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Sunken Wind

Page 13

by Sara T K Fehr

  All the while Ralis struggled with himself. He debated whether he should seek out his friends and find out what had them so worried. Then again, Raigh was probably right, it could likely wait until the morning.

  “Finally, just you and me.” Raigh grinned and fell into the soft grass.

  Ralis joined her and looked up into the star filled sky. “Raigh maybe I should…”

  “No, don’t even say it.” She sat up on her arm and looked at him with a serious frown. “Your friends were willing to ruin this perfect evening with more of their silly worries. I’m sure whatever it is can wait. I just want today to be perfect.”

  She rested her hand on his chin and pulled him into a warm kiss. Ralis felt his worry drain away as their lips touched. His friends could wait, he wanted to celebrate his first performance, he wanted to keep this good feeling for as long as he could. Their kissing grew more passionate and before long Raigh was perched atop Ralis. She pulled her lips away for only a moment as she took off her shirt and Ralis sighed in bliss as he drank in her beauty.

  “I don’t think I have ever been so happy.”

  “Every night could be like this.” Raigh purred as she laid her bare chest against his. “You and me, the music and the audience. I can’t think of anything more perfect.”

  “Neither can I.” Ralis tenderly ran his fingers through her hair. “I never imagined that life could be like this. I thought that I would be living in that cabin for the rest of my life. Always in fear of the next attack by the villagers of Wrenwood. If you told me a year ago that I would be seeing my dream come true and be cared for by someone who isn’t charmed by me, I wouldn’t have believed it. I only wish that it hadn’t come at such a steep cost.”

  Raigh cupped his head in her hands and leaned her forehead against his. “What happened to your mother was cruel and unforgivable. But you don’t have to worry about that kind of violence ever again, there is nowhere safer than the Carnival of Dreams.”

  A single tear escaped down Ralis’s cheek. “I wish she could have been here… and my father too. If they had known about the carnival, we could have been a family.”

  With her thumb Raigh dried his cheek and pulled back slightly to look into Ralis’s eyes. “Don’t let yourself get lost in the past. Your parents would both be happy that you’re alive and that you’re happy. Think about that future, our future.”

  “I want that future Raigh, I really do, but I can’t abandon my friends. We’ve started something and I need to see it through. Maybe you can come with us.”

  Raigh frowned at Ralis’s hopeful expression. “I can’t.”

  “I’m sure if I ask the others they wouldn’t mind. We can rejoin the carnival once the… task is done.”

  “What is that task?” She pushed with an arched eyebrow.

  Ralis bit his lip in hesitation for a moment. He couldn’t keep the secret from her, not any longer. He trusted Raigh as much as he did his other new friends. “My friends and I are seeking ancient Elven power that has been sealed away for centuries in hidden shrines. With that power we can dethrone Queen Zarrennia and seal the Chaos Gate that is poisoning the land. We already have found one of the four powers and the next one is in Esper. Miri’s visions have been guiding us on the right path.”

  Raigh blinked, she had not expected an answer. She sat up and listened quietly as Ralis explained the quest he and his friends had taken up. When he finished she laughed.

  “You’re leaving me to save the world?”

  “You could come with us.” He sat up and looped his arms around her. “With Queen Zarrennia gone and the Chaos Gate closed, the world will be a safer place for everyone. You wouldn’t have to pretend that you’re the property of the carnival anymore.”

  She struggled to keep her playful laughter on her lips but Ralis could see something struggle behind her eyes and he moved a hand to her cheek as a tear escaped her eye.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You shouldn’t have told me.” She pulled away from his hand and stood up. “I can’t leave the carnival Ralis.”

  Ralis stood and took her hand. “I don’t want to keep secrets from you. I… I really care about you Raigh.”

  She looked at him with a mournful expression. “Then stay with me. The world isn’t so bad with Queen Zarrennia on the throne. Maybe your friends don’t even need you to finish.”

  “I don’t think that’s the case.” He pulled her closer to him. “Please come with me. After the quest is done, we can come back or go anywhere you want to go.”

  “You don’t understand Ralis.” Her expression was dark, and Ralis felt she was trying to communicate something beyond her words. “I cannot leave the carnival.”

  He frowned at the emphasis she placed on the words. “Is the Ringmaster keeping you here against your will?”

  She shook her head as if pained. “I can’t talk about this.”

  “I’m sorry.” Her reaction was more than enough of an answer for him. “Maybe my friends and I can help…”

  She put a finger to his lips before the first thoughts of a plan could be spoken. “There is nothing you can do Ralis, please leave it at that. I can’t and don’t want to talk about this.”

  He nodded sadly. “Alright… When we get to Esper, we really are separating then aren’t we.” The thought brought a fresh set of tears to his eyes, tears that Raigh shared.

  “This was supposed to be a celebration.” She laughed, a little frustrated.

  “You’re right.” He pressed his lips against hers and his hands moved towards her pants.

  She giggled in delight as his hands pulled her pants down to the grass. “Tonight?” She asked, brushing away the tears.

  Ralis nodded as he pulled his shirt off and threw it in the mounting pile of fabric.

  Raigh laughed and gave him an audacious wink. “Finally.”

  The night consisted of very little rest, but what sleep Ralis did enjoy was full of pleasant dreams. He woke with the sun and blushed as he drank in Raigh’s naked form in the glow of dawn. He had used one of his wings as a blanket for her through the night and Ralis was hesitant to pull away from Raigh and expose her to the elements until she was awake. As his eyes trailed along the curves of her body, his thoughts shifted back to the conversation from the night before. He had no doubt that the Ringmaster had something on Raigh, something that kept her from leaving or speaking her mind fully. He needed to help her, but he wasn’t sure how to begin.

  With a yawn Raigh turned over in the grass and locked eyes with Ralis. “Morning.”

  “Good morning.” He smiled and pushed his plans to the back of his mind. “Did you have a good sleep?”

  “When I did sleep.” She giggled with a wink.

  “Was it worth the wait?” He asked with a soft smile.

  Her cheeks flushed and she giggled. “Yes.” Then she gave him a playful smile. “Do you regret not doing that every night since we met?”

  It was his turn to blush and laugh. “Maybe.”

  Raigh climbed out from under Ralis’s wing and began to dress herself. “I’m starving, Kim had better have something ready.”

  “Me too.” Ralis realized and stood to get dressed. “When we get back into camp I need to talk to my friends.”

  Raigh sighed exasperated. “Yeah, yeah.”

  He kissed her with a smile. “I won’t be long.”

  Ezra, Browen, Amri and Miri were all huddled together by the bonfire, enjoying breakfast as they whispered amongst each other. The four of them looked very much like outcasts in contrast to jovial carnival troupe. Ralis took a seat on the ground beside them and noted that their faces were still grim.

  “How was your celebration?” Ezra asked, one eyebrow raised.

  Ralis gave her a cheeky grin. “It was one of the best nights of my life.”r />
  Miri squeaked and looked down at her breakfast as if sausage and eggs were the most interesting thing in the world.

  “I would still like to celebrate with all of you.” Ralis offered. “You’re still my best friends after all.”

  “We should, but we’ll have time for that later.” Ezra offered in her imperial tone, then she lowered her voice and leaned in. “Ralis you can’t trust Raigh.”

  “And we need to leave immediately.” Miri looked up nervously.

  “What do you mean?” Ralis blinked in surprise.

  “I overheard the Ringmaster and Raigh talking last night.” Ezra looked sympathetically at Ralis as she spoke. “They’re plotting to keep you here, so that you can keep earning them money. Raigh is trying to trick you into staying, you can’t trust anything that she says.”

  Ralis was surprised at how upset he felt at the accusation and he frowned at his friend. “How can you say that? Raigh has been nothing but honest and kind to me since we arrived.”

  “She’s using you.” Ezra continued with a pained frown. “The Ringmaster told her to do whatever it takes to convince you to stay. Even if that means making you fall in love with her.”

  Ralis shook his head in disbelief. “If you had taken a moment to get to know her, then you would know that isn’t the case!”

  “Ralis you must listen to us.” Miri pleaded, her face red.

  “You’re just jealous.” Ralis bowed his head with a frustrated sigh. “It has been weeks, but I guess my charms are still affecting all of you.”

  Miri, Amri and Browen’s cheeks flushed slightly at the comment and Ralis had to fight back a tear. Not for the first time, he hated his innate ability to captivate those around him. He longed for genuine interactions but something in his blood tainted everyone around him into loving him at first sight. Everyone except other Ny’tyr, Ezra and Raigh.

  “Raigh really cares about me, I have no doubt about that.” Ralis looked to Ezra. “But you might be right about the Ringmaster.” He paused and tried to push away the hurt emotions that were flowing through him, he needed to focus on helping Raigh. “He has something on her, I don’t know what it is but… I think she is being forced to stay here against her will and probably forced to do the Ringmaster’s bidding.”

  “Are you sure?” Amri asked, her arms uncrossing.

  “It was something that she said last night. I think she was trying to tell me, but she couldn’t talk about it.” Ralis looked between his friends with a determined frown. “We need to help her.”

  “You wish to bring her with us?” Miri asked in surprise.

  Ralis nodded.

  “If she’s really being held here against her will we have to help.” Browen replied, sharing Ralis’s determined expression.

  “But we need to leave as soon as possible!” Miri squeaked as she fidgeted.

  Ralis shook his head firmly. “I’m not leaving until I help Raigh. If I’m right and she is being kept here against her will I have to do something.”

  “Fine, but where do we even begin?” Ezra asked with a frown.

  “The Ringmaster.” Amri said quietly, her eyes flicked up towards the Ringmaster’s wagon. “He’s the key and I bet the answer is in that wagon.”

  Ralis blushed at his friends and he immediately regretted his hostile emotions earlier. “Thank you.”

  “Hey Ralis, are you done?” Raigh’s voice called from behind. “We need to prepare for the morning show.”

  Ralis looked between his friends. “Let me know what you find.”

  “Of course.” Amri answered boldly.

  He stood and started to walk towards Raigh but was stopped by a hand on his wrist. He turned and was surprised to see Miri looking up at him with her big blue eyes. She had an anxious expression on her face and her freckles were nearly invisible for how red her cheeks were.

  “Miri?” He asked when she didn’t speak.

  “Please be careful, Ralis.” She answered softly. “Not just because you are one of the chosen but…” Her face went even brighter and she looked away. “You are my friend and I do not want to see any harm come to you.”

  Before Ralis could reply she released his arm and hurried back to the others. He blinked at her warning and her shy way of delivering it, unsure how to respond. Raigh called his name again and pulled him from his thoughts. He turned towards her with a nod, he had a show to prepare for.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Do you think Ralis is right? That the Ringmaster has something on Raigh?” Browen asked the group as Miri returned with red cheeks.

  “Ralis said that she’s been here her whole life, what could he possibly have on her?” Ezra answered with a puzzled expression.

  “She has been.” Miri confirmed. “I did not say anything earlier, but I had a small vision about Raigh. I saw her mother give birth to her and name her. She did not seem happy about the child. Then the vision brought me to the Carnival of Dreams and her mother dropped Raigh off at the Ringmaster’s wagon. He was much younger then and he took her in.”

  “Maybe it’s something about her mother?” Ezra mused at the comment, then arched her eyebrow at Miri. “Any other helpful visions?”

  “No.” Miri bowed her head. “But I will try and focus on anything that can help. I do not like the crowds anyway.”

  “I can ask around, maybe one of the other troupe members knows something.” Ezra offered as she pulled her single glove tight on her arm.

  “I’m not going to be much help in this.” Browen shrugged.

  “You can keep an eye on Ralis.” Amri suggested. “Just in case.”

  “Alright.” Browen nodded with a smile, glad to be able to help. “What about you?”

  Amri caught movement in the corner of her eyes and she spotted the Ringmaster departing his wagon for the morning, dressed in over exaggerated finery. He seemed to be in a cheerful mood as he departed for the main tents where the shows would be beginning soon. Amri cast a glance around the camp, there were still too many people hanging around for her to act.

  “I bet our answers are in there.”

  Ezra had followed her gaze and nodded. “That’s the plan then.” Then she looked at Browen. “We should probably get going.”

  Ezra and Browen both stood and departed for the main tents, while Miri sat cross legged and closed her eyes in hopes of fetching a vision. Amri sat with her and idly drew shapes into the dirt as she waited for the other members of the carnival to leave the campsite.

  The sounds of the carnival had started and yet, a few of the troupe had remained around the campfire to rest before their performances. Nearly once an hour the Ringmaster would return, carrying bags with him into his wagon, then depart again shortly after. Amri waited patiently for her moment. She knew that her time to search inside would be short.

  It was nearing noon when the campsite became a flurry of activity again as several members of the carnival paused for a lunch break. Amri sighed in frustration and wondered how long she would need to wait.

  Miri also sighed. “I do not understand why they never come when I want them.”

  “Still no visions?” Amri asked.

  Miri shook her head.

  “I was thinking that you should join me when I go inside of the wagon.”

  Miri looked up wide eyed. “Me?”

  Amri bit her lip slightly embarrassed as she confessed. “I don’t know how to read. If there are papers, I’ll need someone who can read them.”

  Miri blinked and seemed to share in the embarrassment. “I am not very good at reading myself. We did not have much need for it in the woods.”

  “But you read the words on the Shrine?”

  “Barely.” Miri confessed with a blush. “I was taught when I was young, but I use it so rarely th
at I struggle. Even writing in common is hard to read.”

  “Well it’s better than nothing.” Amri shrugged.

  It wasn’t until midafternoon that the campground was finally emptied, aside from the waiting pair. The carnival sounded as if it were finally in full swing, with loud music, laughter and conversation resounding from the colourful tents.

  Amri grabbed her proper lock pick set from her bag. Together she and Miri scurried towards the Ringmaster’s wagon. Doing their best to stay hidden in the shadow of the door frame, Amri grabbed hold of the heavy iron lock and got to work. She carefully worked her pick against the pins of the lock, feeling each of them as they clicked into place. It was not the most challenging lock and in seconds it snapped open. She hurried inside, uncertain when the Ringmaster would be returning next.

  The Ringmaster’s wagon was the biggest of the bunch and was almost roomy on the inside. She didn’t spend much time admiring the space however, and instead set upon the desk bolted to one of the walls. She pulled on the top drawer and found that it was also locked. Quickly, she picked it open and peeked inside. As she had feared the drawer was full of papers and journals all with the scribblings of text marking them.

  “Start looking through these.” Amri instructed as she searched the other drawers for more clues.

  She found more papers in addition to an assortment of pens and inks, a set of playing cards and dice, a bag of sweet smelling wrapped candies, a heavy ring of keys, a sharp looking dagger and more of the fliers that Amri had dispersed through town.

  “I do not really understand these.” Miri whispered as she dug through the papers. “They look like a catalogue of numbers and names of acts.”

  “Keep looking.” Amri insisted as she moved away from the desk.


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