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Page 7

by Taryn Jameson

  “No need. Go to bed and rest up for your conference.” She’d love to be a fly on the wall for that...

  “After your display in the gym, I should accompany you.”

  “I’m a soldier. I can take care of myself very well, and there is always my taser.” She put the gun belt on and tapped on the taser.

  “True. Goodnight, my darling.” He hurried to her and planted a kiss on her lips, then waited while she walked down the corridor and was out of sight. She heard the door click shut and heaved a sigh. His darling? “Thank goodness for an Earth conference,” she muttered as she opened the door to her room.

  Chapter Seven

  “I want to have dinner alone with you tonight for a change.” Kyle surprised Rachel the Saturday before the ship from Brevona was due. “You’re off today. If I ask prisoner four-five-one-nine-eight-zero to cook us a meal in my quarters, can you keep an eye on him? I have meetings with the staff all afternoon until six.”

  Rachel grinned, thankful that Kyle couldn’t see her reaction over the com. “Sure. I don’t mind. It’ll be interesting to watch him cook.”

  Kyle’s request more than proved that he didn’t think Ethan was a killer, or that he was extremely dangerous. He had obviously known the accuser a lot longer than Ethan and had not wanted to make enemies among his staff, so he had gone along with the guard’s tale that Ethan had set the man on fire on purpose. And maybe the guard was in league with Kyle, too. But why did the guard who had accused Ethan hate him so much?

  “Unless you’re not comfortable with it? I can have a guard there, too. Just in case.”

  “Kyle, don’t be ridiculous. I can handle myself. I’m trained in all martial arts and have my weapons. If the man tried anything, he’d be dead in a heartbeat. I look forward to a private dinner. I’m fed up with the snide remarks from the other sergeants, especially Blom’s.”

  Her heart sang. That meant she’d be alone with Ethan for quite a few hours. His company, even for the mere moments he had been near, had seemed to soothe her. It would also give them a chance to hash out the final details of their escape.

  “I’ll make the arrangements and have the prisoner gather all the supplies he needs from the kitchens and bring them to my quarters. Come to my quarters around two o’clock.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you tonight.” Rachel hit the off button on her com and giggled. “This couldn’t be better!”

  Two o’clock couldn’t come fast enough. The time seemed to crawl before she could finally head to Kyle’s quarters.

  Kyle was just getting ready to leave when Rachel arrived. In a glance, she saw Ethan already busy in the kitchen.

  “I hate having to do these meetings once a month but can’t be helped. I look so forward to having dinner alone with you tonight.” He kissed her on the cheek before he left.

  Rachel waited to say anything until at least fifteen minutes had passed. “I think it’s safe to talk now, Ethan.”

  He was wearing a clean yellow prison suit, was shaven and even his hair looked clean.

  “You had another shower?” she asked.

  “Yes. Kyle said he didn’t want my stink permeating his rooms.” He grinned and joined her.

  Rachel was charmed by his wide smile. The dimples in his cheeks fascinated her, as did the dimple in his strong chin. Something raged within her, a sensation she couldn’t place. She felt an urge to ask him to hold her, to stand on her tippy toes and kiss his delectable lips. The effect he had on her confused her. It was opposite of the creepy feelings Kyle caused within her. She held her hands out, and when he took them in his, she felt her heart do a somersault.

  “I need to stay in the kitchen, Rachel. Just in case he decides to come and check up on me.” His dark eyes gazed into hers.

  “I understand. I’ll come to the kitchen with you. Maybe you can teach me how to cook.”

  “You’re joking, right?”

  “No. After we escape from this place, I’m sure I’ll need to cook in the future. And while you cook, you can tell me all about yourself and answer a whole bunch of my unanswered questions.”

  He let go of her hands and returned to the kitchen. Rachel followed him and perched on one of the kitchen stools. Fascinated, she watched him debone fish and season it. Then he tackled a bird of some sort. It looked too big for a chicken. “Fowl and fish?”

  “Yes, and he wants me to do a ham as well. Now, what are your questions?”

  “You were sent here to spy on them. As what? As a guard? A prisoner?”

  “Kyle wasn’t satisfied with the way the prisoners prepared the food so he put in a request for a chef, one who could teach the prisoners how to cook, too.”

  “But surely you didn’t train for that at the Institute?” She gave him a sidelong glance.

  “The chef training is courtesy of the Institute.” He winked at her, washed his hands, then began mixing herbs and spices together in a bowl. “I memorized half a dozen cookbooks with recipes from the best chefs in the world and took it from there. They even had me practice in the kitchens.”

  “So you came here as a chef and were spying on them at the same time.”

  “Yes, Kyle never suspected anything. And then that stupid oil fire happened. One of the inmates caused it. The pot had way too much oil in it, and the burner was on high. It spilled over and caught fire. Before I had a chance to do anything, the guard grabbed the pot and threw it in the sink.” He finished dressing the bird and placed it in a baking pan, then pulled the ham from the cooler.

  “And set himself on fire.”

  “Yes. The other guard hated me for some strange reason, and he told Kyle that I threw the burning pot at the guard. So, Kyle threw me in prison for murder. That was the end of my culinary and spy careers. He told me he’d reported me dead to WLO.”

  “All this happened not long before I got here? Your burns haven’t completely healed.”

  “Yes. I was so glad when Kyle put me to work in the kitchens again. Even though I am now an inmate, it is a relief from the mine where he had me working.”

  “With your sore arm?”

  “Yes. He didn’t care. It’s a miracle the wounds didn’t get infected.”

  Rachel leaned against the counter and watched while Ethan cut the ham in a crisscross pattern and began making a sauce on the stove with brown sugar, honey, and spices. When he brought a spoon to her lips for her to taste, she almost moaned, it was so good. For one brief moment, when their eyes met, she forgot all about Kyle, New Alcatraz, and the Institute. He reached up and wiped a drop of the glaze from her bottom lip with his thumb, sending a jolt of lightning through her body. All she wanted to do was wrap her arms around his neck and kiss those sexy lips. He wrenched his gaze away and continued preparing the ham.

  Disappointed, Rachel continued her questions and began washing the utensils he had used. “I’m surprised you remember your name. Do you remember anything else from your childhood?”

  “A little. My parents owned a restaurant. Maybe my cooking skills are inherited?” He chuckled. “I remember my father and mother and my little sister.”

  “How old were you when you ended up in the Institute?”

  “Seven. And no, my parents didn’t sell me. I got snatched. One day, when I’m free, I want to look for them.” He added wistfully, “If they’re still alive.”

  “You’re lucky. I have no memories at all. I might have been too small. But didn’t they wipe your memory?” Though she did have that brief flash when she had seen the tub and soapy bubbles. Could the block on her memories finally be wearing off?

  “They did, but over the years, some of my memories came back. I never told anyone until now.”

  Ethan put the prepared bird and ham in the oven then began chopping onions and other vegetables.

  Kyle suddenly showed up. He gave Rachel a stern look. “What are you doing in the kitchen, Rachel?”

  Rachel lifted her chin and raised a delicate brow. “He�
�s teaching me how to cook. Anything wrong with that?”

  Kyle frowned. “Just stay out of the way of oil.” His attention turned to Ethan. “If anything happens to her...”

  “Nothing will,” Ethan assured him.

  “It better not.” Kyle pulled Rachel into his arms and dropped a kiss on her mouth.

  She suppressed her shiver of revulsion.

  “Back to meetings.”

  Thankfully, Kyle left again. She wiped her lips with her hand and wrinkled her nose at Ethan. “The man disgusts me.”

  “I figured he’d come and check on us,” Ethan said. “I think he knows that I didn’t murder that guard. Otherwise, he would have never left you alone with me.”

  Rachel laughed. “My thoughts exactly. The guard who accused you, why did he hate you so much?”

  “I’m not sure. The guy, his name is Joe, followed me around like a puppy and constantly asked me to play cards with him and go to the gym. It was like I had honey on me, and he was a bee drawn to it. I quickly began refusing his invitations. Maybe that’s why.”

  “Ah, that could be it. As for leaving me alone with you, Kyle doesn’t know where I’m from. He thinks I’m a soldier. But I’ve assured him I could best you and many of his guards. I don’t think he quite believes me.”

  “Knowing the training we all had, I believe you. Even if you’re just a sprite,” Ethan said and turning to her swiftly, he took her into his arms.

  It took Rachel by surprise, but she welcomed his embrace and held him in return. Gazing up at him, she ached to feel his lips on hers. Unlike with Kyle, she relished the idea but had no idea why.

  “I want to kiss you so badly, but I refuse to be like Kyle.” He loosened his hold and went to pull away from her.

  “You could never be like that bastard.” She tightened her arms around him and did what she’d been dying to do for the last two hours. She stood on her toes and kissed his lips. She lingered a moment savoring the feather touch as electrical impulses zinged through her body. She released his lips and gazed into his eyes. “I don’t know what this is yet. All I know is that being with you feels right.”

  “It is the same for me. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I ached to hold you in my arms.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Now how about our ship from Brevona? Is it still on schedule?”

  “Next week will be our chance to escape.” A heady joy filled Rachel’s heart. Who would have thought that a mission, intended to end in their deaths because of their implants, could be the start of a possible future together?

  Ethan’s arms tightened around her. “I can hardly wait. I’ve already investigated where the barrels are. Thankfully, Kyle lets me go and fetch supplies myself. There’s a guard with me each time, but I’ll make it work one way or another. I wish it was sooner. I hate the thought of that pig’s hands on you and what he makes you do each night. Has he—”

  “No. Thankfully. But if I have to, I will. I can’t fuck up our opportunity to get the hell out of here.”

  “Let us hope that that situation never arises.” Ethan’s lips crashed to hers and her own parted very willingly. She welcomed his exploration and the sizzling heat of his touch.

  Cradling her head against his chest, he whispered, “Do you know how hard it is for me to come here at night to bring food and see you stark naked? I’m not a murderer, but believe me, he awakens murderous tendencies within me. I just feel like strangling him.”

  “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve killed him in my mind.” Rachel bit back the tears that threatened to fall. Soldiers do not cry, and she wasn’t about to let thoughts of Kyle ruin what little time they had alone together.

  “I’m so sorry, Rachel.” Ethan lifted her chin and studied her face, his expression troubled.

  She closed her eyes and nodded. “We will get through this... Together.”

  He sighed and stepped from her embrace. “We don’t have much time. Kyle will be here soon, and I have to finish the vegetables and check the ovens. If the food isn’t ready when he returns...”

  “I’ll go set the table.”

  Time had gone too fast. But if everything went according to plan, they had a future to look forward to. She quickly set the table, surprised that none of the plates or cutlery had ever been used. The plates still had stickers on them, and the cutlery was so shiny, it looked polished.

  The table was set, and it would be at least another hour before Kyle returned. Rachel quickly went to the kitchen where Ethan was making gravy. She put her arms around his waist and hugged him.

  “I could get used to this,” Ethan murmured and turned to kiss her quickly on the head. “But we have to be careful. His meeting could be over early. If he caught us like this—”

  “We’d be toast. I don’t think I want adjoining prison units,” Rachel said and after kissing him quickly, stepped back and sat on her stool again, her heart still racing.

  As Ethan had predicted, Kyle returned early.

  “You’ll stay and serve us. And after we’re done eating, you’ll clean up,” he ordered Ethan. “Why aren’t there candles on the table?”

  “My fault,” Rachel interjected. “I set the table.”

  Kyle had already produced a pair of candles from a drawer. He put them in holders, then set them on the table and lit them. He also set a bottle of wine on the table.

  “How long before it’s ready?” Kyle asked.

  “Almost there. I just need to finish the sauce for the vegetables,” Ethan said.

  “It smells delicious. Rachel, go and get changed.”

  She raised her brows. “Changed?”

  “I want to feast on you while we eat. Go and take your clothes off.”

  “We’re not alone, Kyle.”

  “I don’t care about him. He’s just an inmate. Go and do as you’re told.”

  Rachel glanced at Ethan and saw the anger smoldering in his brown eyes. They were no longer brown but had turned a dangerous black. Don’t do anything stupid, Ethan. Only a few more days. Just concentrate on that thought.

  Kyle had already begun drinking. He guzzled a whiskey and then another. “Those meetings were murder.”

  “Dinner is ready,” Ethan announced.

  “Rachel, go and do as I told you.”

  She sighed and went to the bedroom to remove her suit and skimpy G-string outfit. Not daring to look at Ethan, she quickly rushed to her chair and sat. She hoped Kyle would drink enough to pass out so she could go to her room.

  But no such luck. She wondered if he even tasted his food since his eyes never left her breasts. Ethan had done an excellent job. The meal was out of this world, and the dessert to die for.

  Ethan cleared the table, and Kyle stood and promptly began removing his clothes. “Now for the most delicious dessert,” he said. “To the bed, woman.” He put the flask of whiskey to his lips and guzzled it until the bottle was empty.

  Mortified, she headed for the bedroom and took her position on the side of the bed. Kyle launched into his usual games, squeezing her breasts, pinching her nipples, then his hands moved down to toy with her slit. He pushed her legs as wide as he could and stood back. His cock was still flaccid, and Rachel thought the booze was beginning to affect his libido.

  “four-five-one-nine-eight-zero, get in here,” Kyle shouted.

  Ethan came running, probably thinking something was wrong, but stopped short at the door.

  “Come and stand behind me,” Kyle ordered.

  “Sir, I don’t—”

  “You dare argue with me? Do as you’re told.”

  Rachel kept her eyes shut tight. She felt like screaming, and she was sure Ethan was ready to kill Kyle now. Don’t... please, Ethan... patience...

  “That’s it. Good man. It turns me on to have you watching,” Kyle said.

  Rachel opened her eyes and noticed Ethan had closed his. He stood ramrod stiff, jaw clenched, and his hands were fisted at his side.

“Isn’t this art?” Kyle turned to look at Ethan and was outraged when he saw his eyes closed. “Look, damn you. Fucking ungrateful bastard. Open your goddamn eyes, or it’ll go badly for you.”

  Ethan opened his eyes, and Rachel noticed the vein in his neck begin to throb. He was furious. She hoped he could contain that anger, especially when Kyle started touching her all over, spread her pussy lips, and stuck his fingers in her vagina. That was the first time he’d invaded her that way.

  “See this? Isn’t it beautiful? Wouldn’t you like a taste of that, my man?”

  “The dishes—”

  “Fucking dishes? That’s what you think about when you look at this? Are you fucking stupid?”

  “Kyle, don’t forget you put the medication in their food to repress their sexual desires,” Rachel dared to say.

  “Oh, right. But that doesn’t mean they don’t think about a beautiful woman and sex. I’m sure they do. And come to think of it, the medication is added once a year. He has not had any yet. His parts should still be in full working order.” He flopped onto the bed next to Rachel, one hand on his cock, the other on her breast.

  She started to close her legs, but he stopped her.

  “No. Stay like that. Inmate, step forward, kneel on the floor, and look at her crotch. You can dream about this bonus I’m giving you for cooking this dinner for nights to come. That’s an order. Mm, maybe I’ll make it sweeter and let you touch her.”

  Oh, hell, this was going too far. Rachel watched Ethan and held her breath. She knew he was ready to explode. His anger had to be past the boiling point.

  Kyle lay on his side and while pumping his still soft cock, took a nipple in his mouth. He nibbled, then sucked hard. With a sidelong glance, he ordered Ethan again to kneel on the floor.

  Ethan finally did as he was told and he was so close, she could almost grab him by the hair. His nearness sent her blood racing, and she found herself wishing for his lips on her breast instead of Kyle’s. Suddenly, Kyle’s head flopped down.


  “He’s passed out,” Ethan said through clenched teeth. “Thank God for that.” He helped her disentangle herself from Kyle. “Go get dressed and head to your room. I’ll get the kitchen cleaned up.”


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