Liberty House
Page 21
Chapter Twenty-Three
"Can you have all the files moved into boxes and then ship them to Alabama? All of them and anything more important along with the Cooper files, along with anything else concerning that," Izzy told Roy. She was used to being listened to and giving out orders. Stay in control and you won’t lose it, she told herself. She couldn’t remember when she slept last. When was the last time she had food was that morning or last night? All she knew was that she was worn to the bone. She kept going. It was what she did when things fell apart.
"Isabella? Why do you want those?" Roy worried about her. “The men against the Starry family killed them.”
"I think someone might have hired the men to do it. And if that is true, a Coopersville person did it."
"Why would they?" Marshall asked. He was one of the people who knew the Coopers through and through. From the beginning to the end of it all.
"That’s what I’m going to figure out," Izzy said tersely. She was planning to leave the day of the funeral. She hadn’t taken Cole’s telegram. She was hardly making it through all of this.
"Izzy, don’t become bitter over this," Juan Jose warned. He was the oldest Mexican cousin and the closest to Cole. They went through so much together. He was the one who could tell Izzy what to do and often she might even do it. Even if she didn’t listen, she always respected him.
Izzy ignored him. What else did she need to do before she left?
Just then, Amy walked in, she didn’t look happy.
Izzy wanted to leave but made herself stay at least for a little while. But if Amy wanted a fight, she was going to get one. Izzy wasn’t in the mood to ignore her or come up with some nice response. And without Cole there Amy was always harder, not even when George-when he did-could help at times. Only Cole could.
Izzy turned from her sister. Amy had a way of doing that when she entered the room, everyone left or wanted to leave. But she, Juan Jose, and Roy stayed.
"I told you, if you keep your hands in Liberty Home, something bad is going to happen. I told you. And now it has." Amy didn’t miss a beat.
"Amy, if you don’t have anything useful to say, shut up. I’m not in the mood," Izzy snapped back.
"When are you ever? So, what’s your plan from here on?" Amy said more bored than caring.
"What do you care?"
"Isabella!" Roy warned.
"I’m going to Alabama if you really want to know."
"What to stay with that outlaw family? You’re going to destroy that name too."
Izzy shrugged. "We don’t have a name anymore."
"Izzy, that’s not true and you know it," Juan Jose said.
"No, she’s right. She’s got nothing to hear. Now her friends are dead, and you wonder why."
"Amy!” Juan Jose said firmly. His dark, brown eyes glowed with emotion. They were his friends as well. He had traveled days, weeks with them. He listened to their advice on topics. He respected them. “Think about what you are saying before you speak or get out!”
Izzy said nothing, there was no fight in her at all anymore. She was done. And Amy was right, she had nothing left, but she would find these killers. If it was the last thing she did.
Rosa Cooper Marshall walked in, and Annie was behind her. Izzy was shocked to see them. Only Cole came to break up fights. Not the girls in the family beside herself. Her mother was one of the most beautiful ladies around, her long hair was so black, it was almost a blue shade. Her eyes dark almost black. Her skin was so smooth and fine. She might be beautiful on the outside. On the inside, she was timid and shy. Never strong enough to stand on her own two feet.
Izzy used to think about what her ma would do if she lived a day in Cole’s or her life, but then it wouldn’t have happened to Rosa. Izzy had helped and become strong even if men tried to break her. No, her ma could never handle what Izzy felt all the time. It almost made her feel sorry for her mother. Her mother might never know the pain, but she would also never know the reward of knowing when you helped someone. Looking into that person's eyes knowing it was you that made the difference. They gave hope to others. That was where Cole and she learned to give back. Even if it cost them more than they ever thought.
Rosa frowned at her eldest daughter, “Keep your mouth shut for once, Amy.”
Amy looked at her in utter shock, "What? Since when have you cared what we did?”
Rosa’s face paled. “You are right. I haven’t.” She took a deep breath, “I'm gonna try now.”
Amy got up and walked to the door. “You're a decade too late, Ma.”
Rosa looked to Izzy, hopeful; like she might run into her arms like a beloved daughter. They both knew she wasn’t beloved or a real loved daughter. Izzy just stared at her in shock. She stood up and just watched her ma.
“What do you say, Isabella?” Rosa asked. She had always called her daughter by her full name. Never the nickname. It didn’t bother Izzy too much. Maybe it was her way of saying that was one thing Rosa did for her. Named her Isabella, when most of the world called her Izzy.
If her mom had tried to be her mom at the age five, ten, at sixteen--when she wanted her more than any other time--she might have run to her, but at twenty years old, it was too late. It didn’t matter anyway; her Ma just didn’t love her. She looked at her mother, who was never there for her and said, “For once, I agree with Amy. You are about two decades too late to try to be a mother.” She ignored the pain in her mother's eyes. She shook her head; she couldn’t deal with this. She walked out before Juan Jose could stop her. She knew what she needed to do, go to Alabama and everything would be fine. Though she knew in her heart that nothing would be all right again.
Maverick sat at his desk and read his report one more time. He had already written it five times, and for a man that normally only wrote it once, maybe twice, that was a lot. His sister had still not been feeling well and had been resting at Ellen’s. Her head had been causing her headaches and she had been sleeping a lot, for Tommy who had never slept that much before. He still worried too much. He didn’t like when others were sick. He had no control over it.
"You alright, man?" Jerry asked.
"Fine," Maverick muttered. He wanted to be alone. No, he wanted his sister to be here, to tell him to straighten up and get the job done.
"I’m going to Ellen’s place. They wanted to get them something as long as I don’t make it," he chuckled at his own joke.
"That’s fine," was all Maverick said.
"I’ll send Andrew over when he’s done."
Maverick nodded and watched Jerry leave. The girls had been doing the gardens, chores, and canning while trying to get Tommy well again.
Jesse and Andrew had been doing the horses, cattle, and the farmwork during the day and going to Ellen’s in the evening.
Cain came up to him to be petted. Probably knowing his master needed someone.
Just then, he heard a noise outside. He walked out and found Barb, a man in town who drank too much, but normally wasn't a bother this time of the day, and another man holding two young women, one who looked to be tied up.
He walked up to them, one of the girls looked like she was going to pass out and the other anything but. She was yelling at the men, one of them was Bart and his friend. She had a Husky puppy at her feet who was barking his head off. "What is going on here? Why do you have these women tied up?"
Bart spoke first. "I found them out of town and thought they may need some help. Tellin’ them, but when this one here said they were fine, I knew I had to help, that one looks sickly. You know I think, deputy, I think this servant here was kidnapped by her master."
"Untie the women. And why do you think she is a maid?" Maverick could tell by her clothes she was not a maid; she was dressed in a black dress with the red laying on the edges of it. It set off her skin color beautifully. And her black, curly hair, so black, but it held a light almost red tint, or it could be the sun. Her eyes showed such fire, they were beautiful, but he knew those eyes. Cole
was right, she was short.
Maverick stopped staring and got back to work.
"Because she is Mexican." He was saying it like Maverick was too dumb to figure that out. "And I think from Texas too. A Mexican Texan, totally scary."
"I am not a maid!" she yelled. She then looked at Maverick with guarded eyes.
"No, my lady, you're currently not," Maverick told her.
"How do you know?" Bart asked in shock.
"She’s too outspoken to be one. Now untie her."
When he was about to do it. The girl kicked him in the leg, her face had gone all white all of a sudden, “Watch your hands, mister.”
Bart held his leg and cursed.
Maverick took over and cut the girl’s ropes and moved to her face, keeping his hands where they could be seen by her and watching who was behind her. He untied her quickly and was very careful about how he touched her. “Are you okay?” All he got was a nod. She looked up at him with wide eyes, and they got even wider. Maverick knew Andrew had to be behind him. The first time meeting him, everyone got a little scared about his size.
Maverick nodded for Andrew to get the other girl, who was barely standing. He did. "Now Bart and whoever this man is, you will have to be taken in. I can’t have you hurtin’ people."
"I…I…didn’t hurt her, did I, girly?" He said, shocked.
Maverick handcuffed him, and was about to bring him in, when a woman from the crowd shouted, "You can’t do this. Bart is a citizen of this town and she ain’t." Noting to the pretty brunette.
"I don’t care if he was the President. I would still take him. He can’t get away with this," Maverick told her respectfully.
"But she is Texan Mexican," the woman argued.
"When you come up with something useful, come to me, for the moment, I’ll be leaving," and he did as he brought Bart and the other man with him. He put them in different cells, then took the girls back to his parlor. Andrew set the sickly girl in a chair and then they all sat down beside Maverick. He was leaning on a chair, looking mad. He turned to Sherman, "Go to the Silkwood." And then the dog took off. He then turned back to the women. "Howdy, Bella. If you haven’t figured out, I am Maverick Starry.”
Izzy lowered her eyes, her face still pale, “How did you know?”
Maverick knew that look and smiled. “You have Cole’s eyes.” Her eyes met his and her face softened, “and his attitude.”
Izzy smiled softly. “It's nice to finally meet y’all, Mr. Starry.”
Maverick ’s eyes lighten. He didn’t hold out his hand. He put his hands in his pockets like he was just chillin’. “The pleasure is all mine.”
”This is my sister, Annie."
Annie was getting more color in her face, but was leaning heavily on the arm of the chair.
"Not your master?" Maverick smirked.
"No. I get that a lot." Izzy raised an eyebrow.
"So does Andrew,” he paused, "Would you like to see your brother?"
She nodded, then looked at Andrew. "Cole said you were big, but I didn’t realize how big."
"Izzy!" Annie chided as she was waking up.
"Sorry," she chuckled.
Andrew smiled. "It’s all right. I get that a lot."
"I bet you do," she grinned, "I bet you're animating to people."
"Why yaw think I came out to help?” He drawled, “People normally don’t mess with me."
"I can see why."
"But he has the heart of a lamb. Only family and friends know that, though" Maverick said, "So have you heard a lot about us?"
"Yea, but more in the last few weeks.” She chuckled. “I’ve heard you’ve heard a lot about us lately."
"Well, we can say we’re a family with no secrets now," Maverick answered.
She nodded, her eyes showed something different, but she kept her eyes light.
"Well, Miss Donovan, would you like me to escort you to Silkwood?" Maverick asked.
She smiled. "I would."
Chapter Twenty-Four
Cole stood in Ellen’s kitchen. He had just cooked supper and enough food for a week. When he was stressed out, he worked. He wanted to be close to Tommy when she got up, so he cooked. He folded his arms and felt something at his feet. He thought it was Bunny, but when he looked down, he saw one of Mesha’s puppies. He turned and bent down, rubbing its head. "How’d you get here, girl?"
"She rode on a train for the last five days to get here to see you," Annie said dryly.
He looked up to see Annie, then Izzy behind her. He stood up and walked over, hugged Annie and then went to Izzy. When his arms went around Izzy, he held on for a long time. He almost started crying holding her. He knew she must feel the same way, but in front of others, she would never do that.
Then she finally pulled away, he made her look at him, "How are you doin’?"
"Fine enough, I reckon," she answered, "Still in shock."
He looked over her head and asked Annie with his eyes if she was.
Annie shook her head, warning.
Izzy didn’t miss this. "You can stop talking about me. Why’d you asked if you weren’t gonna believe me?"
"I was hoping you’d be honest with yourself and with me."
"Really, how are you doing?" Izzy asked annoyed.
"Terrible," Cole stated honestly. He still had his arm around her shoulders.
"Wow." She looked around at the odd family who loved her brother so much.
"Want me to introduce you?" Cole asked.
"No, we want to stand here awkwardly a little longer," Izzy said sarcastically, even though the family chuckled.
Cole asked them, "I was sorry to miss the funerals.”
Izzy closed her eyes and said nothing.
Annie spoke up, “We read your telegram. It was very sweet.”
“I will miss them,” Cole said soberly. “Why did y’all decide to come?"
"We decided to come and see you," Annie said. She was having to speak up a lot more than what she was used too. Most of the time Izzy and Cole spoke for her.
"So, what’s the plan?" Cole asked Izzy, meeting her gaze.
She was silent for a moment then said, "If y’all don’t mind, we'd like to stay here and do the paperwork for the Home. The cousins will run things from Texas well enough while we try to figure out why the men did this. And Cole can still work for y’all."
Cole looked at all the Starrys and asked, "Y’all don’t mind?"
"Y’all know you are welcome anytime," Ellen said, her eyes shining with love. "It would be a pleasure to have your kin here." She gazed lovingly at Izzy. “You are welcome here anytime, Izzy Donovan,” she said then looked to Annie, “The same goes to you, Annie.”
Izzy nodded, unable to speak, her face still guarded.
"Hey, yeah, we can’t get rid of our only friends, can we." Andrew chuckled, no one really caught onto the joke. Some of the others left the room.
"Cole, you have any idea why they would do this?" Izzy asked. “You think it was money?”
“Or revenge. We don't know who the men are, so if Lucia and Sophia made them mad or a friend, it could be revenge.” Cole shrugged like it was a guess. “You got any ideas?”
She only nodded.
"And what are they?"
"I would rather tell you in private."
Cole should have guessed that. He regretted asking her in front of the Starrys. He squeezed her shoulders. “Of course.” She shivered. He took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders and held onto her arms like he did when she got the most scared. It gave her comfort in the worst of times.
"At least she’s willing to tell you. She ain’t said two words to me on the whole trip here," Annie said.
"I just didn’t have anything to say," Izzy muttered.
"Could have fooled me.”
Maverick stepped in. Everyone else had left besides Sawyer and Andrew. "Izzy, do you know why Lucia and Sophia were coming to talk to Tommy?"
She shook her head but turned to
look at Cole. "You mean she didn’t talk to you."
"No, they were here one day, and I saw them the next day. That’s when it happened."
"You mean you didn't know they were coming? We sent you a telegram."
Cole shook his head, "I got no telegram."
Izzy frowned and shook her head. "I should have stopped them. I had a bad feeling about it." She paused then said, "I just can’t believe he would do this..."
Izzy was almost babbling, and Cole knew his sister never babbled, which meant she was scared. Or worse, hurt. "What are you talking about, hon’."
She bit her lip.
Never had she been too afraid to say anything to Cole. He figured it was bad. He would have to be careful with what he said to her, "About what? Who can’t you believe would do this?"
She still said nothing, but just blinked back tears.
"She thinks her boyfriend did it," Annie blurted out.
"What?" Cole stammered.
"Annie. How did you hear that?" Izzy asked.
"You told Juan Jose."
"You mean you think Striker did it," Cole said.
"He ain’t my boyfriend. I haven’t even met him," Izzy said.
"But you think he did it?" Cole asked again.
She nodded. “Or hired the men?”
"I got a letter that said, ‘Your greatest ally becomes your greatest enemy.’ And the Striker is that. And he is smart enough to do it or rich enough to hire someone."
"But he has helped us in ways no one else has in decades."
She nodded. "But that could be for a fake."
"It’s not like you to think bad about him so quietly," he said, his eyes begging her to tell him.
She shrugged.
Cole looked around, then eyed the girls. "The boys let you girls come down on your own?"
Izzy looked at him. "I've been travelin’ alone since I was seventeen.”
Annie shook her head. “No, Roy came down with us. He’s at the Home.”
Cole nodded. "I've been there already." He looked at Izzy. “Let’s go for a walk. I need to talk to cover things with you, too."
Izzy nodded.