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Shifter Nation- East Coast Bears Collection

Page 72

by Meg Ripley

  “We’ll be policing our own lands for sure. I don’t want anyone coming onto our territory who shouldn’t be there. And I don’t want anyone messing it up for everyone else.” Adam glared into the crowd, daring anyone to act out.



  “Okay then.” Owen let out a long breath. “We have Grace on the Ranger team. In that position, she speaks for the crocs in whatever decisions need to be made in the park. I would welcome any other croc who wanted to be a Ranger.”

  “Or to join the law enforcement branch,” Mason added. “We don’t have any crocs, and I suspect they didn’t think they’d get hired or that we would treat them well. I think we need some crocs on the force.”

  “I think it’d be best,” Owen continued, “if we did make a local chapter of the conclave. A group where all species can be represented equally and the decisions can be made together for the good of all. We could hold monthly meetings to discuss and decide issues.”

  “And the crocs would have equal say?” Adam asked.

  “I think the fairest way to do it is to mirror how other branches do it, by having one representative from each species in the area. That way, each clan gets a vote.” Owen looked to Adam for a response.

  Adam nodded. “That would make things better. As long as it’s equal.”

  “It will be. A true democracy,” Owen said. “You decide who represents the crocs. We can set up some kind of process of voting for the candidates and let the people decide who should represent them.”

  Adam narrowed his eyes slightly. “You’d take the chance they might not vote for you?”

  “Of course. I’m the Alpha, but in the bear clans, that’s more of a born position than chosen. I think it’d be better to have someone else represent the bears in a local conclave, actually. I can’t be the only one making all the calls. In fact, I might require my clan to choose someone else. Any of my clan would be a find choice to represent us all.”

  Adam nodded slowly. “I’ll have to think about that process some. We’d get to decide how to pick ours?”

  “I can’t see any other way, as long as you make it fair for all crocs. If there’s a dictatorship in choosing representation, I don’t know if things will really improve.”

  “Then maybe we best set something in place for that. To decide how we’ll decide,” Adam said. “So that in the future, we don’t end with a bad leader in place.”

  Owen nodded. “I could agree to that.”

  I wondered if Adam was thinking of his own election and all the hassle he’d gone through to win. Or maybe he was hoping to change things before the next one so that he could stay in the leader position longer. Owen had said the bears were born into it. I wasn’t sure how long Owen had been Alpha, but it had been many years, and I guessed it would be for life. I didn’t know if that was the best way to go, either. If you had a good leader, like Owen, it was great. But what if you had a leader like Adam, who wouldn’t think twice of using his own people to suit his own purposes?

  Either way, I was glad to hear that they would decide on a way to choose the clan representatives. We didn’t need another pushy croc trying to gain power. I thought, depending on how it happened, if I were able, I’d likely run for the position. As one of the two driving the peace treaty from the start, who better to see it through to the next stages?

  “And we can agree to peace,” Adam said. “I’ll make sure my people know that these are new times, and new times call for new actions. I will get to the truth of what happened in the past. I want to know what lies I’ve been told, too. I do take these accusations very seriously.” He shot a look at me. “And I want to clear things up once and for all.”

  “Let’s start writing all this down,” I said. “Get it on paper now so we can walk out of here with a set plan.”

  I had a notebook with me and took on the role of secretary. Mason went over the points we’d decided on so far. That there would be a local conclave chapter and that each clan would have a single representative to speak for the species as a whole. We would decide on a process to choose that individual, by some kind of vote. The crocs would get a chunk of the park as a sanctuary, with the understanding that any attacks would end the treaty and they’d be removed from their sanctuary and possibly the park as a whole, depending on what the crime was.

  I wrote all that down as Adam and Owen agreed that that was what had been decided. I wondered what Adam would do to police the new lands. I couldn’t be watching it if I were doing my Ranger duties for work. Sure, I’d check on it, but someone should be there at all times to watch things. I made that suggestion and Adam nodded.

  “What we need are croc cops,” Adam said. “But we don’t have anyone who can join the force. We haven’t had any crocs interested in law enforcement in a long time.”

  “It would be the best way to keep things equal in all areas,” Mason said. “Maybe talk to some of your young men and women, some who are just going into college or just getting out, to see if anyone has any interest.”

  “I would like to make a suggestion as well,” Owen said. “I’ve never turned down a croc application in the park for a Ranger. Do you have anyone who is interested in becoming one?”

  Adam gestured to me. “Looking at her. And we had to convince her to do it.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Owen continued. “In that case, here’s my suggestion. Since there is no other croc on staff and no one interested in taking that position, I will promote Grace to be my co-head Ranger.”

  I blinked at him. He wanted to promote me? To give me more leadership and power?

  “Wow,” I said. “I would be honored to take that position. Don’t you have bosses to talk to first?”

  “Not as head Ranger.” He winked at me.

  Mason squeezed my shoulder and smiled. I wasn’t sure how that had just happened, but I’d just gotten a huge promotion. I was too shocked to even be excited about it.

  “I will be sure to speak up for the crocs,” I said. It was great working with Owen and it’d be great to work even more closely with him. I knew I could learn a lot from him. He had many years of experience and seemed connected with the park as if it were part of him.

  They did decide easily that when it came to choosing a representative for the conclave, the simplest thing would be to have anyone interested in the position add their name to a list, then have a simple vote. When I explained a little of how the other croc elections had gone, there were additional parameters set that guaranteed no campaigning beyond a one-time, debate-style discussion between all candidates. If anyone was found to be forcing or bribing people to vote a certain way, that person would be removed from the list and could never be a candidate again. If someone outside the candidates was forcing votes, that person would be arrested and face charges. They weren’t taking any chances that a bad leader would get such an important role.

  Toward the end, when it seemed that things were winding down, someone brought out a map and Owen and Adam marked the spot that would be the croc sanctuary. When everyone was satisfied, they drew the area out in thick black marker. Several people took a photo of the map on their phones.

  A date was set for the vote to choose conclave reps, as well as for the first official meeting. The meeting would be a time for grievances to come out and for decisions to be made about them. It was stipulated also that law enforcement would be called in the event of an attack or criminal issue, even if the matter was taken to the conclave first.

  The whole thing had come together much more easily than I thought it would have. But, it seemed that once Adam understood not only that we didn’t deserve what they were giving us, but that we were getting a lot—most importantly equal say and power—he finally saw the benefit in getting along.

  When everything had been written out, we turned back to the crowd for the first time in hours.

  “Let’s vote,” Mason said. “I think we can make this simple with a show of hands.”

  He glanced a
t Owen and Adam and they both nodded.

  “Anyone opposed to any part of the treaty, raise your hand now.”

  We all watched. Just one person raised his hand.

  “Anyone in favor of all parts of the treat, raise your hand now.”

  Hands went up all over the room. I suspected that a few people didn’t vote, and that was their choice, but the overwhelming majority was for the treaty. I did wonder who the croc was who had been against the treaty and which part he had issue with or if the whole thing was an issue. It wasn’t the time to find out something like that, and it didn’t matter why in the end. We had an agreement and the people had voted.

  I watched with tears in my eyes as Mason handed the pen to Owen, who signed the bottom of the paper. Then Adam took it and signed as well. It was done. I would have the whole thing typed up more officially and copies given to all so that everyone was clear on the points. Someone had said we should frame the original handwritten notebook paper as a piece of history. I thought it sounded like a fine idea. I was glad to be part of making history. Glad that I had been there to not only witness it, but to participate in it and to be one of the ones who helped make it possible in the first place.

  What would have happened if I hadn’t agreed to work in the park? Would I have met Mason? Would any of those decisions have been made that night? Our love was strong and we needed each other. But it seemed that our clans needed us to be together, too. So much depended on us coming together. What if Mason had let me go when I’d tried to end things? The thought turned my stomach. What if I hadn’t gotten my memory back?

  I shook the negative thoughts from my mind. It had all happened and now there we were. There would be peace between the clans. Finally.



  As the meeting was coming to its end, Mason stood up suddenly. “I have one more idea.” He turned to face the crowd, then turned back to me. “One more way that we can bring our clans together.”

  “But the treaty is already done,” I said.

  He gave me a wide smile and stood in front of me, taking both my hands in his. Then, he knelt down in front of me.

  “Grace, from the moment I met you, I have been taken by you. Everything about you drives me wild. I know it’s been hard for us to even be together, but I want to make sure that nothing ever separates us. I want us to be united forever, not only through love, but through marriage.”

  He reached into his pocket and took out a ring, turning the silver band in his fingers so that the diamond caught the light and sparkled.

  “Grace Osborn, will you marry me?”

  “Oh my god, yes!” I pulled him into a hug and kissed him.

  He slipped the ring over my finger and we heard cheers from the crowd. My mother and father rushed toward us. I hadn’t heard back from them after I texted them, but they must’ve stuck around. I was glad they had been there to see it all.

  They joined us at the front of the room and I gave them a wary look. I didn’t know how it was going to go down. They’d never been a fan of Mason or us being together.

  I watched, as if in slow motion, as my father stuck out his hand to shake Mason’s. Then my mother hugged him.

  They came to hug me next and my mother said, “As long as you’re happy, we’re happy.”

  “If the clan doesn’t have an issue with it, then I don’t, either,” my dad added.

  I’d take it. They weren’t trying to talk me out of it. They weren’t acting unhappy. I was sure that deep down, they were a little disappointed, but they didn’t show it.

  Owen and Ezra congratulated us and the rest of the bears followed. A few crocs came to add their congratulations as well. Then Adam was there. He walked over and begrudgingly shook Mason’s hand.

  The clan was watching and he knew it. He gave me a forced smile. “I hoped we would end up together one day, but I see that you love him, and he’s willing to fight for you. As long as he doesn’t ever hurt you, then I wish you both happiness.”

  “Thanks, Adam. I appreciate it.” It felt like with those words, I had my clan’s permission. Whatever threats had been spoken before were long gone.

  As the crowd dispersed and went on their way, I hugged Mason close. “How long have you been planning that?”

  He pressed his lips together. “I got the ring right after your memory came back and I knew I never wanted to lose you again. But I hadn’t decided how to actually propose until about two seconds before I did.”

  I laughed. “Well, it was a fine move. And it saves us the trouble of having to tell everyone. They were all there!” Though I did have a few friends out of the area and my best friend, Sophie, was still off at grad school. But that was way at the back of my mind in that moment.

  I inspected the ring, watching the light shine through the round stone. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you.”

  He put his hand to my cheek and kissed me, and the joy and relief of the day rushed through me. As he kissed me, I grew warm all over.

  “I think we should get out of here,” I said.

  “Why?” He looked around, concerned.

  “Because I want to celebrate and we can’t do that with clothes on.” I pressed my body to his and kissed him again.

  “Oh.” He chuckled in my ear. “In that case, why aren’t we already in my truck?”

  He took my hand and we said quick final goodbyes as we got into his truck. To celebrate, when we got to his house, he poured us some wine.

  “To us and being one forever,” he said.

  “One forever,” I repeated and clinked my glass against his.

  I had only drank a few sips when he started to run his hands all over me. We were in his living room and I set my glass beside me on the end table so I could turn to fully face him.

  “I’m thinking,” he said, running his hands under my shirt and along my back. “That we both have far too many clothes on.”

  “Hmm. That is a problem.”

  He pulled my shirt over my head, and I did the same with his. He reached back to unhook my bra and then cupped my breasts in his hands.

  “You are so goddamn sexy,” he said. “Just perfect.”

  He leaned down to kiss along my chest and teased my nipples, sending tingles through me.

  “We still have a problem,” I whispered.

  He looked up at me questioningly.

  “Pants,” I explained.

  He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled the zipper down before pushing them to the floor. I reached for his and when we were both completely naked, he lay me back on the sofa.

  “Mind if I finish my wine?” he asked.

  I chuckled, but said, “Sure,” thinking he was just going to gulp it down.

  Instead, he picked up the glass and tilted it until the cool liquid formed a pool around my belly button, then teased me as he lapped up the wine with his tongue.

  He placed the glass on the table and moved his mouth downward to kiss my thighs. I let my legs fall open, desperate for his touch. He read my mind and began to flick between my folds, and the exquisite feeling made my toes curl in pleasure.

  He pressed his tongue more firmly against me as he ran his hands along my legs, and the ecstasy building from deep within my core was warming me from head to toe. Gripping the sofa cushion, I tilted my hips to position myself even closer to his mouth, and I moaned as I felt myself growing close.

  I was so worked up, all it took was him slipping a thick finger inside me to push me over the edge and I came, shuddering in utter bliss, and he continued his ministrations as I rode out the ebbing waves of my orgasm.

  Mason returned to meet my gaze, then planted a trail of kisses along my collarbone. “That was just the preview.”

  “I can’t wait for the main attraction.”

  He kissed me passionately for a few minutes, but I started to grow impatient. I bit his earlobe gently. “Just how many previews are there?”

  “I thought maybe you needed a minut

  “It’s been more than a minute.”

  He reached his hand between my legs and began to rub my clit in torturously slow circles. I moaned and pushed my hips up into him.

  I felt his hardness at my entrance and he penetrated me with his entire length in one quick movement, and I let out another moan as he filled me and pounded into me again and again. He felt absolutely amazing.

  “This has got to be a five-star performance,” I breathed into his ear.

  His lips crashed over mine as he sped up his thrusts, and when I grew close to my peak again, I told him, “Harder.”

  He slammed into me faster, harder, until I dug my nails into his back and reached down to grab his ass, pulling him into me as I came yet again. With a few hard thrusts, he let out a moan as he reached his own climax.

  He dotted my face with kisses, making me giggle from the ticklish feeling.

  “I can’t believe I really get to make love to you forever,” he said.

  “You,” I touched the tip of his nose and smiled, “are a dream come true.”

  He continued to lie on top of me; there wasn’t room on the couch to lie side by side. “Do you ever wish I was a croc?”

  “Definitely not.”


  “Do you wish I was a bear?”

  “No,” he admitted, “but it would make things easier for us if we were the same species.”

  “That’s no fun. If we were, maybe things would have been different. I love you just how you are, fuzzy bear fur and all.”

  He ran a fingertip over my hard nipple. “One of these days, you’ll have to actually shift in front of me so I can appreciate that scaly skin of yours.”

  I slid out from under him and got down on the floor on my hands and knees. I was already undressed, so I figured, why the hell not? I felt the familiar cracking of my bones as my limbs shortened and my skin hardened.


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