hush filled the room when Mihai entered. Communications crews were present, ready to transmit Mihai’s response to Asotos’ accusations. Throughout the Empire, people waited with bated breath to hear what their king was about to say. In his lair, far away, Asotos sat with some immediate lieutenants, a smirk of confidence showing on his face in anticipation of what he expected from Mihai. Yes, the inhabitants of that universe waited on the words of one woman in whose hands rested the power to sue for peace or plunge everyone into total war.
Mihai kindly acknowledged those present and then began her address.
“In the fourth month of this year, on the seventh day of this month, the Third Fleet intercepted a combined Stasis and Pseudes contingent operating within our territories in the Trizentine. Their apparent purpose was the capture of the imperial brigantine, Shikkeron, and its crew. Further evidence reveals that a contingent of Pseudes naval ships, under the command of General Salak, and with direct orders from General Godenn, had formed a confederation in league with the Stasis pirates. It was this combined flotilla that swooped down on our brothers and sisters at Exothepobole, slaughtering the innocents after a day of vicious rape and torture.”
“While it is true to say that the Shikkeron opened the engagement offensively, according to the armistice agreed upon after the Great War, they were acting well within the legal confines of that treaty, for it states: ‘If any vessel of said domain (Asotos’ kingdom) being possessed, allied to or under direction of any military, civil servant, conscript, representative or ally should, for any reason, without official permission of the Children’s Empire, enter territorial space of said Empire, it will be deemed an aggressory act. Such an act, of itself, may be considered a hostile intrusion into the Empire and be dealt with accordingly.’”
“The Shikkeron’s first response against said aggressors was in line with the policy contained in this armistice compact, which was agreed upon and signed by both leaders of the opposing forces, ceasing the hostilities of the Great War! The subsequent loss of life and destruction of property is solely the responsibility of the aggressor nation… that being the ‘League of Brothers’ under the dictatorship of Asotos Iskeriughe, the Riotous Mouth, the WastePipe, traitor to all lovers of life and freedom!”
“With heavy losses, our brothers and sisters beat back a savage attack by the invading fleet, commanded by none other than General Godenn, under direct orders from Asotos’ chief lieutenant, Commander General Legion. Evidence has been procured from the battle scene proving that General Godenn’s leading officer, General Salak, carried out the attack on the Shikkeron and was at, if not in charge of the murder of Exothepobole.” Mihai held up a picture of a grotesque helmet with the remains of a head inside. “Tests prove that these are the remains of General Salak. They were found near the sight where he and the Shikkeron were last engaged.”
Mihai set the picture down and rested her hands on the lectern. “There are no eyewitness accounts of the final moments of the engagement between the Shikkeron and Salak’s ship, only the communication signals received. It appears that Major Ardon had the helm. In his last transmission, he boldly declared to General Salak, in referring to the Shikkeron, ‘The Phoenix cannot die!’ The fate of the Shikkeron is still uncertain. May it live up to the name the major gave it and return to us from the fires of combat...” There was a pause as Mihai wiped tears from her eyes.
The king’s face became resolute, her message hard and clear. “We will not allow our cities to be burned, or our people raped and murdered while ambivalently listening to empty words that are vomited from the mouth of a Serpent and Liar! We will no longer stand back and permit our adversary to taunt us day and night, telling us we are weak and simple-minded! The hour has come! For too long we have hidden from reality, fearing the loss of our past should we attempt to find our future. No more! A spark has ignited our universe and set it ablaze. And that blaze has burned away the world that used to be. From those ashes has grown a force that will crush The League of Brothers and drive it from our Realm! The decision has been made! Today we go to war!”
She raised a clenched fist high, defiantly shouting, “Phoenix rises!!!”