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Evanescent Page 5

by Taryn Jameson

  “Why so early?”

  “Cooking gruel for so many inmates is time-consuming. The kitchen staff begins preparing our breakfast at six. I prefer my food freshly cooked.”

  “So the guards work those same shifts?” She knew it was an obvious question. A team of guards would always need to be with the prisoners, even when they were confined to their cells.

  She noticed he filled his glass with another round of whiskey. If the man got drunk enough, maybe he’d spout on about the gold and who else was involved in stealing it.

  “Of course. They get paid well so are not unhappy working crazy hours.”

  “Where is your office? Do you have one?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I have an office. Though I prefer to use my personal code instead of voice activation, for security reasons.” He picked up a remote and punched a code into the keypad. A panel slid open revealing his office.

  Rachel drew in her breath when she saw the huge wall of floating computer screens. Like in her cubicle, they were all touchscreens. One monitor showed a complete view of the landing docks, another of the prison. Cameras panned all the floors and containment units.

  “Wow, that’s quite something.” It was quite impressive. The system could very well be used to hack the mainframe and virtually take over the prison.

  “If you look at that far screen, it gives me a view of space. Should any idiots ever try and invade us, I’d know immediately. The computer sets off an alarm.”

  “Are you prepared for such an attack?”

  “We are more than prepared. Ever since word got out that this planet is so rich in gold and that Earth claimed it, many alien planets covet it. So far, there have been no attacks, but that doesn’t mean it’ll never happen. Earth has given us twenty stealth fighters, and twenty of the guards are pilots. The rest of the guards and the staff are trained in ground defense.” Kyle typed his code into the remote again, and the office door slid shut.

  “How did word get out about the gold? Did you ever find out why the planet was abandoned in the first place?”

  “No, we never found that out, but word got out from someone on Earth shooting their mouth off. Possibly someone from WLO.”

  “Why would they talk?”

  Kyle snorted. “Maybe when drunk? Or having sex with a woman? Who knows?”

  Speaking of drunk, over half the bottle of whiskey was now gone. The man had been drinking it steadily. She rapidly changed the subject. “Where is the laundry? I need to wash a few things.”

  He stood, grabbed another bottle of wine, uncorked it, and filled her glass again. “Not far from your room. I’ll show you when I walk you back.” He took a long drink from the flask then set it on the coffee table. “Stand up,” he ordered.

  Almost choking on the wine she’d just sipped, she stood. “Why?”

  “I want to taste those luscious lips again.”

  He reached and grabbed her by the waist. Rachel felt like decking him but thought better of it. He kissed her again, forcing his tongue into her mouth. It was gross, and he tasted of a mixture of garlic, sour wine, and the whiskey he had been drinking. There was no pleasure in this repulsive habit of his. She stood there, disgusted, allowing him to continue his exploration but all she wanted to do was beat the living hell out of him. Was the man so stupid he couldn’t sense her revulsion?

  She could hardly wait to eliminate him. Ethan had said Kyle was one of the traitors, so was Blom. They were both her targets now along with the other unnamed individuals. She could terminate Kyle at this moment if she wanted. Reach around his neck with both hands and snap it with one quick twist. She stopped herself from doing just that. They would kill her when they found him, and she wanted to live.

  Kyle’s hands were on her breasts again. “Rachel, take your suit off,” he said, his voice laced with lust.

  Rachel hesitated. What would he do if she refused? Her heart hammered in her chest. She was completely alone with him again. At least in the gym, he’d restrained himself. Would he do the same in the privacy of his quarters? No one would enter unannounced, and no one would hear her if she screamed. I can’t antagonize him. I can’t risk disobeying him. Not until I can figure out a way to escape this planet. To hell with this mission. The Institute sent me here to die. I refuse to continue spying for them. But then there’s Ethan. I won’t abandon him here.

  “Now, Rachel. That’s not a request, it’s an order.” He pinched her nipple hard and stepped back.

  She steeled herself and stripped the suit off, dangling it from her fingers. He grabbed it and threw it across the room. Then he picked up the bottle of whiskey and drank directly from it until it was empty, never taking his eyes off her.

  He set the bottle on the table and turned to her again. Picking up the remote, he pushed a button, and soft music surrounded them. “Dance for me.”


  “You know how to dance, right?”

  Of course the fuck not. Rachel wanted to snarl it at him but kept her mouth shut. She’d read about dancing and had seen a couple of videos. She began to sway her hips to the rhythm of the music. He clapped, then took off his uniform until he, too, was naked. She groaned inwardly at the monster poking at his belly. He grabbed her and pulled her against his body rubbing that thick snake against her stomach. She almost puked and swallowed the bile that rose to her throat.

  “Doesn’t that feel good, baby? Wouldn’t you like to have it inside you? How about in that pretty mouth of yours?”


  There, she’d said the forbidden word.

  “Ah, you want it elsewhere?”

  “I don’t want it at all. I prefer to look at it.” She wondered silently if by telling him that bit of information if that would work.

  “Ah, she’s a voyeur. Then that’s what we’ll do. I like playing different sex games. You’ll come around eventually.”

  He picked her up and carried her to another room where he dropped her on a soft bed. It rolled beneath her like there was water in the mattress. “Now scooch up to the side. Yes, stay like that but spread your legs and pull them up. Rest your feet on the edge of the bed frame.”

  When she didn’t comply, he grabbed her legs and placed them where he wanted them, parted her knees and stared at her crotch. “Now that’s fascinating. You’ve got no labia.” She flinched when he traced his finger along the edge of her opening. “So smooth, so clean, so neat and tidy. All I’ve ever seen are women with flaps between the lips. Why did you have them removed?”

  Yes, she knew why they were gone, and she wasn’t about to explain it to him. The two crazy scientists had a phobia about germs. They had removed them from all the female recruits to prevent odor and bacteria. At least, that is what was explained to the trainees before the procedure. She’d never given it another thought. It had never mattered to her. But now it did. It made her more different than she already was with her fake arm and her tattoos. But it was not only her. All the girls had undergone the surgery after they turned eighteen. She remembered it well. It had smarted a bit afterward, but not that much. The doctors had used lasers to remove the body parts they had decreed unnecessary.

  “I just wanted to have them removed.” What else could she say without telling him about the doctors and the Institute?

  “I love it.” He stroked her again and focused on her crotch while he began to fondle his erection like he had in the gym. It no longer intrigued her to look at the thing, and she really didn’t have the urge to touch it anymore. She was petrified he’d try to poke it into her, especially with the position she was in, but he didn’t. He just continued to jam his fist up and down, but this time there was no venom flying from the snake’s mouth. It seemed to go on forever.

  He stopped suddenly and stepped away from the bed, swaying a little on his feet. “I need food. Too much to drink,” he muttered. Two shelves protruded from the wall beside the bed. He grabbed a remote off one of them. “Bring me a co
uple of burgers and fries. I’m starving. And don’t be long about it,” he said over the com.

  Rachel let her legs drop and began to sit up the best she could on the wobbly bed. He stopped her.

  “No, you lie there and stay in that position. I want to feast on you. It’s been too long since I’ve seen a real woman, especially one as sexy and gorgeous as you. I’m like a kid with a bucket of ice cream. I can’t get enough.”

  Letting out a sigh, she pulled her legs up again. He’d pulled up a chair and was now sitting right in front of her crotch, just staring at it. There was a knock. Kyle picked up the remote and opened the door. “Bring it to the bedroom,” he called out.

  Oh, my God! No! She tried to lower her legs, but he yanked them up again. She felt like screaming. Kicking. Yelling. Taking his head and twisting it until his neck broke. Oh, I really hate this pig.

  Footsteps approached the bedroom. Rachel closed her eyes.

  “Where’s the other guy? He makes the best burgers.”

  “He was busy.”

  It was Blom’s voice. That’s all she needed... for that weasel to see her like this.

  “Take them back. I want the other inmate’s burgers. And bring me coffee. A full pot.”

  Who did he mean? Ethan? She peeked from between her lashes. This was a different prisoner whose head hung down. Blom barely glanced at her. They left, Blom full of apologies.

  “I’ll be back soon,” he told Kyle.

  “Kyle, my legs are getting tired and cramped,” she complained.

  “Get up for a bit and walk around. We’ll continue after I’ve eaten.”

  Just let me go... Never in a million years had she expected to be in such a situation. I need to get the hell out of here, but how? I wish I could talk to Ethan. He’s been here longer and should know more about the place. Possibly a way to escape.

  Kyle returned to the living room and turned the music up. Taking another full carafe from his bar, he put it to his lips and drank heavily from it while dancing around the room to the music.

  Rachel looked around for her suit. It was lying on the floor, right near where he was dancing. Another knock on the door. Kyle opened it, and she saw Ethan enter followed by Blom.

  She dashed behind the couch and crouched there. But Kyle saw. In two strides he was beside her, grabbed her arm and yanked her up.

  “Isn’t she gorgeous? Feast your eyes on this, inmate.”

  She had no idea what blushing was, until now. Her skin heated, her face felt on fire. She saw Ethan’s gaze roam her body, but his eyes glowed with concealed rage.

  Are you injured? Has he...

  He likes to look.


  I agree with you. I can’t get away from him. I don’t dare go against him, or I’ll end up in jail with you.

  Blom punched Ethan hard. “What’s wrong with you? Set the food and coffee on the table. Move it!”

  Drunk Kyle laughed. “Leave the man alone. I invited him to look at Rachel. Let him drink in his fill and have happy dreams tonight.”

  Ethan put the burgers on the table, then did the unthinkable. He dropped the pot of coffee. Glass shattered, and hot liquid spilled on the granite floor.

  Now you’ve done it. Rachel held her breath and waited for Kyle to explode, but he didn’t.

  Just wait.

  “You stupid dog! Clean that fucking mess up!” Blom shouted.

  “With what?”

  “Take your overalls off and use them. Make sure you get the glass.”

  Kyle had already grabbed a burger and began eating it. “Don’t be ridiculous, Blom. Go and get another pot of coffee,” he ordered. “And bring a bucket and mop, broom, and a dustpan.”

  “And leave you alone with this piece of shit?”

  “I’ll have my gun on him.” He took the phaser out of the holster lying on the table and casually rested it on his leg.

  “Why is he so dangerous?” Rachel dared to ask.

  “I told you, he attacked a guard with burning oil. Take my word for it.”

  I didn’t attack anyone, and I’m not dangerous. But I can be.

  Rachel shivered. She could feel the anger pouring off Ethan in waves. Yes, as I can defend myself. I need a way out of here and off this planet. Any ideas?

  I have a few. As you can see, I am back at work in the kitchen now. There are always two guards on duty. I have no weapon, and we’ll need one to get off this planet.

  I brought a disintegration phaser with me.

  I have no place to hide it.

  The hair on the back of her neck stood on end when Kyle stepped behind her and traced a finger along her spine, then gripping her hips he lifted her to sit on the table. “Scooch back and lie down. I want to look at that delectable body.” He bent her legs, then lifted her torso so her back was arched, and she was resting on her elbows. “Get a good eyeful inmate. That view will keep you warm for days to come.”

  Rachel was mortified, posed as she was before both men. At least he hadn’t forced her knees apart. Kyle just sat there, gun resting in his lap, and a leer on his face.

  I’ll kill the fucking bastard! Ethan’s voice growled in her mind.

  No! Wait until we make our escape.

  What do you have in mind?

  I will try to get into the kitchen. We can overpower the guards between us. I need to figure out how to get away from Kyle. He’s begun occupying my free time.

  Get him good and drunk. He’ll pass out.

  Okay, Kyle’s passed out, the guards are gone, then what?

  Check the flight roster to find out when a ship is leaving. We need to get on it somehow.

  And go back to the Institute? No fucking way.

  Kyle has been trading gold for supplies with a guy on the planet Brevona. Find out when there’s a ship due in from that planet. Make sure it is scheduled to leave in the evening. This plan will never work during the day. Too many in the kitchen.

  Why Brevona?

  I researched Brevona after I discovered Kyle was trading with them. The planet is hospitable and should be a safe place for us to hide.

  Blom returned carrying the cleaning equipment and shoved it at Ethan. Ethan began sweeping up the glass first.

  Ethan, why didn’t you activate your implant?

  You saw the scars on my arm. I was sent here as a chef to train the inmates. I was working in the kitchen one evening, and a pot of oil caught fire. One of the guards grabbed it and threw the pot at the sink. The oil spilled on him, and his uniform caught on fire. Third-degree burns. He didn’t survive. Some of the burning oil got me. I think it damaged the implant. The other guard reported that I attacked the dead guard. Schultz and Schmidt were told I’m dead.

  I’m glad the implant was damaged! You do realize the implants are a death trap? Activate it, and you die.

  That would have been preferable to this living hell.

  I’ll see if I can find out if there’s a ship due in from Brevona. We’ll go from there. Maybe you can stage a similar scene to this one so I can talk to you.


  “That’s good enough.” Blom came in with another pot of coffee. “Grab the stuff and let’s go,” he told Ethan.

  The food had sobered Kyle up quite a bit, but he was still drunk. Unfortunately, not drunk enough.

  “Let’s continue where we left off. Back on the bed.” He pulled her from the table.

  Rachel tried to blank out her mind as she lay on the side, drew her legs up and spread them.

  “Watch me. I want your hungry curiosity focused on my cock.”

  Rachel let out a quivering sigh and trained her gaze on what he was doing. She was sick of looking at the revolting man and that piece of flesh he pumped so hard. It seemed to take forever, but finally, the white fluid spat from that thing he called a cock.

  Kyle sank to the bed beside her and lay back. To her delight, within a minute, his eyes closed, and he snored.

  Rachel carefully slid from the bed, ran to the living room and retrieved her suit. After putting it on, she picked up her G-string outfit and desperately clicked the buttons on his remote until the door opened. She ran for it and sprinted to her own room where she fell on the bed and cried for the first time in her life. Soldiers don’t cry. Soldiers never cry. It had been drummed into their heads, but she didn’t care. She felt dirty, degraded, humiliated, and furious.

  And all the more determined to escape. The plan could work. As soon as she got to her office the next morning she’d try and find out if there was a ship coming in from the planet Brevona. And if there was and they were lucky enough that it would depart at night, she had to figure out a way for her and Ethan to get aboard just before it was ready to take off, and not get caught.

  She took off her suit, threw it on the floor, and still crying, eventually fell asleep. Several times she woke during the night from nightmares of Kyle.

  Chapter Six

  Kyle knocked on her door the next morning as if nothing had happened the previous night. “Morning, dear. I thought I’d escort you to breakfast.”

  “Kyle, I know where it is. I don’t need you to escort me,” she tried to brush him off.

  “Oh, but I want to.” He grasped her arm and guided her through the hall. “You’re a lady. Ladies deserve special treatment.”

  This lady deserves an apology. Although nothing could erase how he’d humiliated her. No apologies, no gifts, no nice words, nothing. Does he even remember any of last night?

  “What did you think of our gym? Are you going again after work?”


  “You should go every day. It’s easy to lose muscle tone in this place.” He led her through the inmates’ mess hall to the table occupied by his elite staff.

  Fairhouse and Browning stared at Rachel, their gazes quite insulting. They had to know something. The other men, too, from the way they looked at her. She sighed and took a seat. Maybe it was her imagination. Did men tell each other about their sexual adventures? The only one who avoided her gaze was Blom. The man had something against her, right from the beginning, and she had no idea why. Unless he suspected that she’d been planted as a spy.


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