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Falling For The Wolf (Crystal Lake Forest Wolf Shifters Series Book 4

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by Ovidia Pike

  I kept walking until I heard a noise behind me, a soft curse. I pivoted to see a man standing there, eyes wide, pausing for only an instant before he shifted and started to run through the trees. I shifted as well, starting to chase him, running as quickly as I could until I caught up with him several yards away, jumping on his back, shifting back into human form and wrapping my arms around his body. I lifted him into the air and slammed him hard against a tree, so hard that his head bounced against it and he was immediately knocked out cold. He slumped in my arms as his body turned back to human. I grumbled and lifted him up, slinging him over my shoulder as I started back to the village. I didn’t recognize him at all, which meant that he was intruding on territory that had long belonged to my family.

  I started to walk when I heard the Jeep pull up behind me, and I looked over my shoulder to see Sophie coming toward me, hands on her hips.

  “Who is that?” she asked.

  “An intruder,” I said, turning away, starting to walk into the village again. I could hear Sophie jogging to catch up until she was right beside me.

  “Did you knock that man out, Gabriel?” she asked.

  “Yes, I did. Now I’m going to lock him up. Tomorrow, I will decide whether or not to have him executed.”

  “I’m sorry?” Sophie said, stepping in front of me, abruptly cutting me off. “Executed?”

  “Men are not allowed on my land, not in this village.”

  “So you want to kill him?” she asked incredulously as I sidestepped her and began to walk again.

  “Yes,” I replied simply.

  “Gabriel, you don’t even know him.”

  “Neither do you,” I countered. “What’s the issue?”

  “You’re not a monster. You can’t just go around killing people for being on your land. That’s not who you are.”

  I let out a dry laugh.

  “Yes, it is, Sophie,” I said. She glared at me, stepped in my way again, chin tilted upward in defiance.

  “Let him go. Take him to the medical hut; his head is bleeding.”

  “No,” I said flatly, but found that I couldn’t move with her standing in front of me. I could only stare at her face, screwed up in irritation.

  “Let me pass,” I said in a low voice.

  “Not unless you promise to take him to the medical hut instead of the outhouse.”

  “I will not do that,” I growled at her. “He will be locked up until tomorrow when he will answer my questions. I’ll decide what to do with him then.”

  “You cannot be serious,” she said, cutting me off again. This time, I put my hand on her shoulder and moved her firmly aside, brushing past her. I heard a clicking noise behind me and looked over my shoulder to see Sophie pointing her handgun at my leg, a serious look on her face.

  “You don’t seriously think that I believe you’re going to shoot me, do you?”

  “Do I look like I’m joking around?” she asked, staring at me with heat in her eyes. “I will shoot you in the leg and bring Alicia out here to take care of you both. I’m not kidding.”

  I stared at her for a long moment, giving her a dry look before turning around. I heard the gun go off behind me and felt the bullet graze the top of my foot, missing me by less than an inch. I froze and Sophie caught up with me, grabbing my hand, leading me like a child to the medical hut. I grumbled on the way but something inside of me lit up when she touched my skin, and the only reason I went along with her was because my mind seemed to go blank due to the contact, overwhelmed by the electricity that flowed through me. I walked behind her, unable to keep myself from brushing her wrist with my thumb. She glared at me over her shoulder even as our fingers linked, fitting so naturally together that I almost forgot the man I was carrying altogether.

  When we reached the medical hut, Sophie knocked, and Alicia answered looking half-asleep.

  “See, we woke her up,” I said. Sophie shot me an annoyed look, then turned back to Alicia.

  “I’m so sorry, Alicia, but this man needs to be looked at. His head is bleeding. Gabriel knocked him out.”

  “It’s fine,” Alicia said with a yawn, gesturing for us to follow her inside. She flipped the light on as I laid the man down on the exam table, and a look of recognition passed over her face.

  “Where did you find this man?” she asked, looking up at me.

  “Trespassing in the woods,” I said. “Why? Do you know him?”

  “His name is Sam. He...saved Jackson’s life. After he was bitten by the zombie wolf. I—I couldn’t do it. I was so pregnant and stressed. Sam carried Jackson in here and took care of the wound, said he had been a medic in the army.”

  “He’s in the army,” I said in a cold voice. “That makes him dangerous. That means he’s trained.”

  “No, no,” Alicia said hurriedly. “He’s a good man. He saved Jackson. He would have died if this one hadn’t come out of the woods to help him.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this before?” I asked her in irritation.

  “Because she knew you’d overreact,” Sophie said.

  “Did you know about this?”

  “No,” she said. “But I wouldn’t have told you, either.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” I said. “After she sees to him, he goes to the outhouse.”

  “He should spend the night here,” Alicia said as she peered more closely at the man’s skull. “He’s probably got a concussion, at the very least.”

  “No,” I said firmly. “There’s no way I’m letting him free. He’ll disappear before I get to question him.”

  “Gabriel,” Sophie said stiffly. “Can I see you outside?”

  “Okay,” I acquiesced, leaving Alicia alone and following her out. She turned to look at me with her hands on her hips.

  “What is wrong with you?” she asked. “Alicia says he’s safe. He’s fine to stay here.”

  “No,” I said again. She straightened herself up, but still had to tilt her face to look defiantly into my eyes.

  “You will let him stay here,” she said slowly. “Got it?”

  “You’re not the boss here, Sophie. I am the Alpha.”

  “You’re acting like a gross alpha male right now,” she said. “You’re right. Just because you feel threatened by him doesn’t mean he deserves to die.”

  “Stop,” I growled at her, taking a step toward her. She backed into the wall, still glaring at me through narrowed lids.

  “Or else what?” she asked.

  “Or else I’m going to shut you up myself,” I said.

  “Is that a threat?” she asked as I leaned into her, brushing my lips over her cheek and her jaw, making her tremble in front of me.

  “Yes,” I answered, taking her mouth in a rough kiss, unable to stop myself. I tasted her feverishly, arms going to her hips, pulling her against me as she parted her lips to slip her tongue against mine, tasting me back. Her fingers went to my hair, curling in it, holding my face close as she breathed heavily against my lips. I tried to pull away from her, but she shook her head, pulled me to her again, and the kiss went on and on as I slipped my hands up her shirt to touch her bare waist, the soft, warm skin there. Despite what was happening around me, I had never felt more alive than I did in that moment, touching her skin, tasting her perfect mouth. My cock grew when her body started to rub against mine as if she was desperate to remove the fabric between our skin, just as desperate as I was.

  “You have no idea how good and long I would fuck you if I could,” I said against her lips. “No fucking clue.”

  “Too bad you’re too chickenshit,” she said, challenging me. “Isn’t that right?”

  I pulled back to look her in the eye, the corner of my lips twitching into a smile.

  “You talk so tough, Sophie. You always have something to say. But when it comes right down to it, you want it even worse than I do. I can see it all over your face.”

  “Shut up,” she mumbled, pulling her eyes away from me. I took her jaw in my hand and pul
led her to me, kissing her again. I held her against me for a long time, feeling her heart race against my chest. We broke apart only when the door opened and Alicia cleared her throat.

  “I see you’ve worked things out,” she said with a smirk when I turned my eyes from Sophie to her.

  “We haven’t,” Sophie said, pulling away from me, that determined and angry look on her face again as if the kiss hadn’t happened or affected her at all.

  “He’s awake,” Alicia said. “He just woke up.”

  “Good,” I said, sweeping past her back into the medical hut. Sophie hurried behind me, catching up so that she could stand beside his bed as if guarding him. The man gave her a charming smile and a nod.

  “Evening, ma’am,” he said to her.

  “Hi,” she said. “You’re Sam.”

  “I am,” he said, turning his eyes to me. “And you are the Alpha.”

  “Gabriel Alarick,” I said to him. “What are you doing on my land?”

  “I came to find my brother,” Sam said. “He went missing. I haven’t heard from him in months.”

  “Who is your brother?” Sophie asked. I let her ask the questions, studying the man as he answered. There was still a smile on his face as he looked at her, and I found myself stepping forward and closer to her, slipping between her and Sam. Sam lifted an eyebrow at me.

  “She’s gorgeous, friend. But not my type.”

  “I’m not your friend,” I said to him. He nodded.

  “Fair enough, sir,” he said. “Like I said, I’m just here to find my brother.”

  “What’s his name?” Sophie asked.

  “Stan Wolf. Stanley. I—his wife and I called him Stanley.”

  I exchanged a glance with Alicia, who gave Sam a sympathetic look.

  “Your brother is dead,” I said to him coldly. “He has been for months.”

  For a moment, Sam didn’t speak. He put his hand to his chest as if he’d been punched there, as if the wind had been knocked out of him. He swallowed hard and gave another nod.

  “Did he die like the others? Become one of those...things?” he asked.

  “How do you know about those?” I asked him.

  “I’ve been out past your woods for months, back and forth. They’re everywhere just outside your borders.”

  “How are you not dead?” Alicia asked. “Jackson almost died after one bite.”

  “I can fight them. I know how to fight them,” he said. “Gotta get them in the brain.”

  “Of course you do,” I said, feeling my temper rising. “Have you also been lurking in my woods?”

  “Yes,” he said simply. “I’m sorry, I know I’m not welcome here, but—”

  “Did your brother tell you anything about me, Sam?” I asked him.

  “He said you were one mean bastard,” Sam said. Sophie laughed.

  “That’s him, alright,” she said.


  “Did my brother die like the others?” Sam asked, cutting me off.

  “No,” I said. “Your brother was mauled by a lion shifter.”

  “A lion shifter,” Sam said slowly. “There are lions in these woods?”

  “They’re in the caves across the park,” I said. “But it’s over now. Princess Selene and I are working together to squash those who were after the wolves.”

  “I see,” Sam said, his voice quiet and calm, though the look in his eyes was blazing. He sat up fully and tried to get out of bed but winced and put his hand to his head where it had hit the tree.

  “Lay back,” Alicia said. “I want you to stay here tonight.”

  “He’s going to the outhouse tonight,” I said. “He’s not staying here.”

  “You’re sending me to a toilet?” Sam asked in confusion.

  “He’s trying to send you to jail, but he’s not going to,” Sophie said firmly. I looked over at her to see her lips pursed, staring at me, challenging me again. I looked over at Alicia then.

  “Wake Jackson up. I want him to stay here and watch him.”

  “It’s fine,” Sam said. “I’m going to the caves.”

  “No,” Sophie said. “Sam, stay here.”


  “You’re not leaving this village until you’ve been dealt with,” I said.

  “What’s that mean?”

  “Yes, Gabriel, what does that mean?” Sophie asked. I didn’t answer but gave him a cold look.

  “I’ll deal with you in the morning,” I said. “Alicia, wake up Jackson.”

  “I will,” she promised. I turned to go without another word, filled with irritation and frustration. I felt Sophie hurry after me.

  “Gabriel,” she said, grabbing my arm to turn me around. “He saved Jackson.”

  “I don’t care,” I replied.

  “Well, I do,” she said. “You’re not going to hurt him. I won’t let you hurt him. He’s just here to find his brother.”

  “Sophie, why are you such a pain in the ass?” I asked her in exasperation.

  “Someone has to keep you in line.”

  I snorted. “So what, you think that someone should be you? A little human woman?”

  “Yes,” she said simply. “I think you’ll do whatever I want you to do.”

  I grunted in response, turning to go.

  “Goodnight, Sophie.”

  Chapter 4: Camilla

  “That can’t be right,” I said in a choked voice. Anslin nodded sadly, tears overflowing her large eyes.

  “The princess Elina is dead,” she said. “Murdered.”

  “By who?” I asked, every hair on my body standing on end. I felt tense all over, like I was about to explode out of my skin at any moment.

  “The Alpha of the wolf village and his mate.”

  “Sophie?” I asked. “She’s just a human.”

  “A human with a gun,” Anslin amended.

  “It was him. He must have made her do it,” I said to her. “Sophie is a good woman. She cares for the shifters.”

  “She pulled the trigger,” Anslin said. “That’s what I was told.”

  “How could they possibly—the princess? Our princess? She was so powerful.”

  “She was,” Anslin said bitterly. “But the Alpha and his extra strength—she was no match for him even without the girl.”

  “Well, I am,” I said. “And I’m going to kill him.”

  “No, you can’t,” my friend said in an anxious tone. “He will kill you. We’re in trouble enough as it is—princess Selene is out for blood. She’s been hunting us down one by one.”

  I swallowed hard, not wanting to hear what she had to say next.

  “Is she—are they dead?” I asked.

  “No, they are in the underground cells. But she has no intention of releasing them until she has rounded us all up. I believe she will exile us from the caves.”

  “She’s not going to find me or you,” I stated. “Where have you been staying?”

  “Here and there in the woods,” she said tiredly. “I keep moving.”

  “Is there anyone else left?”

  “El has been traveling with me but...I had to leave him behind. He was hurt by the Alpha in the fight. He can barely walk.”

  “I’m going to kill him,” I said again, more firmly. “I will have revenge.”

  “Cam, you can’t. I know you loved the princess. I loved her as much as you did. But you shouldn’t risk your life—”

  “I can do it. I know how to fight in animal form and as a human. If anyone can kill him, it’s me.”


  She froze mid-sentence, mouth open, standing completely still as if paralyzed.

  “Anslin?” I asked. “Anslin—are you okay?”

  There was no answer. I felt a cold creep up my back and knew someone was watching me from behind. I turned to see a tall man without a face standing in the woods, wearing a robe and regarding me blankly. I knew that he could see me somehow despite the fact that he had no eyes, and the form on his face seemed
one of curiosity.

  “You want to kill Gabriel Alarick,” the man said in a thin, high-pitched voice, the sound of nails on a chalkboard.

  “Yes, I’m going to kill him. Who are you? I thought I killed you.”

  “Oh, no. I certainly cannot be killed by a mortal, even a shifter. No, you just broke me up for a moment. It took a day to recover but I’m feeling well, and I’m quite pleased with you despite what you did to me.”

  “Pleased with me?” I asked. “Why?”

  “I want the Alpha dead,” he said. “So far, he has thwarted all of my attempts, and those of your lion friends.”

  “Why don’t you kill him yourself if you’re so powerful and immortal?”

  “That is none of your concern,” he said, his voice suddenly sharp.

  “So you need someone to do your dirty work.”

  “Yes,” he said. “You could put it that way.”

  “I was going to do it anyway.”

  “I know, which is why I have an extra task for you,” he said. “I want the girl dead, too. The ranger.”

  “Sophie?” I asked. “No. She didn’t do anything wrong. She’s not even a shifter.”

  “She’s more powerful than she looks,” he said. “The ranger is a problem. I want her dead before you confront the Alpha.”

  “But he’ll be more powerful,” I said. “There’s no way I’d be able to kill him after killing Sophie.”

  “You’re wrong. His power will decline when the other half of him dies. It will make him weaker, weak enough for you to kill him.”

  “Why would I do this for you?” I asked him, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Do you want me to eat your friend?” he asked, moving closer to Anslin, touching her hair with his long, white fingers.


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