The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

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The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Page 56

by Max Weber

  Samuelsson, Kurt, xlivn

  Say, Jean-Baptiste, xxxv

  Scaff, Lawrence A., lxiin

  Schäfer, Dietrich, 133

  Schmidt, F. J., 319

  Schneckenburger, Matthias, xlvn, 78, 97, 131, 142

  Schulze Gävernitz, Gerhart, 319, 325

  Schumpeter, Joseph, xxviii–xxix

  Schwenckfeld von Ossig, Kaspar, 100, 173

  Sée, Henri, xxv

  Seligman, Caroline, xv

  Seligman, Edwin, xv

  Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (Seneca the Younger), 52

  Shakespeare, William, 268

  Shelley, Mary, xxxiii–xxxiv

  Simmel, Georg, 315, 370

  Small, Albion, xv

  Smith, Adam, 29, 109

  Sombart, Werner, xiii, xv, xxii, xxiii, xxxiii, xxxvii, xliin, 19, 26, 48, 49, 50, 62, 178, 195, 221, 223, 230n, 236, 247, 256, 262 – 63, 275, 287, 325, 341 – 52, 370

  Sorokin, Pitirim A., xxvii

  Spangenberg, August Gottlieb, 92, 134

  Speier, Hans, xxx

  Spencer, Herbert, 227

  Spener, Philipp Jacob, 67, 90, 91, 94, 102, 106, 134, 155, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 166, 168, 174, 179, 180, 183, 184 – 85, 199, 200, 308, 311

  Spinoza, Baruch, 158

  Stoecker, Adolf, 210, 217

  Strauss, Leo, xxx, xxxi

  Tauler, Johannes, 32, 56, 54, 60, 141, 159, 160

  Tawney, R. H., xxv

  Taylor, Hudson, 137

  Thomas à Kempis, 154, 159

  Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 29, 58 – 59, 60, 63, 64 – 65, 107 – 8

  Tönnies, Ferdinand, xiii, 213

  Troeltsch, Ernst, xiii, xiv, xxxiv, xlvn, 129, 135, 152, 217 – 18, 219n, 240, 244 – 45, 246 – 48, 249, 251, 266, 286 – 88, 315, 318, 320, 323, 344

  Varro, Marcus Terentius, 347 – 48, 349

  Veblen, Thorstein Bunde, 331

  Virchow, Rudolf, xlivn

  Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, 162

  Voët, Gisbert (Gijsbert) (Gisbertus Voetius), 7, 39n, 146, 153, 154

  Voltaire, 27

  Wahl, Adalbert, 254, 325, 328

  Washington, Booker T., xv, 334

  Weber, Alfred, xxvi, 267

  Weber, Marianne, x, xii, xiii, xiv, xv, xxvi, xxxiv, lxiin

  Weiß, Johannes, xxxvii

  Wells, Gordon, ii, lxix

  Wesley, Charles, 124n, 167

  Wesley, John, 35, 41n, 85, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 138, 163, 167

  White, George, 161, 187

  Whitefield, George, 85, 167

  Wilhelm II, i, xi

  William of Orange, 155

  Williams, Roger, xl, 156

  Wycliffe, John, 349, 354

  Xenophon, 347

  Zeller, Eduard, 138

  Zinzendorf, Nikolaus Ludwig, 67, 90, 91 – 93, 94, 97, 119, 160, 165, 167 – 68, 182

  Zwingli, Huldrych, 33, 41n, 125n


  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.

  Page numbers followed by the letter n refer to editors’ notes.

  Weber’s notes are indexed as text.

  acquisition of wealth, 5, 19, 359

  in Fischer’s critique, 221, 226, 236

  psychology of, 221, 226, 236, 259 – 60, 296

  in Rachfahl’s critique, 259 – 60, 261, 264 – 65, 295 – 96

  and raising of wages, 16

  retirement following, 175

  striving for, asceticism and, 106, 115, 116

  see also wealth

  adaptation, 238

  afterlife, concern about, 214

  fear and, 75, 165

  agriculture, 117, 269

  America, x–xi, xxi, 47, 95, 121, 128, 308, 314

  “‘Churches’ and ‘Sects’ in North America,” xv–xvi, xix–xxi, 203 – 20, 246

  church membership in, xix–xx

  democratic character of, xxi, 212 – 13, 214, 307, 323

  disrespectfulness in, 172

  exclusiveness in, 213, 307

  German families in, 204

  German scholars’ trip to, xiii–xv

  New England, 2, 14, 47, 114, 117, 155, 198, 268, 269, 271, 274, 304 – 5, 333

  reception of Protestant Ethic in, xxv–xxxi

  secularization of life in, 129 – 30, 204, 305

  Southern states of, 269

  American Catholic Sociological Society, xxviii

  Amsterdam, 272

  orphans of, 137

  Anglican Church, 67, 68, 128, 250

  anthropology, 369

  antiauthoritarianism, xxi, 113, 172, 211 – 12

  antinomianism, 96, 138, 167

  Apocrypha, 111

  aristocracy, 102, 218

  Aristotelian philosophy, 165

  Arminianism, 39n, 123n, 128, 271, 273, 337

  art, 114 – 15, 271, 357 – 58

  asceticism, xviii, xxxix, lxx, 6, 225, 308 – 11

  antiauthoritarianism and, 113, 172

  Baptist movement and, 98, 103

  calling and, see calling

  Calvinism and, xviii, xix, 82 – 87, 101

  capitalist spirit and, 103 – 22

  in Catholicism, 4 – 6

  church regulation of, 103 – 4

  of entrepreneur, 24

  goal, task, and means in, 81

  idolatry and, 211

  and justification by works, 33, 102

  Methodism and, 95, 98

  monastic, see monasteries, monasticism

  Pietism and, 87 – 89, 90, 91, 93

  and proving oneself, see proof of God’s election

  Rachfahl’s critique and, 244, 248 – 50, 251, 284, 288, 292 – 93

  rational, 80 – 82, 90, 104, 244, 251; see also rationalism, rationalization

  religious foundations of, 67 – 105

  and saving money, 117, 296 – 97

  sexual, 107, 309

  in towns, 179

  Asian cultures, xxxv, 368

  associations, xxi, 206, 213 – 14, 307

  Augsburg Confession, 54, 57, 72, 162

  auri sacra fames, 14, 15, 24, 295

  Austria, 7

  authority, 113, 136, 152, 172, 211 – 12

  Baden, xlivn, 3, 43, 44

  banks, bankers, 20, 45, 46, 361, 370

  baptism, 100, 151, 305

  Baptist Confession, 85, 143

  Baptists, Baptist movement, x, xix, xx, xli, 67, 87, 93, 98 – 104, 119, 128, 253, 272

  Calvinism and, 67 – 68

  discipline and, 208

  General, 168, 169

  in North Carolina, 207

  Particular, 168

  “sect” character of, 210

  size of congregations in, 209

  Basel, 254, 328

  Bavaria, 3

  begging, 110

  Belgium, 229

  Bernardinism, 154

  Beruf, see calling

  Bewährung, see proof of God’s election

  Bible, 37n, 111, 116, 172, 191, 298, 334

  Apocrypha, 111

  Baptists and, 99, 100

  calling and, 28, 30 – 31, 53, 55, 56, 58

  Calvinism and, 83 – 84, 173

  Corinthians, 31, 79, 111

  dual God in, 132

  Ecclesiasticus (Jesus Sirach), 28, 52, 53, 56, 57 – 58, 111

  Genesis, 64

  grace and, 79

  Methodism and, 97

  Mosaic law in, 111 – 12

  birthright, 148, 188

  bookkeeper, God as, 84 – 85

  bookkeeping, 360, 362 – 63

  Book of Sports, 113, 170, 274

  bourgeois (bürgerlich) classes (middle classes), xl, 3, 20, 111, 113, 116, 117, 268, 274, 294, 298

  calling and, 118 – 19, 120

  rising of, 255, 295, 364

  in towns, ascetism and, 179

/>   use of word, in this text, 37n

  Bracebridge Hall (Irving), 178

  Britain, see England

  Brooklyn, NY, 204, 269

  business conduct, 102 – 3

  church membership and, xix–xx, 205 – 6, 207 – 8, 305 – 7

  business leaders:

  religious denomination of, 1 – 8

  see also entrepreneurs

  calculation, calculability, 241, 277, 359 – 60, 363, 364, 365

  calling (vocation; Beruf), xvii, xviii, 18, 19, 24 – 25, 27, 67 – 202, 239, 246, 284, 301, 312 – 13

  Baptists and, 101 – 2

  change of, 110, 183

  Christian charity and, 75 – 76

  division of labor and, 108 – 9

  Fischer’s critique and, 222 – 23

  as form of worship, 164

  Franklin and, 12 – 13

  as God’s command, 108, 110

  idleness and, 107

  irrationality and, 28

  Luther’s conception of, 28 – 33, 108, 109, 221, 222 – 23, 298

  Methodism and, 98

  middle-class ethic of, 118 – 19

  moneymaking as, 119 – 20

  moral aspects of, 25 – 26

  multiple, 109 – 10

  Pietism and, 93

  profitability of, 110 – 11

  as proof of election by God, xviii–xix, xxxix, 77 – 78, 109, 119, 208 – 9

  Quakers and, 109

  Rachfahl’s critique and, 257, 260 – 61, 262, 264, 265 – 66, 272, 295, 296, 297 – 98, 299

  and ranking of careers, 197

  submission to, 32, 108, 109

  usefulness of, 110

  use of word in this text, lxix

  use of word through history, 28

  wealth as fruit of, 116

  Calvinism, xxxi, xxxix, xlixn, 12, 17, 33, 35, 47, 67, 68, 69 – 87, 92, 99, 100, 103, 105, 111, 153, 173, 228, 253, 272, 303

  art and, 114

  asceticism and, xviii, xix, 82 – 87, 101

  Baptists and, 67 – 68

  business sense and, 6 – 7

  capital and, 117

  Christian charity and, 75 – 76

  control exercised by, 2, 103

  and development of capitalism, 224 – 25

  emotional states and, 89, 95

  in France, 5

  idolatry and, 102, 211

  Lutheranism and, 33, 86 – 87, 150

  Methodism and, 95, 96, 97, 98

  migration of, 229

  Pietism and, 87 – 88, 89, 92, 93, 95

  predestination (election by God) in, xviii–xix, 38n, 69 – 74; see also predestination

  Rachfahl’s critique and, 248

  rationalism of, 76

  social organization of, 75, 134

  capital, 117, 293, 296, 359 – 60

  capitalism, 13, 294 – 95, 313, 358 – 65

  adventure, 315, 361, 365, 370

  ancient forms of, 241, 278, 316, 360

  “auri sacra fames” in, 14, 15, 24, 295

  bookkeeping in, 360, 362 – 63

  calculation in, 241, 277, 359 – 60, 363, 364, 365

  early, of modern age, 256

  free labor and, 362, 363, 364

  Luther’s views on, 30

  moral purpose abandoned by, xiii

  pre-Reformation, xlviiin, 36, 221, 223, 234 – 35, 244

  rationalism and, 26 – 28; see also rationalism, rationalization

  and relation of religious denominations to social stratification, 1 – 8, 223 – 24

  and separation of residence from business, 195, 362 – 63

  system of, relation of capitalist spirit to, 262 – 66

  traditional, see traditionalism

  types of, 361

  workers in, see workers

  see also wealth

  capitalist spirit, xvi, 8 – 28, 283 – 84, 294, 300, 316

  asceticism and, 103 – 22; see also asceticism

  calculability and, 241

  calling in, see calling

  capitalist system and, 262 – 66

  Catholicism and, 289, 290 – 91

  development of, in traditionalist systems, 21 – 23

  Fischer’s psychological explanation of, 221, 225 – 28, 233, 236 – 38

  Franklin as voice of, 9 – 13, 14, 19, 221, 222, 270

  group discipline and, xix–xx

  ideal type of, xvii

  idolatrous tendencies and, 293

  Protestant ethic and, xvii–xviii, xxi–xxii, xxiv–xxv, xxviii–xxix, xxxviii, xl, 33 – 36, 103, 224 – 25, 251, 258 – 59, 290, 298 – 300

  Rachfahl’s critique and, 244, 245, 252 – 53, 289 – 92, 295, 297

  rationality in, xix

  religious indifference and, 23, 24

  state regulation and, 103

  toleration and, 252 – 53, 254, 289 – 92

  traditionalism vs., xvi–xvii, 15 – 16

  Catholic Center Party, xlivn

  Catholics, Catholicism, x, xi, 27, 29, 47, 68, 79, 80, 81, 99, 146, 154, 169, 317

  asceticism and, 82

  Calvinism as viewed by, 33

  capitalist spirit and, 289, 290 – 91

  control exercised by the Church in, 2

  discrimination against, xi

  education and, xlivn, 3

  French, 5

  Irish, 61

  journal-keeping and, 84

  medieval, 80

  and participation in Communion, 304

  penance and, 141

  predestination and, 138

  psychological premiums offered by, xxxix

  in skilled trades, 3 – 4

  social stratification and, 1 – 8, 253

  toleration and, 157

  unworldliness of, 4 – 6

  vocation and, 25

  Cavaliers, 116, 147

  certitudo salutis, see proof of God’s election

  charity, 75 – 76, 110

  Chicago, IL, xv, 204

  stockyards in, xiv–xv

  China, 121, 358

  China Inland Mission, 137

  Christianae Religionis Institutio (Calvin), 38n, 72, 191, 193

  Christian charity, 75 – 76

  Christian Directory (Baxter), 106, 136, 147, 150, 174, 177

  Christianity, 80, 356

  working life and, 31

  Christliche Welt, Die, xii, xvi, 203

  church and state, relationship of, 156, 171, 210


  in America, xix–xx, 203 – 20

  defined, xx, 203

  institutional character of, 210

  membership in, as guarantee of trustworthiness, xix–xx, 205 – 6, 207 – 8, 305 – 7

  policing by, xx, 103 – 4, 105

  sects contrasted with, xx–xxi, 99, 104, 203, 209 – 17

  social functions of, xix, 206

  see also specific denominations

  “‘Churches’ and ‘Sects’ in North America” (Weber), xv–xvi, xix–xxi, 203 – 20, 246

  Cistercians, 81

  civilization, history of, see history of culture

  class struggles, 363 – 64

  clothing, 114

  Cluniacs, 81, 177

  Collected Essays in the Sociology of Religion (Weber), 203, 341

  prefatory remarks to, 356 – 72

  comfort, 116

  commenda, 360

  commercialization, 363

  Communion, see Holy Communion

  communism, 89, 148, 363

  conduct of business life, see business conduct

  conduct of life (Lebensführung), 2, 5, 11, 23, 24, 63, 65, 79, 82, 84 – 85, 94, 225, 232, 234, 297, 317

  in America, 204

  Baptist, 102

  calling in, see calling

  Catholic, 5

  and election by grace, 74

  of entrepreneur, 23, 24, 26

  Methodist, 95, 98

  psychological drives and, 87

  Rachfahl’s critique and, 245, 247

rationalism in, 27, 92, 104; see also rationalism, rationalization

  use of term in this text, lxx

  see also asceticism; ethical values

  confession, 74, 84, 91, 92, 94, 302, 303

  confirmation, 210

  conscience, 100, 101, 102, 103, 173, 212, 295

  “conservative,” “aristocratic” and, 217, 219

  consumption, 115, 116 – 17

  Contemporary Sociological Theories (Sorokin), xxvii

  Contrat Social (Rousseau), xl

  contrition, 148

  conventicles, 89, 92, 113, 153, 154, 158, 159, 161, 170

  conversion, 95, 97, 98, 143, 161

  Corinthians, 31, 79, 111

  cultural religion, 215


  history of, see history of culture

  Puritanism and, 74, 113 – 15

  Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, xl

  democracy, xxi, 172, 212 – 13, 214, 218, 307, 323

  dilettantism, 368


  group, xix–xx

  military, 147

  Divine Comedy, The (Dante), 33

  Dordrecht (Synod of Dort), 39n, 70, 72, 138, 153, 193, 271

  Dutch, see Netherlands

  Ebionites, 126n

  Ecclesiasticus (Jesus Sirach), 28, 52, 53, 56, 57 – 58, 111

  economics, social, xxxv–xxxvii

  economy, economic life, 13, 358, 366

  capitalist, see capitalism

  norms of, 13

  rationalism in, see rationalism, rationalization

  religion and, xxxiv–xxxv, 118, 119

  selection in, 13

  subsistence, 19

  traditional, see traditionalism

  Economy and Society (Weber), xxvii, xxxvi, xli

  education, xlivn, 2, 102, 165

  in cultural history, 358

  Educational Alliance, 189

  election by grace, see predestination

  emigrants, see immigrants, emigrants

  emotions, 81, 84, 85, 88 – 90, 92 – 95, 97, 135, 138, 141, 147, 154, 168

  grace and, 96

  Herrnhut community and, 92 – 93, 95

  Methodism and, 95 – 97

  Pietism and, 88 – 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 179

  Puritanism and, 74

  social groups and, 213

  employees, see workers

  employers, 94 – 95, 199

  calling of, 119 – 20

  traditional, xvii

  employment, see work

  England, x–xi, xxi, xxv, xliiin, livn, 4, 7 – 8, 68, 97, 101, 117, 128, 245, 272, 314

  Calvinism in, 2, 67 – 68, 69, 131

  Labour Party in, 42n

  law in, 27

  national character and, 34 – 35

  enjoyment, 5, 112 – 13, 115, 298, 309, 312 – 13, 330 – 31

  of oysters, 195, 244, 267, 331 – 32

  Enlightenment, x, xiii, 7, 74, 121, 155, 157, 168, 294

  entrepreneurs, 20, 95, 275, 276, 312, 364

  ethical qualities of, 22 – 23, 26


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