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To Tame a Viscount (Reformed Rakes Book 2)

Page 1

by Jenn Langston

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16



  Reformed Rake Series: Book II



  New York




  Cover Design by Rae Monet, Inc.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Published in the United States of America by

  Soul Mate Publishing

  P.O. Box 24

  Macedon, New York, 14502

  ISBN: 978-1-68291-808-1

  The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.



  His Perfect Bride

  His Perfect Game

  His Perfect Lady


  Catching the Baron

  Winning The Duke

  Redeeming The Earl


  Embracing The Knight

  Enslaving The Day

  Ensnaring Lord Starsen

  Enchanting The Duke Of Demoon


  To Love A Marquis

  To Tame A Viscount

  FATHERS, MOTHERS, AND GUARDIANS, do you have unwed children or charges that need to stand apart in the marriage mart? Or, perhaps you have a bad habit you wish to break or a skill you wish to master? Here at Lady Constance’s House of Reform we specialize in turning pesky problems into vague memories. We offer a range of services that are tailored to your specific needs.

  Those who suffer from shyness, lack of social graces, or problematic dancing skills have no reason to fear after seeking our assistance. Our lessons promote confidence when dealing with the opposite gender. Our individualized plans will put anyone at ease.

  In addition, we offer schooling in a range of languages. If you are looking to learn Latin, French, Spanish or Italian, we are your best option. We will cater to your needs and set up tutoring that will fit with your lifestyle.

  Don’t delay! Help is available, now!

  For employment opportunities, bring your direct inquiries to the head mistress on Cannon Street. We are seeking strong, capable women. Thank you.

  Chapter 1

  Kaylee Shepherd fastened her gown then crossed the room to her dressing table. Pleasure still coursed through her body from the incredible encounter she’d just experienced. The thought brought heat stinging her cheeks. She couldn’t believe she’d finally been bold enough to cast aside her innocence. It had been well worth it.

  Pausing to sit at the dressing table, she fingered the fine ribbon, petals, feathers and jewels adorning the day bonnet he’d given her. The extravagance and quality of the design was stunning, unlike anything she’d ever owned, even before she’d run away from home and given up her lifestyle to work for a living.

  “It will look lovely on you.” The deep rumble of his voice sent shocks of awareness over her skin.

  “Thank you.”

  Keeping her eyes downcast, she tried to ignore the fact that he was looking at her through the dresser mirror. Simon Highgate, Viscount Washburne, had spent the last month or so relentlessly flirting with her and being a general nuisance. Although he was powerfully attractive with his dark brown hair—clean cut with a slight wave—mesmerizing blue eyes, and boyishly handsome face, she had no use for him. That was, until she had decided to allow him to show her the delights she had been missing from life.

  “Are you going to wear it to visit your friend, Miss Jayne? I have no doubt she would love to see it.”

  Thinking about the horrible inn that Miranda was currently living in, Kaylee shuddered. “She would dearly love to see it, but I can’t wear it.”

  He plucked the hat from her hands, then placed it on her head before bending over and putting his lips to her ear. “Of course you can. And, you should.”

  His lips brushed her ear and she had trouble thinking coherently. “You misunderstand. I would never wear it to that particular inn in Cheapside.”

  Simon licked along her neck, and she had the desire to jump back into bed with him. At this moment, she finally understood how some people could become consumed by the overwhelming pleasure of it.

  “The Redman Inn?” He breathed against her neck. “I would say it would be safe to wear such a prize there.”

  “Perhaps, but not the For Men at Arms Tavern.”

  Simon drew back and their eyes met in the mirror. “Tell me Miss Jayne is not staying there.”

  Realizing she’d given away her friend’s secret, she clamped her lips closed. When Miranda had left Lady Constance’s House of Reform, Kaylee had tried to reason with her, but her friend had been adamant. The memories of Miranda’s desperation plagued her still. And, she had refused to accept any of the funds Kaylee had offered her.

  “Kaylee, tell me,” Simon demanded, then he marched across the room while she simply glared at him through the looking glass. “I can’t believe we’re sitting here wasting time when your friend could be in danger.”

  Anger filled her at the accusation, and she stood to glare at him directly in the face. Although he wasn’t a tall man, her small stature still allowed him to tower over her. She didn’t like it.

  “Miranda is perfectly fine at the inn. I have visited her several times and no harm had come to her or me while I was with her.”

  “Yet.” He grabbed his coat from the floor and slung it over his shoulders. “Honestly, I don’t know how Lady Constance could send her away like that.”

  Kaylee shook her head. “Don’t you blame Constance. Miranda wanted to go. She said it was the only way to protect Viscount Harken and herself. She wanted him to have a new instructor and not be told where she went. It was her decision to make.”

  “I couldn’t disagree more.” He moved toward the door.

sp; “Wait a minute. Where are you going?” The truth of everything slammed into her as Simon’s hand touched the doorknob. “This whole thing was just a way to get me to talk about her, wasn’t it? You came here tonight with that hat simply so that I would tell you where Miranda had gone.”

  Bile rose in her throat. She couldn’t believe she had been so stupid. The worst part was that she had allowed it to happen. Her back straightened as she looked into his guilt-laden eyes.

  “I can explain later, but right now, I have to leave.”

  She spun around, not wanting to look at him any longer. “Don’t bother. Just leave.”

  The sound of the door clicking shut broke something inside her chest. Unwanted tears rolled down her cheeks. She swatted at them, unsure as to why she was crying. After all, it wasn’t as if she harbored any feelings for the man. It was quite the opposite. And, now she felt nothing but hatred for him.

  The next day as she sat in one of the small rooms that had been converted to serve as a classroom, she still hadn’t been able to let go of her anger. In truth, it had only gotten worse. How dare he use her like that? If she’d been a weaker woman, she would have been heartbroken.

  Hearing a false note on the pianoforte, Kaylee cringed. She’d been neglecting her pupil for far too long now. The poor girl had seemed a little frightened by her change in attitude today, but she couldn’t seem to do anything about it.

  “I just can’t do it, Miss Shepherd,” Patricia complained. “I know my mother wants me to be proficient at everything, but I can’t seem to do anything right.”

  Taking a calming breath, Kaylee sat beside the girl on the bench. “You will master all these things if you practice and have patience. There is very little that a person can do without that. Even something as simple as walking and talking took a lot of work for us to excel.”

  Patricia’s eyes brightened as she looked upon Kaylee. “Do you truly believe that?”

  “Absolutely. That’s why Lady Constance, Lady Regina and I created this agency. Although Constance had the majority of the ideas and funds, I agreed with her. For the past three years, we’ve been helping people such as yourself.”

  “Then, one day I can put my talents to good use and attract a husband.” The fourteen-year-old girl had stars in her eyes.

  A sick feeling slithered through Kaylee. “That would be a wonderful accomplishment to be sure, but I don’t want you to do any of these things for some random man. You need to do them for yourself. Only then will you be truly satisfied with your life.”

  “Oh, Miss Shepherd, perhaps that is why you never married.” Patricia grabbed Kaylee’s hands, holding them between hers. “You don’t understand the true importance of marriage. Winning a husband is the only true way to be fully satisfied with your life.”

  Slowly removing her hands from Patricia’s, Kaylee swallowed her rising bile. Thinking like that was the exact reason why she was in the predicament she was currently in. Too many men felt the same way. Including her stepbrother. Benjamin had never understood her desire to be something besides a wife. Honestly, she had wanted to get married eventually, just not at such a young age. Now, it was too late.

  “I don’t agree. Why don’t you keep practicing? I know your mother will be anxious to see a big improvement soon.”

  As Patricia began playing again, Kaylee moved around the room. She had to remind herself that she couldn’t change the way of the world. Overall, she was mostly content with her life. And, that was how it would remain.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Tell me, what have you done recently to find a wife?”

  Simon Highgate, Viscount Washburne, groaned at his sister’s question. Ever since his twenty-fifth birthday when he’d opened the letter from his deceased father, she asked him the same thing every single day. It was getting tiresome. Especially now that he had been subjected to the suggestions of all three of his sisters.

  Leaning back in his chair, he ran a hand along his jaw. “Well, I’ve been seeing two different women lately—well, maybe that’s not the correct word as I’ve never physically seen one, but the other—”

  “Stop.” Lana held out her hand. “I’m in no mood for your teasing. I’m nineteen and going to miss this entire season if you don’t get married. Think about what is going to happen when I’m twenty. I cringe at the thought.”

  “I’ve already told you, my solicitor is looking into the matter. Likely, it will all be cleared up in a matter of weeks. Then, this whole mess will be behind us.”

  She glared at him. “You said that two months ago. Do you not realize this affects more than just you? I don’t want to marry Weston. I never liked him as a child, and I’m sure he’s not much better as an adult.”

  “You haven’t seen him in years. It’s possible that you will fall head over heels in love when you see him again.”

  Her mouth fell open. “Do you want that to happen? Do you truly want to be stripped of your title, your land, and your funds? Simon, you will lose everything. What would you do to survive?”

  “Of course I don’t want that.”

  Running a hand through his hair, Simon let out a sigh. He didn’t want to do this. Damn his father for forcing this upon him. In truth, Simon was still holding onto the hope that the letter could not be used as a true stipulation to his late father’s will. He gritted his teeth as the bloody words still floated through his mind.

  ‘Well, my son, I’ve given you twenty-five years to be a boy, now it’s time to be a man. Either you will wed and begin working on securing my line, or the title—along with all of its holdings—shall be passed down to your heir, Weston Highgate, upon your twenty-sixth birthday. And, in order to solidify his claim, Mr. Highgate shall marry your eldest sister, Lana Highgate, after assuming the title.’

  “What are you going to do about it? Every ball and party we attend, you don’t seem to pay particular attention to any woman. And, you’ve done nothing to further your knowledge of any lady you’ve met.”

  Simon kept his mouth shut. His sister was wrong. He had been using his time to further his acquaintance of one lady. However, he still knew very little about her.

  Miss Kaylee Shepherd was a very unusual lady. Over the past month, he’d done everything he could think of to find out what fascinated him about her, and he couldn’t seem to discover it. She kept herself distant and remained unmoved, that was, until last night. He had been so shocked when she’d invited him to her bed that he’d been speechless. Honest to God speechless.

  The experience had been incredible. Never before had he taken an innocent to bed, and the gift she’d given him would be something he would treasure for many years to come. If only he could erase what happened afterward. The warm glow hadn’t yet died down when she’d mentioned the very thing he had hoped to ascertain from her. The whereabouts of her friend. And, he’d lost her because of it.

  Discomfort filled him, and he didn’t know why. It was true he enjoyed flirting and teasing Kaylee, but nothing had moved beyond that until last night. So, why did the idea that she was upset with him rankle so badly? He’d never cared about a woman other than his sisters. So, why her? A woman he knew little to nothing about, and likely didn’t have a hint of noble blood, that would make her a candidate for him to marry.

  Frustrated with the whole situation, he allowed his teasing manner to slip. “What would you have me do, Lana? Marry some nameless girl just to meet a dead man’s demands? I guarantee I will spend the rest of my life regretting it.”

  She shook her head, irritation shining in her every movement. “Instead, you would resign me to that fate?”

  Ready to end the discussion, he slammed his hands on the desk as he stood, towering over his sister who was still sitting. “No. Allow me to set your mind at ease. This is no longer your concern. I intend to handle the situation in my own way. Rest assured
that if I must rush to Gretna Green with the first agreeable lady only days before I turn twenty-six, it shall be done.”

  Her shoulders relaxed. “I trust that you are merely jesting regarding waiting that long. But, even so, I have no intention of dropping this matter. I will see to it that you find a wife this season.”

  As his sister left the room, Simon groaned, wondering when the guttural sound had become a habit of his. For the majority of his life, he’d been able to laugh off any discomfort and maintain a certain level of happiness that brought entertainment to his life. Then, one damned letter ruined it all for him.

  Grabbing his coat, he left the townhouse. Although he was in a foul mood, he refused to waste any more time before seeing Kaylee. She needed to understand his desire to find Miranda had been in order to help his friend. In addition, he also intended to make it very clear his desire for the knowledge hadn’t been what had driven him into her bed.

  Once he arrived at Lady Constance’s House of Reform, he sat in one of the small rooms that had been fashioned to serve as a classroom to help the clients. In all the time he’d been stopping in for a chance to see Kaylee, he’d noticed the majority of the patrons were women. It didn’t surprise him as a man would have to be incredibly desperate to resort to using such services. Like his friend, Anson.

  “How may I help you, my lord?”

  The monotone sound of Kaylee’s voice made him grin. He knew she wouldn’t make up some excuse to avoid seeing him. That was not her way. That was one of the things he found to like about her.

  “My lord? Are we back to that? Last night, you called me Simon. I must admit, I rather enjoyed hearing it.”

  “Well, I understand you’re familiar with one night’s enjoyments. And, considering I knew exactly what I was asking for, I see no reason for your presence today.”


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