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The Descent of Man

Page 26

by Charles Darwin

  Of Cattle I have received returns from nine gentlemen of 982 births, too few to be trusted; these consisted of 477 bull-calves and 505 cow-calves; i.e. in the proportion of 94·4 males to 100 females. The Rev. W. D. Fox informs me that in 1867 out of 34 calves born on a farm in Derbyshire only one was a bull. Mr. Harrison Weir writes to me that he has enquired from several breeders of Pigs, and most of them estimate the male to the female births as about 7 to 6. This same gentleman has bred Rabbits for many years, and has noticed that a far greater number of bucks are produced than does.

  Of mammalia in a state of nature I have been able to learn very little. In regard to the common rat, I have received conflicting statements. Mr. R. Elliot of Laighwood, informs me that a rat-catcher assured him that he had always found the males in great excess, even with the young in the nest. In consequence of this, Mr. Elliot himself subsequently examined some hundred old ones, and found the statement true. Mr. F. Buckland has bred a large number of white rats, and he also believes that the males greatly exceed the females. In regard to Moles, it is said that “the males are much more numerous than the females;”377 and as the catching of these animals is a special occupation, the statement may perhaps be trusted. Sir A. Smith, in describing an antelope of S. Africa378 (Kobus ellipsiprymnus), remarks, that in the herds of this and other species, the males are few in number compared with the females: the natives believe that they are born in this proportion; others believe that the younger males are expelled from the herds, and Sir A. Smith says, that though he has himself never seen herds consisting of young males alone, others affirm that this does occur. It appears probable that the young males when expelled from the herd, would be likely to fell a prey to the many beasts of prey of the country.



  With respect to the Fowl, I have received only one account, namely, that out of 1001 chickens of a highly-bred stock of Cochins, reared during eight years by Mr. Stretch, 487 proved males and 514 females: i.e. as 94.7 to 100. In regard to domestic pigeons there is good evidence that the males are produced in excess, or that their lives are longer; for these birds invariably pair, and single males, as Mr. Tegetmeier informs me, can always be purchased cheaper than females. Usually the two birds reared from the two eggs laid in the same nest consist of a male and female; but Mr. Harrison Weir, who has been so large a breeder, says that he has often bred two cocks from the same nest, and seldom two hens; moreover the hen is generally the weaker of the two, and more liable to perish.

  With respect to birds in a state of nature, Mr. Gould and others379 are convinced that the males are generally the more numerous; and as the young males of many species resemble the females, the latter would naturally appear to be the most numerous. Large numbers of pheasants are reared by Mr. Baker of Leadenhall from eggs laid by wild birds, and he informs Mr. Jenner Weir that four or five males to one female are generally produced. An experienced observer remarks380 that in Scandinavia the broods of the capercailzie and black-cock contain more males than females; and that with the Dal-ripa (a kind of ptarmigan) more males than females attend the leks or places of courtship; but this latter circumstance is accounted for by some observers by a greater number of hen birds being killed by vermin. From various facts given by White of Selbourne,381 it seems clear that the males of the partridge must be in considerable excess in the south of England; and I have been assured that this is the case in Scotland. Mr. Weir on enquiring from the dealers who receive at certain seasons large numbers of ruffs (Machetes pugnax) was told that the males are much the most numerous. This same naturalist has also enquired for me from the bird-catchers, who annually catch an astonishing number of various small species alive for the London market, and he was unhesitatingly answered by an old and trustworthy man, that with the chaffinch the males are in large excess; he thought as high as 2 males to 3071 female, or at least as high as 5 to 3.382 The males of the blackbird, he likewise maintained, were by far the most numerous, whether caught by traps or by netting at night. These statements may apparently be trusted, because the same man said that the sexes are about equal with the lark, the twite (Linaria montana), and goldfinch. On the other hand he is certain that with the common linnet, the females preponderate greatly, but unequally during different years; during some years he has found the females to the males as four to one. It should, however, be borne in mind, that the chief season for catching birds does not begin till September, so that with some species partial migrations may have begun, and the flocks at this period often consist of hens alone. Mr. Salvin paid particular attention to the sexes of the humming-birds in Central America, and he is convinced that with most of the species the males are in excess; thus one year he procured 204 specimens belonging to ten species, and these consisted of 166 males and of 38 females. With two other species the females were in excess: but the proportions apparently vary either during different seasons or in different localities; for on one occasion the males of Campylopterus hemileucurus were to the females as five to two, and on another occasion383 in exactly the reversed ratio. As bearing on this latter point, I may add, that Mr. Powys found in Corfu and Epirus the sexes of the chaffinch keeping apart, and “the females by far the most numerous;” whilst in Palestine Mr. Tristram found “the male flocks appearing greatly to exceed the female in number.”384 So again with the Quiscalus major, Mr. G. Taylor385 says, that in Florida there were “very few females in proportion to the males,” whilst in Honduras the proportion was the other way, the species there having the character of a polygamist.


  With Fish the proportional numbers of the sexes can be ascertained only by catching them in the adult or nearly adult state; and there 308are many difficulties in arriving at any just conclusion.386 Infertile females might readily be mistaken for males, as Dr. Günther has remarked to me in regard to trout. With some species the males are believed to die soon after fertilising the ova. With many species the males are of much smaller size than the females, so that a large number of males would escape from the same net by which the females were caught. M. Carbonnier,387 who has especially attended to the natural history of the pike (Esox lucius) states that many males, owing to their small size, are devoured by the larger females; and he believes that the males of almost all fish are exposed from the same cause to greater danger than the females. Nevertheless in the few cases in which the proportional numbers have been actually observed, the males appear to be largely in excess. Thus Mr. R. Buist, the superintendent of the Stormontfield experiments, says that in 1865, out of 70 salmon first landed for the purpose of obtaining the ova, upwards of 60 were males. In 1867 he again “calls attention to the vast disproportion of the males to the females. We had at the outset at least ten males to one female.” Afterwards sufficient females for obtaining ova were procured. He adds, “from the great proportion of the males, they are constantly fighting and tearing each other on the spawning-beds.”388 This disproportion, no doubt, can be accounted for in part, but whether wholly is very doubtful, by the males ascending the rivers before the females. Mr. F. Buckland remarks in regard to trout, that “it is a curious fact that the males preponderate very largely in number over the females. It invariably happens that when the first rush of fish is made to the net, there will be at least seven or eight males to one female found captive. I cannot quite account for this; either the males are more numerous than the females, or the latter seek safety by concealment rather than flight.” He then adds, that by carefully searching the banks, sufficient females for obtaining ova can be found.389 Mr. H. Lee informs me that out of 212 trout, taken for this purpose in Lord Portsmouth’s park, 150 were males and 62 females.

  With the Cyprinidæ the males likewise seem to be in excess; but several members of this Family, viz., the carp, tench, bream and minnow, appear regularly to follow the practice, rare in the 309animal kingdom, of polyandry; for the female whilst spawning is always attended by two males, one on each side, and in the case of the bream by three or four males. Th
is fact is so well known, that it is always recommended to stock a pond with two male tenches to one female, or at least with three males to two females. With the minnow, an excellent observer states, that on the spawning-beds the males are ten times as numerous as the females; when a female comes amongst the males, “she is immediately pressed closely by a male on each side; and when they have been in that situation for a time, are superseded by other two males.”390


  In this class, the Lepidoptera alone afford the means of judging of the proportional numbers of the sexes; for they have been collected with special care by many good observers, and have been largely bred from the egg or caterpillar state. I had hoped that some breeders of silk-moths might have kept an exact record, but after writing to France and Italy, and consulting various treatises, I cannot find that this has ever been done. The general opinion appears to be that the sexes are nearly equal, but in Italy as I hear from Professor Canestrini, many breeders are convinced that the females are produced in excess. The same naturalist, however, informs me, that in the two yearly broods of the Ailanthus silk-moth (Bombyx cynthia), the males greatly preponderate in the first, whilst in the second the two sexes are nearly equal, or the females rather in excess.

  In regard to Butterflies in a state of nature, several observers have been much struck by the apparently enormous preponderance of the males.391 Thus Mr. Bates,392 in speaking of the species, no less than about a hundred in number, which inhabit the Upper Amazons, says that the males are much more numerous than the females, even in the proportion of a hundred to one. In North America, Edwards, who had great experience, estimates in the genus Papilio the males to the females as four to one; and Mr. 310Walsh, who informed me of this statement, says that with P. turnus this is certainly the case. In South Africa, Mr. R. Trimen found the males in excess in 19 species;393 and in one of these, which swarms in open places, he estimated the number of males as fifty to one female. With another species, in which the males are numerous in certain localities, he collected during seven years only five females. In the island of Bourbon, M. Maillard states that the males of one species of Papilio are twenty times as numerous as the females.394 Mr. Trimen informs me that as far as he has himself seen, or heard from others, it is rare for the females of any butterfly to exceed in number the males; but this is perhaps the case with three South African species. Mr. Wallace395 states that the females of Ornithoptera crœsus, in the Malay archipelago, are more common and more easily caught than the males; but this is a rare butterfly. I may here add, that in Hyperythra, a genus of moths, Guenée says, that from four to five females are sent in collections from India for one male.

  When this subject of the proportional numbers of the sexes of insects was brought before the Entomological Society,396 it was generally admitted that the males of most Lepidoptera, in the adult or imago state, are caught in greater numbers than the females; but this fact was attributed by various observers to the more retiring habits of the females, and to the males emerging earlier from the cocoon. This latter circumstance is well known to occur with most Lepidoptera, as well as with other insects. So that, as M. Personnat remarks, the males of the domesticated Bombyx yamamai, are lost at the beginning of the season, and the females at the end, from the want of mates.397 I cannot however persuade myself that these causes suffice to explain the great excess of males in the cases, above given, of butterflies which are extremely common in their native countries. Mr. Stainton, who has paid such close attention during many years to the smaller moths, informs me that when he collected them in the imago state, he thought that the males were ten times as numerous as the females, but that since he has reared them on a large scale from the caterpillar state, he is convinced that the females are the most 311numerous. Several entomologists concur in this view. Mr. Doubleday, however, and some others, take an opposite view, and are convinced that they have reared from the egg and caterpillar states a larger proportion of males than of females.

  Besides the more active habits of the males, their earlier emergence from the cocoon, and their frequenting in some cases more open stations, other causes may be assigned for an apparent or real difference in the proportional numbers of the sexes of Lepidoptera, when captured in the imago state, and when reared from the egg or caterpillar state. It is believed by many breeders in Italy, as I hear from Professor Canestrini, that the female caterpillar of the silk-moth suffers more from the recent disease than the male; and Dr. Staudinger informs me that in rearing Lepidoptera more females die in the cocoon than males. With many species the female caterpillar is larger than the male, and a collector would naturally choose the finest specimens, and thus unintentionally collect a larger number of females. Three collectors have told me that this was their practice; but Dr. Wallace is sure that most collectors take all the specimens which they can find of the rarer kinds, which alone are worth the trouble of rearing. Birds when surrounded by caterpillars would probably devour the largest; and Professor Canestrini informs me that in Italy some breeders believe, though on insufficient evidence, that in the first brood of the Ailanthus silk-moth, the wasps destroy a larger number of the female than of the male caterpillars. Dr. Wallace further remarks that female caterpillars, from being larger than the males, require more time for their development and consume more food and moisture; and thus they would be exposed during a longer time to danger from ichneumons, birds, &c., and in times of scarcity would perish in greater numbers. Hence it appears quite possible that, in a state of nature, fewer female Lepidoptera may reach maturity than males; and for our special object we are concerned with the numbers at maturity, when the sexes are ready to propagate their kind.

  The manner in which the males of certain moths congregate in extraordinary numbers round a single female, apparently indicates a great excess of males, though this fact may perhaps be accounted for by the earlier emergence of the males from their cocoons. Mr. Stainton informs me that from twelve to twenty males may often be seen congregated round a female Elachista rufocinerea. It is well known that if a virgin Lasiocampa quercus or Saturnia carpini be exposed in a cage, vast numbers of males collect round her, and if confined in a room will even come down the chimney to her. 312Mr. Doubleday believes that he has seen from fifty to a hundred males of both these species attracted in the course of a single day by a female under confinement. Mr. Trimen exposed in the Isle of Wight a box in which a female of the Lasiocampa had been confined on the previous day, and five males soon endeavoured to gain admittance. M. Verreaux, in Australia, having placed the female of a small Bombyx in a box in his pocket, was followed by a crowd of males, so that about 200 entered the house with him.398

  Mr. Doubleday has called my attention to Dr. Staudinger’s399 list of Lepidoptera, which gives the prices of the males and females of 300 species or well-marked varieties of (Rhopalocera) butterflies. The prices for both sexes of the very common species are of course the same; but with 114 of the rarer species they differ; the males being in all cases, excepting one, the cheapest. On an average of the prices of the 113 species, the price of the male to that of the female is as 100 to 149; and this apparently indicates that inversely the males exceed the females in number in the same proportion. About 2000 species or varieties of moths (Heterocera) are catalogued, those with wingless females being here excluded on account of the difference in habits of the two sexes: of these 2000 species, 141 differ in price according to sex, the males of 130 being cheaper, and the males of only 11 being dearer than the females. The average price of the males of the 130 species, to that of the females, is as 100 to 143. With respect to the butterflies in this priced list, Mr. Doubleday thinks (and no man in England has had more experience), that there is nothing in the habits of the species which can account for the difference in the prices of the two sexes, and that it can be accounted for only by an excess in the numbers of the males. But I am bound to add that Dr. Staudinger himself, as he informs me, is of a different opinion. He thinks that the less active habits of the
females and the earlier emergence of the males will account for his collectors securing a larger number of males than of females, and consequently for the lower prices of the former With respect to specimens reared from the caterpillar-state, Dr. Staudinger believes, as previously stated, that a greater number of females than of males die under confinement in the cocoons. He adds that with certain species one sex seems to preponderate over the other during certain years.

  Of direct observations on the sexes of Lepidoptera, reared either 313from eggs or caterpillars, I have received only the few following cases:—

  Males. Females.

  The Rev. J. Hellins400 of Exeter reared, during 1868, imagos of 73 species, which consisted of 153 137

  Mr. Albert Jones of Eltham reared, during 1868, imagos of 9 species, which, consisted of 159 126

  During 1869 he reared imagos from 4 species, consisting of 114 112

  Mr. Buckler of Emsworth, Hants, during 1869, reared imagos from 74 species, consisting of 180 169

  Dr. Wallace of Colchester reared from one brood of Bombyx cynthia 52 48

  Dr. Wallace raised, from cocoons of Bombyx Pernyi sent from China, during 1869 224 123

  Dr. Wallace raised, during 1868 and 1869, from two lots of cocoons of Bombyx Yamamai 52 46

  —— ——

  Total 934 761

  So that in these eight lots of cocoons and eggs, males were produced in excess. Taken together the proportion of males is as 122.7 to 100 females. But the numbers are hardly large enough to be trustworthy.

  On the whole, from the above various sources of evidence, all pointing to the same direction, I infer that with most species of Lepidoptera, the males in the imago state generally exceed the females in number, whatever the proportions may be at their first emergence from the egg.


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