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Russian Prey

Page 18

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “So, um… how did this happen?”

  Vince pulled Keegan’s jaw back up,

  closinghis mouth. “Theyare stillyour friends,

  Keegan. Nothinghas changed inthat aspect,

  theyare just… different.”

  “We wanted youto know.”Troytook

  Keegan’s hands inhis. “We’d never hurt you,


  Keeganloosened his hand from Troy’s, reachingup to touchthe long, white canine hangingfromTroy’s mouth. “That is so

  weird, does it hurt?”

  Troysmiled, pullinghis canines back

  in. “Not anymore, the first few times I shifted,

  it hurt like hellthough.”

  “Like gettingshot?”Vince looked at


  “Would it help ifI let youshoot me in

  the arm? Ya bigbaby,”Mateo grinned. “Don’t tempt me, Esposito,”Vince


  Troysearched Keegan’s face. “Is

  this… willthis change how youfeelabout us?” Keeganpalmed Troy’s face.

  “Youare stillTroy, that won’t


  “And that’s whywe love the little


  “I amnot little!”Keeganadmonished. “He’s just so damned adorable,”Sam

  winked at Keegan.

  “Ugh!”Keeganstomped past them

  back into the livingroom.

  “He reallyis, huh?”Vince chuckled. “I heard that, Markov!”Keegan


  “Ooops,”Vince grinned.

  Mateo looked at his team, nodding. “We have one more thingto do.”Mateo turned his attentionback to Vince. “CanI borrow your knife?”

  Vince raised aneyebrow, but removed the knife fromits sheath.

  Mateo put his hand out, slicingacross his palm. One byone, the rest ofthe team sliced smallgashes intheir hands. Mateo turned to Vince, puttinghis hand out. “Youare part ofus now, blood brothers inarms.”

  Vince eyed allthe men, beingpart ofa teammeant trustingone another and the test was happeningright now. Vince put his hand out; Mateo cut his hand and thenclasped their hands together. One byone, Vince shook all their hands. “I’mnot goingto sprout fur and teethnow, amI?”

  Joshchuckled. “No, unfortunately theyhave to bite youto change you. I wanted it at first, but damn, watchingTroychange?” Joshshook his head. “Forget it.”

  “Youseemawfullycalmfor what you saw,”Samsaid, eyeingVince.

  “I’ve seensome fucked up shit inmy day, nothingfazes me muchanymore,”Vince said.

  “Wellthen.”Samleaned forward, puttinganarmaround Vince. “Welcome to the team, Markov.”

  ~~ Bythe time theygot back to the apartment, Keeganwas halfasleep inthe passenger seat ofthe Jeep. Vince pulled into the parkinggarage ofthe apartment complex and shut offthe engine. He planned onbuying thema house; Rileyhad beenbeggingthemto move into the same subdivision. Vince looked into the peacefulface ofthe manhe loved and smiled. He wanted Keeganto have everything he ever wanted. Vince got out ofthe Jeep and went around to Keegan’s side. He opened the door and lifted Keeganout ofthe seat.

  “Vince?”Keeganhalfopened his eyes.

  “We’re home, babe.”

  “Mm…kay.”Keeganclosed his eyes.

  Vince got themup to the unit. Opening the door, he frowned. Nikolaiwas stillup, playingvideo games.

  “Nik, what did I sayabout bedtime?” Vince said.

  “That I needed to get used to goingto bed at a certaintime because mybodywillbe alloffwhenI go back to school?”Nikolai grinned.

  “So you’re stillup… why?”

  “BeatingWyatt’s ass in‘Halo,’” Nikolaigrinned.

  Vince could hear protests coming fromNikolai’s headset. “Wyatt?”

  “Yep, I just killed him,”Nikolai laughed, fallingback onthe floor.

  “Don’t stayup too late, okay?”Vince leaned over, placinga kiss onthe top ofhis son’s head. “I love you.”

  “Love you, Pops.”

  Vince got theminthe bedroomand placed Keegangentlyonthe bed. He took his shoes and pants offand pulled the comforter back. Makingsure Keeganwas covered; he stripped his ownclothingoffand crawled into bed, pullingKeeganinto his chest. The room was slightlychilly, whichVince loved. He and Keeganliked the roomcold, the colder the better. Vince wrapped Keeganup inhis arms, kissinghis lips softly.


  “I’mright here, I’llalways be here.” Vince let out a slow breath; Keeganwrapped his arms around himand slid a thighbetween his legs. It was comfortable, everythingabout Keeganwas comfortable. He started out wantingDario Nardozzidead; he’d gottena fiancé inthe process. His whole life, he’d tried to keep fromfeelingand now he felt

  everything. Keegan’s breathonhis chest, his arms around him, the soft hairs ofKeegan’s head ticklinghis chin. He’d found love ina stutteringFBI agent who got boners at the drop ofa hat. Vince smiled inthe darkness. He wouldn’t have had it anyother way. Six months later….

  Keeganpulled up to the house and noticed a black Cobra Mustangparked next to Vince’s Ford Bronco. The damnBronco was so high, Keeganneeded stairs to get into it. They’d moved three months ago, at Vince’s request. Now theylived a block fromMateo and Riley. The relationship betweenVince and Mateo had changed and now theywent to the range together. There was stilla healthy competitionbetweenthem, but Mateo had finallyconceded that Vince was one hellofa force to be reckoned with.

  Keeganexhaled loudlyand marched up to the front door. He slid the keyin, onlyto find the door unlocked. Keeganwalked inand a blast ofheat flushed his cheeks.

  “It’s Arizona inthe winter!”Keegan yelled. “It’s not cold!”

  “I’mhomesick,”Nikolaichuckled, walkingdownthe hall. “I’mkidding; Dad likes workingout inthe heat.”Nikolaiadjusted his headset. “Hangona sec, Wyatt.”

  “Vince!”Keeganyelled. “Where is your father, Nik?”Keeganput his briefcase down.

  “Inthe garage I think.”Nikolaihugged Keegan. “Why?”

  “Whyis there a new car inthe driveway?”Keegannarrowed his eyes at Nikolai.

  “Oh! Hangona sec.”

  Keeganwent to the kitchenand opened the fridge. He pulled the lemonade out and grabbed a glass fromthe cabinet. Nikolai came back inthe kitchenand put a piece of paper downinfront ofhim.

  “That’s whyI have a new car.” Nikolaipointed to the paper.

  Keegan’s eyes went wide.

  “Youaced the SATs?”

  “I did,”Nikolaismiled broadly. “And it’s allthanks to you, for preppingme relentlessly.”

  Keeganhugged Nikolai’s massive frame. “I’mso proud ofyou!”Keegan stepped back fromthe hug, a huge grinonhis face.

  “Yeah? So I cankeep the car?” Nikolaipouted.

  Keegancouldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, youcankeep the car.”

  “Awesome!”Nikolaipicked Keegan up, bouncinghimup and down.

  “I’mgoingto be sick!”Keegan laughed. Nikolaiput himdownand Keegan looked up at him. “Yougoingto be okay goingback to highschoolinRussia?”

  Nikolaisighed. “Well, as muchas I love Russia, I like it here. I miss Sebastian, too.”

  “Maybe we canwork somethingout withyour dads, okay?”Keeganpunched Nikolaiinthe gut playfully.

  The doorbellrangand Nikolaitook off. Keegansipped his juice thinkingabout Nikolai’s predicament. It had to suck having his fathers live so far apart.

  The weddingwas ina month, the first ofJanuary- his birthdayas a matter offact. He could hear voices bythe front entryway and recognized Andrei’s deep voice and thick Russianaccent.

  “I’minthe kitchen,”Keegancalled out. He trulyliked Andrei; he had a wicked sense ofhumor and was verynice to him. Whichwas surprisingina way, since he’d beenable to make Vince feel- something Andreihad never accomplished. That had to hurt a little.

  “Welllook at you,”Andreismiled, huggingKeeganand kissinghimonboth cheeks. “Youlook radiant.”
  “I’mnot pregnant,”Keeganlaughed, huggingAndreiback.

  Andreilaughed loudly, pullingaway fromKeegan. “How are you?”

  “Tired, Vince ranme into the ground this morningbefore I left.”Keegansat down at the kitchenisland onone ofthe comfortable highbacked stools.

  Andreisat downonthe opposite side.

  “He willtrainyouuntilyouwant to kill him. It is just because he worries for you. He wants to make sure no one canhurt you. It is done out oflove, Keegan.”

  “I know, but hell…”Keegancracked his neck. “I hurt everywhere.”

  “I hope youcanstand whenyourecite your vows,”Andreilaughed.

  Keeganlooked downat his glass. “Are… are youokaywithit? I know yousaid youwould come…”

  Andreitook Keegan’s hands. “I would be honored to come; youare a very good man, KeeganRipley. I amveryhappy Vince found someone to openhis heart to. Nikolaiseems to like youverymuchalso.”

  “I would never tryto replace you; I know I never could—”

  “I amnot worried about that either, I want Nikolaito have a relationship withyou,” Andreismiled, mussingKeegan’s hair. “You need to relax.”

  Vince walked into the kitchenand headed straight for the fridge. “I keep telling himthat, he’s always onedge.”

  Keeganrolled his eyes. “Gee, I wonder why.”Keeganturned his attention back to Andrei. “Do youknow he scared the hellout ofthe mailman? He went outside in his sweats, shirtless, withhis knife inhis hand to get the mail.”

  Andreiraised a brow, lookingat Vince. “Really, Vince? Did yougo to the bank as well?”

  “Not yet,”Vince winked.

  “Did youget your tux?”Keeganthrew the paper at Vince’s head.

  Vince caught the paper withone hand. “I did, althoughI figured out prettyquickly that it was yours.”Vince smiled, sittingdown next to Keeganand kissinghis cheek. “Imagine mysurprise whenI put the pants on.”

  Keeganrubbed his face withboth hands. “Whichmeans the one inmycloset is yours.”

  “Youdidn’t tryit on?”Andrei laughed.

  “Nope, I just hungit up.”Keegan sipped his lemonade.

  The doorbellrangagainand the three ofthemheard Nikolaiinthe livingroom.

  “I’llget it!”Nikolaishouted.

  Keeganlooked at the time. “Shit, that’s Devin.”Keeganstood up and kissed Vince’s forehead. “I’llbe back inabout a half hour.”

  “Where are yougoing?”Vince asked.

  “We’re goingto dye Riley’s pool pink,”Keegangrinned.

  Andreilooked confused. “Whywould youdo that?”

  “Because he dyed ours red; it looked like someone died inthere,”Vince said, leaningover the counter, sippingKeegan’s lemonade. Lookingdownat the glass of lemonade, Vince smirked. “Maybe youshould dye it yellow instead, make everyone think it’s piss.”

  Devinwalked into the kitchenand stopped. He narrowed his eyes at Andrei.

  “Devin…”Keegangrabbed his hand, tryingto pullhimout ofthe kitchen.

  Vince felt the air inthe roomdrop twentydegrees; he actuallyshivered as Devin and Andreilocked eyes. “Well, let’s go clean guns, Andrei.”Vince grabbed his ex, hauling himout ofthe kitchen.

  “I maynot be able to touchyou, Panchenko, but somedayyou’llscrew up,” Devingrowled.

  “Thenlet us hope youare fast, Agent Lyons,”Andreigrowled right back, lungingfor the agent.

  “Whoa!”Nikolaiwalked inbetween his father and Lyons. “Don’t make me put you bothintime out!”

  “Youmayhave the Bureaukissing your ass, but I won’t. I know how youreally are!”Devinshouted.

  “Youare goingto find out verysoon how I amwhenI get angry!”Andreipulled out ofVince’s grip.

  “Well, this was a fabulous idea.” Nikolaipushed his father back. “Get along!” He turned his attentionto Agent Lyons. “Stop provokinghim! Go dye the poolyellow!”

  Keegandragged Devinout and Vince pulled Andreiinto the garage. Nikolaislumped at the kitchencounter and banged his head on it. He’d forgottenhe stillhad his head set on whenWyatt’s voice startled him.

  “What the hellis goingonat your house?”Wyatt laughed.

  “The apocalypse,”Nikolaichuckled.

  ~~ Bythe end ofthe day, Keeganlie exhausted onthe bed, not moving. Vince was watching“The WalkingDead”onDVD and he was tryingto payattention. His eyes felt heavyand his whole bodyhurt. Vince’s fingers played inhis hair absentmindedly; he loved it whenVince ranhis fingers throughit. It had a verycalmingeffect onhim. His eyes drifted shut and he thought about the day. Devinwas no closer to beinga fanofAndreino matter what he said to tryto change his mind. It wasn’t fair, Andreiwas a good man.

  Over the years ofwatchingVince, he’d come to realize that nothingwas black and white. The fifteenyear old kid who had watched his mother and sister slaughtered had become ananimal. But over time Vince had softened and now he was inlove. Keegan smiled at the thought. Vicious Vince Markov had fallenfor him. He’d done his job in spades; not onlyhad he reeled inVince, he’d gottena fiancé.

  “Whyare yousmilinglike that?”Vince ranhis finger over Keegan’s soft lips.

  “I love you,”Keeganopened his eyes lookingup at Vince’s beautifulface.

  Vince leaned over, kissinghimsoftly. “I love you, more thanI ever knew I could.”

  “Yousure youwant to marryme?” Keeganclosed his eyes, as Vince pulled himin closer.

  “Ohyes, KeeganRipley. I’msure.”


  Keeganstood inhis tuxonthe snow-covered ground; the sunwas out, makingthe ground twinkle withits rays. It was beautifuland slightlychilly, but Keeganliked it that way. After livingmost ofhis life in Arizona, cold was good. They’d come to New York’s CentralPark to get married, and right now Keeganstood withhis mother and most ofhis friends infront ofthe Bethesda Fountain. He’d brought up marriage ina church, but Vince had shivered.

  “What if I get struck by lightning? What if I burst into flames?” Vince had said.

  “Darling, God would have already struck you down for being gay,” Keira had said, laughing. “So the Bible thumpers say. What the fuck do they know?”

  Keegansmiled, thinkingback onthe conversation. So he’d relented and when Vince had asked himwhere else he’d like to get married, he’d chosenthe fountain. Keegan turned and raised aneyebrow at the guys.

  “He’llbe here, Keegan,”Mateo winked. “He was just slightlynervous.”

  “I do not know why,”Andreisighed, smilingat Keegan. “Youare verygood for him.”Andrei’s attentionfocused over Keegan’s head. “Ah, there is the limo.”

  Keeganfelt his palms sweating; he turned to see Nikolaigettingout ofthe limo and thenVince came into view. Keegan’s jaw dropped. He hadn’t seenVince inhis tuxuntil that moment and, oh, what a sight it was. Everyhead turned as Vince walked with Nikolaito the fountain. Keeganhad no idea if it was because theyrecognized Vince for who he was or because he was just that

  jaw-droppinglyhandsome. Vince finally reached himand took his hands.

  “God, youare breathtaking, Keegan,” Vince leaned downto kiss Keegansoftly.

  “Hey! Wait for the pastor, guys!”Josh snickered.

  “Theylook so cute together,”Mark wiped his eyes.

  “I know, who’d have thunk it, huh?” Joshgripped his husband tightly.

  Keeganturned to Devin, takinghis hands. “Thank youfor beingmybest man.”

  “I said I’d behave and I will.”Devin kept his eyes onKeegan, avoidingAndrei.

  The ceremonywasn’t long; Keegan spent most ofit ina daze. He was marrying the manofhis dreams; it stillfelt as ifit was a dreamat times. Vicious Vince Markov wanted him, had made love to himand was marryinghim. Keeganwas brought out ofhis thoughts bythe pastor’s voice.

  “Do you, KeeganMichaelRipleytake Vincent Markovto be your lawfullywedded husband?”the pastor asked.

  “I do,”Keegansmiled up at Vince.

  “And do youVincent Markovtake KeeganMichaelRipleyas your lawfully wedded husband?”
br />   “UntilI breathe no more…I do,” Vince looked into Keegan’s eyes.

  “Then, bythe power vested inme by the state ofNew York, I pronounce you married, youmaykiss eachother,”the pastor grinned.

  Vince grabbed Keeganand picked himup, their mouths meetingina frenzied kiss. Whooping, whistlingand clappingsurrounded themas Vince kissed Keeganuntilhe ranout ofbreath.

  “I love you, stuttering, uncontrolled boners KeeganMarkov,”Vince winked.

  Keegangrinned. “Back at ya, Vicious Vince Markov.”

  ~~The End~~


  ~~Chapter One~~ “What the fuck are youdoing?”Wyatt whispered. The flashlight hungfromhis jeans loop, as he, Sebastianand Nikolaicrept throughthe academics building.

  The further downthe halltheywent, the more Wyatt’s hair stood onend.

  Sebastian’s bright idea was to break into the dean’s office and stealhis most prized possession. A baseball. Wyatt smelled the hallway, someone had beenbyrecently. “Sebastian, come on.”

  “It’s just a few more doors down,”

  Sebastianwhispered, lookingover at Nik. “Yougot the lock-pick?”

  Nikolairaised aneyebrow.

  “Ofcourse I do, but Wyatt’s right.

  This is a verybad idea, Bastian.”

  “The asshole put me onacademic

  suspension; youknow I’malreadystruggling.

  Mydad refuses to payfor schooluntilI retract

  mystatement ofbeinggay. I need my


  “You’re BI, and who gives a shit?”

  Nikolaisighed infrustration. “Youknow my

  dad willpayfor your schooling.”

  Wyatt looked downthe hall; school

  was out for summer the next day. He couldn’t

  believe he was goingalongwiththis stupid plan. At least Nikolaiseemed to be onhis side. They’d met a few years ago, and when he realized who Nikolaiwas it was a laugh


  NikolaiMarkov, sonofVince

  Markovand AndreiPanchenko:One was a

  notorious killer and the other was the head of

  the Russianmob. Wyatt had laughed when

  Nikolaiasked ifhe had anyproblems with

  that. ‘Hellno’ had beenhis answer, thinkingof


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