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To Tame a Viscount (Reformed Rakes Book 2)

Page 8

by Jenn Langston

  “That’s quite all right. Please just show me to her at once and all will be forgiven.”

  With a speed Simon didn’t know the man possessed, they moved through the halls to Kaylee’s painting studio. Simon had never been in this area of the house before, and he was pleased they hadn’t been seen by anyone as they passed by. He counted himself very lucky that he arrived at such an opportune time.

  “Shall I announce you?”

  Simon quickly shook his head. “That wouldn’t be wise. You don’t want to interrupt an artist at work. It would be best for me to slip in and wait in the back until she takes a break.”

  “I don’t think that’s the best idea.”

  Simon held out his hands. “I’m only following her orders.”

  The aging man only shook his head as he mumbled under his breath and took his leave. Knowing how precious this stolen time was, Simon slid into the room and quietly shut and locked the door.

  Surveying the space, he was impressed to see Kaylee had an amazing talent. The majority of the works were incomplete, but even in their current state, he could tell they would be quite magnificent when they were done.

  Presently, she was bent over a canvas doing intricate work. He couldn’t see what was claiming her attention, but he admired the view. Her face craned close to the canvas as if she didn’t want to get any detail wrong. One hand held the palette with a variety of colors while the other was hidden by her body. Likely making more magic with her skill.

  When she leaned back and surveyed her work, he let out a breath. After all, he truly believed what he’d told Marvin about disturbing her. He had no desire to startle her and chance damaging her work.

  “Kaylee,” he called out softly.

  She jumped and spun around, her cheeks flushed. “Simon? What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to see you. Am I interrupting?”

  Her cheeks stained a deeper red as she moved to stand completely in front of her painting. “Well, I’m in the middle of one of my works, and I typically don’t entertain in this room.”

  Confused by such a reception when he had hoped for so much more, he took a step back toward the door. “Then, I apologize for the intrusion upon your privacy. I didn’t think I would be classified as just another one of your guests.”

  A pained look passed through her eyes. “That isn’t what you are. I just . . . This is highly embarrassing.”

  Looking around the room, Simon could see no reason for her to feel the least bit of any emotion other than an amazing sense of pride. “From the way I see it, you have no reason to be embarrassed. Your talent is quite impressive.”

  “Thank you, but that wasn’t what I was referring to.” She wrung her hands then slowly, as if reluctant, moved to the side.

  His gaze moved to the painting she had been working on, and he gasped. The eyes staring back at him were very realistic and quite familiar. Stunned to see such a detailed likeness of his own face, he moved closer to inspect her work. Kaylee had done this. Not only was it frighteningly accurate, but it was all done from memory.

  Happiness, hope, and a number of other emotions he couldn’t name rose in his chest as he looked at her. She appeared terrified, as if she would burst into tears that very moment. His heart swelled and his body demanded to be near her.

  “You did this by memory? Why?”

  She simply gazed at him and the sadness in her eyes resonated with his own. At the moment, he knew exactly how she felt. That she would react by painting a likeness of him brought on a deep primal need in him.

  Not wanting to waste another second, he stalked toward her and took her in his arms, crushing his lips to hers. She met him, twisting her arms around his neck and holding him tight.

  He groaned. The desperation she communicated quite easily matched his own feelings, and he refused to deny her anything she wanted. Although they didn’t have the time and this certainly wasn’t the place to give her what she deserved, he would be sure to at least give her what she needed.

  Sliding his hand up her body, he caressed her breast through the hated layers of clothing. She trembled under his touch and gripped his neck tighter to push herself more firmly into his hand.

  Bloody hell, this woman would be the death of him. Just like the first time, she was responsive, not shy. His Kaylee was special. He pulled his mouth from hers to run kisses down her neck. If only he could loosen her bodice.

  “I want to run my hands over every inch of you. To taste you.”

  She was shaking her head before the words were completely out of his mouth. “We can’t. Not this time. Once they know you’re here, they’ll come check sooner rather than later.”

  The thought of a quick interlude followed by a hasty exit didn’t sit well with him, but he didn’t know what to do about it. He could walk away, but he wasn’t sure he had the strength.

  “What do you propose?” He winced at the desperation in his strained voice. “What do you want, Kaylee?”

  She gave him a sinuous smile. “I want this. I want you.”

  His body heard her, loud and clear. With an aching he imagined he’d never recover from, he recaptured her mouth and ground himself against her. The moan of pleasure on her lips only further inflamed him.

  He was sunk. She wanted fast, and he was ready to give her exactly what she wanted. However a quick scan of the room provided nothing that wasn’t covered in various painting supplies and canvases.


  “Oh. I’m sorry, I need to—” Red colored her face, and he could see the passion fading from her features. He couldn’t have that.

  “Never mind that.” He nuzzled her neck, running his tongue along her hot flesh. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  The darkening of her eyes as her lips parted drove him mad. He caught her swollen lower lip between his teeth and gently tugged before releasing her. Dear God, he wanted her with a fierceness he’d never known. He only hoped she felt it too.

  “Are you planning on teaching me something new, my lord?” Her sultry voice ensnared him as one silken leg slowly worked its way up to rest on his hip.

  In that instance, his mind blanked. Desire flooded his body and took over every impulse. Nothing mattered anymore but Kaylee. He reached under her skirts, moving away cloth to touch her bare thigh. The silken warmth made him crazy.

  They needed leverage. Although his body demanded, he’d be damned if he didn’t make sure she was ready to receive him. Clutching her to him, he moved forward until he held her up against the wall.

  Her breath came in gasps as he fought the layers of fabric until his free hand found her core. She cried out when his finger ran across her before slipping inside. He thought he would explode. So slick. So ready for him.

  “Simon,” she moaned. “You’re killing me.” Her fingers dug into his shoulders.

  From the way he saw it, the situation was quite the opposite. He increased his pace as he clutched her tighter to him. Although he desperately wanted to kiss her, he refused to do anything to quiet her. There was nothing sexier than the sounds she made.

  “Simon, oh, God. Simon. I—” She writhed against him and it was then he gave in to his desire and claimed her mouth, taking her screams as ecstasy enveloped her. As she fell limp in his arms, he slowed his pace, but he wasn’t done yet. Not even close.

  He continued to kiss her and work her until he felt her interest pique once again. The experience was torture, but it was a sweet torture he would savor for all of eternity. He wasn’t sure if his attachment to her arose from the fact that he had taken her innocence, but he felt it nonetheless.

  Without warning, she pushed at his chest, and he drew back. “I swear if you don’t join with me soon I’m going to leave.”

  The thought of this slip of a girl disentangling herself and
walking out in such a state would have been comical had he not been so close to the brink of losing his mind. Not to mention how her desire affected him more than any other woman’s ever had.

  “As you wish,” he rasped before freeing himself from his breeches. “I do hate keeping a lovely woman waiting.”

  Once positioned at her entrance, he secured her legs behind his back, then slowly inched inside her, using the wall for leverage. Impatient, she pressed herself downward to fully take him in. He gritted his teeth at the glory of the sensations.

  “Bloody hell, you feel so good,” he choked out.

  She merely whimpered in response as he began to move inside her. This was what he wanted. What he’d longed for. He locked his eyes on hers. The pleasure displayed there only intensified the experience for him, and he increased his pace, greedy for more of her.

  When her release hit her, she screamed, and he reveled in the sound this time. It pushed him over the edge, and he lost his mind as flames of unexpected ecstasy consumed the last bits of sanity holding him to the earth. Madness ensued, and he crushed against her as he finally took her lips.

  He wanted her. To keep her. To have her forever. To belong to her. The depth of the feeling frightened him. She was the one thing he could never have, and the thought angered him more than it should.

  Loud banging at the door managed to seep through the fog. He drew back and put Kaylee on her feet. As her skirt settled, he hated the look of fear in her eyes. He wouldn’t allow her reputation to suffer.

  “All right. Tell them you never saw me. You screamed because you thought you saw a rat.”

  Her wide eyes searched his face. “What if they want to look for it?”

  He glanced around. “You are mistaken. It was only an old painting cloth.”

  She nodded, then hurried to toss a sheet over him that had protected her paintings from the dust. As he glanced to the side, he cringed to see his own eyes staring back at him. He didn’t deserve to be immortalized in paint. Putting Kaylee in this position was unacceptable.

  “Are you all right? We heard a scream.” He heard a muffled female voice.

  “I’m well. I thought I saw a rat, but it was only a discarded painting cloth.” Kaylee paused. “I feel foolish for causing such a fuss.”

  “Are you sure you are all right?” Concern laced Lady Constance’s voice. “I heard Lord Washburne was here. And, your door was locked. I’ve not known this to be a habit of yours.”

  “I lock my door to keep out unwanted visitors.” He could only imagine the defiance in her eyes as he could hear it in her voice. “Likely his lordship noticed it as well and left. Or, perhaps his intent was to visit someone else?”

  As the conversation lowered in volume, Simon lost track of what they were saying. Kaylee acted her part beautifully, and now he would be free to wander the halls and pretend as though he were waiting for Kaylee to be done painting.

  The sad truth was the experience proved she had been right about all this. Now that he had created another memory with her, it was finally time for him to move on. Beginning right now, he would have to give up on his fascination with her, forever.

  ~ ~ ~

  “I am very grateful for you to come see me so quickly.”

  Kaylee nodded as she accepted a glass of tea from Lady Amelia. “How can I refuse your kind invitation, my lady?”

  The lady laughed, a mature, musical sound that was definitely different from the girl Kaylee had taught a few years ago. In truth, Kaylee found it difficult to reconcile the two of them at all. Time sure could change a person quite drastically.

  “Please, call me Amelia. It wasn’t that long ago you and I used to be on familiar terms. I see no reason for that to change now.”

  “Thank you, Amelia.” Kaylee took a sip of tea.

  Amelia settled in her chair. “Now that we have that out of the way, I thought it would be good for us to have a private conversation regarding the other evening.”

  Nodding, Kaylee set her teacup on the tray. “I would very much like that. I truly have no idea what happened.”

  The girl smiled. It was a pleasant sight and held no censure or ill intent. No. Amelia was everything she presented herself to be, and Kaylee decided she liked her. Perhaps she could even be trusted.

  “First, I must say, seeing you at the dinner party was quite a shock. My mother was very upset at first. However, it didn’t take long to explain the advantages of having her children taught by one of our own class. Which is what you are.”

  It wasn’t a question, but Kaylee nodded regardless. “As I’m sure you already know, the Viscount Whedon is my brother. My break from society happened about three years ago.”

  The smile Amelia gave her indicated she’d already done her research. “Although I don’t pretend to know your reasons, my mother was relentless on her search to discover all about you. I must say, you have very loyal people serving your brother. The only story we could find was that you left London after your season and have remained in the country ever since.”

  “That’s a relief to know.”

  “It should be.” Amelia took a sip of her drink. “My family certainly will not speak a word of the truth, and I’m certain other people you’ve helped will be kind.”

  “Not that I don’t appreciate what you are doing for me, but your mother has never been fond of me. So, why are you helping me now?”

  “That’s simple. It’s for Patricia. She told me what you said. I’m afraid that girl has too much of my mother in her. She’s so determined to marry I’m afraid she’ll wed the first man that looks at her. Your words affected her. You make her think. I’m returning the favor to you.”

  Settling back in her chair, Kaylee let out a deep breath. “Thank you.”

  “That being said, don’t think this is going to be an easy feat. My mother was able to convince Lord Hampton he knew you, but that is only the beginning. We’ll have to be seen together and try to get a few others to bring you into their circles as well.”

  Head spinning, Kaylee sat forward. What was going on? As Amelia continued with her plan on how to get Kaylee fully accepted in society, Kaylee felt her pulse racing and her temples began to throb. This was not in her plans.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but what you are proposing is impossible. I don’t have the time or the funds to go through all of this. I have obligations.”

  Amelia’s brow wrinkled. “Not any longer. Surely you don’t mean you intend to go back to laboring. What would be the point of it?”

  Suddenly there didn’t seem to be enough air in the stifling room. Had the walls been this close before? Jumping to her feet, Kaylee moved to the window, hoping the view of more space would help clear her head. It did not.

  “I can’t uproot my entire life simply to attend a few parties and gatherings,” Kaylee murmured, feeling miserable as the weight of her decision began to crush her.

  The laugh that spilled from Amelia’s mouth held no humor. “You can’t be serious. One doesn’t lead two lives when there is gossip to be spread. A great number of people have put their reputations out for you to be able to exist in society, and you shun our help?”

  Closing her eyes, Kaylee willed her misery to refrain from swallowing her whole. This was not the place to break down. Amelia had been kind and didn’t deserve to see the trouble Kaylee experienced. It wasn’t fair to her.

  “Of course not. I simply didn’t think my decision through fully. I believed I would be free to teach in my personal time. I’d been wrong.” Forcing a smile, Kaylee turned back to Amelia. “You have done a great deal for me, and I appreciate it.”

  “Then, you’ll give up teaching?”

  Desperate to not choke on the sorrow the idea brought, however temporary the break would be, Kaylee nodded. “I see that I must.”

  “And, naturally, you must return to your brother’s house. We can’t very well have potential suitors visiting you at the House of Reform. Think of the scandal!”

  The thought brought bile to Kaylee’s throat. Dear God. Live with Benjamin again? She didn’t know if she could handle such a thing. Not to mention being in close quarters with her mother. Kaylee made a strangled sound.

  “This shall be such fun.” The light of excitement shined in Amelia’s eyes. “I’ve seen society tear down so many ladies, but I’ve never been part of building one up. We are going to begin by having a few new dresses made.”

  “I have enough gowns.”

  “This is not a negotiation. You need to stand out. To be a fashion icon. I’m sure your brother can spare the funds to cover a few outfits. By the time we’re done with you, you’ll be wed, and he’ll be grateful.”

  Sickness rose in Kaylee’s stomach. Was that what everyone would believe? That she returned to London to wed? If her mother had any say it would be so. There was no help for it. In order to have her dowry and live her quiet life at her own pace, she would have to make a sacrifice.

  A vision of Simon passed through her mind, and she repressed a shudder. It was a shame he had to wed so quickly. After all, when she had a home of her own, he would be welcome to visit whenever he wished. And, her screams of ecstasy wouldn’t bother anyone. But, that was an impossibility as he was seeking a wife at this very moment.

  The thought of seeing him with his arms around another woman brought a prickle of unease rushing through her. Were those arms that held her so intimately just yesterday around another woman this very moment? She didn’t want to know.

  She shook off the thought and returned her attention to Amelia. After all, London was a big city. It was likely she wouldn’t even see him at any of the events she attended.

  Chapter 7


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