by Max Weber
ideal type of, 24, 245
see also calling; capitalist spirit
Erklärung der Menschen und Bürgerrechte (Jellinek), xl
estates, 358, 362
estates, purchase of, 198, 224
ethical (moral) values, 68 – 69, 81, 86, 151
of calling, 25 – 26; see also calling
and “new type” of entrepreneur, 22 – 23, 26
rational approach to, see rationalism, rationalization
reformers and, 35
in work, xvii, xviii
see also conduct of life
ethnography, 368 – 69
Evangelical Social Congress (ESC), xii
faith, 77, 139, 143, 151, 152, 210
of priest, 210 – 11
farmers, 117, 118, 271
Faust (Goethe), xxxiii, 120
fear of death and afterlife, 75
as sign of grace, 165
feudal attitudes, 116, 117, 187
Florence, 26, 239, 307
France, 4, 5, 6, 7, 27, 69, 84, 227, 272, 290, 313
Franciscans, 170
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley), xxxiii–xxxiv
Frankfurter Zeitung, xvi, 203
free labor, 362, 363, 364
friendship, 74, 135, 309
From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (Gerth and Mills, eds.), xxx, 203
Galicia, 4
General Economic History (Weber), liin
Genesis, 64
Geneva, 2
Geneva Academy, 124n
German-American families, 204
Germany, x, xi, 276, 314
foreign cultures and, 152
bookkeeper image of, 84 – 85
calling and, 29, 31 – 32; see also calling
Christian charity and, 75 – 76
communion with, 78, 88, 97
election by, see predestination
exclusive trust in, 74
grace of, see grace
humanization of, 189
Old Testament vs. New Testament, 132
good works, 145, 146, 151, 162
holiness through, 96
justification by, see justification by works
grace, 85, 87, 97, 99, 104, 111, 119, 146, 151, 153, 190, 304
attainment of, 72, 73, 161
Communion and, 77, 83, 304
election by, see predestination; proof of God’s election
emotion of, 96
fear as sign of, 165
loss of, 72, 73, 97, 161
monitoring of, 84
particularism of, 85
repentance experience and, 91
sins and, 140
Terminism and, 91
work and, 107
greed, 14, 116, 255, 256, 265, 359
see also acquisition of wealth
group discipline, xix–xx
hairstyles, 193
Hamburg, 254, 328
heredity, 369
Herrnhut (Moravian) Brotherhood, 67, 92 – 93, 95, 97, 168
historical phenomena:
adaptation in, 238
ideal types of, see ideal types
psychological interpretation of, 221, 226, 227, 236 – 38
significance of, 69 – 70
history of culture, 284, 356 – 58, 364
rationalism in, 365 – 66
Holland, see Netherlands
Holy Club, 41n
Holy Communion (Lord’s Supper), 100, 105, 141, 211, 272, 303, 304 – 5
state of grace and, 77, 83, 304
Huguenots, 4, 6, 227, 313 – 14, 322
Hungary, 3, 225
ideal interests, material interests and, xxxvi
ideal types, xvii, xxv, 145, 244, 246, 263, 300
of entrepreneur, 24, 245
of religious ideas, 69
idleness, 107, 109, 110, 182, 183
idle talk, 107, 114, 178
idolatry, 99 – 100, 102, 135 – 36, 148, 157, 183, 211, 293, 312
art and, 192
immigrants, emigrants, 45, 50, 305
Jewish, Americanization of, 189
impulses, irrational, 81
Independents, 68, 83, 128, 156
Independent Savoy Declaration, 85
individualism, x, lxiin, 212, 276
and election by grace, 74
indulgences, 82
industry, 313
innerworldliness, lxx, 29, 251
see also asceticism
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin), 38n, 72, 191, 193
interest, taking of (usury), 30, 46, 183, 261, 334, 352 – 53
intolerance, see toleration
investment, 117
invisible church, 76, 211, 212, 303
Baptists and, 100
Pietism and, 88
Ireland, 61
iron cage (shell as hard as steel; stahlhartes Gehäuse), xxiv, lxx–lxxi, 13, 121
irrationality, 28, 81, 144, 173, 216, 217, 259
isolation, 214
predestination and, 73 – 74
Italy, 15, 27, 234
Jansenism, 154
Japan, xxv, xxviii
Jesuits, 81, 84, 185, 193, 196, 251
Jesus Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), 28, 52, 53, 56, 57 – 58, 111
Jews, 4, 47, 189, 321, 343
Job, Book of, 111
journals, religious, 84, 160
Judaism, 112, 189
Junker class, x
justification (sanctification) by works (Werkheiligkeit), 85, 145, 152, 250, 310
Lutheranism and, 33, 79 – 80, 92, 102, 165, 250
poverty and, 110
Kulturkampf, xi, 70, 72, 276
labor, see work; workers
land, 117, 271
law, 357, 358, 365, 366
Lebensführung, see conduct of life
liberalism, 215, 294
liberty, 157
liberum arbitrium, 27
literature, 114, 115, 194, 358
Lord’s Supper, see Holy Communion
Lower Rhine, 88, 224
Lutheranism, x, 34, 50, 67, 78, 82, 85, 86 – 87, 95, 99, 108, 131, 139, 250, 253, 276, 288
calling and, 32, 59
Calvinism and, 33, 86 – 87, 150
confession and, 74, 91
domestic workers and, 65
Ecclesiasticus and, 111
grace and, 72
and justification by works, 33, 79 – 80, 92, 102, 165, 250
Methodism and, 97
and participation in Communion, 304
Pietism and, 68, 88, 90, 93 – 94
psychological premiums offered by, xxxix
repentance and, 148
Manifesto to the Irish, 61
Man Tired of America, The (Kürnberger), 11
marriage, 107, 309
Marxism, xii, 42n
material interests, ideal interests and, xxxvi
materialism, 5
mathematics, 164, 364
Max Weber: An Intellectual Portrait (Bendix), xxx
Max Weber Gesamtausgabe (Lehmann, ed.), xxxiv, lxv
Mennonites, 98, 102, 128, 169
business sense and, 7
Methodists, Methodism, xix, xxi, 42n, 67, 80, 85, 92, 95 – 98, 118, 128, 209 – 10
class meetings in, 209
founding of, 41n, 67
persecution of, 18 – 19
Middle Ages, 80, 84, 115, 206, 250, 260 – 61, 313, 314, 316
middle classes, see bourgeois classes
military discipline, 147
missionary work, 93, 137
Moderne Kapitalismus, Der (Sombart), 370
monasteries, monasticism, 29, 81 – 83, 102, 104 – 5, 108, 170, 250, 251, 291, 293, 308 – 9, 310
communism and, 89, 148
Pietism and, 148
time and, 178
wealth and, 118
money, 30
saving of, 117, 296 – 97, 313
see also wealth
moral values, see ethical valuesr />
Moravian (Herrnhut) Brotherhood, 67, 92 – 93, 95, 97, 168
Mosaic law, 111 – 12, 149
music, 191, 357
mysticism, 32, 33, 60, 64, 78, 141, 144, 154
national character, 34 – 35, 74, 187, 197
nature, divine laws in, 164
Netherlands (Holland), 68, 89, 128, 224, 225, 245, 256, 271 – 72, 314
art in, 114
Calvinism in, 2, 6 – 7, 51, 67 – 68, 69, 101, 114, 117, 131, 192, 272
Catholics in, 4
Pietism in, 88, 327
Rachfahl’s critique and, 326 – 27, 329 – 30
toleration in, 245, 254
wealth in, 51, 117
New England, 2, 14, 47, 114, 117, 155, 198, 268, 269, 271, 274, 304 – 5, 333
New York, NY, 204, 269
Nonconformists, 4
North Carolina, 207, 305, 308
obedience, xxi, 172
“‘Objectivity’ in Social Science and Social Policy” (Weber), xxxv
occupation, see calling
optimism, 294
orphans, 137
oysters, 195, 244, 267, 331 – 32
“Paradise Lost” (Milton), 33 – 34
pastoral care, 77, 105, 165
peasants, 179, 212, 271
penance, 141
Pennsylvania, 26, 156, 269, 272, 274
perfection, 167
Pharisee and the Publican, parable of, 190
Philadelphia, PA, 26
Philosophy of Money, The (Simmel), 370
physics, 164, 356
Pietists, Pietism, xix, xx, 6, 7, 32, 64, 67, 77, 87 – 95, 97, 98, 102, 119, 138, 139, 200, 208, 210, 211, 212, 272, 310
characteristics of, 153
ecclesiolae of, 209
emotional element of, 88 – 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 179
female workers and, 18
German, 90 – 95, 97, 106, 111
Lutheranism and, 68
Methodism and, 95
Reformed, 88
Pilgrim’s Progress, The (Bunyan), 74 – 75, 139
Poles, 4, 268
political institutions, formation of, 358
political life, 102
politically oriented capitalism, 370
political radicalism, 212
Portrait of American Culture (Kürnberger), 11
possessions, 106, 108, 115, 116, 121, 195, 196, 255, 312
poverty, 110, 119, 200
Precisians, 80
predestination (election by God’s grace), xviii–xix, xxxix, ln, 38n, 83, 85 – 86, 87, 93, 101, 211
conversion and, 143
distribution of wealth and, 200
as doctrine of theologians, 138
emotions and, 89
fatalism as consequence of, 89, 138, 144
idolatry and, 211
invisible church and, 76, 88
isolation engendered by, 73 – 74
Methodism and, 96 – 97, 98
pastoral care and, 77
Pietism and, 87 – 88, 89, 90
proof of, see proof of God’s election
religious intolerance and, 155
repentance and, 148
Presbyterians, 85, 100
production, standardization of, 114
productivity, 119 – 20
wages and, xvi–xvii, 15 – 17, 119
profession, see calling
profits, 19, 110 – 11, 116 – 17, 119, 256, 296, 359
see also wealth
proof of God’s election (Bewährung; certitudo salutis), xxviii, xxxix, xl, 59, 63, 64, 76 – 79, 83, 86, 93 – 94, 104, 156, 167, 190, 208 – 9, 213, 294, 303 – 4
associations and, 214
calling as best means of, xviii–xix, xxxix, 77 – 78, 109, 119, 208 – 9
fatalism and, 144
Methodism and, 95 – 97
Pietism and, 88, 90 – 92
theological knowledge and, 88
translation of the German term, in this text, lxx
see also predestination
Protestant ethic, capitalist spirit and, xvii–xviii, xxi–xxii, xxiv–xxv, xxviii–xxix, xxxviii, xl, 33 – 36, 103, 224 – 25, 251, 258 – 59, 290, 298 – 300
Protestant Ethic and the “Spirit” of Capitalism, The (Weber), 1 – 202
addendum on the 1905 and 1920 versions of, xxxiii–xlii
American response to, xxv–xxxi
critical reception of, xxi–xxxi, xxxiii
editors’ introduction to, ix–lxiii
historical illustrations added to, 246
language reformulated in, xxxvii–xxxviii
multiple interpretations fostered by, xxiii–xxv
note on the present translation, lxix–lxxii
Parsons’s translation of, xxvi–xxvii, xxxiii, liin, lxix
psychological mechanisms developed in, xxxviii–xl
sociology and, xxix
Weber’s notes in, 43 – 66, 128 – 202
Weber’s responses to Fischer’s critiques of, xxii, xxiii, lxix, 203, 221 – 31, 232 – 43
Weber’s responses to Rachfahl’s critiques of, xxii, xxiii, lxix, 203, 244 – 81, 282 – 339, 343
Weber’s responses to Sombart’s and Brentano’s critiques of, xxii, xxiii, xxxiii, 341 – 55
Protestant Reformation, ix, xlviiin, 2, 6, 35 – 36, 37n, 38n, 67
ascetic movement and, see asceticism
Calvinism and, 33
capitalism prior to, xlviiin, 36, 221, 223, 234 – 35, 244
indulgences and, 82
Scottish, 38n
Swiss, 41n
unforeseen cultural effects of, 35
Protestants, Protestantism, x, 33
asceticism in, see asceticism
calling in, see calling
education and, xlivn, 3
French, 5
journal-keeping and, 84
professional success among, xi–xii
and proving oneself, see proof of God’s election
rationalism and, 27, 317
science and, 317
in skilled trades, 4
social stratification and, 1 – 8, 253
worldliness ascribed to, 5 – 6
see also specific movements
“Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism, The” (Weber), xxx, 203
proving oneself, see proof of God’s election
Prussia, 4, 7
psychological factors, xxxviii–xxxix, 69, 87, 158, 276, 278, 302
Fischer’s arguments for, 221, 225 – 28, 233, 236 – 38
pleasure in craftsmanship, 200
premiums, xxxix–xl, 302 – 3
Rachfahl’s arguments for, 259 – 60
public office, 102
Puritans, Puritanism, xi, xii–xiii, xliiin, ln, 5, 35, 47, 68, 70, 80, 82, 84 – 86, 89 – 90, 92, 97, 117 – 18, 274
Apocrypha and, 111
Book of Sports and, 113
calling and, see calling
Calvinism and, 38n, 105
chosen status of, 112
commercial metaphors in, 150
cultural products as viewed by, 74, 113 – 15
Dutch, 192
as hypocrisy, 216
Judaism and, 189
modern capitalism’s opposition to ideals of, xiii
morose nature of, 177
“Paradise Lost” and, 34
and proving oneself, see proof of God’s election
and rights of the individual, xli
sects and, xxi
self-control and, 81
temptations and, 107
use of term in this text, 128
works and, 96
putting-out system, 20 – 22
Quakers (Society of Friends), x, xix, xx, xli, 4, 32, 98, 100 – 103, 106, 116, 118, 128, 157, 160, 169, 173, 196, 253, 269
antiauthoritarianism of, 172, 203, 211 – 12
as businessmen, 7, 209, 306
calling and, 109, 175
discipline and, 208
founding of, 41n
inner light and, 100, 212
meetings of, 216
motives and, 175
recreation and, 113, 194
retirement and, 175
rationalism, rationalization, xix, xxxi, xxxiv, xxxvii, xl, xli, 22, 26 – 28, 86, 92 – 94, 97, 104, 144, 241, 252, 317, 365 – 66
in asceticism, 80 – 82, 90, 104, 244, 251; see also asceticism
of Calvinism, 76
of civil law, 27
Old Testament and, 84
Pietism and, 93
psychological drives and, 87
reading suggestions, lxv–lxviii
redemption, 190
Reformation, see Protestant Reformation
Reformed Church, 69, 77, 78 – 80, 97, 250
Baptist movement and, 98
journal-keeping and, 84
regeneration, 97, 98, 100, 101, 116, 208 – 9
cultural, 215
economy and, xxxiv–xxxv, 118, 119
education and, xlivn, 3
emotions and, see emotions
ideas in, practical significance of, 144
power of, 214
psychological factors and, xxxix–xl, 69
see also specific denominations
religious minorities, 4
repentance, 72, 91, 95, 96, 148, 151, 152
Restoration, 106, 194
after acquiring wealth, 175
early, 183
Rhode Island, 198, 268
rights of the individual, xl–xli
Roman Catholic Church, see Catholics, Catholicism
Roman law, 27
Romanticism, 316
Russia, 4, 314 – 15
Sabbath, 113
sacraments, 151, 173
baptism, 100, 151, 305
Communion, see Holy Communion
saints, 80, 83, 88, 92, 94, 96, 103, 105, 106, 111, 113, 138, 152, 155
Saints’ Everlasting Rest, The (Baxter), 106, 142, 145, 150, 176, 177, 196
salvation, 162
sanctification, 96, 97, 146, 148, 160, 162
progress in, 163
by works, see justification by works
see also grace
Saul and David (Rembrandt), 192
saving money, 117, 296 – 97, 313
schooling, see education
science, xxviii, xxix, 164, 194, 317, 356 – 57, 364 – 65
dilettantism and, 368
Scotland, 2, 38n, 314
second commandment, 189
sects, xix, 250, 266, 307
in America, 203 – 20
“‘Churches’ and ‘Sects’ in North America,” xv–xvi, xix–xxi, 203 – 20, 246
churches contrasted with, xx–xxi, 99, 104, 203, 209 – 17
defined, xx, 203
formation of, 83, 88, 90
membership in, 210, 211
moral training by, 104, 305 – 6
preacher exchange among, 208
religiosity of, 215 – 16
size of congregations in, 209 – 10