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Liberty House

Page 24

by Temperance Johnson

  Ellen finally sat up and wiped her eyes. "I don't know what I am going to do. Owen won't kick his brother off Silkwood."

  "Where are the children now?" Tommy asked.

  "At Katrina's. I told her not to let Frank around," her face softened. "You now Katrina, she just agreed to ask no questions. I had to tell someone, and I promised the boys I wouldn't tell the brothers."

  "Well, you’re going to have to tell Maverick and Andrew. I don't see a way around it. You have to protect the children and you know Frank won't listen to you when you try to kick him off."

  Ellen shook her head. "I can't tell them."

  " Oh, you have to, Ellen," Tommy countered.

  "They will see me as a bad Ma." The tears flowed again. "Ma's are supposed to protect their children and I didn't."

  Tommy made her look at her. "Ellen you are a wonderful mother. You couldn't have known this. It just wasn't possible, but you can't let this stop you from protecting your children. Maverick and Andrew need to know."

  "You’re right.” Ellen wiped her eyes. "Where’s Maverick?"

  Tommy sighed. "I think he’s talkin’ to Izzy."

  She looked away and found herself looking at the painting she was nearly finished. She would never finish this painting and she knew it. She looked at Ellen and found Ellen's gaze on it.

  Ellen more like glared at it. She took the paintbrush and dipped it in the red. She had no talent at being an artist but had always encouraged Tommy on it. She took the brush and brushed it over Franks' face as tears ran down her face. She couldn't see it anymore, but she kept painting the man red. She dipped it again and painted Owen's face as well. She wiped at the tears and dipped the brush into the black without cleaning it, and painted herself black.

  Tommy's heart cried out for her, to watch this. She watched Ellen hit like it was a knife. She hit it so hard it would have fallen over if it had not been against the wall. The paint was flying all over the place. Tommy finally grabbed it from her and had to pull it away from her.

  Ellen stood and walked over to the window, letting the tears fall, she was falling apart, to say the least.

  Tommy walked up behind her and hugged her, "Go tell Maverick. He needs to know."

  She nodded and walked out like she was in a daze.

  Tommy sat on the couch and sobbed for her little siblings. For her own betrayal from a friend she loved. She felt strong arms come around her. She leaned against him as she heard Cole whisper, "It's alright."

  He didn't know it would never be all right again. Nothing would be the same again. They would be the same again as friends. They would feel different. They would be carrying this in their heart for the rest of their lives. Their innocence was gone. They would change as a family as well. Nothing would be the same again.

  Just like Cole would never know she loved him and would always love him but could never marry him because she didn't share his faith. She didn't try to deny it any longer; she was in love with the man. She wouldn't want him to give up his faith, it was who he was. It still hurt knowing she would never have a future with him. So, she let him hold her as she cried over losing someone she would never have.

  Maverick couldn't believe he was doing this. If his adrenaline wasn't so high, he would be shaking. He looked at Andrew and his face showed the same sickened of what they were doing. Maverick had just told his brother what Ellen had told him. They both came to Silkwood. No words could describe their pain.

  Dismounting in front of Ellen's house, she and the children were at Tommy's place with Katrina, who was told to hold a gun to the door and not let Frank in.

  Her eyes went wide, but she was a Starry and asked no questions, just did as she was told. She would shoot too if her husband and brother told her, Andrew knew that.

  Owen walked out of the house, he looked angry. "Where is my wife and children?"

  Maverick's hands turned into a fist. He had learned to control his anger long ago, but when it came to children, he lost all sanity and let his emotions control him. When it came to his own children, he could kill. "They’re safe."

  Frank walked out after his brother.

  Maverick's eyes dilated. How could he not have known all these years?

  Owen walked up to him, yelled in his face, he wasn't angry, but furious. "I want my children and wife home now."

  "No, they’re safe," Maverick repeated. If he said much more, he was going to start flying his fists and they might not wake up again.

  Andrew walked up next to him, looking as grim. "Why don't you believe your children? Your children ain’t liars. They wouldn't lie about family." His voice thick with a southern accent, which meant he was mad enough to kill. It was how Andrew got.

  Frank walked up beside Owen. "I would never hurt, my kin. The children, I love them," he sounded like he had been caught stealing candy.

  Maverick stepped closer. "You gon’ leave Silkwood and you ain’t never gon’ see the children again. You ain’t comin’ to the weddin’ or anything else ever again."

  Andrew stepped closer to hold his older brother back. "We want you to get help, Frank. But we need help for the children more. We ain’t lettin’ you near them again," his jaw tight. "With God, it is possible to get help. We want that for you."

  "The only help you getting’ is death," Maverick bellowed. "You can meet your Maker now or in a month when we take you to the law if you don't leave now."

  Owen glared. "And what law is going to believe mixed-race children over a deputy and law-abiding citizen? You know as well as I do, my children are mixed breed no one will care about," he said with contempt. Maverick had never heard him talk about them that way.

  "Oh, you must’ve heard me wrong, I told him he would be to meet the law," Maverick got in Owen's face, "The law is me.”

  Andrew said. “My fists. And Frank hanging from the end of my rope.”

  Owen threw the first bunch.

  Maverick had not wanted to take them. He was a little afraid of what he would do to Frank, one of the reasons he knew Andrew was taking Frank was the smaller of the two men. He had killed many times over what Frank had done. It didn't bother him to kill again, even a man he called a friend and Uncle and loved. Or had. But he didn't want the children to know he had killed their real Uncle. He only held back for them. One more punch to Owen made him fall flat on his backside.

  He felt his face start to swell and burn. He would have a couple of shiners for his brother's wedding, so would Owen. Andrew, as dark and big as he was, his bruises would blend in well.

  He watched Andrew punch Frank’s face in. The big man was barely breathing hard. He finally stood up and dusted off his hands that did look red and raw.

  Maverick walked over to Frank and stood, seeing he was still conscious, though he couldn't see through his eyes, "I want you off Silkwood by tonight. You step a part of your body on these 250 acres, and I will remove..." He grunted, "I will remove it from your body, limb from limb." He kicked him in the groin and smiled grimly as Frank screamed. "I'll start with that part."

  Andrew grabbed his shoulder; Maverick knew he was trying to hold him back. Truth be told, if Maverick wanted to kill him, not even Andrew couldn't stop him. He nodded to his brother; he was under control. No one wanted to meet him when he wasn't in control.

  They walked back to their horses, mounted and rode away leaving the men now unconscious in the dirt.

  The wedding was the first in the Starry family. Tommy hoped Gloria's wedding was soon. It was the first time seeing Owen since she found out about what happened to the children. She couldn’t meet his eyes. She was so glad Frank was not there, though no one said anything about his absence.

  When she was done drawing and painting, she stood off to the side with Cole again, watching the dancers. "You know, Cole, I wanted you so bad after I left."

  "Not as much as I wanted you," He took her hand, "But now God has brought us back together again." He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. His touch did crazy things to h
er heart.

  "You think that’s why we got to meet again years later?"

  "Only God can put somethin’ like this together."

  "Then why?"

  "To bring His children home," he whispered, "I remember you always askin’ if you were good enough for God." She didn’t smell like cinnamon right now. She smelled of Rosewater. He liked roses.

  "I got my answer," she muttered.

  "One day you will have to find out you are worth so much more. It must be your timin’, your choice," he smiled, "Just think, if God loved you as much as Matt loves Susan. That has to be a lot?” Or as much as I love you. He thought. He squished her hand and then let it go. He didn’t want to hurt her. She had feelings too, and they might even be as deep as his emotions. He was in too deep. He was going to get a broken heart. He didn’t want her to get hurt.

  She changed the subject. "What will you do when this case is done?"

  "Well, I haven't thought about it much. I need to find new leaders to take over what my friends did. It won’t be an easy thing to do. For the moment, I think I will stay around for a bit. The girls are enjoying their time here." He would go back to Texas leaving his heart in her hands. He knew that now. He had been wrong for letting his emotions go around her. He hadn’t been following God as he should have. He loved her though.

  Tommy softly chuckled. "I think my brothers have been helpin’ their stay."

  Cole smiled affectionately at her; his eyes held back what he felt about this astounding woman.

  "What’d you want to tell me all those years ago?"

  Cole gazed at her tenderly. "Maybe one day, Rose."

  Tommy looked at him like seeing him for the first time. He had always been too good-looking, but now, it seemed like more. He was kind, gentle, funny, and stubborn.

  Melody ran up to Cole and he picked her up. He was so good with children. She realized she loved him. She loved him with all her heart and would always love him. She loved the way he treated her with such kindness and the children too. What would happen next? She had no idea. She looked out at the dancers to try to keep her emotions from running wild.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Izzy stood by the wall watching the dancers. Cole and Tommy were so in love; she could tell by the way they laughed together and looked at each other. She had always wanted to see her brother happy like that. Though it might not end the best way. She prayed silently that Tommy becomes to know Him. Not because she could have a future with Cole, but so she could find real healing. True freedom.

  She looked at Maverick standing by the wall. She had become friends with him in the last few weeks. With all the changes with the Home and the case, he was helping her. He was so sweet, gentlemen, stubborn, and way too good-looking. When they worked together, he never once touched her by accident. She didn’t have to pull away because he never had. She felt comfortable with him.

  His voice was amazing, as he did a special song at the wedding. Katrina told her she missed hearing Maverick’s full voice and she knew why now. She had never heard a voice as smooth and rich as his. She smiled.

  Just then, Maverick walked up to her and handed her some punch. "For the lady." He grinned.

  "Thanks." She took it and sipped some.

  "Enjoying yourself?" Maverick asked.

  "Yes. My brother’s so in love with her." She smiled. "You don’t find that kind of love often enough."

  "You said it," He agreed, "It’s a special kind of love."

  She looked up at him surprised. "Do you approve?"

  "Yea, you don’t have to be so surprised." He smiled back.

  "I just heard you were the hardest brother to get through with the sisters."

  "I am, don’t get me wrong. I just like your brother."

  "He’s good for Tommy."

  "You took the words out of my mouth. And I don’t say things like that about Tommy."

  "I can tell. You two are pretty close."

  He nodded. "She’s the reason that I turned out alive," he admitted.

  "You believe that?"

  "With my whole heart. I even loved her as a child when I first met her. She never spoke a word, so I would tell her all my troubles. I would never have to worry about her telling anyone," he added. “Sawyer would speak for her, and I was first to hear her voice."

  "She’s a special lady."

  "She is. And I just think Cole might earn her love." He teased.

  "Might? I think they’ll already gone," she said seriously.

  "You’re probably right."

  "I know I am.” She teased.

  "Humble too."


  Jesse walked up to her and held out a hand. “Would you like to dance, my lady?”

  Izzy knew it was about choice. Could she handle Jesse touching her even lightly? She looked at his hand. Praying she was doing the right thing, she took his hand and walked to the dance floor.

  "The family needed today, and it went well with Susan's parents," Tommy told Ellen as they walked into the Daphne Estate that evening.

  "Yes, they kept it light for their daughter. It was all so wonderful," Ellen said airily. She was truly happy for them.

  "How are you doing?” Tommy had to ask.

  "I am going to be fine." She looked at Tommy. "We will be alright. I’m workin’ on the anger and trust in God."

  "You don't trust God?" she asked, shocked.

  "I’m workin’ on it," Ellen told her honestly. "I never had those issues before. I just can't believe it happened."

  "Why did it?" Tommy asked seriously. "We shouldn’t serve a God who lets innocent children be hurt."

  Ellen nodded. "I’ve asked God that for years. Why my older children had to suffer such pain and now my younger ones have been hurt. There ain’t no easy answer, we live in a fallen world and men are sinful and innocent people get hurt through that."

  Tommy didn't know how to handle all this; it was so hard. She just wanted life to get back to normal. When was life ever normal? Well, Matt and Susan were off to a great life together.

  Suddenly, Ellen fell to the ground with no warning. Tommy knelt by her side then called to Maverick when she saw blood on the floor.

  Maverick and Andrew ran in and went to her side. Andrew picked her up, walked her to the closest room, then put her on the bed.

  Maverick went for the doctor.

  Susan was on her honeymoon and Tommy needed her here to stop the bleeding. Tommy told Andrew to go get Gloria and Katrina. She pulled up Ellen's dress to find more blood than birth and much more than a monthly flow. She asked, "Ellen, can you hear me?"

  "Yeah," Ellen said.

  "How long you been bleedin’ this bad?"

  "About every monthly flow but I've been bleedin’ for about a month now. I thought it might be stress," Ellen told her "This is indeed bad, isn’t it?"

  Tommy didn't answer.

  Izzy ran in, carrying some rags. She applied pressure and when she removed her hands, they were covered in blood. "Tommy, go get some cayenne pepper and cold water in the kitchen. I would use ice, but we got none."

  Tommy ran and was so glad this Daphne Estate was smaller than the last one. She had it back in two minutes when it felt like hours.

  Izzy grabbed it and washed the blood, but it kept coming. She saw Ellen close her eyes. She hoped she was just sleeping. She used the cayenne pepper, rinsed her hands, and checked Ellen's eyes. "Gloria, go get the children before they come in here and see their ma like this. I would put the little ones to bed."

  Gloria nodded.

  Izzy went back to put more cayenne pepper on her.

  Tommy whispered, “How bad is it, Iz?"

  Izzy just shook her head.

  Tommy was so relieved to see Dr. Plain walk through the door an hour later. He let the girls stay and he got the blood to fully stop and got it cleaned up. He looked at Izzy after hearing she was the one who stopped it. "You saved her life, it would have been too late by the time I got here," he told her, impres

  Izzy nodded. She knew that. "What is it, Doctor?"

  Dr. Plain washed his hands and then turned to them. "I would like to talk to Owen with her first then she can tell y'all when the time is right," he said with no emotion, but his eyes showed it all. Horror at how much could this family take.

  Tommy looked into Dr. Plain's eyes and when he looked back, he looked haunted. She flinched. After what happened to the children, how could things get worse? This was going to be bad.

  She didn't even hear Katrina talk to him. She couldn't hear anything but the pounding of her heart. Izzy wrapped an arm around her shoulders and took her weight before she collapsed.

  Izzy stepped out to the night air. She didn’t realize how late it had gotten. It had been a long day at the Home. She wanted to get out and away from Daphne Estate. She still worried about Ellen. She didn’t want to say what it was. Though she was pretty sure she knew what ailed the woman. She prayed she was wrong.

  She started down the walk. She planned on renting one of the fastest horses owned by the blacksmith. She was glad to finally be alone. She could hear loud noises coming from the saloon. She wondered if she could somehow help the girls that worked there. She shook her head, maybe that was why she never married yet. While most girls cared about how they looked, she cared about how to help saloon girls. She didn’t care anymore what people thought. At least she tried. She chose to follow the Lord and the Lord had laid them on her heart.

  On her walk, she spotted Maverick. What was he doing here this late? She was about to call out to him but stopped herself when he walked into the saloon. What was he doing in there? She knew him enough that he hated those places. Had he lied to her? No, but she did have to find out. She walked over to where he had just walked in. She looked in the door and didn’t see him. But she’d probably have to go in to find him. She fixed her dress, it was a bright pink color, with lots of ruffles, and the neckline was lined in lace. She wore no hat, her hair hung down her back in curls. She knew she looked good. She could tell how people looked at her that day. At home, she dressed in older, simpler dresses, but here, she thought it was important to make a good impression.


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