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Page 6

by Carpenter, Maggie

Her sleepy voice drifted up to him, and rolling over he brought her into his arms.

  "I love sleeping with you," she breathed as she nestled against him. "It's the best."

  "Me too."

  Duncan's head began to spin. Shrouded by a need to protect her and take her further into his dark, decadent world, he knew his feelings would only grow deeper as the days floated by, and he was feeling disingenuous. She saw him as an author and a mysterious romantic, but his life in London as a barrister was courtrooms and cocktail parties.

  He suddenly wanted her, and rolling her on her back, his hands roamed across her body, fondling, pinching and teasing. Her moans filled the room, and moving on top of her, he pushed her legs apart with his and slid his cock forcefully forward. Devouring her mouth as he began to thrust, Brittany threw her arms around his neck, returning his kiss with zealous hunger. In just minutes her fervor sent him tumbling into a sudden climax, and letting out a startled cry as her orgasm abruptly exploded, she clutched him urgently, refusing to let him go even after their spasms had dissipated and he'd slipped from her depths.

  "Something's wrong," she breathed, "I can feel it. You just made love to me like the ship was going down."

  Dropping next to her and pulling her against him, he searched for the words.

  "I'm not sure how to say this," he began, uncomfortable with the emotion surging through him. "We're speeding forward, and it's going to come to an abrupt end in only a couple of days."

  "What are you saying?"

  "I'm worried for you," he muttered, silently adding, for both of us. "If the feelings are this strong already, how much harder will it be when it's time to say goodbye? I think—"

  "But you showered me with a fabulous dinner and those beautiful roses," she exclaimed, sitting up and glaring down at him. "You said we should enjoy the time we have. What the hell?"

  "I'm simply voicing my concerns, Brittany. You need to calm down."

  "No, I won't calm down," she railed, grabbing her pillow and hurling it at him.

  "My God. You're actually throwing a tantrum."

  "I am not! I'm reacting to a bastard who got what he wanted and now wants to dump me."

  Deftly throwing her on her back and straddling her, he pinned her wrists on either side of her head.

  "You truly are a spoiled little girl. Twenty-something going on ten, and I'll bet your wealthy father is wrapped around your finger. You need a man who will discipline you and make you behave."

  "I don't know what you're talking about. Let me up."

  "You're still in that small town of yours because you have everything you want at your fingertips."

  Brittany suddenly stopped struggling. His words had hit home.

  "You want to voice your feelings, don't you, Brittany? You want to share your dreams with me, and your fears. Am I not accorded the same right?"

  "I, uh, didn't think about it that way."

  "The fact is, I owe you an apology. It's been a long time since I've experienced such amazing chemistry and I got swept away. So did you, and that's why you reacted so badly when I said what I did. It was wrong of me to let this happen, and I'm sorry." Then pausing, he added. "In my defense, I didn't think our feelings would be turbocharged, but if things continue, how miserable are we going to be when we have to go our separate ways?"

  "This isn't fair," she muttered, her lower lip trembling.

  "No," he said grimly, releasing her wrists and moving off her body. "But that's the way life can be sometimes."

  "Sorry I lost it, and you were right about my dad and why I don't want to leave."

  "I should end this by putting you over my knee and spanking you for that tantrum."

  "Would you?" she asked softly, sitting up and looking down at him.

  "You know if I do I won't hold back."

  "It's the one fantasy I've been craving forever. An over the knee spanking, but if you think we should part now…"

  "I should at least give you that," he replied, feeling a sudden, unexpected lump in his throat, "but let's get one thing straight. It's not that I want to say goodbye, I just think—"

  "It will be easier now than in two days."

  "I'm going to spank you for that too. You interrupt. It's a bad habit."

  "I'm so sad," she bleated, her tears beginning to fall.

  Engulfing her in his arms, fighting his own swelling emotion, he tried to conjure up words of comfort.

  "I'll spank you the night before we dock. The time apart will help us come to terms with things, and a spanking will be the perfect way to say goodbye."

  "If you think that's best."

  "You should take a shower. I'd ask you to stay for breakfast, but that would—"

  "Be impossible. Sorry, I interrupted you again. I'd rather just head off, but could you take a shower? I can leave while you're in there."

  "That's sounds right," he murmured, and giving her a tight hug, he padded into the bathroom.

  Closing the door, he leaned against it for a moment, then moving to the counter, he stared at his reflection.

  "At least I know I can feel again, and there's nothing to be done about this. I'm not interested in a long distance relationship. Besides, we barely know each other."

  But as he moved to the shower stall and turned on the faucets, a shadow of doubt lurked around him.

  When he returned to the bedroom and found her gone, he decided to take a jog. Dressing in his sweat suit he headed out, but when he reached the track and began to run, the blonde stranger from the night before floated into his mind. Recalling the man's purposeful attempt to intercept Brittany, and the determined look the man had sent from across the room, the more concerned Duncan became. As much as he wanted the jog to settle him, the lingering worry continued. The long run was offering no relief at all.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Fighting her tears as she returned to her cabin, Brittany hurried to the bathroom and splashed her face with cold water. Duncan's reasoning made sense. If she was crazy about him after such a short time, there was no question she'd be in even deeper when the ship docked.

  "So much for a wild shipboard fling. Why did I have to meet Mr. Perfect? Couldn't I have met someone less perfect, someone easier to say goodbye to? Did it have to be James Fucking Bond?"

  Walking out to the deck and gazing at the infinite horizon, a frown crossed her brow. Wouldn't two more days have been better than no more days? Unable to settle she ambled back inside, turned on the television, and searched for something to take her mind off her aching heart.

  Kate And William - The Untold Story.

  The title flashed on the screen. Not knowing much about the fairytale royal couple she sat back to watch. With a clipped British accent, the narrator began with how the couple had met at St. Andrews University in Scotland. William was tall and dashing, and Kate was almost as tall and very attractive. The story continued, but it was halfway through the show that Brittany leaned forward and pricked her ears.

  "Kate did not let the grass grow under her feet after the breakup, embarking on a social whirlwind of hi-profile parties and clubbing around London. Kate and her sister were constantly photographed enjoying London's nightlife, and Kate even dated several of William's friends. Apparently this brought William to his senses, and it was only weeks later they were back together."

  Brittany hit the pause button.

  Strutting her stuff had won Kate Middleton the heir to the English throne!

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Still panting from his jog, Duncan turned down the hall towards his cabin, the cocky blonde man continuing to consume his thoughts. Reaching his door, desperate for a hot shower and a stiff drink, he reached into his pocket for his key, but he couldn't stop himself from glancing down at Brittany's door.

  He caught his breath.

  Her hair hanging loosely around her shoulders, and black mascara coating her eyes, Brittany was wearing an obscenely short maroon skirt, a low cut pink shirt, and glossy black stilettos.
She was dressed to kill, and he barely recognized her.

  "Brittany," he exclaimed, striding towards her. "Where are you off to?"

  "The Seven Seas bar. I need cheering up."

  "You look like you've already had a drink."

  "Actually, I've had two," she said with a giggle.

  "Are you sure this is wise? I mean, the way you're dressed is—"

  "I'm wearing a bra. Oops, cut you off!"

  "But if that blonde chap happens to be around, I'm not sure—"

  "Don't worry about it. Go and take a shower. You need it."

  As he watched her walk away, her bottom pushing against the tight skirt, he felt his blood pressure rise; helpless was not something he did well.

  "Brittany, wait, I'll come with you."

  She paused, and slowly turned.

  "I thought we were going to avoid each other. Besides, you're all sweaty."

  "Give me five minutes. You can wait—"

  "No, it's okay," she replied, interrupting yet again. "You were right, it's better this way."

  But rounding the corner, Brittany broke into a cheeky grin.

  "That was easy. Thanks, Kate. I owe you one."


  Duncan's head was spinning. Brittany wanted men to fawn over her and make her feel better, but he couldn't understand why she felt the need to wear such outlandish clothes to get their attention. Taking a quick shower, he hurried out the door and down the hall, bypassing the elevator and running up the stairs two at a time, but as he reached the deck and moved towards the bar, he checked himself. Bursting in and making a scene wasn't his style. He managed to compose himself, but the thought of Brittany having a drunken roll between the sheets with a slobbering stranger made him shudder. Moving purposefully forward to the door and opening it just a hair, he spied her perched on a bar stool, her skirt so far up her thighs she could have been wearing shorts.

  "What the blazes are you playing at," he muttered under his breath. "I know you're hurt, but why are you behaving so outrageously."

  I was watching through a crack in my door, I guess you could say I was staking you out.

  Her comment flashed through his head.

  She'd done it again!

  Wanting him to see her in the scandalous outfit she'd been waiting, peeking down the hall, then purposely stepped from her cabin when he'd returned. Turning away, he walked to the side of the deck and stared out at the infinite blackness. She'd manipulated him a second time, but the modern day Scarlet O'Hara was under his skin. He didn't want her to be, but she was, and he was worried about her. Leaning his elbows on the railing he pondered his choices.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Brittany was becoming increasingly agitated. She'd been sure her Knight In Shining Armor would appear shortly after she took her seat at the bar. He'd scold her for wearing such dreadful clothes, then whisk her back to his cabin for a sound spanking, but long minutes had passed and there'd been no sign of him.

  "Hi, I'm Simon," a young man said, perching on the stool next to her. "Can I buy you a drink?"

  "I'm waiting for someone, and when he shows up you don't want to be there. He can be very jealous."

  "Okay, but if he doesn't arrive you're welcome to join me. I'm not so bad once you get to know me."

  "I doubt that."

  He sighed, then leaning closer, he fixed her with a steady gaze.

  "You may be gorgeous, and you may be out of my league, but you don't have to be rude. Someone should spank some manners into you."

  So shocked she couldn't find her tongue, she watched him slide off his barstool and start to walk away, but he paused, and turning back, he added,

  "Whoever that someone is, he should also tell you not to dress like a tramp. You're beautiful, you don't need to do that."

  "How dare you."

  "He's right!"

  Duncan's voice growled over her shoulder, and spinning around she stared into his puzzled eyes.

  "I know I am," the young man declared, happy to have backup from such a debonaire stranger, "but thanks for saying so. Hi, I'm Simon, and I guess you're her date. I'll leave you two alone."

  "Duncan Rhys-Davies," Duncan said quickly, "and no, I'm not her date, but I would like a private word with her."

  "No problem I'll just...uh...go away."

  "Duncan," Brittany said breathlessly as Simon amble away. "Why are you so upset?"

  "As I just told him, I'm not your date, I'm just someone you like to play games with."

  "That's not true!"

  "I wasn't sure what to do about your little act, Brittany, but I—"


  "I have to admit," he continued, ignoring her interruption, "you have made me realize two very important things. If you want to hear about them you can come to my cabin."

  "Please, you—!"

  But he was already leaving.

  "Cool. I love that guy," Simon remarked, strolling back to her.

  "Please, just go away," she grunted, sliding off the bar stool to chase after Duncan.

  Hurrying out into the cool night air, she looked around the empty deck, then walked briskly to the elevator, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for it to arrive.

  "Need some company?" She didn't recognize the voice, and turning around, she spied the blonde man from The Mermaid the night before strolling towards her. "You look dressed to break some hearts," he grinned, his green eyes twinkling down at her.

  "Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

  The ding of the elevator announced its arrival, and much to her dismay he followed her in. Locked together in the intimate space, she wished she was anywhere but there, and with anyone but him.

  "Don't worry, I'm not an axe murderer," he said warmly, as if sensing her nervousness. "I honestly didn't mean any harm last night. I just thought you looked beautiful and I couldn't take my eyes off you."

  "You tried to run into me when I was walking back to my table!"

  "Yes, I did, and I'd do the same thing again," he admitted. "I really wanted to meet you."

  "Whatever," she sighed, relieved he appeared to be less threatening than she'd thought.

  "I'm surprised to see you out by yourself. My name's Cooper, by the way, Cooper Cross. I'd be honored if you'd let me buy you a drink sometime, or just coffee if you want. I'm in Cabin 42C if you want to contact me."

  The elevator came to a gentle stop, but before she stepped out she looked up at him.

  "I won't, but thanks anyway."

  "Wait. Can you at least tell me your name?"

  "Brittany," she replied, moving into the hallway. "Brittany Carter."

  The elevator doors closed, and walking quickly down the hall she reached Duncan's cabin.

  "Expect the best, prepare for the worst. That's what dad always says," she muttered, tapping lightly on his door.

  "It's open."

  He sounded grim, and nervously walking inside, she found him standing in the middle of the room, hands in his pockets, looking as if he'd just lost his best friend.

  "Duncan, before you say anything, let me explain."

  "Please, don't. I told you I realized two things tonight, and I'm not going to tap dance around them. I know you tried to manipulate me again, just as you did when you decided to sneak into my room so I'd—"

  "Yes, but I—"

  "Be quiet," he barked. "Stop with these constant interruptions."

  His anger was evident, but as she meekly apologized, she could see his hurt and disappointment.

  "You wanted me to feel concerned and protective," he continued. "Well, Brittany, you succeeded. That's exactly what happened, and I discovered just how much you've come to mean to me. Your plan worked! It worked brilliantly."

  "It did? You do?"

  "Unfortunately there was a second realization, and I'm afraid it voids the first. Even if I was prepared to be with you for the rest of the cruise and see where things might go from there, how can I? As much as I've come to care for you, how can I be wit
h someone so deceitful and conniving? How can I trust a woman like that? The simple answer is, I can't."

  Brittany stared at him, a deer in headlights. There was no defense, but as his words jangled through her head, she had her own epiphany.

  "How else could I make you see how much you care for me? I know what's in your heart, Duncan Rhys-Davies, I know you've fallen for me just like I've fallen for you! The difference is, I can admit it, and I'm not afraid of it like you are."

  "Steady on!"

  "No, you've been on the soapbox, now it's my turn. You're scared, and you're using my attempt to put you in touch with your feelings as an excuse to say you don't trust me and therefore can't be with me. You know what, that's fine. You don't want to be with a scheming, conniving woman? A woman who uses her wits, who's resourceful and tenacious, and won't give up on a man she's crazy about? Well, Mr. High and Mighty, I don't want to be with a coward and an idiot who can't see the forest for the trees. Have a nice life!"

  Spinning around, she stormed from the room, slamming the door behind her.

  Stunned, Duncan stood completely still for several long seconds, then moved to the bar and poured himself a shot of scotch, downing it in a single gulp.

  "Bloody hell, is she right? Am I a coward? Am I using her behavior as an excuse? What the hell have I just done?"

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Furious, hurt, disappointed and confused, Brittany marched into her cabin, flung herself on the bed and sobbed into a pillow.

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck. He's the man of my dreams. He's handsome and tall and British, and he's strong and...and…dammit! What's wrong with me? Why did I pull that crap? He might have come to his senses all by himself. Why did this happen?"

  Finally coming up for air, she moved into the bathroom and wiped away her streaked mascara.

  "I can't stay locked up in here, I'll go crazy. I should go back up to The Seven Seas, or maybe…"


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