by S. I. Hayes
S.I. Hayes
This book is a work of fiction. Any similarities to any person, place or theory are in no way intended or to be inferred as fact or reference.
The work is the singular property of the Author and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission unless as part of a Review, Interview or Public push of the work and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Contains adult situations. 17+ only
Cover Design by Author S.I. Hayes
Penned State
Copyright ©2020 Hayes
All rights reserved
Also by S.I. Hayes
(The Roads Trilogy)
In Dreams… The Solitary Road
In Dreams… The Unavoidable Road
In Dreams… The Savage Road
Centuries of Blood: Becoming
(Manhattanites Series)
Xander & Asher
(The Natural Alpha Series)
California Moon
(Guardians of Grigori Series)
Fated Binds
Midnight Run
Branded Wings
Faery Road
(A P.A.R.K.S. Sector Selection)
Chasing Shadows
Stand Alone Novels
Administrative Duties
Heart of Stone
Sweet Girls
Written with
J. Haney
(A County Fair Romance)
Stolen Moments
Winter Kisses
Spring Fling
Freedom Rings
Hard Harvest
(A Sex, Drugs, and Rock Romance)
Vegas Lights
Hell in Heels
Tatted Up & Tied Down
(Working Class Beauties)
(Temptations and Troubles in Downers Grove)
The Newbie
(Navy S.E.A.L. Liaisons)
Call Sign: Baby Daddy
(The Averdeen Duet)
Tell Me Tru
Stand Alone Novels
Under His Skin
Love at Rincon Point
MisGiving Hearts
Rising Star
Sweet Intentions
Written with
Will Van Stone Jr
Awakenings: The Wrath Saga
Chapter 1
“Good morning Calvin!”
“Morning, Missus Singer!” I holler as I ride by on my metallic grey Beaumont seven-speed with a green racing stripe. I love my bike, it’s lightweight, fun to ride, and not to mention great exercise. My mother, of course, would prefer I drove to school, but alas, I failed my driving exam, and with my class load this year haven’t had time to reschedule. With all honesty, I just haven’t even tried. Like I said, I like my bike.
I live in a sleepy little town in Delaware, called Cradle Bay, just south of New Castle. It’s pretty, quiet, and mostly normal. Crime is low, at least in my surrounding neighborhood, and the school is good. Not that I have anything to really compare it to, but when I blew through the physical science and calculus books by Sophomore year, the teachers got together and with some online aid, managed to build me a more challenging curriculum.
When I start college, I’ll already have enough credits for an Associates in Information Sciences and Technology. Basically IT. You know Geek Squad type stuff. It’s not my dream job, but it will be something that will help me get my foot in the door places. I mean everywhere needs IT guys these days. Right?
Maybe I’ll go into criminal justice with a specialization on Cybercrimes? Eh, I got time yet. Not really. It’s January, of my senior year, and we’ve just come back from our winter break. Yeah, it’s a bit cold for the bike, but so long as temps stay above freezing-
I turn my head, hearing a car horn honk. I smile as the beat-up 96’ Ford Aerostar stops. The curly-haired head of my best friend Kaycee followed by the top half of her lurches out the window. “It’s thirty-five degrees! You’re gonna get pneumonia!”
“I’m fine!” I say, adjusting my helmet and pushing my glasses up. I watch in amusement as all five feet three inches of her leaps out of the van.
“Get off the bike, Cal. Get in the van, or I’m gonna break your spokes!” She pulls a pair of pliers out of her ass pocket.
“Hey, now not the spokes!” I grab her wrist. She stares at me with her freckled face and bird blue eyes.
“Do I have to repeat myself?”
“FINE!” I whine. “But, I wanted to stop at Dunkin’ for a sandwich and a Great one.”
“I swear the breakfast at school is so- much better, but you go for that processed crap.”
“I like the spicy turkey sausage.” I get my bike in the back of the van and hop in. I do have to say the van is old and smells like cigars and whiskey, but it is warm.
Chapter 2
Calvin Archer Pennington the Fourth. Or, as I call him Cal, he has been my best friend since we were four. Our parents went to Cradle Bay High together, and our mom’s at one point were even friends. Then his mom met Mister Pennington, and her nose got out of joint, and her head went clean up her ass. At least that’s to hear my mother tell it. I’m inclined to believe it, seeing as I’m not even allowed in his driveway if either of them is home.
See, I’m from a broken and mostly poor family. We live in a not so great part of town. Same school district, cause it’s all one district round here, but there is definitely a class divide. Thing is, Cal never much has been one to notice it. He accepts me, so the others do too. Mostly. There are a few guys. You know the ones that make the slumming it jokes? They get shut down quick though; I don’t take any shit and besides, Cal and me? We ain’t like that. Never have been. He’s like a brother to me, I mean we’ve taken showers together, and that’s since puberty. Hey, shit happens, and when you fall into the marsh, you wanna get that sludge off quick.
It’s not that he’s unattractive, by no means, any girl will be lucky to have him on her arm. He’s tall, got blonde hair that curls up behind his ears, and greenish-blue eyes hiding behind those horn-rimmed glasses.
The problem is he’s just so- goal orientated. It’s not his fault, though. His parents really push. They want so much for him to be a doctor or a lawyer. He doesn’t. Though in the long run, I’m sure he’ll wind up going pre-law and transfer to like Stamford or Harvard after he does the basics. He’s applied to a few Ivy Leagues to appease the ‘rents, but I know he’s got his heart set on UPenn. He had a favorite uncle that went, and my Grandfather is an alumnus as well, so he’s heard about the school a lot.
We get to school, and I head off to my basic human classes while he goes to the Superman classes. We won’t see each other again until lunch and then we have a free class. I have auto shop now and am glad for it; the Aerostar needs a tune-up.
“Hey! McLane? Earth to the girl? You done daydreaming about prom over there?”
My head turns on a swivel to the sound of Mister Joplin, chiding me.
“That’s really a sexist thing to say, how do you know I wasn’t going on in my head ‘bout the ignition timing on this piece of work I brought in? I mean, it does need all the bells and whistles done. Sir.” I finish with disdain dripping from my lips. “Just because I’m a chick doesn’t mean I don’t have a bigger dick than most of this class.”
“Alright, McLane, enough! Outside! Go see Koopersmith.”
“Whatever, just don’t fuck up my family car.” I strip off the gr
easy overalls to hoot and hollers as I’m now in just booty shorts and a tank. What? It’s hot under them overalls in the workshop!
“PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!” Mister Joplin demands as I grab my bag and skip out of the room like Polly Anna.
In the hallway, I kick off my sneakers to shimmy into a pair of jeans. I’m stumbling to get my feet back into the sneaks when I see Heath Cramer. He’s like the only guy on the baseball team I like. We fool around from time to time, and by fool around, I mean fuck like rabbits in the old stairwell or the adjacent abandoned locker room. Girls gotta get her jollies someplace, and why not with a hunky dark haired blue eyed baseball God?
“Heya McLane. Pissin’ Joplin off again?”
“You know it.” I huff, grabbing his shoulder to steady myself. He takes the opp to cop a feel. I smack his hand. “Hey- no.” I quip.
“No?” He retorts with a questioning attitude. “Since when?”
“I’m raggin’.”
“Ahh, Gotcha. How ‘bout a hummer then?”
“As if that did anything for me?”
“Me getting’ off should complete you.” Heath snickers.
“Get lost.” I kiss him just wet and sloppily enough that he pops a boner. I give him a good squeeze. “Hmm…” I gruff. “Friday. After seven. Meet me at the back of Dunkin’ I’ll have the van.”
“Keep rubbing.” He moans happily.
“Nah.” I shove him away and hoisting my bag head for the café.
Chapter 3
“You have a visitor, Mister Pennington.”
I look at the door to my advanced physics class and see Kaycee waving me to her. “I’m sorry, Miss Warner. She just-”
“It’s fine; you were just rechecking to pass the time anyhow. Go, but let’s not make it a habit- Miss McLane!”
“No, Miss Warner!” Kaycee hollers then covers her mouth as she’s shushed. The physics rooms are across from the library. “Sorry.” She whisper-shouts to Missus Kinkel, the aging librarian.
“What’s up, Kayce?” I ask stuffing my books into my bag while she stands next to me, shuffling from one foot to the other.
“I- it’s just.” She looks at the floor. “I thought I had credits. Mom said she loaded my card.” She barely speaks, but I hear her.
“C’mon, I got you.” I say, putting an arm around her. It’s no wonder people think we’re together most days. Lord knows I’d kill for her. Not that my parents like that idea much. Mother is convinced she’s going to somehow ruin me. How could a sweet, caring, resourceful, not to mention a beautiful girl ruin me?
We get to the café, and the selection is not exactly appetizing. I mean, I can get a burger way better at Applebee’s, or Fuddruckers in New Castle.
I look at her. “You wanna skip, don’t you?” I ask as she bites her purple lip, pulling it into her mouth.
“They just finished the van.” Her voice goes up in that adorable little squeak I just can’t say no to.
“Where to?”
She squeals, grabbing my arm as she drags me back through to the hall. “Kathy’s.”
“You wanna skip the day?”
“Pul-ee-ase?” She begs. “I’ll love you forever.”
I sigh, and she knows she’s got her way. We grab the van, and it’s one flash of the itty bitty titty committee to the security guard to make our escape.
“I really can’t believe you let him take a pic this time.” I scold her as we turn off toward Delaware City. It’s closer than New Castle, and Kathy’s Crab Shack has as you may have guessed it. The best crabs around.
“It’s not like he can prove it’s me. My face is covered. Besides, what’s a little fodder in the spank bank for the poor guy?”
“You’re a hero.”
“Damn straight, I am. I should get a medal doing’ all these good deeds.”
“Oh, what other deeds you been doing that are so exceptional?”
“Getting you a life.”
I look at her as she smirks. I hate that look. It means she’s been scheming.
“What are you up too?”
“You’ll see.” She sing songs.
Ten minutes later, we’re pulling up to Kathy’s. It’s a cool building with a space that looks like an actual lighthouse. It’s also handicap accessible, which is why Kayce likes the place. She comes here with her Grandpa a lot. He’s in a wheelchair; diabetes took his left leg. He’s too big of a man for the crutches, and they are still working toward a prosthetic.
As we park, I see a girl leaning against the railing. She’s got on a puffy jacket, covering what I’m assuming is a skirt, her black hair is swept up in a pony. Christ, she’s even got on knee socks. If there’s a sweater set underneath, I may die. I clear my throat.
“You see somethin’ you like?” Kayce teases as the girl straightens up.
“What are you doing?” I say out the side of my mouth.
“Shut up; I’m tryin’ to get you laid.” My eyes bug as we step up the ramp.
“Hey, Kaycee.” This girl has a soft sweet little voice on her.
“Jocelyn Pierre, meet Calvin Pennington the fourth.” Kayce says all formal like.
I put out my hand to meet hers. “Cal, please.”
“Okay, Cal. I’m starving; let’s get inside. I already got us a table, if that’s okay?”
“That works.”
We follow her inside, and she shrugs off the jacket.
Fucking sweater set.
Turns out Jocelyn went to Cradle Bay too, just two years ahead of us.
“Wait, Cal, Pennington? You’re the genius kid that wouldn’t skip.” Jocelyn smirks. “You were in my Calculus class my Senior year. Blew the fucking curve on my final exam!”
“I’m sorry?” I scrunch down, as she slams her mallet on a crab. Pieces going everywhere.
“You should be! It almost cost me my scholarship to The University of Pennsylvania.”
“Wait, you go to UPenn?”
She smiles, sucking a bit of meat between her fingers before licking the butter off them. I think it was her trying to be sexy, but I’m more interested in what she’s studying. “Yes, pre-med, pediatric oncology.”
“Wow, how are the classes, I mean compared to the AP at Cradle?”
“Not so hard, but no walk in the park either. You just gotta find your groove.” Jocelyn giggles touching my hand. “You know, figure out how it all fits together?”
“Right.” I crack a crab, all the while I notice that Kaycee is super quiet. Well, except for the slamming of her mallet. “Kayce? You okay?”
“Yup, just chowin’, you two talk. I’m gonna eat and then bounce. Jocelyn, you mind taking him home? I’ll leave his bike in your flatbed.”
“Wait- what?” I ask, confused.
“Just roll with it.” Jocelyn smiles a smile that makes me almost choke on my Adam’s apple.
We finish eating, and she offers to split the check, which is cool. I, of course, was taught better and insist on taking care of it.
“Okay, but I’ve got dessert then.”
“Um, sure? If you wanna.’
“Oh, yeah.” She tosses her jacket over her shoulder with her purse. I notice that the top buttons on her blouse are undone, and there’s a hint of white lacey bra peeking out
I have to admit she’s sexy. My palms are sweaty as we get into her Chevy truck. My bike is in the back, under a tarp. We drive off, and she’s really quiet, but also not going in the right direction.
“Where are we going?”
“Dessert.” She licks her lips and reaches across the seat, stroking my thigh. “I did say it was on me.”
“I- um…” We pull into an underpass that’s overgrown. She stops the truck but keeps it running. Next thing I know, she’s unzipping my pants! “I thought you meant Ice cream or something!”
Chapter 4
Kaycee: What do you mean you didn’t??
Cal: Just what I said.
sp; I shake my head, damn near dropping the phone in the sink at work. See, I have another thing against Dunkin’ Blow nuts. I work here! Have since I was sixteen. I’m middle management, that is- an assistant manager now, but it’s still only part-time, and it still sucks! I smell like sickly sweet sugar all the time, and I hate the smell of coffee now. I used to love it, used to drink it by the bucket full. Now I won’t touch the stuff except when crammin’ for exams.
Kaycee: You know how many strings I pulled to get her down here? Uggh! You haven’t had sex since Q’ira broke it off last year!
Cal: I don’t know her. I’m sorry. Call me later?
I don’t even answer him. I’m too annoyed. I served him up choice hottie, in a sweater set no less! What’s he do with it? NOTHING! Well, not nothing, exactly. He did get his knob polished. At least she’s not already texting me wanting to know if he’s gonna call. Ugh. Boys! I swear you throw pussy in their faces, and they still don’t know what to do with it.
I just figured she was his type, and since she was in college with a brand new truck and all daddy’s money to spend, she was perfect for him and Mother Pennington the third. She wasn’t someone he would have to hide. Wasn’t someone like… Me.
“Hey, McLane?”
I’m in the back doing the closing shift paperwork when I hear my name. Fucking Heath. With a hard sigh, I come out from the little closet they call my office, and with a hand on my hip, look him up and down.
He’s in fitted wranglers and a blue T-shirt that hugs his abs just right. Topped by a leather and cotton letterman’s jacket. I feel my insides contract. As if my ovaries weren’t already exploding.
“What? Heath?”
“You gonna get off soon?”
“That’s up for some debate.” I shift my weight in my stance.
“I wanna take you to get food.”
“Do ya now?” I look at Mickey, my lone employee, who looks at me with a smirk.
“Yeah.” He slurs it.