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Evanescent Page 6

by Taryn Jameson

  Breakfast was over, and Kyle insisted on walking her to her office. Relief poured through her when the door closed behind her. At least now she wouldn’t have to deal with him until dinner. As soon as she was able, she checked the schedule for incoming ships. There would be no ship from Brevona for another two weeks. It was slated to arrive late afternoon and depart that same evening.

  She could hardly wait to tell Ethan, but a different inmate brought her lunch. She ate, hoping Ethan hadn’t been punished for dropping the coffeepot. Maybe she was just feeling paranoid.

  The time went by far too fast for her now. As long as she was working, Kyle would not disturb her. In between the time she directed incoming and departing ships, she researched Brevona. The planet sounded like it had come straight from a fairytale, complete with a king and queen. She almost didn’t want to go for dinner. Who cared if she was starving and couldn’t eat until morning? It wouldn’t be the first time. The bastard would probably come for her again, to escort her... How she could have ever thought him handsome or appealing, was beyond her.

  Sure enough, when her shift ended, Kyle was waiting for her at her office door.

  “Ready for some aperitifs?” He smiled, but she no longer found his smile charming.

  “I think I’d rather wait until dinner.”

  “No, I think you should come to my quarters first. We’ll just have a glass of wine before dinner if you don’t feel like a snack.”

  She ignored the arm he held out and walked briskly beside him. Once inside his quarters, he poured two glasses of wine and handed one to her. “Cheers, milady.”

  “Whatever that means.”

  “Rachel, you come across as so naïve, innocent, as if you’ve never had a social life. Am I right?”

  “I’ve never been one for parties,” she shot back at him. She was far from innocent, and the eliminator she had trained to be was just itching to claim her target.

  “How did I get so lucky for life to have brought you to me.”

  Idiot. I’m here to kill you. She didn’t answer him but sipped from the wine. The taste of it was growing on her, but she’d be careful not to overindulge because last night she’d seen what that could do.

  “I’d like a snack after all. How long before they could bring us some?” Maybe it would be Ethan bringing aperitifs.

  “Right away. They usually have them ready for me knowing I like to have them before dinner. I’ll order it right now.”

  He was right. Within minutes, an inmate arrived, followed by a guard. It wasn’t Ethan, which disappointed her. Where was he? She could hardly ask.

  She slowly sipped her wine and nibbled on a couple of the treats. Thankfully, he didn’t try anything with her.

  The bell sounded, announcing dinner. “Come, darling. I’m sure you’re famished.”

  Darling? “Yes, I’m quite hungry. One sandwich for lunch doesn’t last a long time.”

  “I will tell the kitchen staff to bring you more food for your lunches.”


  She didn’t take his arm again and was annoyed when he grabbed her hand and pulled it through his arm. Walking past the prisoners, she noticed several of them staring. She wondered what was going through their minds. The sergeants were already there and seated at the table. Kyle pulled out a chair for her, and she sat.

  “Going to the gym after dinner?” Browning asked looking at her.

  “Yes. We are,” Kyle answered.

  Several of the men suppressed a grin. Mortified, she took a sip of her water. “I don’t feel too good. Maybe I’ll pass on the gym tonight,” she told him.

  “Nonsense. It will do you good after sitting in that stuffy office all day. You need the exercise.”

  Oh, Lord. Another session like last night?

  Blom suddenly spoke. “Kyle, I need to talk to you in private.”

  “What about? There are no secrets at this table.”

  “A prisoner.”

  “Speak up, man.”

  “Prisoner four-five-one-nine-eight-zero,” Blom bit out.

  “What about him?”

  “He was decidedly clumsy last night. I think you should take him off kitchen detail.”

  “And you wanted to tell me that in private? What’s wrong with you.”

  “There’s something about our new navigation coordinator that makes the man clumsy. Maybe he knows her.”

  Kyle burst out laughing. “Don’t be ridiculous. How would he know her? She’s from New York, and he was from San Francisco. The man is just overwhelmed by her beauty. As we all are.”

  “Can I take him off kitchen duty?”

  “No. I like his cooking. He’s the best cook we’ve had in there since I’ve been in this joint. As long as he behaves himself, he stays in the kitchen.”

  “As you wish.”

  Rachel saw Blom’s lips form a grim line, his eyes narrowed to tiny slits, and he threw a glance at Kyle that was filled with hatred. Weird. Ethan said Blom is in cahoots with Kyle. Why does the man hate him?

  One thing she knew for sure, she loved the food, and even more now that the men cooking it were clean. Did Ethan cook a lot of it? Or maybe he had taught some of the others his recipes? Where had he learned to cook like that? It wasn’t something they were taught in the Institute. She was glad that Kyle didn’t agree to take Ethan off kitchen duty and hoped she’d see him again soon.

  “Kyle, what was four-five-one-nine-eight-zero in jail for before the oil incident?” she dared to ask.

  “That was hardly an incident,” Blom snapped. “He killed a guard with that oil.”

  “Before that happened?”

  “He’s a murderer. Let’s leave it at that,” Kyle said.

  “He was working in the kitchen though.”

  “Yes, as the chef. He’s very skilled. That’s why I decided to put him back in the kitchens.”

  That still didn’t answer her question, but she dropped the subject. No way did she want Kyle or Blom to get suspicious.

  Dinner was over too fast. The prisoners all filed out of the mess hall, and as soon as they were all gone, Kyle took her hand and pulled her up.

  “Come, my dear. Let’s go to the gym.”

  The sergeants had left before them. When they arrived at the gym, she was thrilled to see five of them on machines working out.

  “We’re not alone tonight.”

  “Not yet. I’ll get rid of them.”

  “No, don’t do that. They’ll really begin to resent me even more than they already do.”

  “I don’t want them staring at you in your skimpy outfit.”

  “Jealous, are we? Don’t be silly.” And she promptly marched into the gym leaving Kyle no choice but to follow her.

  She went into a cubicle and took off her suit. The G-string outfit she’d put on that morning was made of white lace with satin ribbon webbing from the bra to the G-string. It was kind of see-through, but she didn’t care if they ogled her. Learning about the ship coming in from Brevona had given her new hope for the future. She’d do anything to get away, to vanish, disappear forever from this place, and from the Institute’s influence.

  After grabbing a towel from the shelf, she went to the treadmill. As she’d predicted, the men did ogle her and didn’t hide it either. Not caring, she ran like the devil was chasing her, her breasts dancing with each move.

  “Whoa.” Kyle turned the machine off. “You’ve worked up a hell of a sweat.” He handed her the towel.

  She dried off her face. Her little bodysuit clung to her, now drenched in perspiration.

  “You know I can see your nipples through this thin material? And your slit, too. If I can see, so can the men. Go and put on your suit and wear it for the rest of your workout.”

  “It didn’t seem to bother you last night.” She glared at him. “I don’t care if they stare at me. What are they going to do, except nothing? Looking doesn’t hurt me.”

�My men don’t need this enticement.”

  “You should have thought about that before parading me in front of Blom and the prisoner. Besides, I am used to wearing this.” And she wasn’t lying about that. She’d worn nothing else in the Institute ever since she hit puberty. When her breasts developed and grew fast, was when Doctor Schultz had the G-string suits designed for her and insisted she wear them all the time. And when she turned eighteen, he had the roses tattooed on her body and permanent make-up added to her face. Being so exposed, near naked, had never bothered her. No one in the Institute took any notice of her. They were all used to her skimpy outfits. Well, now that she’d experienced the men ogling her, and Kyle’s reaction, she remembered Schultz sometimes staring at her. Maybe the doctor had weird fantasies, like Kyle.

  “You mean you always work out in those little suits? How many did you bring? Are they all that revealing?”

  “I brought four, and all except the red one are this revealing. The other two are yellow and light blue.”

  “You might as well wear nothing. Why don’t you take it off altogether, then?” Kyle’s eyes were chips of green ice.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “That stupid silly little suit doesn’t hide anything. Don’t you have something more suitable to work out in?”

  “Nope. Is there a store in this place for me to buy anything?”

  “I’ll order clothing for you from Earth.”

  “You’ll do no such thing.”

  “Lover’s quarrel already?” Browning shouted causing a burst of laughter from the other men.

  Rachel went to the changing cubicle and looked in the mirror. Kyle was right, you could see everything through the lacy, white material. “Oh well, they’ve seen it all now.” She left the cubicle, walked to the pool and dove in. After swimming several laps, she got out and went to the showers.

  Kyle followed her in. So did the other men. She stripped off the G-string bikini, and turning her back to them, turned the shower on. The sonic waves caressed her from top to bottom. She turned slowly in a circle to see the naked men standing stock-still under the showers, their gazes glued to her body, their hands on their cocks. She found their anatomies interesting, the different sizes, colors, even the shapes of their sex toy—one guy had a real crooked one. She ignored Kyle who stood under the shower next to her.

  When she was done, she picked up the G-string, then calmly walked to the locker to get her suit. She put it on right there, ran her fingers through her hair and left the gym with all the intention of going to her room.

  No such luck. Kyle was beside her in seconds. He gripped her arm and steered her toward his quarters. Once inside, he let out his anger.

  “Don’t you ever do that again.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “All I need is a bunch of horny men going crazy for a woman. Don’t be surprised if you get raped in the middle of the night.”

  I’d like to see them try. “Are they able to enter my room?”

  His face was ashen white, his eyes blazed vivid green, and his hands were balled into fists. “No.”

  “Then there’s nothing to worry about.”

  “If they get you alone, corner you—”

  “How’s that possible when you’re always with me to protect me?” she asked innocently and smiled sweetly.

  He poured himself a glass of wine and drank it down in one gulp. Then another. It appeared to calm him. He poured her a glass and handed it to her.

  “I’m jealous. And I’m scared they’ll try something.”

  She sipped her wine slowly, very slowly, while he poured one after another. He had finally calmed down altogether. “I’m hungry. If I don’t eat, I’ll get drunk again.”

  Not a word about the previous evening. Did he forget everything if he drank too much? Yet he knew he was drunk the night before. Weird. But what did she know about alcohol and drinking? Not much really. If consumed in excess, it dulled the brain, and could even cause alcohol poisoning. She listened to him ordering burgers from the kitchen.

  Ten minutes later, a knock on the door and Kyle opened it to let Ethan in followed by a guard. To her surprise, his beard was gone, and she could see his face clearly. Ethan was ruggedly handsome, unlike Kyle’s pretty boy looks. The hair had hidden his sculpted cheekbones, a strong chin, and full well-shaped lips.

  You shaved.

  All the kitchen staff was shaved, and they let us shower.

  I have news. A Brevonian ship is due in two weeks from today and will depart again that evening.

  What time?

  It doesn’t say yet.

  Keep an eye on it.

  I will.

  He had to leave again. As he straightened from the table, he gazed at her, looking directly into her eyes. She read hope in the depths of his stare, the same hope she now cradled in her heart. He really had a nice face. She tried to imagine what he’d look like if he smiled.

  The guard prodded him, so he turned and hurried out through the still open door.

  “Would you like one of these?” Kyle asked holding up a plate with a burger on it.

  “No thanks. I’m still full from dinner.”

  “So am I really, but I need to eat while I drink.”

  “Why do you drink so much?”

  “Habit, I guess. It gets very lonely in this place.”

  He finished devouring three of the four burgers, wiped his face with a napkin, then turned to her and in one stride folded her into his arms.

  “I was so jealous in the gym.”

  “I know. But I am no one’s possession. I will wear what I want and when I want.”

  “You’ve got no idea how damn sexy you looked in that damp little outfit. And you need to remember, you’re the only woman among all these men, some of who have not had a woman in quite a long time.”

  “Including you.”

  “Yes, including me. So now it’s time to take off your suit and please me.”

  Fuck. Here we go again. Is he going to play this game every single night after dinner? I need to put a stop to it somehow. But how? I can’t afford to anger him, or I’ll not get any information. But do I really need that anymore now that Ethan and I are planning to escape? The hell with WLO, the Institute, and the stolen gold. All I want is to get out of here, and now it looks like it’s going to become a reality. I still can’t anger this bastard though...

  “I won’t keep you here late tonight. I have to be up in the middle of the night for a conference call with Earth. Please, take off the suit?”

  His begging did nothing for her. But she could not spoil her and Ethan’s plans by going against Kyle. She stepped out of his arms, stripped the suit off and stood naked. He took her into his arms again, and she had to suffer his kiss, the licking of her teeth, then he picked her up and carried her to the bed and deposited her on it.

  “Is there water in this mattress?”

  “Yes, it’s a waterbed. Do you like it?”

  “It’s nice and soft.”

  “I had a dream about you last night. I want to see if it’s true.”

  “If what is true?”

  “My dream. Lift your legs to the side of the bed and brace yourself against the frame. Yes, like that.” He stepped toward her and pushed her feet apart spreading her legs wide. “My God. It’s real. Did we do this last night?”


  “It wasn’t a dream. It’s unbelievably beautiful. Fascinating. So smooth.”

  Steeling herself, she waited to see what he’d do next. He ran his fingers up and down the naked flesh between her legs, then stepped back and took his clothes off. His cock was hard and throbbing against his abdomen. She could see prominent veins running along very smooth skin, the mauve colored head moist and glistening.

  “You make me so hot. You never need to worry. I will not penetrate you unless you ask me to. You’re already doing me a big favor in allowing me this. And I lov
e every moment of it. It’s fun.” He began to pump his cock.

  Allowing? Favor? He’s got to be kidding. If I don’t allow this, he’ll make my life hell. At least he doesn’t want to copulate. Have sex, or whatever it’s called.

  This time, though, while he pumped vigorously, he leaned forward and began to play with her breasts and nipples with his other hand.

  She suffered through the charade and hoped he’d soon finish. Like the evening before, it took a while—far too long—long enough for him to begin stroking between her legs and open her thighs even wider. He knelt, his face so close to her crotch now, she could feel his hot breath. And then he stood and spurted the white stuff all over her.

  Gross. It smells. Now I need to shower before I put my suit on.

  He disappeared into the adjoining bathroom and threw a towel at her.

  “I need to shower now.”

  “No, not yet. I’m not finished with you. Come to the living room and have a glass of wine.”

  She sighed, wiped the guck off her belly and chest, then followed him. He had already filled her glass and handed it to her.

  He held his glass up. “To us.”


  “I have a feeling this is going to be a long relationship.”

  In your dreams, buddy. “Really.”

  “As soon as my divorce is final, I want us to get married.”

  Just like that? “We barely know each other. I’m a soldier. Once my term is completed here, I want to go back to the army.”

  “If WLO orders you to remain here, you have no say in the matter. And if I request you stay, they’ll allow it.”

  “And they would allow you to have a wife, but no one else can have one with them here?”

  “I have friends in high places. But enough about that for now. I need to get a few hours rest before my conference.”

  She quickly retrieved her suit and put it on.

  “I’ll get dressed to walk you to your room.”


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