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Knights Burden (Rumblin' Knights, #4)

Page 18

by Bella Jewel

  I exhale. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t snap. I just ... I’m really nervous.”

  “Do you want us to come in and be there with you?” Lucy asks.

  I nod. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  We walk into the bathroom, and I unwrap a test, taking it out and reading the instructions. For a moment, I just stare at it, wondering what the hell I’m going to actually do if this comes out positive. It’ll change everything for me, but will it change everything for Brody?

  I think that question scares me the most.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” I whisper, my hands trembling with the test still firmly planted between my fingertips.

  Lucy walks over, grabbing my shoulder with her hand and squeezing. “I know you’re scared, but we’re here with you. Ignoring this won’t make it go away. You need to find out, so you can take your next steps.”

  “What if it doesn’t make a difference?” I whisper, my voice hoarse. “What if I’m pregnant, and he still fights? What if I’m left alone ...”

  “Those are questions you can’t answer right now. The only thing you can do right now is find out. You could be worrying for nothing.”

  She’s right.

  I could be.

  I nod, swallow and then walk to the toilet and do what I have to do. I pee on the damn stick and walk back out, handing it to Erin, who is the closest. I sit on the edge of the tub and watch her as she stares at the stick. I can’t do it. I can’t watch the results come up. My stomach is twisting in fear, and sickness, and so many things are running through my mind. I feel like I’m going to pass out.

  Erin stares, and stares, and I feel like the answer is never going to show itself.

  She looks up at me after a few minutes, and I can see the answer in her eyes even before she says, “It’s positive.”

  I’m pregnant.

  Tears burst forth and roll down my cheeks.

  This isn’t supposed to happen. I wasn’t supposed to get pregnant in these kinds of situations. I was meant to be happily married with Brody, and we would then decide when to build a life together. Not this. How can I bring a baby into the world with the possibility that it won’t have a father?

  My heart feels like it’s going to drop right out of my chest.

  “It’s okay,” Lucy says, sitting beside me and putting her arm around me. “We’re going to figure this out.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” I sob. “Why now?”

  “Maybe,” Erin says, placing the stick down and sitting on the other side of me, “this is happening for a reason? Maybe this will be what saves Brody.”

  “What if it’s not and I’m left alone, heartbroken and pregnant?”

  Both girls go silent.

  What are they going to say to that, in all honesty?

  They can hardly tell me that won’t happen, because they don’t know that.

  “Brody promised that if he makes it through, we’ll move on with our lives. He’ll get help, we’ll get back together, and things will be okay again ...” I share with them.

  “He said that? Honey, that’s really good news,” Lucy adds.

  “If he makes it through, Lucy. If.”

  “If Brody has said that to you, it means he sees a life past this fight,” Erin says, as if she’s thinking out loud, “Maybe if you tell him this, it might just be what he needs to stop it. Honey, I think you need to tell him.”

  “I don’t know,” I say, my voice shaky. “If I tell him, and it distracts him, he could get killed. If he goes into that fight anyway, with this on his mind, and everything spinning out of control, he could die. That’s a harsh reality, but it is a reality all the same.”

  “You’re right,” Lucy says, “which is why we need to make sure that fight never happens.”

  I stare at her, blinking away the tears, confused. “I can’t stop this fight.”

  “Maybe there is a way. I don’t know how yet, but I think we need to talk to Lincoln and his brothers. I think ... I don’t know ... maybe we can find a way to sabotage it somehow. If Brody doesn’t fight, and then he finds out about the baby, and the fact that he’s promised you a life after it, that might just be enough ...”

  Could that truly be possible?

  Could we stop this fight?

  Or could we do something to make sure Brody comes out alive?

  It’s a risk. A huge risk.

  But maybe there is a chance.

  Maybe, just maybe, we might get through this.



  “I DON’T KNOW WHAT EXACTLY it is you’re askin’ me, darlin’,” Lincoln says, leaning forward and putting his elbows on his knees.

  “I don’t either,” I tell him, “but I was hoping we could come up with something.”

  “You want us to somehow stop this fight?” Finn asks. “You know that’s next to impossible right?”

  “Why the sudden need to change it anyway?” Damon asks.

  I exhale and glance at Erin and Lucy, then my eyes trail over the guys. All of them are here. Lincoln, Slater, Finn and Damon. The Knight brothers. The only people who may just be able to get me out of this.

  “I’m pregnant,” I whisper.

  If I could photograph the different expressions on their faces, I’d have a whole book on pregnancy announcement reactions. There is a mix of expressions. Mostly shock.

  “Did you ...” Finn starts, and then cuts himself off.

  “No she didn’t do it on purpose,” Erin finishes for him, giving him a stern look.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean any offense,” Finn mutters.

  “I’d understand why you think that,” I tell him, “I wish I had thought of it earlier to be honest, it’s a genius plan really.”

  I laugh bitterly, they know I’d never do such a thing.

  “Brody know?” Slater asks.

  “No,” I tell him. “I don’t want him to know. I’m scared it’ll throw him off, and he’ll end up killed. Which is why we thought of trying something else. I broke through to him when we spent the night together. He promised if he comes out of this fight, we’ll go back to normal, be together and he’ll get help. There is a glimmer of hope outside of this where there wasn’t before.”

  “This fight,” Lincoln says, “I can’t just waltz in and stop it.”

  “Can’t you ask someone to not let Brody fight?” I suggest.

  “That won’t work,” Damon says, “Brody will just find another way. Until Sniper is out of the picture, then he’ll not stop.”

  “So take Sniper out of the picture,” I say, knowing that’s a big ask, but it could be an option.

  “Not possible without raising suspicion,” Lincoln mumbles.

  “It could be possible,” Slater adds, staring at Lincoln. “The fight is outdoors, which could give us an advantage.”

  “What?” Lincoln mutters, “We shoot him and run? There are going to be hundreds of people there, Slater.”

  “He doesn’t know we have a problem with him,” Slater goes on, unbothered by Lincoln’s snappy tone. “As far as Sniper is concerned, this is just a fight.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that, it isn’t a secret that Brody has been lookin’ for him,” Finn points out.

  “Yeah, you’re right, but it isn’t a major thing. It isn’t somethin’ well known. Sniper knows it, but if Sniper is taken out, who is going to fuckin’ care, honestly?” Slater goes on.

  “What if you paid someone?” Erin throws in.

  Everyone looks to her.

  “I mean, I know that’s a thing. Couldn’t you pay someone to shoot him, mid fight. Who is going to link it back to you guys? It would kill two birds with one stone ...”

  “Bad idea,” Lincoln growls. “That is a big fuckin’ risk.”

  “It’s not a bad idea.” Damon shrugs. “We pay someone, they take Sniper out during the fight which is outdoors, so it makes it easier. They’re trained, wouldn’t be a hard task. People might look into it for a
bit, but in the end, he’s big into drugs and fighting and money. Do you think anyone is honestly going to care enough to link it all the way back here? The point of a trained professional is that it doesn’t get linked back.”

  “This is crazy,” Lincoln mutters.

  It’s crazy.

  But it might just work.

  “We’re only days out from the fight, and you want me to put something like that in place?”

  I look to Lincoln, hope in my heart that I haven’t felt for so long.

  I could save him. I could save Brody.

  “Lincoln,” I whisper, “I’m begging you. Please. This is my baby. This is my life. I can’t live without him. I’d do anything, anything at all. I have money. I’ll give it to you. Please ... please help me make sure he comes home.”

  Lincoln exhales, running his hands through his hair. “Can’t promise anything, but I’ll make some calls. It’ll be all hands on deck, this is going to be the fuckin’ quickest put together we’ve ever done. I’ll need all of you. Most importantly, Brody does not find out. If he does, he’ll never fuckin’ go for it and he’ll do a runner again, or worse ...”

  “We’re in,” everyone says almost at once.

  So that’s it?

  We’re going to try and save him?

  It could be the craziest plan we’ve ever had, but it might just work.

  We might just save Brody.


  Not from pregnancy, but because Brody’s fight is tomorrow.

  We’ve managed what I think is a way to get this to go away, but it’s risky. It could still go so wrong. What if Brody gets hit instead of Sniper? What if Sniper gets to Brody before the guy Lincoln hired does? There are so many things that could go wrong, the anxiety is making me feel unwell, which in turn, is making me feel guilty.

  Because I’m pregnant.

  I keep thinking of my baby, over and over again.

  I keep thinking about how I’m going to cope if something does go wrong.

  I keep thinking about all the things that I’m going to have to deal with.

  Lincoln found someone. It took a bit, and it cost a lot of money. I had to use all my savings, trade in my car and sell some of my jewelry. It’s worth it, though. It’s worth it if we can get Brody out of this. Aria and Blade loaned me some money, too. Combined, we found over fifty thousand dollars, which is exactly what it’s going to cost us to do this and do it without it being traced back to us.

  Lincoln and Slater are working on a way to make it look like a drug deal gone wrong. They’re trying to throw the trail, so to speak. Slater knows a lot of people in that world, so I found out through Ellie, and because of that he knows how to make things look bad. He managed to find someone who was dealing for Sniper, and did something, I don’t know what, to make it look like he double crossed him.

  He said the guy is horrible, and a really bad person, so I shouldn’t feel bad that he’s making it look like he could be the reason Sniper gets taken out. It makes sense, I suppose. He steals something from Sniper, Sniper gets angry, revenge is assumed to be taken out, and this guy has Sniper taken out because he wants to live. Slater tells me it happens all the time. He said he is also convinced Sniper has more than one enemy, so they’re hoping it’ll be enough.

  I have no details on what exactly is going to happen on the night, all I know is that whoever is going to do the job, is going to do it quickly, efficiently and nobody will ever know he was even there. I’m sure he’s a trained professional. He’ll probably be able to shoot Sniper without anyone even knowing where the bullet came from, which is what I’m hoping.

  Lincoln isn’t sure yet if the fight has to begin, or if they can take him out before. He’s concerned if he’s taken out before, it’ll link back to Brody, so I have the feeling that he’s going to have it done during the fight. That worries me. That means Brody could get hurt before it happens, but I guess we don’t have much choice. We have to take that risk. It’ll make Brody look even more innocent.

  Which is what we want.

  I rub my stomach unknowingly as I walk into Lincoln’s place the afternoon before the fight. I’ve been scared to come here all day, because I know that Brody will see how scared I am. It’ll be written all over my face. I don’t want him to see it, but I also need to see him before he goes. I need...I don’t know...I just need him.

  I want to go to the fight, but I promised Brody I wouldn’t.

  I’m going to find a way though. I’ll just make sure it’s sight unseen.

  I have to be there for him.

  I have to be there for this.

  “Hey honey,” Shania says when I walk through the door. “How are you feeling?”

  I shrug, feeling a little green. I know I’m too early for morning sickness, but combined with nerves, I guess my body is playing up on me. “I’m okay. Feeling sick, to be honest with you.”

  She nods, smiling. “That’s understandable. It’s a big deal. But we’re going to make sure you’re okay, do you hear me?”

  I hug her, so grateful for these new friends that I now consider family. I don’t know where I’d be without them.

  “Is Brody here?” I ask her.

  “Not yet, so if you want to chat to Lincoln, now is the time. You might not get another chance.”

  I nod and thank her, walking into the kitchen where Lincoln, Slater and Finn are all discussing something. They stop when they see me.

  “Hey,” I say, feeling slightly like I’ve interrupted something important.

  “How’re you feelin’?” Slater asks me.

  “I’m...ok. How is everything going? Still on track?”

  “Yeah, it’s still on track. Before Brody gets here, you gotta know a few things. He has to start that fight, it’s the only way this’ll look like he isn’t part of it. He has to be in it, he has to be there, and because he doesn’t know this is going to happen, he’s goin’ to look like he’s into it. That’ll make it even less suspicious.”

  “Okay,” I say softly, my voice shaky. “What if...what if Brody gets hit instead of Sniper?”

  I surely can’t be the only one worried about that.

  “He won’t,” Lincoln says, “this man got paid that kind of money because he’s one of the best. The fight is on dusk, there is enough light that he’ll be able to take the shot with no problem.”

  “Where...where will he be?”

  “Got a rifle, he’ll be far enough away that no one will know he’s there, but close enough that he can get a clear picture on his scope. The rest you’re goin’ to just have to leave up to us. This isn’t something you should be involved in.”

  I nod, I understand that. I don’t want to be involved in it anyway. I really don’t. I’m happy not knowing.

  “When Sniper goes down,” I say, “Brody is going to ask questions. Have you any idea what you’ll tell him?”

  Lincoln holds my eyes. “The truth, Melanie. You’ll tell him the truth. Sniper will be gone, so he’ll no longer have reason not to hear you. You’ll tell him that it was your idea, and you’ll tell him why. You’ll tell him about the baby, and you’ll give him a chance to process. He’s goin’ to be pissed, you gotta accept that, but he’ll be alive. That’s more important than anything.”

  “Also,” Finn adds. “We’ve had the idea that we’re goin’ to do somethin’ for Mick. Brody not being able to do this, it’s goin’ to bother him, so we’re goin’ to come up with something that’ll honor his friend. He doesn’t need to carry around his guilt anymore.”

  I nod and wonder why the hell I didn’t think of that sooner. Something to honor Mick, and even Ashley. Something that’ll make Brody feel like he’s actually fought for something and given something back.

  “I’ll think on it,” I say, pursing my lips with thought already.

  “It’ll probably cost money, but we’re all willin’ to help you out. We’ll find something worthwhile,” Finn tells me.

  “Thank you, that’s really nice of al
l of you. I also wanted to talk to you about going to the fight tomorrow,” I dare to throw in.

  Slater looks to Lincoln, who shakes his head. “You don’t need to see that...”

  “I’m okay, I’m stronger than you realize. I want to go. I need to be there. Please. I’ll do whatever you ask. I’ll stay wherever you tell me to stay. But I need to be there...”

  “Truck has black out glass,” Slater murmurs, “she can sit in there, watch from there, without anyone knowing she’s around...”

  Lincoln exhales. “That’s dangerous. Anything could go wrong.”

  “Not if it’s locked, she has a weapon, and nobody knows she’s there...” Finn points out.

  Lincoln stares at me. “Are you sure you want to see that? It could fuckin’ ruin you for the rest of your days?”

  “He’s the love of my life, Lincoln. I swore I’d be there every step of the way, and that’s not about to change.”

  “Okay,” he murmurs, running his hands through his hair. “Okay. I’ll work it out.”

  I smile at him, truly grateful.

  “We’re goin’ to prep Brody soon, and then you’re goin’ to get your time with him tonight before we go tomorrow. Don’t let him find out, Melanie. It’s crucial that his head is fully in the game tomorrow,” Lincoln tells me, grabbing his keys. “I gotta run to the garage and make sure everything is covered there. Catch you all soon.”

  “Lincoln,” I call when he walks towards the door.

  He looks back to me.

  “Thank you,” I say softly. “Thank you so much.”

  He nods, giving me a small smile.

  He’s saving my life.

  He’s saving Brody’s life.

  He’s putting everything on the line for us.

  I owe him the world.



  “YOU’RE AS READY AS you can be, man,” Lincoln tells me after I’ve completed my last fight.

  I glance at him, not entirely sure if I should thank him or just do him proud by winning this fuckin’ fight.

  Either way, I have to win this. I fuckin’ have to.


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