Balls: The Complete Players Collection (Sports Romance Box Set)

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Balls: The Complete Players Collection (Sports Romance Box Set) Page 24

by Teagan Kade

  I cannot take this tension. It’s so obvious, but each time we come together like this I lose control. It’s like I’m a teenager all over again too scared to make the first move.

  I want to kiss her so badly. I’d be betraying Josh, ignoring what he said, but so what? He’s proved he doesn’t deserve her. Why shouldn’t she be happy? Why shouldn’t I?

  Scarlet comes and sits by my side on the sofa, our hands still together and our heads pulling closer and closer, everything else blotted out.

  I’m so aware of my senses it’s insane. There’s a bird calling outside the window, a tap dripping in the bathroom.

  Her mouth is on mine, warm and I’m sure I’m imagining it, but no. It’s real.

  Her lips part, accept my tongue and take it deep into the hot cavern beyond. She lets me invade, melts into me as I dig my fingers into her scalp, never wanting to let her go again.

  My chest squeezes tight, my cock painfully stiff.

  I crush my lips against her, don’t care anymore about the twinge of pain above my eye, the way my ribs ache, because I have her, weightless, on top of me, everything else fading away into nothingness.

  For the briefest second our mouths uncouple and she stares at me, panting and uncertain, but this time I know what I want.

  I lower myself back. She straddles my hips while my hands search below her shirt. I pop her bra up and cup a breast, my thumb and forefinger rolling a nipple to attention.

  My cock rubs against her leg through my jeans, begging to be let free and finally get a taste of what I’ve been dreaming of all these years gone by.

  I draw up and pull my shirt over my head, pulling her own away and unhooking her bra with a single, practiced snap of my fingers. She glues her lips to me, makes me float and shiver in anticipation.

  Bra-less, shirtless, I palm her bare breasts, her nipples waking further and her hips bucking and circling. The kiss deepens further, matures until our bodies are singing, sun-kissed by the morning light that comes from the kitchen window.

  I push her back and hook my fingers into her jeans and panties, pull them down as one and hook them off the ends of her ankles, the plump, compressed lips of her pussy inviting in the extreme. I can smell her arousal, the wet aroma begging me to lap and lick, make her fucking beg for more.

  She reclines back and waits, breathless, while I stand and strip my pants off, my cock tapping my chest in readiness. She takes it in silently, spreading her legs ever so slightly.

  I dive between them and suck her clit softly between my lips, let it pop free and drop my tongue to split the hot seam below. She tastes fucking amazing, everything I imagined, already soaking wet and juicy, my tongue sluicing easily inside her, skirting the ring of her sex and pulling her tighter and tighter with every lash and stroke.

  I hold her open, spread her wider and sink my tongue deeper inside, moaning aloud and savoring her arousal, loving the way she’s bent up off the sofa offering herself to me. There’s the lightest smattering of blonde just above her clit, her lips bare and round, inner petals fanned out and open with need. I dive deeper, narrow my tongue and seek out the pleasure locked inside her.

  She lifts her hips higher, presents her pussy to my eager lips, animal instinct driving her. I breathe in her heat and scent, see the swell of her breasts atop her chest. I extend my tongue and lick up the entire length of her slit, gather her juices on the tip of my tongue and use them to coat her clit. My chin presses against the bottom of her pussy, soaked, butting inside her until she’s humming in anticipation.

  She grinds against me, pressing my face into her crotch until it’s at wet as she is, smearing her arousal over my lips and chin, helping me find my way between the pink leaves of her pussy.

  She calls my name, a whisper and then a command, her hands running through my hair and locking me to her cunt so I have no choice but to lick and lap and circle her pulsing clit until she’s seconds away from exploding.

  “Jensen, I can’t…”

  I keep going, hold her open and concentrate on her clit, keep my rhythm nice and steady until she tenses completely, gasps and comes, a flood of arousal following, her entire body relaxing.

  Her eyes open and she draws me up her body. There’s a devilish grin on her face. “Do you have protection?”

  I reach down to my jeans and take a foil packet out.

  She nods. Holy fuck, she wants this.

  I tear the wrapper with my teeth and sheath myself, giddy as a schoolboy as she jumps on top of me, my cock crushed in the tight vise of her pussy, her lips on mine and her hair hiding us completely in our own, steamy world. She slides back and forth on my pole, teasing me with her opening and laughing.

  I could take her at any moment, sit back and fill her in one stroke, but I let her play, let her slide and rub against my cock until she’s moaning again.

  It becomes too much.

  With one arm I take hold of her and flip us over so she’s on her back. I move my hand between her thighs and trail wet kisses down her shoulder and neck, my shaft pulsing above the hot seam of her sex, two of my fingers pushing deep inside and kicking her up against my hardness and hand, her spine bowed.

  “God, Jensen,” she moans, music to my fucking ears. I let my thumb circle her clit, light with pressure, teasing her and letting my fingers glide together in her slickness.

  I lift my head and look down at her, see the bitten smile on her face and her flushed cheeks. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  I bury and curl my fingers inside her, stroking her inner walls. She shifts her pelvis to meet them, opens her legs wider quietly chanting “More, more.”

  My voice comes out in a growl. “Do you know how fucking sexy you are, Scarlet Matthews. Do you really know?

  “Show me,” she purrs, unable to take her eyes off me. I let my own down, let them feast on every inch of her body from her perfect pussy to the open lips of her mouth, the swollen pull of her nipples waiting.

  I draw my fingers out hot and place my hand on her waist, hovering above her before lowering myself into position, the head of my cock nudging against the slippery ring of her cunt.

  I can see her chest beat from her galloping heart below, the way her breasts vibrate and quiver in response.

  I’m so hard and hot for her, if I don’t get inside her soon I’m going to lose it.

  I look into her eyes, search for permission.

  She holds the side of my face, mouth open and breathing erratic. “It’s okay. I want you inside me.”

  I don’t wait a single second more. I stroke so deep inside her I can feel her lips gripping the base of my cock, her velvety interior slick and hungry.

  Filled, she gasps and rises up, mouth locked open. I’m sure I’ve hurt her with my size, gone too far, but she squeezes my arm and rocks forward.

  I draw back and run inside again, her nails digging into my arm, one of my hands dropping to cup an ass cheek and shovel her towards me, impale her on my cock, and it’s so good, so right and perfect it surely must be a dream.

  I ease in and out of her, nerves coming to life until I’m pounding with stronger strokes, grinding and seating myself, clenching to stave off my release.

  I hold my mouth above hers and drive into her, move deeper with every thrust until she’s whimpering and moaning with distant and glazy eyes, caught in her own ecstasy.

  You’re home, I realize. You’re finally fucking home.

  My arms bulge holding myself up, her fingers gripping a bicep and eyes moving downwards to check that, yes, I really am inside her.

  I dig my fingers into the perfect round of her ass and almost lose it, struggling to hold back as she rocks and pants.

  The girl I have loved forever is finally below me, finally in my arms, and I am never, never fucking ever going to let her go or be screwed over by my fuck-up of a brother again. She’s mine now, and I’m going protect her with everything I have.

  “Jensen, Jensen,” she gasps, hips bucking, our bodies gri
nding and slippery together, the taste of her still on my lips as I press them against her collarbone.

  I stroke harder, deeper, and she squeezes back, my cock caught in never-ending pleasure until finally I cannot take any more.

  I squeeze myself, so close to pulling the trigger. “Scarlet, fuck, I can’t—”

  She bites into my shoulder. “Jen—” I feel it deep inside her, the grip and release, the convulsions that overtake her entire body until she’s flapping below me and crying out in climax.

  I root myself and collapse onto her, my own release following, and with it any doubt I had this is wrong or misguided.

  She jerks below me one final time, lips against my ear and eyes squeezed shut, chest lifting against my own for air. A tear runs sideways from down the side of her face. “Thank you,” she whispers simply. “Thank you.”

  I wait for her eyes to change, her sense to return, but she continues to hold me, curling into my chest. My ribs still burn, a constant bee-sting having set up in the gash above my eye, but all the pain in the world doesn’t matter because finally I have her in my arms. Finally, we are one.



  Is it wrong to be this happy? It certainly feels like it should be illegal.

  I lost count of the times I came last night. That was new, amazing, but it wasn’t just the sex. It felt right, like this is precisely how it was meant to be all along. Josh didn’t even cross my mind.

  I was too busy to close the curtains last night, the first rays of morning sun lighting up my eyelids. For a moment I keep them shut tight, worried I’ll roll over and Jensen will be gone with a new notch in his belt, but he’s not.

  His voice comes low, a husky growl against my back. He answers the question for me, hard, Mr. Diamond Dick behind me. “Morning, gorgeous.”

  I roll over and run my hand up his side. “You’re hard.”

  He’s grinning, eyes lit. “Can you blame me?”

  “It’s just that with Josh I never…”

  “Made love in the morning?”

  “Something like that. Actually, he never made me come.”

  I know this will get Jensen’s competitive streak flaring, and it does.

  He takes the bait, his grin widening. “So I’m already coming up trumps, am I?”

  I drop my hand perilously close to his manhood, fingers running through the soft, wiry mess of his pubic hair. His cock twitches in response. “If we were playing soccer, I’d say you scored a couple of goals.”

  He takes me by the sides and rolls us over so I’m on my back. “The goalkeeper was a pushover.”

  I raise an eyebrow, enjoying this innuendo. “Is that so?”

  “And the referee… Didn’t catch half of what was going on.”

  “I guess that’s just as well. You’re not supposed to use your hands, you know.”

  He leans down and lets his lips hover above a breast. “Or my mouth.”

  I slap him on the shoulder. “Stop it.”

  “Can I help it I’ve got game?”

  “I had fun,” I confess. “How about you?”

  He lines himself up at my sex. I’m surprised I’m so wet already. “Best night of my life, and that includes taking out the NCAA Championship—twice.”

  “Ego much?”

  He slides in. “Sue me.”

  He draws back, preparing to stroke forward again when my cell rings from the bedside table.

  He pauses, man perfection above me. “Don’t you dare get that.”

  I pick it up. It’s Mom. She’ll get worried if I don’t take her usual Sunday call.

  “Don’t,” repeats Jensen, the head of his cock gently tapping against my clit.

  “You’ll survive,” I whisper, pressing the screen and putting the cell to my ear, smiling as I speak. “Mom.”

  “Baby, hope I didn’t wake you.” She always starts off with this line, predictable as always. Predictable and dependable—that’s Mom.

  “No, Mom,” I read from the script, rolling my eyes at Jensen, who’s leaning back on his heels, his cock comically erect. He’s so hard I’m actually concerned there’s no blood left for his brain to function. Not that you need it. He’s pouting, arms crossed like a toddler who’s stuck at the stairgate.

  “Sleep well?” asks Mom.

  “I did.” A lie. I barely slept at all.

  A new smile comes to Jensen’s face and everything about it reads ‘mischief’. He lies down on the bed between my legs and takes hold of my thighs, coming forward. No! I mouth, trying to close my legs, but I’m no match for Jensen’s strength. He pulls them back apart like a he’s a human jaws of life.

  “Did you say something?” continues Mom, Jensen drawing closer and closer to my hot pussy.

  Do not, I mouth, a stern look on my face I know will only make him want to do it more. “Um, I was asking how you’re doing. How’s Bob?”

  Mom’s new man, if you can call him that, is a balding, middle-aged banker with as much life as a steel beam, but he’s been good to her so far. That’s all I care about at the end of the day.

  “Bob’s good,” she replies. “He got a promotion.”

  “Moving up the ranks, huh?”

  Jensen extends his tongue. I give him my angriest look, but it ain’t about to scare anyone off, let alone Jensen Collins.

  “How’s the hospital? They keeping you busy over there with gunshot victims and axe murderers?”

  Mom’s never been a fan of where I work or live. She thinks anything downtown is rife with crime. A couple of years ago she wouldn’t have been wrong. “I’m off at the moment. You know how it is.”

  “Honestly,” she huffs, Jensen’s tongue licking figure-of-eights against my thigh, “I don’t know how you do it, Scarlet—all that blood and guts. Your father…” she trails off, never willing to speak directly about Dad and the old days. “And Josh?”

  Jensen stops, sensing Josh’s name.

  I reach down with my free hand and try to push him away, but he’s not going anywhere. “We broke up.”

  I have to hold the phone away from my ear, so loud is the whooping and cheering that follows.

  Jensen lifts his head, an inquiring look on his face.

  I roll my eyes again. “Really, Mom?”

  “I’m happy for you, baby. I never liked that boy.”

  “Geez, thanks for telling me now.”

  “Oh, baby. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. It wasn’t my place to get involved.”

  Jensen pushes forward, my hand no match. He licks up from my perineum to the very top of my pussy, the tip of his tongue flicking off my clitoral hood. I jerk and give a soft moan. “Ah, yeah. It’s for the best.”

  “You’re not seeing anyone else?” comes the curious reply.

  Jensen slides a finger inside, draws it out wet with arousal. I shake my head. “No, Mom,” I lie. It’s early days, far too early to have her calling and texting me every second for an update. There are only two things in her life that matter, and Bob doesn’t make the list. It’s me and Bold and the Beautiful. God help you if you get between Mom and Ridge Forrester. I’ve kind of wondered whether she makes Bob wear a wig in the bedroom, run lines from the show.

  Mind bleach, aisle six!

  “Are you okay, baby?” In comes the concerned parent, Jensen turning his concentration to my clit and pushing me far too quickly towards completion.

  I’m panting softly, trying to hold the phone away from my face. It’s getting hard to speak. “Yes, Mom.” Jensen adds more pressure, uses the underside of his tongue to press and knead. Yes, yes, yes.

  Oh god. It’s happening.

  “You really broke up with him?”

  I bring my feet flat on the bed, push my hips up into Jensen’s face, grind against his mouth while simultaneously trying to push his head away. “Yes… Mom.”

  My cheeks are burning. I’m breathing hard, my chest rising and falling and only Jensen’s alligator eyes visible below.

y responses become monosyllabic.

  Mom pushes on. “You’re looking after yourself?”

  “Yes,” I pant, Jensen lapping over and over, finger darting quickly in and out of my pussy.

  “You okay? You sound a little off.”

  If she hears him… “Yes, I’m okay.” Another lie. I’m about a second from leaving Earth entirely and rocketing off into the sexual stratosphere. I don’t think I’m even connected to the bed anymore.

  “Scarlet?” she questions, when I remain mute.


  Oh sweet loving Lord.

  “Can you hear me?”

  I’m almost breathless as I reply, eyes closed. “Yes.”

  It comes, exploding from the inside out, my toes curling and my head dropping back into the pillow. I hold the phone away from my face and turn sideways, burying my face in the sheets as I scream in release, my hips bucking and pussy caught in a violent series of convulsions I’m sure are going to snap me in two.

  All the while I hear Mom yapping, “Scarlet? Baby? Are you there?”

  Finally, Jensen slips away, kneeling and smiling so hard I’m sure he’s done this before. I scald him with my eyes. I’ll deal with you later, I mouth, still holding the phone away from my ear.

  He holds himself, wagging his cock. Please do, he mouths back.

  Holy hell, Scarlet. What have you gotten yourself into?

  “Scarlet!” screams Mom.

  I place the phone back against my ear. It’s almost as hot as the maelstrom churning in my core. “I’ve got to go, Mom.”

  “You’re really okay?”

  I smile at Jensen, closing my legs and amazed how tender I’ve become down there. “Never been better.”


  Over the next two days my apartment becomes our hideaway. We barely leave the bed. It gets to a point where I can’t remember the last time I was wearing pants or a shirt. My apartment becomes something of an impromptu ‘no clothes’ zone.

  But I’m comfortable around Jensen, far more comfortable than I was with Josh, who’d point out my imperfections, tell me I was ‘bulking up’ around the thighs. He even bought a treadmill once, left in the corner of the living room as a silent hint. In hindsight I’m amazed I stayed with him so long. Stockholm syndrome, probably.


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