Penned State (Young Hearts Duet Book 1)

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Penned State (Young Hearts Duet Book 1) Page 2

by S. I. Hayes

  “Are you drunk?”

  “I may have had a few in the parking lot with Keith and Jerome.” He smirks, leaning into the counter.

  “Uggh! Boys! I swear you are all toddlers!” I grab a cup and fix an Irish cream with a double turbo shot. Making it sweet so he’ll drink it. “C’mon, drink this, and if after you’ve finished, you still wanna take me for food, I’ll buy you a burger over at Denny’s. Okay?”

  He lets me lead him over to one of the tables, and I see his buddies; they’re making lewd gestures and simulating sexual acts in the parking lot. I take out my phone and take a pic as Keith mounts Jerome like the dogs they are. I open the door, sending them a copy.

  “This is gonna look great on my website, guys! Thanks!”

  They gruff, hem, and haw.

  “I suggest you beat it before I do post it, only I’ll make sure it goes to your momma’s first!”

  “Skank!” Keith calls out.

  “Slut!” Jerome mimics.

  “You wish!” I shut the door, locking it. “The dining room is officially closed. Just drive through for the rest of the night.”

  Mickey nods, and I pat Heath’s shoulder as I go by. He grabs my wrist, and I stop.

  “They’re jerks.”

  “Yup, and tomorrow you’ll be laughin’ it up with them all the same.” I walk away.

  An hour later and my FWB is upright and bouncing. Great.

  “You ready?” He asks his knees, going a million miles per hour.

  “You aren’t driving. We’ll take the van, get some food, then I’ll drop you back here.”

  “Killer.” He gets up following me. His hand squarely on my ass as I lock the door behind me and Mickey.

  “Hey! Did I say you were gettin’ any? Crimson wave, remember?”

  “And if I said I’d like to get my wings?” He whispers into my ear, making me shiver. Or maybe it was just the cold.

  I lick my lips. Not moving a moment as his hands' circle to the front seam of my khaki pants.

  “Night Kayce!” Mickey snickers as I’m pushed against the glass door.

  “Night!” I manage, but barely for Heath’s hands on me.

  The parking lot is empty, except for our cars. My beat-up van and his twenty seventeen mustang convertible. Mommy and daddy bought it for him Sophomore year when he got his license. He cups me, two fingers pressing against my pussy, pushing up. His other hand goes up my shirt and under my sports bra. “Oh! Please…” I beg, breathlessly, my face pressed against the icy cold glass as he kisses my neck.

  “Please, what?”

  “Harder, faster.” I pant. He doesn’t disappoint.

  He rubs and tweaks me until my knees go weak, and I’m a trembling mess in his arms.

  Heath kisses me. “Now, how about we get that burger?”

  Chapter 5


  I’m so confused. I’m not sure why I didn’t go for it with the sexy coed. It’s not like I’m a virgin or a prude. I like sex as much as the next guy. When Q’ira and I were together, we had fun. Outdoors, food play, she even had me tie her up a few times. I wasn’t really into it, but she liked it, so I obliged. I’m nothing if not an attentive lover. I listen, follow directions and body cues. Joselyn was just not… I don’t know. She was everything I should want. Smart, pretty, from good breeding, and hell willing and able to suck a mean cock. I just- it was the same thing with Q’ira. We told people she broke it off, but really I had checked out on our relationship a long time before. We had been going through the motions for months. We stuck it out for our Junior Prom since the tickets had been bought and the limo rented and whatnot, but soon after, we called it for the failure it was.

  Mother was disappointed, but father was glad. He didn’t want as he put it, an Oriental for a daughter-in-law anyhow. They often make remarks like that. I just keep my head down and my mouth shut. What else should I do? They’re my parents.

  It’s Friday, and because Kaycee is all about the spirit, I’m watching her as she tumbles and dances in our mascot uniform. She is Bertie the Cradle Bay Blackbird. She has got to be hot in that thing. She told me once that she only wears her skivvies inside, that it makes for better ventilation. I don’t know about that. I just know she’s about to fly like an eagle. The guys on the Cheer team are about to toss her like a beanbag.

  She soars and spreads her wings showing off the red inside. Cheers all around. The game resumes, and she goes back to cheering with the girls. Though she revels in goading them and the other cheer team. She twerks and does old school dance moves complete with the coffee grinder and running man.

  The game ends 42 to 53 in our favor, and the crowd goes wild. Kayce is lost to me in the crowd. Knowing she’ll shower then come out, I run down to my locker for my Spanish book then make my way for the locker rooms downstairs.

  I’m sitting on the stairs, as girl after girl and jock after jock come out. Where the hell is she? I go to text her.

  Cal: Where are u? Waiting on the stairs.

  Hitting send, I hear a chirp, followed by a low laugh.

  “Heath… Stop.” A giggle.

  I tiptoe down the stairs and see Kayce leaning against the wall outside the locker room. Standing with her, all up in her personal bubble is Heath Cramer. I watch as he traces her blouse line into her barely-there cleavage.

  “You said we could tonight. Remember?”

  She licks those purple lips, and the blood is rushing in my head. I don’t hear her response for its cacophony.

  “So this is what setting me up with Miss-sucks-a-lot was about?” I seethe. I don’t know why I’m so angry all of a sudden, but I can’t hold it in. “You want me occupied so you can fuck the idiot jock?”

  “Cal?” Kayce squirms out from under Heath and heads for me. “What are you going on for?” She’s looking at me as if she hasn’t completely betrayed me.

  “You- you want him? You could have any- anyone, and you choose him?” I wave my hands at him in disgust

  “Dude, you need to shut your trap. Or I’ll do it for ya.” Heath threatens.

  “Ooh! The big bad jock, I’ve got four inches on you, and I’m not just talking about my cock!”

  “You know what I tolerated you when you were doing my trig homework, but now you got a mouth.” Heath pushes by Kayce.

  “Stop you two.” She gets between us. “Cal, calm down. What’s gotten into you?” She’s talking down to me like I need to be diffused. It’s then I realize how tight I am. My fists, my whole body. I’m like a viper ready to strike.

  All overseeing Kayce, my best friend with a guy. I swallow. “You know what? Do you. I’m gonna go do me. Take it easy.”

  “Cal!” Kayce calls after me, but I wrench away. I have, too; I can’t have her see the pain in my eyes. I think I’m- I think…

  Chapter 6


  “Forget him.”

  I hear Heath, but I don’t look at him. Cal just flipped out on me. He grasps my arm, and I jerk away. “Get off!” I run in the direction of my best friend. I get to the bike rack; he’s gone.


  I don’t think. I just hop in the van and take off down the road. Not seeing him, I assume he took through a few yards. I zip down Cooks Lane and cut back across the ravine, pulling up to his house on Bismarck drive. The van backfires. Great. So much for a covert showing.

  I see the curtains swish, then open slightly as Missus Pennington peers out, giving me the stink eye. A few moments later, the door opens, and out comes the man of the house.

  “He’s not here. No use in bringing down the property value with your presence.”

  Of all the lousy things to say to a person. I swear somebody needs to put these pompous asshats in their place. I get out of the van, straightening all five feet three inches of me.

  “Sir, I know that. I need to speak to him, though.”

  “Did they fight?” His wife calls from the door with a martini glass in her hand.

  He raises a brow at me,
and I glance at my shoes. “Seems so, snookum.”

  “Good, maybe I won’t have to have Maria double wash his clothes anymore. It was killing the stitching in his jeans.” She slams the door.

  “You had better run along, little mouse. Before I have you removed for trespassing.”

  “You know what?” I’m suddenly grabbed, a hand over my mouth.

  “I have this. Father.” Cal’s voice is stone cold. Like his parents.

  Mister Pennington nods with a smirk to me and heads inside. It’s not until he’s out of earshot that I’m let go. I shove Cal.

  “What the hell? Why- what?”

  “Go home, Kaycee.” He says defeatedly.

  “I- I don’t get it. Wh-what did I do?” I plead. “Is it about Heath? Why would you care? I mean, you knew I hooked up with him before. When you were with Q’ira.”

  “It’s- doesn’t matter. Just LEAVE!” He chokes out. “I don’t wanna see you.”

  “No!” My heart races as I get into his face. “I’m not going anywhere, Calvin! Talk to me! Why are you being like this?”

  “Like what?” He scoffs, pulling away from my hand on his arm.

  “Like them!” The tears break. I’m sobbing. He barely looks at me.

  “Please stop.” He swallows, hard.

  “I- can’t. I can’t lose you.”

  “Then why did you try so hard to shove me away?”

  “I- I didn’-”

  “The girl? The jock? I mean, what was next Cheerleading squad? Like for real? You’re suddenly going for everything you and I joke on. I don’t know who you’re becoming. But I’m not liking it.” His voice is trembling.

  “Cal…” I look past him at the audience we have, I sniffle.

  “Please stop crying.” He looks at me finally, and I start to cough, from the mess of tears I’ve let myself become. His hands touch my cheeks, and he wipes at what I’m assuming is my mascara. The touch is soft and weird.

  I grab his wrists as he’s still got my cheeks cupped in his hands and is just sorta staring at me. “Cal?” Now I’m the one who’s trembling.

  Chapter 7


  Counting her freckles would be like trying to count the stars. I remember trying once when we were kids. I had taken a red Crayola marker and colored in each one. I counted two hundred twenty-two before her grandpa came in and caught us. That was just on her face. She looked like she had the pox. We thought it was hilarious. Grandpa was less than thrilled.

  Staring at her now, into those bird blue eyes, our childhood begins to come crashing down around us. My heart aches, my throat goes dry.

  “Cal?” She says my name again, looking up at me through long lashes.

  My head dips swiftly, and our lips join. I swear it’s like I’ve been struck by lightning. All the synapses in my brain go off, telling me; YES! This is what you want! Her grip on my wrists tightens as I back her into the van with a thunk that breaks the kiss.

  “Cal? What are you doing?” She squeaks.

  “Ending our friendship.” I kiss her again, this time her hands go around my neck.

  She shoves me. “No! Wait! You don’t get to end an argument with a kiss! Not even one like that!” She licks her lips, her fingers pressed against them. Her eyes dart back and forth. “What’s going on? What are we doing?”

  “I think we’re evolving.” I smile.

  “I’m not some experiment, don’t dilute me to that, Cal.”

  “I’m sorry. This is all new to me too. I never imagined I’d be standing in my driveway kissing my best friend.”

  “Why did you?”

  “It was the only thing I could think to do. All I wanted to do at that moment, at this moment. Was I wrong? Fuck. What have I done?”

  She looks at me with soft tearful eyes, and all I keep thinking is that I want to wrap her up in my arms and make sure I never make her cry again. “I’ve ruined us, haven’t I? Oh, God, I have.”

  “Cal.” Kaycee touches my hand, stopping me from my rant and pacing. “Stop. You need to let me wrap my head around this. Okay?” Her little hand touches my face making me look down and focus on her. “Just- shut up and give me a moment. Okay?”

  I nod. Staying silent. Just watching her as her eyes seem to search. For what I’ll never know. “What do you want? I mean from this? From me?”


  Her head tilts to the side. “Have I ever wondered? Sure I have. I’m a red-blooded female, and you’re easy on the eyes.”

  I push my glasses back up my face with a little grin.

  “Especially when you smile like that.” Her voice is but a whisper. She shakes her head. “This, though?” She points between us. “How’s that supposed to work? I mean, how would we even?”

  “Nothing much would change. I mean- I don’t think. Why should it? We hang out all the time anyhow; it would just be… I don’t know- more?” I close the distance she put between us. “It’s a leap. I know it, but I think it might be worth it to give it a try.”

  “Can I think about it?”

  My heart sinks, but I nod, yes. Then manage to say it. “Yeah. I mean- take all the time you need. Not like I’m going anywhere. Right?”

  “Right.” She smiles her hand against my chest, easing me back. “Good night, Cal.” Dropping her head, she slinks by me and gets into the van. I watch her pull away before heading into the house.

  Chapter 8


  Home. It’s not much, but it’s my safe place. Tossing the van keys into the dish on the side table, I lean against the inside of the front door and sigh.

  “What’s happened, my little Seabee?” Hearing my grandpa, I realize I must look like a melted mess of makeup.

  I burst out laughing and tears well up again. He wheels on over to me. Grabs me and pulls me down into his lap. Wrapping my arms around him, I just start sobbing again.

  “Shh, Seabee.” He strokes my hair. “What’s going on? Do I need to make a call?”

  Anytime grandpa thinks I’m having a problem, he offers to call his old Navy buddies. He may not be able to do anything much now, but he knows people. Something he doesn’t let us forget.

  “No.” I sniffle, wiping my face. He hands me a handkerchief. “Thanks.” I dab my cheeks. Yup mascara and liner everywhere. “It’s Cal.”

  “What happened? You have a fight?”

  “Well, yes, but no. He- wants.” I hesitate.


  “I think he wants to date me.” I look up at him, and he’s just got on a goofy grin. “What?” I whine. “Don’t look at me like that then not tell me why.”

  “Just- we always figured he’d figure it out eventually.”

  “Figure what out?” I sound like I have a cold.

  “How remarkable you actually are.” Grandpa hugs me. “So, did you say yes?”

  “I- I don’t know what to do.”

  “Follow your heart, Seabee.”

  “I don’t want to lose him, but what if it’s bad? What if we’re just not a good fit?”

  “You two have been stuck like glue since I actually had to separate you after you glued yourselves together. I think you’re compatible.”

  “But what if?”

  “What if up were down and West was East? You’d adapt, you’d swing with it and roll. You’d work it out. That‘s what we McLane’s do.”

  I nod but stay quiet.

  “Do you love him?”

  I laugh outright. “Love? Grandpa! I’m only eighteen, what do I know about that?”

  “I knew. Knew it about your grandma the moment I met her. We were ten. I said I’m gonna marry that girl. And you know what?”

  “You did. Took your time, but you made a life, and you traveled and saw the world together. I know Grandpa.”

  “Don’t condescend. All I want for you girls; you and your mother is for you to be happy. Does Cal make you happy?”

  “Most days.” I pout.

  “That’s better than some
get. You go call that boy, tonight. You tell him yes.”

  “Yes, grandpa.” I crawl down out of his lap and grab Stetson, my fluffy black Persian mix. He’s got all the fur without the smush face. But his head has white points making it look like a hat, hence his name. With a saucer of milk for him and a meatloaf sandwich for me, I head into my room. Set up my computer and hop on Facebook. I see Cal was active a few minutes ago. Here goes nothing.

  Chapter 9


  There is no privacy. My parents are waiting when I go inside. To say they are displeased to hear Kayce, and I are still on speaking terms would be shortchanging it, immensely. Mother stays silently disgusted as Father reminds me that I am a legacy and carry a heavy name; therefore, I should have a bit more thought about who I spend my time with. I just yes, Sir him and go to my room.

  I surf the net, check out a few sites. Web programming, design, and stuff. I look into the programs at UPenn. I really am leaning toward Submatriculation, which would allow me to get my BA and JD at the same time. Yeah, so I’m looking at Law like daddy wants. I want to actually help people. I start going through my email. My Facebook starts to ring. It’s Kayce.

  I hit the answer button as I’m skimming my spam folder. I spy something from Pennsylvania State University. I’m quiet, and the look on my face must be something because Kayce is all up in the call.

  “Cal? What’s wrong? What’s the matter? Is everything okay?”

  “I- um, I got an email…”

  “Yeah. Okay.”

  “No, I mean, I got an e-mail.”

  Her eyes pop as she registers what I’m saying. The schools, they don’t mail the fat envelopes anymore, they send simple electronic correspondence now. Mine happens to have wound up in my spam. It also looks to have been read. My fucking parents. Probably my mother. Came in cleaning and went through my shit- again.

  “Cal? Read it.”

  “I- I’m- What if it says no?”

  “What if it says yes?”

  I click the button to read the message.

  “Dear Mister Pennington, We are pleased to inform you…” I stop my eyes scanning the rest as Kayce is jumping up and down, squealing happily. “I got it. I fucking got in.” I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I mean, I knew I could, but to actually do?


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