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To Tame a Viscount (Reformed Rakes Book 2)

Page 11

by Jenn Langston

  “Just show him how much you love him. Let him see your joy. Maybe once he experiences how life can be with you by his side, he won’t want to go back to the two of you barely acknowledging each other.”

  “I hope you are right.”

  After helping clean up the mess, Miranda took her leave. If Kaylee were being completely honest with herself, she’d admit having a little jealousy of her friend. At least Miranda had an attentive husband part of the time. Although Kaylee didn’t know why Lord Melbourne was creating distance between him and his wife, the man was clearly besotted.

  Simon, on the other hand, had only been looking at her as a convenient and available woman. And, she’d made it so easy for him. Disgust rose in her chest. Now, he offered her a fake proposal, and she would have to face the truth of his insincerity when he pursued the ladies on his list and eventually married one of them.

  She shifted her shoulders as uneasiness left a trail along her spine. Putting away her supplies even more forcefully than normal, she tried to block out all thoughts of Simon. He was the one at fault here. Had he simply treated her like she was no different than any of the others, she never would have conjured up ideas about him as she had.

  As she prepared her paintings, she pulled out the likeness of him and stopped, mesmerized by his handsome features. She ran a finger down the side of his face. How she longed to not be affected by him. It wasn’t fair. She would give anything to have her future different.

  “It’s going to be so different without you here.”

  Kaylee turned to see Patricia had silently come into her studio. Normally, she didn’t allow just anyone in here, but considering what the girl’s family had done to help, Kaylee couldn’t turn her away.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Patricia grinned. “My mother is talking to Lady Constance about a new teacher for me, so I slipped out. I ran into Lady Melbourne and she said I could find you here.”

  “Of course she did.”

  Shaking her head, Kaylee mentally decided she needed to have a talk with her friend. Miranda had badgered her about showing off her talent publicly, but Kaylee wasn’t capable of doing that, at least not under her own name. It was much better to continue to sell under a pseudonym.

  “You are very talented.” Patricia pointed to the incomplete picture of Simon, and Kaylee inwardly cringed. No one was supposed to see that. “Who is he?”

  Quickly putting it back where it belonged, Kaylee gave a small laugh. “Just someone from my memory who has very paintable features.”

  Patricia’s smile sparkled. “I’ll say. If he wasn’t just a memory of yours, I would for sure marry him.”

  “He is quite appealing, but there is a lot more than how a man looks that you should consider before selecting him for a husband. Honestly, have I taught you nothing?”

  This time, Patricia laughed. “I’m only jesting, but a man like that can surely get away with quite a lot more than a less attractive one. I’d forgive his handsome face for just about anything.”

  Shaking her head, Kaylee wondered what the girl would think if she learned the truth. “Men are difficult creatures and forgiveness is not as easy as it seems.”

  Patricia tilted her head to the side as she studied her. “If you feel like this, why did you tell everyone your true identity? Amelia said you came back to us so you can finally find a husband.”

  Shocked, Kaylee’s mouth fell open. “Is that so?”

  “Yes. She said as women it’s important that we find happiness within our own lives before we marry. And, that’s what you’ve done.”

  The lines, delivered so easily and simply, had Kaylee on the verge of tears. Thanks to both their efforts, hers and Amelia’s, they had finally reached Patricia. The girl was no longer on a single-minded search to find a husband. She would become secure in her own self first. However, Kaylee had not done that. At this point, that emotion seemed elusive.

  Closing her eyes for a brief second, she tried to picture her quiet life, but it appeared dull and unappealing. What had happened to the bright existence she’d expected? The one where she was in control of her own life? Simon had ruined that for her as well.

  “Why don’t you hurry back to the drawing room before your mother discovers you are missing?”

  Patricia nodded and left Kaylee alone to her cold room as depression slowly settled around her. Agreeing to help her brother had been her worst mistake to date.

  ~ ~ ~

  Simon’s eyes followed Kaylee around the room. He itched to go to her from the second she’d arrived, but he held himself back. Every man who approached her drew his particular attention, and he struggled to keep himself back when she took one or another’s escort to the dance floor.

  The only thing pulling him from Kaylee tonight, strangely enough, was Lana. He’d never seen her take such care with her appearance, and she greeted the night with great anticipation. He only hoped it was Weston that encouraged this change in her.

  “Are you going to dance at all? Or, just stand here all evening?” Lana’s question lacked its usual spitefulness.

  “I don’t much feel like dancing tonight,” he replied, watching her reaction closely.

  Her eyes snapped to his. “Simon Highgate, you can’t mean to attend a ball only to watch the guests. Your attention should be pleasantly engaged.”

  Not liking the sound of that, he crossed his arms. “I find my attention better serves me when I apply it where my instincts indicate. Tonight, I am sensing a need to keep a close watch on you.”

  Panic moved through her wide eyes. “That is unnecessary.”

  Pinning her with his most authoritative stare, he attempted to get her to confess everything. “You can either tell me what you are planning, or I can follow you around all evening until your plan comes to fruition.”

  “Good evening, Lord Washburne, Miss Highgate,” Weston greeted as he appeared at their side. “Quite a lovely night, is it not?”

  “Very lovely,” Simon agreed, wondering why Lana now looked as though she would burst into tears at any given second.

  “Yes, my lord. Please, excuse me.” With that, she fled toward the ladies withdrawing room.

  “That’s rather disheartening.” Weston appeared as though the air had left his lungs. “We were to take a walk through the garden tonight.”

  Simon raised an eyebrow. “Are you aware of the temperature tonight?”

  The man grinned. “I promise to keep your sister warm and safe. She had promised to tell me about the yellow dress should I walk with her.”

  Pleased, Simon relaxed his rigid stance. “Did she? Well, that being the case, and I shall make myself scarce and will tell her chaperone she is to allow your walk. I’ll expect you to visit me tomorrow and tell me what you discover.”

  Weston rubbed his hands together. “Gladly.”

  Having settled his sister, he sought out Kaylee. She hadn’t taken up her usual place behind her brother on the side of the dance floor, nor was she among the swirling couples.

  Then, his eyes met up with her frightened ones as she disappeared down a hallway. Without wasting one second, he hurried across the room and down the hall in time to see a door closing. He lunged forward and caught it before it could close, lest she be locked inside with whomever pulled her away.

  “Excuse me, Washburne.” Lord Leyson scowled, blocking his view of the room. “This room is occupied.”

  “I’m sorry, but I believe something in here belongs to me. If you would be so kind as to allow me to retrieve it, I’ll leave you to your evening.”

  Leyson appeared confused. “Surely your item can wait for a time.”

  Annoyed, Simon shoved past the man and found Kaylee silently standing in the middle of the room, tears streaming down her face. Fury welled in his blood a
s he turned to the blackguard.

  “What have you done to her? I’ll bloody kill you.”

  “Calm yourself.” Leyson chuckled. “I haven’t done anything to her. Besides, she’s not what she claims. The lady asked me to accompany her to this room, probably has done so before with dozens of men.”

  Simon balled his hands into fists, but before he could strike, he felt Kaylee’s warm hand on his upper arm, stopping it. What was this? Surely she didn’t want the bastard to get away with defaming her.

  “This is your one chance to leave here unharmed,” Simon bit out.

  The viscount laughed. “You don’t need to waste your energy on her. She’s just–”

  Simon growled. “Last warning.”

  “Very well.” Leyson shrugged. “You can have your nice piece of . . . well, you can have her this time, but next time, I won’t be so generous.”

  Anger, so hot it boiled his blood, flowed through his body, and he lunged forward, but again, Kaylee held him back. Instead of cooling the fire, it only intensified it. How could she care so little for herself that she would allow that bastard to speak of her like that? It was unfathomable.

  “You should have let me go. I would have pummeled him.”

  “I know.” Tears stained her voice. “Then, he would have told everyone about my position at the House of Reform. It would destroy everyone who is using their influence to help me.”

  As a fresh round of tears spilled down Kaylee’s cheeks, Simon let go of his anger, at least for now. He’d deal with Leyson later. Now, Kaylee needed him more.

  Pulling her into his arms, he rejoiced when she clutched onto him. He wanted her to lean on him. To trust him. She should have turned to him when that bastard had threatened her, not followed the man down the hallway. Simon shuddered to think of what would have occurred had he not seen her the second before she had disappeared.

  Desperate to be close to her, to know she was all right, he pressed his lips to the top of her head. It wasn’t enough. He kissed her forehead, needing the contact of her skin against his lips.

  She lifted her head and looked up at him, trust shone in her eyes. “Thank you for saving me.”

  Her lips wobbled and tears stained her face, but she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. “I’ll always be there for you.”

  With a small smile, she laid her head back on his chest. He had no idea how long they stood there, but he would happily remain thus until the end of eternity if that’s what Kaylee needed from him. He’d meant what he’d said. Regardless of their future, he would always be there for her.

  Chapter 9

  “We have a slight problem.”

  Kaylee did her best to keep her frustration at her brother’s announcement to herself. After last night with Lord Leyson, she was barely keeping herself in one piece, and she wasn’t sure how much bad news she could handle. By far, this experience had tested the limits of her patience.

  “What is it?” She couldn’t handle him intentionally making this take longer than necessary.

  Benjamin let out a deep breath and sat forward, steepling his hands on his desk. “Your mother has decided to change the terms of our agreement, so everything must change.”

  Pain stabbed in her chest at the very thought. She couldn’t do this any longer. Already, she was counting the days until she could escape to the House of Reform, and she’d only attended a few events. The idea of suffering through more had her hands shaking. Would Lord Leyson approach her again? She hoped not, but his parting words told her the truth.

  There was no doubt he would seek her out again. She had no idea how to handle him. She could not publicly speak against him since that would mean he would announce her secret and effectively ruin everyone who had helped her. But, she couldn’t allow herself to be alone with him again either. It was much too dangerous.

  Then, there was Simon. She imagined it wasn’t any safer with him for entirely different reasons. However, she couldn’t deny the feelings she’d experienced in his arms. As he’d held her, she’d instantly forgiven him for everything he’d ever done. All the hurt and frustration with him had melted away in that instant. No. She couldn’t keep going on like this.

  “She can’t change an agreement in the middle. You have to do something.” Her voice rose as panic filled her. “I have done everything required of me. I’ve even moved back here in order to keep up appearances. My entire life has been altered for your wife to have deference and some trinkets, yet she doesn’t even have the courtesy to speak to me.”

  “The viscountess is rather busy, and—”

  “I don’t really care about that. Do you understand? How can you ask me for more? All I’m requesting is what is owed to me. Our father left a dowry to me, correct? Aren’t I entitled to receive it upon my twenty-fifth year?”

  He nodded. “The trouble is, Father didn’t specify an amount. The will simply stated I was to provide you a dowry. Kaylee, I wouldn’t be asking this if it weren’t important. You have been able to reason with your mother before. If you do so again, all of this can be avoided.”

  Sighing, Kaylee slumped back in her chair. She was tired of fighting. “What is she asking for now?”

  “Apparently your performance at the events has made quite an impression on her. She has decided to see you wed before she gives Lady Whedon her due.”

  Kaylee groaned. That was the last thing she needed. “I will talk to her.”

  “That’s all I can ask.”

  After leaving her brother, Kaylee went in search of her mother. She could hardly believe the woman would do something like this. They had already made an agreement. It was unfathomable for her to change the parameters now.

  As she neared the drawing room, the sound of a familiar voice brought her to a sudden stop. Simon. He couldn’t be here. Then, her mother laughed. It was a flirtatious sound. Bile rose in Kaylee’s throat. How was she to convince her mother that marriage wasn’t for her if Simon was here filling the lady’s head with his sense of duty?

  Forcing her feet to move, she ambled up to the doorway. The sight of the two of them was worse than she imagined. Simon’s half smile exuded charm and her mother was completely under his spell. She honestly felt ill.

  “Kaylee, there you are. I sent the butler for you ages ago. We have a visitor,” her mother needlessly announced.

  Simon slowly stood and faced her. The sight of him after what he’d done for her last night was too much. Her body ached for him, and she saw the same feeling mirrored in his blue eyes. This was bad.

  “Miss Shepherd, I’m pleased to see you,” he greeted, his voice slightly raspier than usual.

  “Lord Washburne, to what do we owe the pleasure of your unexpected visit?”

  Her mother gasped. “Don’t be unkind, my dear. The viscount has paid us a great honor by his visit. Come and join us. He was just telling me about his sisters. Did you know the viscount has three younger sisters?”

  Shocked, Kaylee’s eyes met Simon. “No. I had no idea.”

  He smiled. “Only one is out in society. My middle sister will be coming out this upcoming season.”

  “And, the youngest?” Her mother prompted.

  “Thankfully, I have another two years before hers.”

  “I would dearly love to meet them.” The twinkle in her mother’s eye was something Kaylee hadn’t seen since before her father’s death.

  “Me, too,” Kaylee replied absently, thinking about how Simon had somehow given her mother something she’d been lacking.

  When her mother turned and looked at her, the happiness was unmistakable.

  “That can be arranged.” Simon’s voice sounded guarded.

  Confused by his tone, she forced her attention on him, she tried to think over what was said, but all she could remember was a
greeing to having a desire to meet his sisters. What could have made him respond in such a way?

  “I think I will check on our refreshments.” Her mother stood, prompting Simon to do the same. “Kaylee, would you mind entertaining Lord Washburne in my absence?”

  “Of course, Mother.” Kaylee barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her mother’s obvious tactic to leave her and Simon alone.

  “How are you doing today?” Simon asked as soon as her mother left the room. “You are not acting in the least bit like yourself.”

  She blinked. Was that why he was acting strange? “I’m much better today than I was last night. Again, I’d like to thank you for saving me.”

  “You don’t need to thank me, just promise you will never do something like that again. I was up half the night with nightmares of what would have happened to you had I not arrived in time.”

  The thought that he had been worried about her sent warmth throughout her entire being. “Really? Is that why you came here today?”

  He moved to sit on the chair beside her and took one of her hands between his. “I had to see that you are all right. My dreams were so clear, that I wanted to come banging on the door in the dark like a madman.”

  Smiling, she squeezed his hand. “Why, Simon? Why would you worry so much over me?”

  The question left her mouth before she could think on it. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure she should have asked. What if she didn’t like the answer? Perhaps he saw her like one of his possessions as he had indicated to Lord Leyson. At the time, she thought he meant it as a ploy, but now she wasn’t so sure.

  Panicked, she turned her face away from him. “You don’t have to answer that. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  His warm hand cupped her cheek and brought her back to look at him. “You can ask me anything. I worry over you because I care. In all the months we’ve known each other, we have formed a bond. Surely you feel it as well.”


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