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Mischief and Mistletoe (Forever Yours Book 10)

Page 9

by Stacy Reid

  But she was not. She swallowed. Her menses had arrived yesterday, and she had cried even more. For deep inside, she had been willing to marry him with their child, madly tying them together, and then she had vowed to make him fall in love with her. It wouldn’t matter how or why they married, only that she would ensure their happiness.

  Only now…she had no reason to write to him, and he had none to visit her.

  She raised trembling fingers to her lips, hating that her throat burned with tears. Callie didn’t think she would ever recover from the storm of the last few days over the years to come. He had captured her heart, and when he had left, he took it with him.

  “I want it back,” she cried in a sharp sob. “If I do not have yours, you cannot have mine!” I’ll storm his estate and demand it back, she fumed. Yes, that is what she would do. Travel to his estate before he could return to town and demand a straightforward explanation of his affections for her. It could not be that the day in the cottage had been meaningless, she refused to accept that it was all lies. With that new resolve in her heart, she felt a little lighter even if the painful ache still lingered.


  She whirled around to see her mother approaching her, looking radiant and contented.

  “Mama,” she said with a wobbly smile. “Happy Christmas to you.”

  “The same to you, my dear,” she said with a bright smile.

  Her eyes searched Callie’s face. “Callie, I cannot help but notice how morose you’ve been. I fretted over it, but then Robert confided in me just now of what the potential problem might be.”

  Callie frowned, she had believed that she had hidden her feelings so well. What did the earl know of her heartache? “Mama—”

  “He told me of Graham asking to court you, and of the argument which followed. Is it that you were also open to your bro…to the viscount’s courtship?”

  She hesitated, blinking her bafflement. “Graham asked to court me?”

  He is truly angry at the idea that we might like each other.

  “Yes…and it seemed my dear Robert objected strongly, and they quarreled most fiercely.”

  Callie’s vision swam, and she took a deep breath to right herself. “It is ridiculous he would object,” she said crossly.

  “The scandal would be lurid—”

  “The earl expects us to rest our happiness on the possibilities that people in Society might not approve,” Callie snapped in angry astonishment. “Mama! I like him so very much…I am falling hopelessly in love with him, I am certain of it. We are not brothers and sisters. It is simply outrageous to ask us to act against our heart desires. What about our happiness? What about my happiness, mama?”

  “My dear you speak nonsense—”

  “No...I am not.” Callie kissed her mama’s cheek and hurried away, then broke into a run.

  She skidded on the snow-soaked grass when she saw a rumpled Graham heading toward her. He appeared as if he had ridden hard to reach Holliwell Manor, and he had a shadow of a beard.

  How utterly rakish and wonderful he looked!

  He stood before her, and his presence filled all the emptiness she had endured for the past week with such hope, she trembled. They stared at each other, his gaze skimming her features.

  Callie could only stare, tongue-tied. Finally, she said, “Graham? Why…why are you here?”

  “I was a fool.”

  A harsh breath left her, but she made no reply.

  “I have never wanted anyone or anything in the way I do you. But it is more than a physical want, Callie, I feel it here,” he said pressing a hand over his heart. “Most keenly. Most desperately.”

  Her lips trembled and her eyes burned. “I am not with child.”

  “I am not here because I hope you are with child.” He reached for her, tugged her tight into his arms, and with a groan, he slanted his mouth over hers as if the tether on his control had snapped. The kiss was one of violent tenderness, and it communicated such longing and regret, tears burned behind her eyes. Their mouths parted, and his thumb swiped tenderly over her lips.

  “It has only been eight days, but I missed you so damn much!” Then he placed another kiss at the corner of her mouth.

  “You left me,” she said against his mouth with a sob. “With such uncertainty and pain, a living entity in my heart.”

  “I am so sorry,” he whispered.

  “I am not likely to forgive you!”

  But then she hugged him to her in a fierce embrace.

  He stepped away from her and cupped her chin. “Forgive my momentarily lapse from common sense,” he said gruffly. “I rode home to Hampshire, resting my horse each night while I slept at inns. Once home, I knew I had to come back right away. I was a damn fool for leaving without expressing to you the hopes I had toward you. I am falling so deeply in love with you…I just might be there already.”

  Her entire body flushed at the raw hunger, which leaped into his eyes.

  My heart…my entire being feels enmeshed with yours. Callisto…will you allow me to court you…to marry you?”

  Her mother gasped, and Callie glanced over her shoulder to see Mama’s eyes growing wide with astonishment and shock. Turning back to Graham, she released a breath she hadn’t known she held then she hugged him again.

  “What about the earl, he is adamantly opposed to the idea of us being together?”

  “Do you need his approval?”

  “No, but I do not want us to hurt the people who we love.”

  “We won’t, but nothing will ever force me away from you. No scandal and certainly not my father’s disapproval. He grew me to know my own mind and heart and I will most certainly remind him of that.”

  “Be certain, for I shall not allow you to break your promises!”

  He touched the corner of her mouth tenderly. “I’ll not break them. Trust me with your heart, your friendship, and your love, please.”

  “Yes!” Callie cried. “I’ll allow you to woo me, Graham.”

  “And marry you?”

  “Maybe,” she said in a low, sensual voice. “Who knows if I’ll like your courtship?”

  With a soft chuckle, he said, “Challenge accepted.”

  Then he held out his arms, and they strolled together toward the main house.


  London St James’s Church, Hanover Square

  It was to be the wedding of the Season, and everyone who was anyone in the ton had been invited. The church was packed to the rafters, and everyone was agog to see what the bride would wear. Miss Callisto Middleton had been the acknowledged diamond of the Season, despite being older than the debutantes who had expected that plaudit to have been awarded them.

  Callie had found the experience very strange. Since her mother, the Countess of Deerwood, had launched her anew into Society, and despite the obvious way Viscount Sherbrooke courted her in earnest, she had many suitors who were apparently enamored of her delicate charms. However, Callie suspected few would have shown so much determination to woo her without the dowry of ten thousand pounds her step-father had settled on her.

  Callie and Letty had lapped up the attention, the flowers, the balls where neither of them had the chance to sit out a single dance and all the other excitement from their stay in Town at the earl’s magnificent townhouse.

  But in her heart, there had only been Graham. Since that one time they had made love in the cottage, he hadn’t attempted to seduce her again. It had been a lesson in restraint. One night as they had scandalously danced every dance together at a midnight ball he had whispered, “I am dying to taste you and love you again…but upon my honor I will wait until our wedding night.”

  That had been over four months ago.

  The gossips of the ton took pleasure in discussing the courtship of Miss Middleton and Viscount Sherbrooke. Some commented with shock and distaste, while others did so with open admiration and gentle encouragement of their union. Each day she had fallen in love with him on a deeper l
evel, and Callie felt such happiness that today she would finally be his wife. Earlier the townhouse had been pandemonium as servants rushed to make sure everything was perfect for the wedding breakfast of Lady Callisto Sherbrooke and her beloved Graham, Viscount Sherbrooke.

  Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she entered the church. All the whispers died down, and an air of anticipation throbbed through all the family and guests. Graham waited for her, resplendent in navy-blue trousers and matching jacket, an expertly tied cravat, and a green silken waistcoat. The look of awe and love on his face pierced Callie with the sweetest feelings. They had caught her hair in the most elegant of chignons with becoming wisps framing her face, and a coronet of flowers woven between the strands. She wore the most beautiful high-waisted ivory silk gown seeded with pearls.

  You are beautiful, he mouthed, the love in his eyes on display for the world to see. I love you.

  With a trembling laugh, she walked towards him, never taking her eyes from his. I love you so, she mouthed. She reached his side, and he reached out and took her gloved hand between his. Her whole being filled with wonder and reflected in his eyes she saw the same emotions whispering through his heart.

  The earl grunted that he was giving her away before taking his seat.

  The bishop began the ceremony. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate…”

  Callie could not prevent the wide smile that curved her lips when Graham winked. She had to restrain the urge to fling herself in his arms and hug him.

  The bishop turned to him, “Graham George Winter, Viscount Sherbrooke, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?”

  “I will,” he vowed, the curve of a smile tipping his mouth.

  The bishop shifted to Callie.

  “Miss Callisto Georgiana Middleton, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou obey him, and serve him, love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?”

  “I will,” she said with a voice that trembled, then she smiled.

  A few seconds later, they were declared man and wife. Callie laughed, the sound light and joyous. And as if he could not help himself, Graham drew her to him and pressed a kiss to her forehead, then over her nose, and then softly on her lips, ignoring the tittering of the guests in the pews. Powerful emotions darkened his eyes. “I love you, Callisto, most ardently.”

  “And I love you,” she uttered her voice fragile and shaky.

  “Now, let’s go home,” he murmured. “Then we’ll honeymoon in Italy and Paris.”

  Home. Lacing their gloved hands together, they turned down the aisle and walked toward their future, which promised happiness.

  Several hours later…

  The large well-padded and heated equipage they had been travelling in for a few hours rumbled to a stop. The steps were knocked down, and Graham assisted Callie from the carriage.

  “This is our home?” She asked with a gasp of wonder.

  An avenue of beech trees lined the long driveway leading to a magnificent manor with a sweeping arched entrance. The estate grounds were glorious and there was a large lake abutting the property. She could see a few boats bobbing on the water. “I am to be mistress here?”

  Graham wrapped his hands around her waist and pressed a kiss at the corner of her neck. “Yes. This is the manor I spent the last few months restoring. I suspected you would fall in love with its charm.”

  “Our home is so very beautiful, Graham,” she whispered. Callie had known he had been working hard on restoring a manor that sat just on the outskirts of London town.

  “It was originally constructed in the Tudor times.” He turned her and press a kiss to her mouth.

  “You are going to scandalize the servants,” she said with a laugh, noting the line of servants at the forecourt.

  “Let them be shocked. Best they get used to me kissing you. I thought we could spend this year here. Unless you wish to travel to town for the season after our honeymoon is over.”

  “No, this is perfect, my love, thank you.” Callie hadn’t wanted to stay in town much, especially with the few lingering gossips that surrounded their family. She did not want to give those busy bodies her energy, but to direct all her efforts on keeping her family safe and contented.

  “This is just one of our country homes, but I was hoping we could make it our main residence. We could spend a week or two here, and then escape to Paris for the first part of our honeymoon and then onto Italy.”

  She turned in the cage of his arms. “My home is where you are.”

  “We also do not have a name for our newest manor. The previous owner called it Williamsfield Hall in honor of his grandfather. Would you do the honor?”

  She grinned, delighted. “It would be my pleasure.”

  Soon she was introduced to the line of smartly dressed servants and then was led inside for a tour of the palatial property. More than an hour later, she swallowed her giggles several times at the fierce scowls Graham kept sending the housekeeper who jubilantly showed her room after room. The servants seemed incredibly pleased he was their master, and even happier that he had settled down.

  “Mrs. Hays,” Graham said, interrupting the housekeeper with a pained smile. “I fear we must cut the tour short today. My wife and I desperately need to confer.”

  She bobbed her head. “I’ll have supper prepared in the blue dining—”

  “We’ll take trays in our room a few hours from now.”

  The housekeeper’s eyes widened, and Callie blushed. Mrs. Hays dipped into a quick curtsey and then hurried away a smile on her mouth.

  Before Callie could say anything, he swept her into his arms. “You rogue,” she said laughing and leaning in to press a soft kiss to his jaw.

  He hurried with her down the hallway to stop before a door. Her husband deftly opened the door without dropping her and carried her into the center of the room. The décor was a blur and she could not direct her thought on it when her husband tried to untie his cravat with trembling fingers. Callie smiled to see how much he wanted her.

  She reached up onto her toes and smashed her lips to his, kissing him with all the love and happiness in her heart. He stilled, and a sigh slipped from his mouth to hers.

  “How I’ve waited for this,” he murmured. “I am in awe that you are now my wife.”

  “Is that why you pinched yourself a few times in the carriage,” she teased.

  “Notice that did you?”

  He lovingly framed her cheeks with his hands and kissed her with gentle thoroughness. They slowly undressed each other, at times fumbling and laughing, and pausing to indulge in long, ravishing kisses.

  Once they were naked, he lifted Callie and placed her in the center of the bed. Graham kissed along her cheek, down to her neck, and then the heated wetness of his tongue tormented the tender tips of her nipples until she moaned his name. Callie arched her back, her fingers gripping and twisting the silken sheets below her heated body. Her husband drove her to madness with his diabolical tongue.

  His lips dragged against the soft of her belly, firm and velvety, stoking a feverish heat beneath her skin. Then he was there, kissing her sex until she arched her hips off the bed screaming his name. What he was doing…it had to be a sin, but such a glorious sin.

  He licked her over and over again until her breaths became gasping cries. She hadn’t known a pleasure like this existed. Her fingers clenched tighter on the sheets beneath her as he licked and nibbled with decadent greed. When his lips closed over her nub, suckling har
d, she hurtled over the edge with a wild scream which echoed in the room. Her husband crawled over her and settled between her splayed legs. The look on his face was one of lust and sweet tenderness.

  Callie’s heart clenched and she traced a finger gently over his cheekbone. “How I love you,” she breathed.

  With a deep groan, he kissed her tenderly, barely brushing his lips over hers. “I am so glad you are mine, Callie. I love you.”

  He kissed the bridge of her nose and then down to her lips. The taste of her passion on his mouth enflamed her ardor even more. His mouth consumed her, possessed her, laying claim with each bold thrust of his tongue. She parted her lips for his tongue, moaning as he plundered her softness. He cupped her jaw firmly, sensually as he ravished her mouth.

  With his other hand, he fitted his cock to her opening and sheathed himself in one thrust. Her wild cry was captured by his mouth, and he held himself still and allow her body to adjust to his thick, throbbing intrusion. He stopped kissing her to murmur against her mouth, “You grip me so hot and tight, my Callie.”

  The fingers stroking over her jaw lowered. His thumbs swiped over her nipples, before capturing the hard pebble between his thumbs and forefingers. He bent his head, drew one delicate berry into his mouth.

  She gripped his shoulders, her fingers kneading the muscles of his shoulders, then slipped her hands around his neck. His throat was a strong, corded column beneath her feather-light touch.

  “Graham!” she gasped at the raw heat blossoming through her at a particular hard suck of her throbbing nipples.

  She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him even closer. His tongue flicked over her aching nipple, laving it over and again. That wicked heat gathered inside of her once more, except this time it felt more than what had happened in the cabin at Holliwell Manor. When he started to move inside her, it was with exquisite depth and slowness.

  A wonderfully intense sensation twisted low in her stomach. He stroked into her over and over, ignoring her wild cries urging him faster. What felt like hours later, Callie clung to her husband and let pleasure consumed her, a long, low moan breaking from her lips at the exquisite bliss. She sobbed with the ecstasy of her own surrender and with a deep groan he tumbled into bliss with her.


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