KITCH less eat
Kitch approaches the place where he hid the pie in order to retrieve it.
MOSES yo nigga wait
KITCH nigga what
MOSES you remember dat nigga
broke into dat shelter
took two loaves uh bread
and some nasty ass cheese
KITCH i remember
MOSES what happened
KITCH po-pos took his ass to jail
dat nigga got
three fo years
MOSES i herd he got six
KITCH for two loaves uh bread
and some nasty ass cheese
MOSES for stealin
KITCH i ain’t steal dat pie
MOSES you ain’t
Kitch retreats from the place where the pie is hidden.
KITCH ain’t meant to steal dat pie
MOSES dat nigga
dat got locked up
how you think his life turn out
KITCH i’on know
Moses and Kitch wonder.
MOSES cud still be locked up
KITCH cud be dead
MOSES nigga
Kitch looks longingly toward the pie’s hiding place.
KITCH on da otha hand
cud be fine
MOSES how you figure
KITCH cuda got out early
good behavior
some shit like dat
MOSES good behavior
i’on know
MOSES good behavior
if he is locked up
cud be
in one uh dem art programs
water colors
shit like dat
MOSES water colors
KITCH (singing, from Whitney Houston’s “The Greatest Love of All”)
MOSES yo werd
he cud be fine
KITCH gettin dat g-e-d
dat bach’lers even
MOSES dat jd-phd
KITCH yo what dat is
MOSES nigga
KITCH less say he ain’t tho
less say dat shit got tragic
KITCH if it was me
if i’m dat nigga
dat got locked up
MOSES all for stealin
two loaves uh bread
and some nasty ass cheese
KITCH and i knew two niggas
hungry jess like i wuz
wit pie
like da pie we got right now
i’d want dem niggas to celebrate
feel me
i’d tell dem niggas
(as Dat Nigga) life is short
enjoy dat pie
in my honor
MOSES yo nigga
you right
KITCH so what we doin
nigga damn
MOSES chomp chomp
Kitch goes to the hiding place to get the pie.
But the pie isn’t there.
KITCH yo moses
dat pie
ain’t here
MOSES quit playin
KITCH i’m not
MOSES then where iss at
KITCH i’on know
nigga damn
MOSES yo kitch
nigga damn
you sayin dat pie
wus jess a joke
KITCH naw nigga damn
it was pie
MOSES then where iss at
KITCH told you nigga damn
i’on know
MOSES well
where you put it
KITCH here nigga
MOSES then where iss at
KITCH i’on know
nigga shit
MOSES maybe
it wuz jess a dream
the american dream
KITCH nightmare
most likely
Moses and Kitch have temper tantrums.
Moses and Kitch collapse to the ground.
And lay there for as long as they need to.
Then Kitch sits up.
yo moses
we still gittin off dis block tho
ain’t we
live up to our full potential
get dat milk and honey
A moment.
Then Moses sits up.
MOSES nigga i’m startin uh think
my ass might be lactose intolerant
feel me
and dat honey
dat honey fuck wit’cho glycemic index
nigga damn
KITCH nigga
MOSES what
nigga damn
it do
KITCH come on my nigga
you still got heart
you moses man
you moses
MOSES iss jess a name
nigga damn
dat shit don’t mean a thang
KITCH mean somethin to me
MOSES nigga
KITCH man don’tchu see
you fixta do dis shit right here
git up off dis block
pass ovuh
nigga damn
jess like you sed we was
jess like dat reverend missus said we was
(as Reverend Missus) say i say moses
MOSES here you go
KITCH (as Reverend Missus) you leadin deez boys
on cross dat river now moses
you leadin deez boys
on cross dat river now moses
MOSES you finished
you always was
dat reverend missus favorite
reverend too
my nigga damn
dey say dat shit to you
make all dat shit seem real
MOSES yeah my nigga damn
but now she dead
KITCH come on man
don’t go there
MOSES reverend
reverend missus
my brotha
dat nigga got kilt last night
nigga dat’s gon git kilt tonight
yo kitch
KITCH what nigga damn
how many niggas we know been kilt
KITCH nigga
MOSES i’m askin my nigga
how many
KITCH my nigga damn
yo brotha
yo brotha knew
dis shit right here
ain’t fixta hold us back
you feel me
MOSES we iz held back nigga
way back
KITCH nigga
least thang you could do is try
MOSES i have been tryin
KITCH try one mo time
MOSES … . .
KITCH pleeze moses
MOSES … . .
KITCH come on man
MOSES how many
KITCH a’ight then nigga damn
yo brotha
ed from the otha night
fat jay
dat nigga roll wit jay
dumb terry
wall-eyed terry
wall-eyed terry cousin
mike dat got dat messed up knee
big mike
his brotha
i ain’t never know his name
MOSES nigga
which andre
KITCH my nigga both
MOSES okay man damn
KITCH man i ain’t finished
yo dat tall dude got dat elbow rash
dat nigga martin
oh shit
dat otha kev
there’s more my nigga damn
i know they is
A moment.
Then up, out.
yo reverend missus
how da fuck
you spect
we fixta git up off dis block
pass ovuh
when deez fuckin red white blues
keep passin over us
MOSES (also up, out) also
we never liked yo potato salad
KITCH yo moses
MOSES what
my nigga damn
KITCH i kinda did
my nigga damn
no mustard
feel me
hold dat mustard
you right
MOSES yo kitch
KITCH what nigga damn
MOSES less say dem po-pos
come back
keep comin back
you and me
never git off dis block
what’cho ass gon do
KITCH niggaaa
MOSES what nigga damn
i’m askin
KITCH i’on know man
take it i guess
MOSES yeah for how long
KITCH niggaaa
told you i’on know
MOSES yo kitch man
you my nigga right
KITCH mos def
MOSES a’ight then nigga
one mo try
less do dis shit right here
pass ovuh
KITCH yeah my nigga
less git up off dis block
MOSES naw nigga
pass ovuh
KITCH pass ovuh
MOSES pass ovuh
KITCH pass ovuh
MOSES naw nigga
pass ovuh
KITCH what
MOSES you herd me
nigga damn
pass ovuh
A moment.
you mean
MOSES yeah
KITCH … . .
MOSES what nigga
you scared
KITCH … . .
MOSES spent
my whole damn life thinkin
why niggas
so fixated on heaven
nigga damn
i want dat good life now
you feel me
but i’on know man
maybe there is
somethin to it
why niggas stay killin each otha
cuz in deez red white blues
dat river don’t part for niggas like us
dat river crash on us
drown us whole
we ain’t chosen nigga damn
we egypt
feel me
KITCH … . .
MOSES but i understand
if you don’t—
KITCH naw nigga damn
iss good
but what we fixta
do it with tho
ain’t got no gun
really we ain’t got nuthin
MOSES we got dat rock
KITCH yo what
MOSES dat rock
my nigga
less jess use dat
KITCH … . .
MOSES come on
my nigga
Kitch gets the rock and gives it to Moses.
KITCH a’ight then
after you
Moses gives the rock back to Kitch.
MOSES naw nigga
damn man
after you
Kitch gives it back to Moses.
KITCH man after you
MOSES nigga
KITCH okay nigga damn
iss juss …
MOSES you iz scared ain’tchu?
KITCH yeah nigga damn
i hit’chu wit dat rock
den what
you pass ovuh
leave me here
all by my lonesome
MOSES shit
KITCH yeah nigga
ain’t thought uh dat
now did you
MOSES no i ain’t
KITCH a’ight then
MOSES i got it
how bout we don’t do dat whole thang
all at once
KITCH yo what
MOSES i sed my nigga damn
not all at once
i hit’chu
juss a little
then when iss yo turn
you hit me
KITCH but juss a little
MOSES yeah my nigga damn man
juss a little
dat way
you and me
we still
KITCH but what if dat don’t—
MOSES percy
i believe in you
KITCH yo werd
MOSES yes dawg
i do
thank you man
i’m touched
Moses offers Kitch the rock.
MOSES so what
my nigga
you in
Kitch takes the rock.
KITCH yeah nigga
less do dis thang
yo reverend missus
git them fish eggs ready
you hear
(singing the theme song from The Jeffersons) CUZ WE UH MOVIN ON UP
MOSES movin on up
MOSES & KITCH we finally got uh piece
uh the pie
MOSES a’ight then nigga
less do dis shit
Moses considers his immediate surroundings, then kneels down facing Kitch.
Kitch picks up the rock and raises it above his head.
A moment.
KITCH nigga!
MOSES what nigga damn
what’chu want
MOSES iss juss
i think dat i shud face dis way
KITCH yeah nigga damn
dat might be better
Moses turns to face away from Kitch.
A longish silent moment.
MOSES yo kitch
KITCH what nigga damn
MOSES sorry
i ain’t da nigga
you thought i was
dis shit
don’t change nuthin
feel me
don’t change nuthin
MOSES pass ovuh
KITCH pass ovuh
Kitch raises the rock above his head to strike.
Ossifer clears his throat offstage.
Kitch hesitates.
yo moses man
you hear dat dawg
kill me now
KITCH i can’t
my nigga
MOSES why not
KITCH i think somebody here
MOSES yo how you figure
KITCH yo somebody here
Ossifer enters as before.
Kitch flinches.
going somewhere
Ossifer approaches Kitch and takes the rock out of his hand.
KITCH no sir
Kitch assumes the position.
MOSES … . .
But Moses does not. He just sits there on his knees.
OSSIFER (to Moses) i said
you going somewhere
MOSES … . .
OSSIFER what’s the matter alpha dog
an’t talk
MOSES … . .
OSSIFER alright then boy
stand up
Moses stands up.
come on boy
you know the drill
Moses assumes the position.
Ossifer pats him down.
i don’t know why
you boys
on making me treat you
like this
what i do know is
i can’t go
without problem
after problem
after problem
you boys
enjoy this shit
hey boy
don’t act like
you don’t hear me
i said
you / boy—
MOSES kill me now
OSSIFER what the fuck
did you say to me boy
MOSES you heard me nigga
KITCH yo moses—
you could talk
KITCH no sir
Ossifer takes out his baton and runs the tip over Moses’ face and body. It’s a threat. But it’s not not sexual.
OSSIFER i suggest
you think about
how you talk to me boy
last thing i want
is for this to get ugly
MOSES kill
OSSIFER i’m the one giving orders here nigger
not you
Ossifer hits Moses with the baton.
Moses falters.
Then he laughs.
what the fuck
is so funny
i’m standin here
sayin kill me
sayin i’d rather die
than put up wit’cho shit
for one mo day
but’chu won’t do it
wuss da matter
you scared?
Ossifer hits Moses again.
Again Moses falters.
i’m just getting warmed up
MOSES a’ight then nigga
no time like the present
bang bang
OSSIFER you’d like that
wouldn’t you
MOSES you wud too
or maybe you wudn’t
huntin niggas ain’t fun
unless niggas run away
OSSIFER start running nigger
let’s find out
MOSES naw nigga
imma make you
do dat shit up close
cuz where i’m standin
my black ass dead already
all dat’s left
is how it happens
and who gets to bury
dat body
so come on nigga
less go
OSSIFER alright boy
i warned you
Ossifer hits Kitch with the baton.
Kitch falters.
KITCH moses
MOSES what his crime is
breathin while black
OSSIFER don’t worry bout it nigger
just keep those hands
where i can see them
A moment.
Ossifer takes out his gun and points it squarely at Moses.
OSSIFER watch it boy
The space changes.
Then, Moses changes too.
Then, the plagues against Ossifer begin.
MOSES against my body
black and free
these weapons that you wield
have no more strength
not your gun
Ossifer attempts to shoot Moses, pulling the trigger twice in rapid succession.
Bang Bang.
He can’t.
Pass Over Page 5